This gets more interesting by the panel and I love it.
This is something I love to see more of. In the long run the ‘good guys’
should have more allies than the ‘bad guys’, i.e. while the ‘dark side’
is quicker, easier, more seductive, the ‘light side’ should win in the
end. At least within the limited scope of fiction.
In this case, the Core Worlds were already fracturing behind the scenes.
No wonder with a repressive system like this. The Wolf Empire, while
powerful, is more like someone pulling the pin from a grenade rather
then the bomb that destroys the grenade.
Medical update: Had my CT this a.m. Scanned me basically from collar
bones to hips – with and without contrast dye. My Doc is actively
pursuing this. Had 4 more tubes of blood drawn plus urine. Doc Poy
is definitely being thorough. Got lucky and they had a cancellation
and I get my ‘oscopies (tubes up both ends) next Tuesday instead of
September or October.
i have decided I will not go gentle into that good night. I see no
sense in raging against the darkness but neither am I going to roll
over and meekly submit to my fate.
Bill, I found out about two weeks ago that I have Papillary Thyroid Cancer.
Fortunately,its one that has a real good recovery rate, (near100%) if caught
early. I go under the knife on July 21. So yeah, I feel you buddy…
Glad they are being thorough Bill and to coin a phrase: never give up, never surrender!
Good luck Jason been there twice myself it’s rough but do-able. I lost my left kidney in ’04
there was little left of it my right the were able to save 1/3 of it. I have 47% function of it
so I drew the long straw for now chemo is tough though keep a bucket on hand by your
bed. And be careful with bumps and bruises they take a while to heal. I say this because
they might put you on it to be sure.
The funny thing was when I found out the second time the very first thing that popped in
my head was “I’m going to miss peeing” LOL! Fortunately I didn’t.
I should mention the treatment I had was experimental, instead of the conventional IV drip chemo
the doctor used a medication called Cabometyx it’s a pill they give to patients that can’t safely
have surgery. since it’s a steady level rather than the sharp ups and downs of the IV it’s not as
hard on the body. I know the surgeon was pleased with it he had another patient with both kidneys
infected. Might be an option for you as well. Doctor only gave me 50-50 on it but I liked those odds!
Don’t go early into the dark, either. It looks like that is your choice.
Good for you. Good for all of you. Good for all of us.
Enjoy the world as long as we are here.
It is very interesting, and sometimes very joyful and fun.
Bill, good to hear they’re moving on it. In’20-21 I had a gall bladder so
full of stones it had pinched off the bile duct. I was showing several of
the symptoms of cancer. When the surgeon got the CT etc., he came
into the exam room practically skipping with joy saying “I can fix this.”
So, do what needs to be done to find out what you’re dealing with and
take the best action with what you know and what resources you have.
Good Luck!
Jason, good luck to you, too.
Good luck, Bill and I appreciate your attitude. My sister recently opined it was
best to go peacefully in her sleep, and I told her, “Not me. When the Reaper
comes for me, I intend to spit in his face.” We’ll see if I can live up to that.
Jochi, when I go, I want to be late for my own funeral, for my into the cemetery on a huge,
black Harley-Davidson, chased by hundreds of cops, swat teams, the National Guard of three
states, dozens of women and their families, three cats and dogs, only to pull an Akira Slide
Into the grave, screaming, “Thanks everybody! It was a hell of a ride!!!”
Zasha is a very responsible lady that’s for sure! Being on call is tough
I was for 10 years as a fireman I felt like I could barely get any rest
and she’s going to school on top of it! Jeezzzz…
I had a hunch that was what was up. I love it, they are taking a tip from
the cats I guess lol. The Empire might be gaining a much needed friend in
the core if not a new member! The core is well on it’s way to losing to
the Empire without a shot being fired (yet) I love it
I was actually on call twice from the job I had I was head mechanic at the car part factory I
worked at as well. I was always the first one called for major breakdowns. Combined with
fire calls some days I was lucky to get any sleep at all. Had my first ulcer at 30 but I loved
it all
Purramedics and Cat calls. Winced twice in the same panel, same speaker.
But it rings true. People have fun with making wordplay on their own profession.
Same reason my cardiologists refer to each other as electricians or plumbers,
depending on their specialty.
I am having a harder and harder time seeing humans as the outliers in terms
of jackassery in this universe (We have no idea whether they are in the same
galaxy or not, and it doesn’t matter), as Ket’rrt’s folk clearly have no respect
or affection for Kev Ian’s and are willing to consider at a minimum normalizing
relations with another power they just met made up of (they know) Cats and
(Terran) humans, in apparent preference to existing economic and political ties.
Sure, the Lamians created another sapient species they treated as cattle,
unlike how the Dragons treat Dragonflies, but overall they don’t seem that
much worse than the average Core species, and they have the Bookists.
Tenshi and Zasha are very enterprising. Good for them.
The 7th and 8th panels could be Holmes and Watson.
“The game is afoot.”
Exactly the same thing I was thinking.
This gets more interesting by the panel and I love it.
This is something I love to see more of. In the long run the ‘good guys’
should have more allies than the ‘bad guys’, i.e. while the ‘dark side’
is quicker, easier, more seductive, the ‘light side’ should win in the
end. At least within the limited scope of fiction.
In this case, the Core Worlds were already fracturing behind the scenes.
No wonder with a repressive system like this. The Wolf Empire, while
powerful, is more like someone pulling the pin from a grenade rather
then the bomb that destroys the grenade.
Medical update: Had my CT this a.m. Scanned me basically from collar
bones to hips – with and without contrast dye. My Doc is actively
pursuing this. Had 4 more tubes of blood drawn plus urine. Doc Poy
is definitely being thorough. Got lucky and they had a cancellation
and I get my ‘oscopies (tubes up both ends) next Tuesday instead of
September or October.
i have decided I will not go gentle into that good night. I see no
sense in raging against the darkness but neither am I going to roll
over and meekly submit to my fate.
Bill, I found out about two weeks ago that I have Papillary Thyroid Cancer.
Fortunately,its one that has a real good recovery rate, (near100%) if caught
early. I go under the knife on July 21. So yeah, I feel you buddy…
good luck,, an prayers to both of you.!!
Glad they are being thorough Bill and to coin a phrase: never give up, never surrender!
Good luck Jason been there twice myself it’s rough but do-able. I lost my left kidney in ’04
there was little left of it my right the were able to save 1/3 of it. I have 47% function of it
so I drew the long straw for now chemo is tough though keep a bucket on hand by your
bed. And be careful with bumps and bruises they take a while to heal. I say this because
they might put you on it to be sure.
The funny thing was when I found out the second time the very first thing that popped in
my head was “I’m going to miss peeing” LOL! Fortunately I didn’t.
I should mention the treatment I had was experimental, instead of the conventional IV drip chemo
the doctor used a medication called Cabometyx it’s a pill they give to patients that can’t safely
have surgery. since it’s a steady level rather than the sharp ups and downs of the IV it’s not as
hard on the body. I know the surgeon was pleased with it he had another patient with both kidneys
infected. Might be an option for you as well. Doctor only gave me 50-50 on it but I liked those odds!
Don’t go early into the dark, either. It looks like that is your choice.
Good for you. Good for all of you. Good for all of us.
Enjoy the world as long as we are here.
It is very interesting, and sometimes very joyful and fun.
Mere existence is a miracle you can’t talk yourself around. How can
it be? How could it not be? Its the bottom line of bottom lines.
Bill, good to hear they’re moving on it. In’20-21 I had a gall bladder so
full of stones it had pinched off the bile duct. I was showing several of
the symptoms of cancer. When the surgeon got the CT etc., he came
into the exam room practically skipping with joy saying “I can fix this.”
So, do what needs to be done to find out what you’re dealing with and
take the best action with what you know and what resources you have.
Good Luck!
Jason, good luck to you, too.
Good luck, Bill and I appreciate your attitude. My sister recently opined it was
best to go peacefully in her sleep, and I told her, “Not me. When the Reaper
comes for me, I intend to spit in his face.” We’ll see if I can live up to that.
Jochi, when I go, I want to be late for my own funeral, for my into the cemetery on a huge,
black Harley-Davidson, chased by hundreds of cops, swat teams, the National Guard of three
states, dozens of women and their families, three cats and dogs, only to pull an Akira Slide
Into the grave, screaming, “Thanks everybody! It was a hell of a ride!!!”
Zasha is a very responsible lady that’s for sure! Being on call is tough
I was for 10 years as a fireman I felt like I could barely get any rest
and she’s going to school on top of it! Jeezzzz…
I had a hunch that was what was up. I love it, they are taking a tip from
the cats I guess lol. The Empire might be gaining a much needed friend in
the core if not a new member! The core is well on it’s way to losing to
the Empire without a shot being fired (yet) I love it
Especially when you’re a specialist, so
when off duty you’re still on call.
I was actually on call twice from the job I had I was head mechanic at the car part factory I
worked at as well. I was always the first one called for major breakdowns. Combined with
fire calls some days I was lucky to get any sleep at all. Had my first ulcer at 30 but I loved
it all
Purramedics and Cat calls. Winced twice in the same panel, same speaker.
But it rings true. People have fun with making wordplay on their own profession.
Same reason my cardiologists refer to each other as electricians or plumbers,
depending on their specialty.
I am having a harder and harder time seeing humans as the outliers in terms
of jackassery in this universe (We have no idea whether they are in the same
galaxy or not, and it doesn’t matter), as Ket’rrt’s folk clearly have no respect
or affection for Kev Ian’s and are willing to consider at a minimum normalizing
relations with another power they just met made up of (they know) Cats and
(Terran) humans, in apparent preference to existing economic and political ties.
Sure, the Lamians created another sapient species they treated as cattle,
unlike how the Dragons treat Dragonflies, but overall they don’t seem that
much worse than the average Core species, and they have the Bookists.
I wish I could remember which of my readers
came up with the term “Purramedics”.
It wasn’t my idea, and I like to give credit.
Ahh… It was Rob.
Ah ha! I thought Zasha rang a bell thanks LOL.
Bill and Jason Line from Corey Hart song. “Never surrender”
Good luck and best wishes to you both.
Don’t intend to… The Dealer’s gonna need a hell of a motorcycle just to keep up
with me, let alone catch me!
(In Billy Mays voice)
“But wait! There’s more!”
I certainly hope so!