TGW-1375 Chapter: PatronageCharacters: ahmya, Cat, emil, Grand Admiral Mistrial Borogrove, higashi, Jonathan, LT T'chagen, Miral, nakama, TarithaLocation: embreys, Jon's home └ Tags: "cheering fail", better for both Related Comics ¬ TGW-1307 TGW-1360 TGW-1254 TGW-1016 TGW-1220 2 Comments
Panel 8 – Well, well, well. A second human being invited to join
a clan. That’s quite an honor, Emil. Just say yes. Don’t think
about it, just say yes. SAY YES ALREADY!!!
There’s the windup… and the pitch… I
wonder who is going to be picking up
both Ahmya’s and Higashi’s jaws when
Miral’s pitch reaches the plate! Heh…
Very fitting, he’s gets free promo and
Taritha’s clan can get a new art-form
to improve on… I figured they’d offer
him membership.