A promise of hope or despair. Choose.A promise of hope or despair. Choose.
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  1. Thanks for the quote, Scarsdale.
    You filled out the conversation for me.

    • Sir, you have them all on the hilt of the sword.
      How will it work for them
      and the surprise if someone else grabs it.
      Will only the two of them hold it?
      Are they physically strong enough or
      is it symbolic?

      • Patience, Paul.
        All will become clear on Monday.

        • Sam

          “I hate waiting.” -I. Montoya

        • Darn you always say that, have patience.
          Ah well patience is supposed to be a virtue.

          • Sam

            Aye, Patience is a virtue.

            (But it’s not one of mine.)

        • but it IS Monday!

    • Wow, thanks! I did not expect that you would use it.
      It actually came from a old video game from the 80’s,
      part of the end cut scene. I paraphrased it a bit. No,
      I can’t remember what RPG it was, but it was a good one.
      But it had dragon riders in it.
      Damn, it’s on the tip of my tongue….

      • Nico

        @scarsdake: If you really want to find that game again,
        there is a subreddit dedicated to finding lost games
        r/tipofmyjoystick, crazy lads there can name a game
        from the vaguest descriptions.

        • Not really, it was a SNES game. I might have in my
          rom collection for my emulators. It was 2nd gen game,
          they had double the ram/rom than 1st gen,
          which was still pretty low.
          I’m 64 and good game play is not something I can do anymore

        • I found that out when I bought the “Dead Space” remake,
          and I can’t get past the tentacle grab scene.
          I’ll have to get my son to do it for me I guess… again!

  2. Naadir means ‘Dear’ or to find rare love.
    or the good in some one…
    Rohaan means ‘Compassion’ …
    Minha means ‘blessing’ or to bless…
    Inayat means ‘kindness’.
    or to bring out the good in others…

    • Picked the right family for sure.
      Can’t fool the Dragons.

  3. PS the music came on instantly tonight.
    Thanks for fixing it.

  4. I was a bit surprised at the group of “Angels”, but it makes sense.
    I just hope some a-hole doesn’t come out and tries to shoot Terysa,
    although, if they were to try that and say, one her guards
    shoots back with a bolt of lighting, (a charged spear) killing the
    idiot, while Terysa shrugs it off, it would hit them HARD.
    “She IS an angel sent from Allah!”
    Teresa is an angel, but which kind depends on YOU. Love, or
    DEATH, it’s their choice…

  5. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight


    • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      Ahhh, I thought there might be more music
      today. But again, no button. So, I thought
      that another “comment” would work. Oops.
      I guess Paul was referring to yesterday.

      • I saw that, too, and tried what worked previously to no effect.
        I guess there’s no music for this episode.

  6. I had a thought, it came from a news clip I watched after
    ship 5’s launch, they were talking about the amount of
    junk orbiting the planet. the shear amount of rare-earth
    metals and gear is in the billions! The Empire no doubt
    harvested that as well as the tech from foreign satellites.

    With Musk’s rocket and a few tugs built, the USA could
    rake a huge amount of resources that way, more than
    enough to cover the costs. Plus it would make the space
    around Earth safer to launch through and keep any
    manned satellites safe.
    (they said something like 13 billion)
    (Cue the screaming matches at the UN)

    • The UN would probably claim abandoned property rights
      and demand that Musk turn all proceeds over to them.
      After he had salvaged them all, of course.

      • Doubtless.

      • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

        What?! You (UN) want what I went up and
        brought back down on my own?!
        Not only no, but Hell No!
        You want it, YOU go up and get it!
        And NO, you’re NOT “renting” my rockets
        to do it. Build your own.
        Oh,and don’t forget the land for a launch site.

      • Actually, it’s salvage, so he would have full rights, most of
        the noise would be over the “stolen tech” from the satellites.
        “Those satellites have our (insert stupid thoughts) tech and
        you have no right to steal it!” To that I say so why didn’t
        you put a self-destruct on them?

    • robnot

      “No Right of Salvage.!” UN agreed that while in space,
      no “identifiable” debris or nonfunctional satellite is allowed.
      by any other agency… IE: Musk cannot touch NASA junk.
      AND IF foreign junk hit your house,,, your Gov, has to
      sue the other Gov, in your name.!

      • Huh, I understood that maritime law applied to space as well.
        Well then, recover the stuff and “sell” it back to them…
        I’m sure there would be hell raised over asteroid farming as well.

        • unlike the sea, not everyone can get/build a craft to get space.
          sell back… they claim it’s worth more than the national treasure,
          and you have to pay it.
          farming ,, when they brought back mineral samples from a rock
          as a test,. the prices dropped.!

  7. Dastardly Dan

    Great story, but I have one comment.
    The street and buildings look very clean and well maintained.
    This is not what I would expect from a Mohammedan city

    • This is supposed to be a small-ish town away from London.
      The locals probably keep it cleaner.
      Adding trash is pretty time-consuming.

      • Dastardly Dan

        Not complaining at all, it was just an observation,
        and the explanations provided are sufficient.

      • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

        Where are the other neighbors?
        One would think with all the music
        and commotion, other people would
        be coming out of their houses to see
        what’s up?

        • Patience, P.E.T.D.R.etc.

    • TV and movies paint a dark picture of their lives,
      if you were to look at the shanty towns of the
      homeless in some areas, it would look the same
      as you’re thinking. Or the streets of any run-down
      ghetto’s in any major city, Gary was like that in
      down-town area in the 70’s.

  8. If this is Britain, then great presentation of a row of
    terraced houses – although it must be from an
    area that was moderately affluent when it was built,
    given every house has a bay window.
    The police uniform is rather distinctively American,
    to my eyes: I can accept the casual firearm as fallout
    from the Apocalypse, but the rest of it doesn’t seem to
    have any throwbacks to the current British police equipment

    • Sadly, I can only work with the assets that I have.

      • Understood.
        I can see that most of the providers of 3d assets are either
        US based, or clearly catering to the American market,
        with little or nothing that is UK specific
        I’m astonished that you were able to find the terraced houses,

  9. Just to get the music?

  10. >We know your hearts.
    >We recognize you.

    A powerful Hearts & Minds event :}

  11. Sorry everyone, I did mean the music
    from yesterday. It came on with the page.
    My apologies for being unclear.

  12. Darn I did it again. The music from Friday.

  13. I had a thought, basically the Empire are using their beliefs
    and lore to convince those people that not only is the Empire
    good, but it cares for people. While it’s a bit of a lie, this
    will (hopefully) bore through the HUGE amount of lies and
    misquotes those (now dead) leaders have been spewing
    on the people to get them to obey without question.
    The extremists are using obscure passages and misquotes
    to get their people to just take over and to follow without
    question some tired old ideology from centuries past.
    Genocide is wrong and bad, no tired old book can make
    excuses for it. The Empire has been fighting everything from
    raiders to now entire planets, and they don’t want to, if
    this works, it’s bloodless.

  14. The wife turned on the TV and it was tuned to ABC, the George
    Stephanopolos show. On the screen below the talking head was a
    disclaimer. Something about how delays in results was not a sign
    of election fraud. Sound like somebody is getting a tad gun shy?

    • Or they’re setting the stage.

      • I thought of that, too. Early voting in Texas starts today
        and I plan to do my duty this week. I suspect it will be
        in the “for what it’s worth” depart-ment, though.

  15. A bit of a shame the timing didn’t work out a little differently. The last
    4 panels from the last installment and the first 4 from this one would
    have been perfect for the Flight of the Valkyrie.

    “Six originals”, five winged horses and Terysa. I assume the other 4
    riders are drawn from Teresa’s personal guard?

    • No, they’re all androids. Every one is pretty much bulletproof.

  16. Well it’s happened, Jasmine officially weighs just under 16 lbs!
    So, I’m going to get an auto-feeder and try to get her pudgy
    belly under some control. Only nice thing is she’ll let you rub
    her belly for about 10 seconds before she attacks. Before the
    transgression was instantly handled by her highness. So she’s
    gone from mean Miral to Mavia? Hmmm…

    • I’m talking about those fancy ones that dump a measured amount
      on a timer, might be funny to watch laying on the bed napping
      until she hears it start upp and she SPRINTS into the kitchen
      crashing into it since she can’t stop in time to avoid slamming
      into it HA! Downside is she’ll nip and hook me begging for food
      more often…

    • my Pooka is 23 lbs. just a really big cat. vet said it’s fine
      tho i think i’ll get a exercise wheel, cuz my old ass
      can’t keep with young-en’s zoomies…

      • She doesn’t like being picked up, I guess it scares her.
        But when I changed the bed sheets, (of course she wanted
        to lay on the bed) I had to pick her up to move her
        and I was shocked how heavy she was. Plus when I
        did, her belly went “squish.” So diet change and metered
        feed amounts, we were using a gravity feeder. It’s
        common with strays, they lived so long barely able to
        find food, that having a seemingly endless supply is
        like heaven and they over-eat. Big cats in zoos are the same.

    I went and voted, did some grocery shopping, had dinner,
    and ran the clock out.
    I’m sore and tired after unloading a van full of groceries.
    I did stow the refrigerated and frozen stuff.
    But my living room is full of groceries.
    I’ll put them away later.
    Unless I eat them before I get around to it. It happens.
    On a good note,
    I had seven women at the polling places laughing.
    I was in rare form, one funny comment after another.
    So it was a good day, I just ran out of time.
    Sorry. Wednesday will be up soonest.

  18. Eat sleep and stay healthy, before the comic.

  19. No sweat, I’ll just stare at the outbox…
    What? No no no… not like a creep at all…

  20. I’m feeling a bit… ood.

  21. Game of Thrones: A Song of Rednecks

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