6 of the 9 in the room have no idea. and the other 3
(G.A. Mistrial, Angel, an Cissy. ) at least have a clue.
but the really scary part is, up till now this is all legal.!
(real world legal.)
Au contraire, mon ami. 3 of the 9 are clueless. The witnesses
and Duncan. Make it probably 4. Angel is unaware they’re
jerking his chains unless Mistrial had a chance to clue her in
when they were arranging the basement. Minka, Yato and
Jehan all got briefed in episode 1299.
Not really, Angle was the one that told the crew what Sgt.
Dumb-shit was spouting off about. Missy was informed from
Cissy, and she took over as to how to “educate” the doofus
so he’d NEVER try it again in Imperial lands. I’d still like them
to trickhim into joining the Legion, might do him some good,
and he’d wouldn’t have to make up crap just to get laid.
Wow, talk about laying on thick! Whether he is military or
not, I’d think it was real so he should REALLY be sweating
by now. The 2 witness and “ser Duncan of the Stupid” are
the only ones that Missy didn’t tell the plan to, but I
suspect they are going to be brought up to speed once
they are alone.
Listen to Miral, Ishmael, she doesn’t mess around when
it comes to flying. Maybe she can talk him into loosing
the facial forest while she’s at it. I have a beard myself,
but the one he’s got gives me the creeps. Extremist
creeps! I’m sure that would go a long way to endure
himself to the Navy, other that busting out with the
song “In The Navy” 😛
I seriously doubt it, they look just like a pair
I had some years back I got from a resale
shop, hunter’s pants NOT military. If he was
in the military, he’d known he’s being “punked”
and the “court” was a sham.
About the lack of comment on the previous installment: maybe there was
just nothing any of us considered particularly comment worthy. I was
tempted to remark about how that basement would have made me very
uncomfortable. I am somewhat of a claustrophobe and that doorway and
the generally tight quarters in that storeroom would have given me the
I’m with Woodman about whether there was ever a real op “Cattail Swamp”.
I mean I think it’s bullshit but then everybody is playing it so straight that
it’s hard to be sure. And of course all we get out of PC is a Cheshire cat
Had my annual eye exam yesterday. Everything is looking good. The macular
degeneration (both eyes) is, of course, progressing but it’s doing so very
slowly. Looks like I’ll be dead before I go blind. That’s a good thing in my
I’m almost feeling sorry for Sgt. shitforbrains. Nah, not really.
I’m impressed that everyone around the table is keeping a straight face.
6 of the 9 in the room have no idea. and the other 3
(G.A. Mistrial, Angel, an Cissy. ) at least have a clue.
but the really scary part is, up till now this is all legal.!
(real world legal.)
Au contraire, mon ami. 3 of the 9 are clueless. The witnesses
and Duncan. Make it probably 4. Angel is unaware they’re
jerking his chains unless Mistrial had a chance to clue her in
when they were arranging the basement. Minka, Yato and
Jehan all got briefed in episode 1299.
Not really, Angle was the one that told the crew what Sgt.
Dumb-shit was spouting off about. Missy was informed from
Cissy, and she took over as to how to “educate” the doofus
so he’d NEVER try it again in Imperial lands. I’d still like them
to trickhim into joining the Legion, might do him some good,
and he’d wouldn’t have to make up crap just to get laid.
Wow, talk about laying on thick! Whether he is military or
not, I’d think it was real so he should REALLY be sweating
by now. The 2 witness and “ser Duncan of the Stupid” are
the only ones that Missy didn’t tell the plan to, but I
suspect they are going to be brought up to speed once
they are alone.
Listen to Miral, Ishmael, she doesn’t mess around when
it comes to flying. Maybe she can talk him into loosing
the facial forest while she’s at it. I have a beard myself,
but the one he’s got gives me the creeps. Extremist
creeps! I’m sure that would go a long way to endure
himself to the Navy, other that busting out with the
song “In The Navy” 😛
(Please don’t shoot me 😉 )
Still have no idea if “Sgt” Oaf was ever a real NCO in the Empire,
if he was ever on Lamia, and if there was ever a real Operation
Cattail Swamp.
I seriously doubt it, they look just like a pair
I had some years back I got from a resale
shop, hunter’s pants NOT military. If he was
in the military, he’d known he’s being “punked”
and the “court” was a sham.
About the lack of comment on the previous installment: maybe there was
just nothing any of us considered particularly comment worthy. I was
tempted to remark about how that basement would have made me very
uncomfortable. I am somewhat of a claustrophobe and that doorway and
the generally tight quarters in that storeroom would have given me the
I’m with Woodman about whether there was ever a real op “Cattail Swamp”.
I mean I think it’s bullshit but then everybody is playing it so straight that
it’s hard to be sure. And of course all we get out of PC is a Cheshire cat
Had my annual eye exam yesterday. Everything is looking good. The macular
degeneration (both eyes) is, of course, progressing but it’s doing so very
slowly. Looks like I’ll be dead before I go blind. That’s a good thing in my