HO boy, that’s going to be an ugly extraction to say the least!
If the Cali had any brains at all, they would limit the boy’s usage
and let the minor issues be handled by a doctor. “Ah! I have
a paper cut owie..” is a STFU, NOT a “go see the healer.” So
those Cali folk have no one to blame but themselves…
I’m sure the Pride and her escorts could handle anything that
cared to show up, giving the other Pteran ship to bug out and
head to the nearest shipyard. The necessary machines for the
clean-up efforts may take a bit to arrive, lawd know what all is
in those lakes. I do hope they want to join, their speed and
stealth would have a great place in Navy Intelligence. And their
demeanor would help the troops morale as well. I bet they know
how to have fun! I think the Laporidae would make an interesting
addition to the Terran gene pool too The Star Trek franchise
proved it was possible to intermingle the many races in the
Galaxy with good results, plus bonding the many races into one
huge family.
No doubt, most political and social issues can be traced
back to greed and power. Add in sloth and gluttony and
you’ve got the modern standard. In any universe…
Sloth and Gluttony will find a place anywhere on the political spectrum.
Greed and lust for power is today highly associated with the philosophy
that a self-centered approach to the world and all others is the proper
course of action. That philosophy has once again infected much of the
world and its institutions. That infection, although chronic, has now
become acute (as it did in the 1930’s).
I wonder if those people use him as an argument
why they should join them. Which begs the
question how many towns have joined them.
That might also explain why there are so many.
I wonder if Cali was close to a nuke detonation site?
That would explain the extreme need for a healer.
That would be an unexpected twist.
He’s being used like he is, not because of greed,
But because the locals feel they have no choice…
is possible.. Cali. is smack in the middle of K.C. an St. Loui.
so when the ‘sheeple’ fled the cities, they would have head
to the center. AND the lakes of the Ozarks (caves) is just to
the south, where the local “survivalists” would have gone..
And since leaving the area is not likely to be very stealthy,
would not be time to pick it up on the way out.
Might as well leave it where it can do some good :}
heh,, during Desert Shield/storm,. we came across a “abandoned asset”.
a CH-53 from the Tehran hostage rescue failure.
still in use,, by local allies..
That’s what my father was doing in Korea, recovering assets,
mostly tanks and heavy transports either damaged in combat
or by the environment. They were to ignore anything as small
as a jeep or or medivac, not worth the effort or risks I guess.
I do know he used to get SO pissed off when he watched
M.A.S.H., they did a good job, but he still loved to nit-pik every
little thing. Still does, but that’s the age and dementia…
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violence Extremist SuperStraight
“can’t go into combat with it dangling”
Well then, tuck it in and zip it up!
Plus, leaving the water purifier with the locals
(and not telling the Local Authoritahs)
engenders good will with said same locals.
Hi all, I am still here – just too busy to find the time to comment.
Several years in and out of hospital means my 59 Hectare (140 acre)
property is somewhat overdue for clearing to reduce the fire hazard
here as the property backs onto a state forest. The next major
medical process is to have my left knee replaced –
fun times but long overdue.
Even a single large hospital can have several hundred patients and a
large city would have several of them. Even restricting the patients
that could afford the (probably exorbitant) fees charged hundreds of
patients waiting to see the healer is far from unrealistic. The
privileged few that would get free treatment would see him first.
Extraction will obviously be from the healer’s quarters so as to
minimize the number of civilians likely to be involved
The rabbits will initially opt to remain neutral while they consider
joining the Wolf Empire. The experience of Marise in space will
probably influence that decision more than expected. (I bet she
encounter a core ship following the Peterian light cruiser to give
an independent report on the outcome of the battle core fleet after it.)
Sorry the parts are taking so long PC, my printer broke down again.
I’ve got a stock pile of parts for the Ender, but there’s few
supporting the Sovol as yet, so I’ll have to dive into tech manuals
and find out what they used from other companies to build it. Like
fixing an AMC Gremlin: Slant 6 Mopar engine, Ford c4 transmission,
the front axle from a Chevy 2, and so on.
extraction – not at quarters, which is probably in the middle
of the guard base.. and from the sound of it, he doesn’t get
much rest there,. so the best time is when moving him,.
Rob, look at the launch time (panel 7) of 2am.
That is more likely sleep time than transfer time.
Sure it will be in the most securely guarded place they have
But everyone around the healer will be guards and their superiors
– NO civilians!
They will probably try to sneak in and sneak out with the healer
But it is unlikely to go that easily (comic plot rules).
Others have probably tried to steal the healer for their own use
So it may even be the healer that gives them away!
iIRC 0200 is the time when a person is naturally at their lowest ebb
physically. That would mean whatever guards the boy has are going
to be least alert. It is the same for the attackers but they are
mentally prepared for it and are on adrenalin so almost hyper awake.
I’m sure Sgt Squirrel is aware of this and that is why he planned
the op for that time.
yes yes 02,,. is when you attack,. not when you launch..
IF they are sneaking into the base and getting the kid.
they still have to get there, scope out the guards,.
all your points, “most secure”, “tried before” and “all guards an superiors”.
reinforce my point, “of not at the base”. and they have the home field
advantage,. and nothing to lose / fall back to.!
so.. launch at 02, in position at 02:30. cover
and hide said position,. 03:00. wait,, usually
an hour,. that’s 04:00 IF they move him early,
or 05:00 if moved on time..
HO boy, that’s going to be an ugly extraction to say the least!
If the Cali had any brains at all, they would limit the boy’s usage
and let the minor issues be handled by a doctor. “Ah! I have
a paper cut owie..” is a STFU, NOT a “go see the healer.” So
those Cali folk have no one to blame but themselves…
I’m sure the Pride and her escorts could handle anything that
The Star Trek franchise
cared to show up, giving the other Pteran ship to bug out and
head to the nearest shipyard. The necessary machines for the
clean-up efforts may take a bit to arrive, lawd know what all is
in those lakes. I do hope they want to join, their speed and
stealth would have a great place in Navy Intelligence. And their
demeanor would help the troops morale as well. I bet they know
how to have fun! I think the Laporidae would make an interesting
addition to the Terran gene pool too
proved it was possible to intermingle the many races in the
Galaxy with good results, plus bonding the many races into one
huge family.
I suspect TPTB in Cali are charging a
pretty penny for the boy’s services.
but. i want you coming in for healing,
for everything imaginable and a few hypochondria.!
I’m charging your body weight (in precious metals).
No doubt, most political and social issues can be traced
back to greed and power. Add in sloth and gluttony and
you’ve got the modern standard. In any universe…
Sloth and Gluttony will find a place anywhere on the political spectrum.
Greed and lust for power is today highly associated with the philosophy
that a self-centered approach to the world and all others is the proper
course of action. That philosophy has once again infected much of the
world and its institutions. That infection, although chronic, has now
become acute (as it did in the 1930’s).
Edited both comments.
Politics are too divisive and inevitably get personal.
I was afraid it would be, thanks for not deleting them.
As I said previously: AOK with me.
I wonder if those people use him as an argument
why they should join them. Which begs the
question how many towns have joined them.
That might also explain why there are so many.
I wonder if Cali was close to a nuke detonation site?
That would explain the extreme need for a healer.
That would be an unexpected twist.
He’s being used like he is, not because of greed,
But because the locals feel they have no choice…
is possible.. Cali. is smack in the middle of K.C. an St. Loui.
so when the ‘sheeple’ fled the cities, they would have head
to the center. AND the lakes of the Ozarks (caves) is just to
the south, where the local “survivalists” would have gone..
>can’t go into combat with it dangling
And since leaving the area is not likely to be very stealthy,
would not be time to pick it up on the way out.
Might as well leave it where it can do some good :}
What military action did not result in abandoned assets?
Plus it helps out the locals.
heh,, during Desert Shield/storm,. we came across a “abandoned asset”.
a CH-53 from the Tehran hostage rescue failure.
still in use,, by local allies..
That’s what my father was doing in Korea, recovering assets,
mostly tanks and heavy transports either damaged in combat
or by the environment. They were to ignore anything as small
as a jeep or or medivac, not worth the effort or risks I guess.
I do know he used to get SO pissed off when he watched
M.A.S.H., they did a good job, but he still loved to nit-pik every
little thing. Still does, but that’s the age and dementia…
“can’t go into combat with it dangling”
Well then, tuck it in and zip it up!
Plus, leaving the water purifier with the locals
(and not telling the Local Authoritahs)
engenders good will with said same locals.
um, Edgar is the local Authoritah.!
I was thinking of the Cali Authoritahs
Hi all, I am still here – just too busy to find the time to comment.
Several years in and out of hospital means my 59 Hectare (140 acre)
property is somewhat overdue for clearing to reduce the fire hazard
here as the property backs onto a state forest. The next major
medical process is to have my left knee replaced –
fun times but long overdue.
Even a single large hospital can have several hundred patients and a
large city would have several of them. Even restricting the patients
that could afford the (probably exorbitant) fees charged hundreds of
patients waiting to see the healer is far from unrealistic. The
privileged few that would get free treatment would see him first.
Extraction will obviously be from the healer’s quarters so as to
minimize the number of civilians likely to be involved
The rabbits will initially opt to remain neutral while they consider
joining the Wolf Empire. The experience of Marise in space will
probably influence that decision more than expected. (I bet she
encounter a core ship following the Peterian light cruiser to give
an independent report on the outcome of the battle core fleet after it.)
Sorry the parts are taking so long PC, my printer broke down again.
I’ve got a stock pile of parts for the Ender, but there’s few
supporting the Sovol as yet, so I’ll have to dive into tech manuals
and find out what they used from other companies to build it. Like
fixing an AMC Gremlin: Slant 6 Mopar engine, Ford c4 transmission,
the front axle from a Chevy 2, and so on.
extraction – not at quarters, which is probably in the middle
of the guard base.. and from the sound of it, he doesn’t get
much rest there,. so the best time is when moving him,.
Rob, look at the launch time (panel 7) of 2am.
That is more likely sleep time than transfer time.
Sure it will be in the most securely guarded place they have
But everyone around the healer will be guards and their superiors
– NO civilians!
They will probably try to sneak in and sneak out with the healer
But it is unlikely to go that easily (comic plot rules).
Others have probably tried to steal the healer for their own use
So it may even be the healer that gives them away!
iIRC 0200 is the time when a person is naturally at their lowest ebb
physically. That would mean whatever guards the boy has are going
to be least alert. It is the same for the attackers but they are
mentally prepared for it and are on adrenalin so almost hyper awake.
I’m sure Sgt Squirrel is aware of this and that is why he planned
the op for that time.
yes yes 02,,. is when you attack,. not when you launch..
IF they are sneaking into the base and getting the kid.
they still have to get there, scope out the guards,.
all your points, “most secure”, “tried before” and “all guards an superiors”.
reinforce my point, “of not at the base”. and they have the home field
advantage,. and nothing to lose / fall back to.!
And most guards etc will be asleep
when i had duty, at 05:00 i was up at 03:00..
so.. launch at 02, in position at 02:30. cover
and hide said position,. 03:00. wait,, usually
an hour,. that’s 04:00 IF they move him early,
or 05:00 if moved on time..