FWIW, PC, I don’t have any problem with a Caliphate arising in
Europe. For one thing we don’t know when (in real world terms)
the fall occurred. The percentage of Islamists in Europe is
growing rapidly. A generation from now if a catastrophic event
occurs like depicted in PC’s story there could very well be
sufficient numbers of Muslims to result in a Caliphate. This isn’t
politics it’s just going by history. I don’t think the Klaus Schwab
and the WEF elites in Europe are going to enjoy what results
from their “great reset”.
As a former history teacher, I have to say that the tiny nudges
of events can lead to totally unpredictable results. (History wasn’t
my field. I was the head of the foreign language department, and
it was assigned as one of those “related field” assignments.) It’s
easy to forget how close Europe came to being part of the caliphate,
and only the rise of Charlemagne put an unexpected stop to it.
If this is about my comments,
I don’t mind about things mentioned in the comic.
I just feel the urge to comment when i think it
is out of reality.
Lots in the comic is very american and not a
thing in my country anyway.
If i want to just stay in my bubble i would not
be here anyway.
It wasn’t about your comments, it was the entire discussion.
Both of us.
I would rather not have discussions of religion, politics or
climate here other than what relates to the storyline.
Too divisive, this should be a refuge from real life,
not a reminder.
For example my culture has much less problems with
being naked than the USA,
but more problems with showing violence and guns.
So, your comic would be possibly considered not safe
for children in my place because of some depiction
of violence not for some nipples in the bathtub.
Actually, there is very little graphic violence in the comic,
other than what is needed for the story.
If the mere presence of a firearm in a webcomic is enough to
give someone the vapors, then they are too weak and stupid
for me to be concerned.
I wish to God that some things had never happened,
but if one of the weak people had had to live through just
one of the ugly episodes in my life, they would have probably
fallen to the ground in a fetal position and never arisen.
I have little sympathy for the people who will not understand
the difference between an inert object and the monster who
chooses to use that object to harm others.
Nor the weaklings who will condemn the object and not the
monster who wields it.
Sorry for your bad experiences.
I have been in the army and shot with everything they had.
I just don’t think guns belong in the hands of civilians
except for hunting.
I worked in Libya before and after the revolution.
Just an 8 month break.
I also visited the international cemetery in Benghasi
with a british colleague,
since an uncle of him was buried there.
It was 2013 and road checks everywhere.
Lots of guns around and i was not happy with it.
As soon as the devil was out of the bottle and
guns everywhere also violent crimes went overhand.
Here, in states where people can carry firearms,
violent crime actually goes down.
No one wants to pull a knife on someone who may be armed.
Unlike in Britain… Or Europe, where knives seem to be
the weapon of choice among a certain violent demographic.
The worst places for crime in the US are where the
average citizen can not be armed.
A few months back, I was waiting outside of an auto
shop for my car to be repaired.
There were three black men outside with me,
all of us were armed.
For that time, it was the safest corner of town.
We had a good conversation.
Most police officers prefer an armed citizenry.
I wonder why.
The crime rate in my country is significantly lower than in USA.
The murder rate is at the lowest level of the last decades. The
violent crime rate in total (murder, rape, kidnapping for ransom,
injury after assault, robbery, burglary, fistfight) was at an all
time low until after corona lock downs. It is still unknown what
the exact reasons are. Since it is not murder, rape and kidnapping
it is obviously robbery, burglary and fistfights.
But i don’t know more specifics.
the news in some media about knifes in germany are exaggerated by
some notorious media. It was always the same with each wave of
immigrants. In the 50s the sneaky italians with knifes. In the 60s
and 70s the Turks with knifes, in the 90s the russians (who claimed
to have german ancestors) and the Yugoslavians with knifes. The
only big increase in crime happened with the end of the cold war
and people from east europe coming in.
I don’t know places in germany where i feel unsafe.
I am sure there are some. Mostly in bigger cities.
For women it might be more such places and for
people who do not look german enough even more.
actually no.! the US crime rate is lower..
2335.2 (US) vs 6762 (Gemany) per 100,000 people.
BUT we have alot more people..
333,287,557 (US) vs 84.4 million in Germany.
this is 2022 numbers.. and they vary year to year.
now to get it close,, 84 X 4 = 336..
2335 X 4 = 9340,. so when you add the people you
get the bigger numbers..
Personally i had a bad experience when i was young and in a nightclub.
There was a show, some people very noisy and i was stupid enough,
to ask them being quiet. One came at me and took a knife out.
We were surrounded with people and i could not run away.
He was drunk and i was lucky to wrangle the knife out of his hand,
kicked it off and then disappeared.
A minute later my knees started trembling.
One last thing. I live in a 55000 people city now and
the last murder happened 1989.
There was an attack at a women few years ago –
two german boys did hurt her.
Maybe we are just lucky but there is not much bad happening
here, even with the refugees from different countries.
Most are in school or working now.
My wife got surgery from an egyptian doctor and in
rehabilitation clinic is was
a syrian orthopedic doctor. I guess the german doctors
prefer to work in the bigger cities.
It might be a shock for you, but this is actually
a park in the city of Oslo, Norway,
with modern sculptures for everybody to see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yBrNqHR-d4
And i have seen a group of women at the baseball
field in that park with a trainer.
Doing running competitions around the baseball
field – with their baby strollers…
And while everyone is bivouac’d
hopefully the Drill has a roster of
rotating perimeter guard duty per military SOP.
Oh, the fun I had being OPFOR through
a leaky perimeter guard.
(I wonder if the company CPT
(ret by now, I’m sure) ever
fully recovered his hearing)
This trip has been pretty uneventful and satisfying,
except for Gopi of course.
That is worrying, why would anyone want to track Teresa
without her knowing? Unless they are tracking the troops
training, and Teresa’s wasn’t taken in account…
Neither makes much sense, the full might of the navy
would come crashing down on anyone attacking…
Hell even trainees would be far better than anyone
else’s normal troops! Just so crazy.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
I’m pretty sure Empress has her share of enemies,
just because of her position.
The Empire covers only part of Earth and we
shouldn’t forget about alien enemies.
They might have found and bribed some
traitorous humans after all.
It could be a better group than Soyboy’s bunch.
Back when Belle helped catch them?
If any alien group knew where Earth was,
then it’s the #1 target in the coming war.
I’m sure that info would be a huge pay-out
to any core or non-core unfriendly.
Could those radio bursts be part of a plot orchestrated
by the mysterious badguy who wanted Teresa’s Mother?
If so I would hate to be in those people’s shoes.
The Empire’s troops love and are fanatically loyal to Teresa.
Thanks to the dragonflies her location will always be known.
Looks like the Catman has an interesting story developing.
I kinda doubt it, while that guy clearly had resources,
I don’t see him going after her would bring any benefit to him.
It is a mystery, but if it’s just to keep tabs on her there
are easier ways, like being friendly. It would take longer,
granted, but far safer for him.
But he did seem like the impatient type…
I was thinking the same thing. We know he has access to resources and tech
that could do this. We (or I) suspect he may have been behind the theft and
enslavement of the military AIs. We don’t know why he’s fixated on Teresa,
other than the connection to her mother, or what his intentions are, just that
since he’s being secretive, odds are they are not something she would welcome.
Miral’s suggestion?? I went back to the first panel
of Miral and Gopi at the wall and for the life of
me couldn’t see her making any sort of a suggestion.
She really does have natural “foofy” hair,
not as bad as Taritha’s or mine (used to be).
I really did like her hair when it was wet,
but it’s my preference is all.
Oh, and food/snack deliverer…
Yeah I know (mostly) kidding.
I had the vet put in caps on her
claws, they say de-clawing is
inhuman. 2 have already come
off, road map thighs return…
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
You can trim the claws, like trimming human
fingernails. Just be sure to have someone else
to assist by wrapping said cat in a thick towel.
And don’t trim too short, there’s a blood vessel
in each claw. There’s a small battery operated
rotary drum sander you may want to consider
vs a standard clipper.
When I used to volunteer at the shelter, I trimmed the front
claws on all the cats every week. Got really good and fast at it.
Only got bitten once in all the years I did it.
I had a small dremal I can use, but she’s still skittish and is likely to panic.
Since I’ve had her, shes gone from an under-weight, terrified stray kitten
to a lovable “house cat” with a few issues.
“vet [says] de-clawing is inhuman”
You might consider getting another vet. I consider de-clawing one
of the two absolutely essential field mods needed to make a cat a
proper house pet. The other is spaying/neutering. If you were
going to let it run the ville I could see not deleting the claws but
cats with front claws can be incredibly destructive – not because
they’re intentionally destructive but just because they have to
sharpen those claws. Anything that a cat sharpens its claws on is
going to be destroyed. Even at that you still have to be careful not
to startle the critter while it’s in your lap.
One common field mod is to remove the front claws only.
Cats destroy furniture with the front claws and gut
their enemies with the rear.
Agree completely on the spay/denutting.
I don’t intend to let her out, but with both my father and
wife using rolling walkers, it’s likely to happen. The vet
that did her runs a low-cost clinic that fixes strays and
releases them back out into the wild, which is great,
but doesn’t solve the problem of people dumping them.
It’s not because I startle her, she’s just likes to launch off my lap,
or misses the jump, claws her way up. My leather desk chair’s
arm rest is ruined because of that. She a sweet, lovable cat, but
as a recovering abandoned stray, she has some issues to work out.
If I reach out to pet her, she cringes, like she thinks I’m going
to hit her.
While it was ugly the first few times, I finally got my cat to
let me trim the tips of her claws with a pair of nail clippers.
She learned that after I was done, she would get a palm full of
the most expensive gourmet cat treats and lots of affection.
When I got out the clippers and rang the little bell,
she would come running and jump right into my lap.
Oh sure, I expected it, I was mainly joking about it.
Although, her jamming her face into my ass when I go
to sit on the bed is getting to be annoying…
I guess tripping me while I’m walking got boring? It’s bad enough
she likes to attack my feet while I’m sleeping, I have a bad case
of neuropathy in both feet and that REALLY hurts, even if it’s just
My problem is with a cat who just HAS to be next to my face,
purring loudly around midnight every night. I claim to be a
cat whisperer, but this boy is more stubborn than any cat I’ve
ever met before.
I hear you, she does that too, it’s as if she’s saying “HEY! wake up
and pet me damnit!” I’ve heard that’s called Kitten Kisses, it’s more
like “Hey, I know you’re alive, PET ME! FEED ME!” heh. That or
wrapping herself around the top of our heads “for warmth”…
Friday was my fault. Again.
No more politics or religion except
for what’s mentioned in the comic.
Thank you.
Your site, your rules.
Personally, I didn’t think it was too far out there.
This time.
But it’s not something that I would want to do very often.
I don’t know.
I just want to keep this an entertaining, welcoming place.
Maybe such discussions are okay with everyone?
I didn’t help, sorry PC.
Hey, I was the one responsible.
FWIW, PC, I don’t have any problem with a Caliphate arising in
Europe. For one thing we don’t know when (in real world terms)
the fall occurred. The percentage of Islamists in Europe is
growing rapidly. A generation from now if a catastrophic event
occurs like depicted in PC’s story there could very well be
sufficient numbers of Muslims to result in a Caliphate. This isn’t
politics it’s just going by history. I don’t think the Klaus Schwab
and the WEF elites in Europe are going to enjoy what results
from their “great reset”.
They think that they will be able to remain in control.
But the horror that they wish to release on us cannot
be bent to their will.
As a former history teacher, I have to say that the tiny nudges
of events can lead to totally unpredictable results. (History wasn’t
my field. I was the head of the foreign language department, and
it was assigned as one of those “related field” assignments.) It’s
easy to forget how close Europe came to being part of the caliphate,
and only the rise of Charlemagne put an unexpected stop to it.
If this is about my comments,
I don’t mind about things mentioned in the comic.
I just feel the urge to comment when i think it
is out of reality.
Lots in the comic is very american and not a
thing in my country anyway.
If i want to just stay in my bubble i would not
be here anyway.
It wasn’t about your comments, it was the entire discussion.
Both of us.
I would rather not have discussions of religion, politics or
climate here other than what relates to the storyline.
Too divisive, this should be a refuge from real life,
not a reminder.
OK, I will reduce my comments then.
Better to keep some things out of it all.
Trust me, there are plenty of things coming up
in the comic that can be commented on. Heh-heh.
For example my culture has much less problems with
being naked than the USA,
but more problems with showing violence and guns.
So, your comic would be possibly considered not safe
for children in my place because of some depiction
of violence not for some nipples in the bathtub.
Actually, there is very little graphic violence in the comic,
other than what is needed for the story.
If the mere presence of a firearm in a webcomic is enough to
give someone the vapors, then they are too weak and stupid
for me to be concerned.
I wish to God that some things had never happened,
but if one of the weak people had had to live through just
one of the ugly episodes in my life, they would have probably
fallen to the ground in a fetal position and never arisen.
I have little sympathy for the people who will not understand
the difference between an inert object and the monster who
chooses to use that object to harm others.
Nor the weaklings who will condemn the object and not the
monster who wields it.
Sorry for your bad experiences.
I have been in the army and shot with everything they had.
I just don’t think guns belong in the hands of civilians
except for hunting.
I worked in Libya before and after the revolution.
Just an 8 month break.
I also visited the international cemetery in Benghasi
with a british colleague,
since an uncle of him was buried there.
It was 2013 and road checks everywhere.
Lots of guns around and i was not happy with it.
As soon as the devil was out of the bottle and
guns everywhere also violent crimes went overhand.
Here, in states where people can carry firearms,
violent crime actually goes down.
No one wants to pull a knife on someone who may be armed.
Unlike in Britain… Or Europe, where knives seem to be
the weapon of choice among a certain violent demographic.
The worst places for crime in the US are where the
average citizen can not be armed.
A few months back, I was waiting outside of an auto
shop for my car to be repaired.
There were three black men outside with me,
all of us were armed.
For that time, it was the safest corner of town.
We had a good conversation.
Most police officers prefer an armed citizenry.
I wonder why.
The crime rate in my country is significantly lower than in USA.
The murder rate is at the lowest level of the last decades. The
violent crime rate in total (murder, rape, kidnapping for ransom,
injury after assault, robbery, burglary, fistfight) was at an all
time low until after corona lock downs. It is still unknown what
the exact reasons are. Since it is not murder, rape and kidnapping
it is obviously robbery, burglary and fistfights.
But i don’t know more specifics.
the news in some media about knifes in germany are exaggerated by
some notorious media. It was always the same with each wave of
immigrants. In the 50s the sneaky italians with knifes. In the 60s
and 70s the Turks with knifes, in the 90s the russians (who claimed
to have german ancestors) and the Yugoslavians with knifes. The
only big increase in crime happened with the end of the cold war
and people from east europe coming in.
I still have friends in Germany and France.
They paint a completely different picture.
I don’t know places in germany where i feel unsafe.
I am sure there are some. Mostly in bigger cities.
For women it might be more such places and for
people who do not look german enough even more.
It’s not people who don’t look German
enough who need to be afraid.
It’s people who don’t look Middle Eastern enough.
actually no.! the US crime rate is lower..
2335.2 (US) vs 6762 (Gemany) per 100,000 people.
BUT we have alot more people..
333,287,557 (US) vs 84.4 million in Germany.
this is 2022 numbers.. and they vary year to year.
now to get it close,, 84 X 4 = 336..
2335 X 4 = 9340,. so when you add the people you
get the bigger numbers..
Personally i had a bad experience when i was young and in a nightclub.
There was a show, some people very noisy and i was stupid enough,
to ask them being quiet. One came at me and took a knife out.
We were surrounded with people and i could not run away.
He was drunk and i was lucky to wrangle the knife out of his hand,
kicked it off and then disappeared.
A minute later my knees started trembling.
One last thing. I live in a 55000 people city now and
the last murder happened 1989.
There was an attack at a women few years ago –
two german boys did hurt her.
Maybe we are just lucky but there is not much bad happening
here, even with the refugees from different countries.
Most are in school or working now.
My wife got surgery from an egyptian doctor and in
rehabilitation clinic is was
a syrian orthopedic doctor. I guess the german doctors
prefer to work in the bigger cities.
It might be a shock for you, but this is actually
a park in the city of Oslo, Norway,
with modern sculptures for everybody to see:
And i have seen a group of women at the baseball
field in that park with a trainer.
Doing running competitions around the baseball
field – with their baby strollers…
Why would that shock me?
Those are some beautiful sculptures,
very well done.
And while everyone is bivouac’d
hopefully the Drill has a roster of
rotating perimeter guard duty per military SOP.
Oh, the fun I had being OPFOR through
a leaky perimeter guard.
(I wonder if the company CPT
(ret by now, I’m sure) ever
fully recovered his hearing)
This trip has been pretty uneventful and satisfying,
except for Gopi of course.
That is worrying, why would anyone want to track Teresa
without her knowing? Unless they are tracking the troops
training, and Teresa’s wasn’t taken in account…
Neither makes much sense, the full might of the navy
would come crashing down on anyone attacking…
Hell even trainees would be far better than anyone
else’s normal troops! Just so crazy.
What’s that expression?
“The cat sayth nothing”
I know, I’m just as impatient.
I know what you mean, PC does love the twist
I’m pretty sure Empress has her share of enemies,
just because of her position.
The Empire covers only part of Earth and we
shouldn’t forget about alien enemies.
They might have found and bribed some
traitorous humans after all.
It could be a better group than Soyboy’s bunch.
Back when Belle helped catch them?
If any alien group knew where Earth was,
then it’s the #1 target in the coming war.
I’m sure that info would be a huge pay-out
to any core or non-core unfriendly.
Could those radio bursts be part of a plot orchestrated
by the mysterious badguy who wanted Teresa’s Mother?
If so I would hate to be in those people’s shoes.
The Empire’s troops love and are fanatically loyal to Teresa.
Thanks to the dragonflies her location will always be known.
Looks like the Catman has an interesting story developing.
I kinda doubt it, while that guy clearly had resources,
I don’t see him going after her would bring any benefit to him.
It is a mystery, but if it’s just to keep tabs on her there
are easier ways, like being friendly. It would take longer,
granted, but far safer for him.
But he did seem like the impatient type…
I was thinking the same thing. We know he has access to resources and tech
that could do this. We (or I) suspect he may have been behind the theft and
enslavement of the military AIs. We don’t know why he’s fixated on Teresa,
other than the connection to her mother, or what his intentions are, just that
since he’s being secretive, odds are they are not something she would welcome.
Miral’s suggestion?? I went back to the first panel
of Miral and Gopi at the wall and for the life of
me couldn’t see her making any sort of a suggestion.
I didn’t show it, she was just suggesting a way
to improve the efficiency of the defenses.
I have no idea what it was.
I assumed it was something that would be revealed later,
possibly with humor attached.
every little bit helps, even if it’s minor.
In the last two panels, Teresa looks much more like herself.
True, I think that soap she used did bleach her out a bit.
Not to mention getting submerged in mud. I still see teasing
in her future
She really does have natural “foofy” hair,
not as bad as Taritha’s or mine (used to be).
I really did like her hair when it was wet,
but it’s my preference is all.
Does anyone know how to teach a cat that I’m not her personal
pet machine and rub-ologist? Anyone? Pleeeeeeeeze?
Can’t be done. Accept your fate under your overlord.
Resistance is futile and will cause anemia.
Oh, and food/snack deliverer…
Yeah I know (mostly) kidding.
I had the vet put in caps on her
claws, they say de-clawing is
inhuman. 2 have already come
off, road map thighs return…
You can trim the claws, like trimming human
fingernails. Just be sure to have someone else
to assist by wrapping said cat in a thick towel.
And don’t trim too short, there’s a blood vessel
in each claw. There’s a small battery operated
rotary drum sander you may want to consider
vs a standard clipper.
When I used to volunteer at the shelter, I trimmed the front
claws on all the cats every week. Got really good and fast at it.
Only got bitten once in all the years I did it.
I had a small dremal I can use, but she’s still skittish and is likely to panic.
Since I’ve had her, shes gone from an under-weight, terrified stray kitten
to a lovable “house cat” with a few issues.
“vet [says] de-clawing is inhuman”
You might consider getting another vet. I consider de-clawing one
of the two absolutely essential field mods needed to make a cat a
proper house pet. The other is spaying/neutering. If you were
going to let it run the ville I could see not deleting the claws but
cats with front claws can be incredibly destructive – not because
they’re intentionally destructive but just because they have to
sharpen those claws. Anything that a cat sharpens its claws on is
going to be destroyed. Even at that you still have to be careful not
to startle the critter while it’s in your lap.
One common field mod is to remove the front claws only.
Cats destroy furniture with the front claws and gut
their enemies with the rear.
Agree completely on the spay/denutting.
I don’t intend to let her out, but with both my father and
wife using rolling walkers, it’s likely to happen. The vet
that did her runs a low-cost clinic that fixes strays and
releases them back out into the wild, which is great,
but doesn’t solve the problem of people dumping them.
It’s not because I startle her, she’s just likes to launch off my lap,
or misses the jump, claws her way up. My leather desk chair’s
arm rest is ruined because of that. She a sweet, lovable cat, but
as a recovering abandoned stray, she has some issues to work out.
If I reach out to pet her, she cringes, like she thinks I’m going
to hit her.
While it was ugly the first few times, I finally got my cat to
let me trim the tips of her claws with a pair of nail clippers.
She learned that after I was done, she would get a palm full of
the most expensive gourmet cat treats and lots of affection.
When I got out the clippers and rang the little bell,
she would come running and jump right into my lap.
On that note…
Sorry but you have run afoul of the principle of the difference
between cats and dogs. Briefly stated it is:
“Dogs have masters, cats have staff.”
Oh sure, I expected it, I was mainly joking about it.
Although, her jamming her face into my ass when I go
to sit on the bed is getting to be annoying…
I guess tripping me while I’m walking got boring? It’s bad enough
she likes to attack my feet while I’m sleeping, I have a bad case
of neuropathy in both feet and that REALLY hurts, even if it’s just
My problem is with a cat who just HAS to be next to my face,
purring loudly around midnight every night. I claim to be a
cat whisperer, but this boy is more stubborn than any cat I’ve
ever met before.
I hear you, she does that too, it’s as if she’s saying “HEY! wake up
That or
and pet me damnit!” I’ve heard that’s called Kitten Kisses, it’s more
like “Hey, I know you’re alive, PET ME! FEED ME!” heh.
wrapping herself around the top of our heads “for warmth”…