It takes a certain panache or je ne sais quoi to wear a hat like
that. I’m wondering what made PC outfit those guys in cholo hats.
Last installment someone asked whether those guys had officially
been named. I would suggest “goblins” but IMS that name has been
taken. How about “Gorn” from the Trek universe?
Note to “Me”, in response to a comment left on TGW-968:
“Weapons are made a purpose, and that purpose is to kill.”
No, weapons are made for a purpose: To make a profit for the manufacturer. Their
purpose is decided by the purchaser.
Sticking with guns, I have a High Standard .22 target pistol. It was manufactured
to make a profit for High Standard. I decide that it’s purpose is to punch little
holes in paper at a distance. Or tin cans, whatever.
I also have a WWII 1911 .45 handgun. It was also manufactured for a profit. It’s
original user, the officer it was issued to, may have decided that it’s purpose
was to kill, I have decided that it’s purpose now is to look nice in a display
case on my wall.
Firearms have no purpose in and of themselves. Their purpose is decided upon by
whoever is using them. Even that powerful little Ruger LCR that I carry in hot
weather is not on my hip to kill, but to stop evil. If a person comes into a
space where I am and begins shooting people, I will fire at him, and I will
continue firing at him until he stops, not until he is dead. HE has decided that the purpose of his firearm is to kill, while I
have decided that the purpose of my firearm is to defend.
Can you see the distinction? Firearms are neither good nor evil, it is the
person who wields them who is good or evil.
That is why in the Empire, any adult is free to carry any weapon they wish,
and the first time they decide to use it to do evil, they are
arrested, jailed, tried and then either imprisoned, executed, or exiled.
It is the person who decides to commit evil that is punished by having his
(or her) freedoms removed, not every citizen. No group punishment within
this Empire!
I was also badly bullied at times in school, and did have easy access to
firearms, as I worked for a gunsmith. But I was never once tempted to
carry one of them into my school to shoot a bully. That’s not something
that a reasoning person does.
In closing, I refer you to Read
what Victor says to Chirk in panel eight. That’s the philosophy of the
Empire in this matter, indeed, of every rational being.
@me, I agree with PC on the whole “gun control” thing. The number of “gun crimes” in the U.S. which are c
ommitted by honest, law abiding citizens in miniscule. IMS, something like 40% (probably more) of all
“gun crimes” are suicides. If someone wants to off themselves 1) they will find a way to do so irrespective
of any laws and 2) if they really want to off themselves I say “their body, their choice” but I do feel for the
loved ones they leave behind. If you factor out the crimes committed in a few cities – all strongholds of
the party which so stridently pushes “common sense gun control” – the U.S. has a very modest crime rate.
The most dangerous cities on the planet are all in countries where the general populace is forbidden to
own guns. I live just a couple of hours’ drive from the border with the United States of Mexico. Private
ownership of firearms is absolutely prohibited there but that does not stop the gangs and cartels from
engaging in pitched battles with police and the Mexican Army.
I have read that the difference between a “citizen” and a “subject” is the right to keep and bear
arms. I have also read that the difference between a subject and a serf is largely semantic.
more useless info… IF you take two cities out of the formula,,
(which also have the highest gun control laws.) then US drops
dramatically on that list..
oh and.. “gun crimes.” is PUSHED to the top ,, because,,. last
couple of years it has been , blunt force, or stabbing as the
number one in death…
but the highest over all is medical malpractice / drug over dose..
also to Me.
i have been shot,. stabbed,. and shot with an arrow,.
and useless info, the knife and bow were NOT considered
weapons, as they did not use gun powder…
I feel for you, Rob, and that last statement exposes the stupidity in the system.
A “weapon” is a tool used to do harm. Anything, a baseball bat, a hammer, a rock.
Some tools are designed to be weapons, they are called “arms”. Knives, bows
and spears (including frog gigs) are arms. I remember Lawdog going on a rant
about that. He doesn’t think switchblades should be outlawed, and that a
switchblade is a poor weapon compared to a hunting knife anyway. I agree.
@me: Since age and injury has stopped my ability to use my training I’ve had to resort to owning a .9mm
handgun for defense. It stays in the glove box in my car at all times. I have a Ruger 10-22 target .22LR
I carry on me whenever I go into the pastures for defense of the coyotes and other predictors. I too
have been attacked with a Baseball bat, shot at once, and have hand to hand fought gang members
and muggers alike. I have never tried to kill anyone for the sake of it nor have I wanted to end my own
life. I feel I am not an exception but the rule of gun owners and it is the control freaks not facts that
think otherwise. As far as death rates go the two highest are heart disease and cancer and if anyone noticed
three of our little group here has the latter!
I answered that post there, and should have here, sorry. And I like your answer as well
or better anyway. I will reiterate that every right carries responsibility with it. If you are
going to bear arms, you HAVE to train with them. Practice, drill, learn from others who
have the skills you need to develop. Buying a wrench set doesn’t make you a mechanic.
There is a simple solution the the gun “problem” instead of blaming gun owners and take
away their guns why don’t we teach our children IN SCHOOL how to safely use guns and
ammo. Press the safely aspect and show these kids are NOT taking the guns home it is
just to teach them how to safely use and be around them. Does it make sense?
(Que the angry protests)
Accoring to Washtington Post about one kid is shot in the US *every hour* (many of them non fatally, of course)
But I do know that we will be agree on this topic.
Just one thing: there’s other nations on this globe where people aren’t any less free than you are.
Even tho they do not have as many guns. Nor do they feel the need to have them.
Do they give an age group for “Kid”?
Many of our anti-gun folks inflate the statistics by calling anyone 21 and under a “kid” or a “child”.
How many of them were unjustifiably killed by a legal gun owner?
The devil, as always, is in the details.
The problem is not guns or gun owners, it is criminals. Punish them, leave the rest of us alone.
But gun control only affects lawful gun owners, not criminals.
And I guess perception depends on your definition of “freedom”. Maybe the people of other
nations don’t recognize the restrictions placed upon them.
As for me, personally, a lists of the freedoms I do have right now:
I have the freedom to speak my mind freely.
Does not imply I have to be right. Nor does it imply others belief in me.
I’m fine with both. More or less.
I have the right to chose among dozens of political parties to vote for.
If I don’t find any of them to my taste I can even found a new one – provided
I get enough supporters behind my cause.
Been done before with varying success.
I’d even have the right to go and buy a gun – it’s a bureaucratic nightmare,
of course but then again, everything is in my country.
I have the right to disagree with my government (on any of the various levels
from local to European), to voice these disagreements, to petition and appeal.
Of course with a varying degree of success …
I have the right to belief in any religion I chose – or to not belief in any of them.
I have the right to be with whom ever I chose and to marry them (well not quite.
Polygamy is still illegal, and of course each one involved has to be of age …)
I have the right to chose my own source of information. And pretty much unlimited
access to it.
I have the right to a fair trial, to appeal.
I have the right to be treated as any other Human being.
And many more. Many of those rights I chose not to exercise – I do have
that right, too.
So yes, that’s freedom in my book.
That fact that I would have to meet some conditions and fill out plenty
of papers if I ever felt the need to get me a weapon does not limit me
in anyway that I find relevant.
@me, here’s the thing about gun ownership here in the States. While (as I understand it) Europeans have pretty much never been armed to any great degree and so have no national tradition of being armed. The case here is RADICALLY different. From the very earliest days settlers in North America have been armed. Remember that unlike in Europe, colonists in North America were “taming” a continent and had to fend off attacks both natural and human. Contrary to current fantasy, land acquisition by conquest is something that is as old as our species – if it doesn’t predate our species. Life on the frontier was risky amd the settlers were pretty much all armed. Thus the culture and tradition of keeping and bearing arms actually predates our republic. And let’s face it, or good or ill Americas are an armed people. Outlawing gun ownership would not work. That ship has long since well and truly sailed. The tradition of firearm ownership is too deeply ingrained. But that begs the issue. Even if all lawfully possessed firearms were somehow confiscated that would not make any real difference. All it would do is make law-abiding citizens vulnerable to the predators. As I mentioned in my earlier post, Mexicans are prohibited from keeping and bearing arms. But somehow criminal elements acquire arms and ammunition in sufficient quantity to engage in battles with police and even the Mexican army. As a youtube content provider likes to put it “Criminals are going to criminal.” Oh, and BTW, I once had a police officer echo the maxim that “When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.” Supposedly there are 8 guns here in Texas for every resident. I want to know who has my other 3.
First order of business of any fascist or communist take over is to disarm the population
so that they are not able to fight back. (gun control) Then restrict the ability to move freely
or leave the country. (outrageous fuel costs) This forces the people to stay at home and
work so they can pay their “taxes”. Then outlaw group meetings and place new “taxes”
to lower the people’s base income more. Next set martial law and curfews.
During it all give manufactured reasons for every act laying blame on opposing
government figures or the population’s behavure. Any of this ring a bell?
This was a list gave to me by my late Uncle Otto when I made the mistake of asking him how
the Nazi’s took over Germany! I say mistake because it was 1979 at a family reunion took
nearly 5 hours. LOL
Despite what people in the US seem to believe, the Nazis were legally voted into power.
Sure, they used a bad situation, manipulated the situation and people further but in the end they were voted into power.
Only afterwards they made it a bloody dictatorship.
My Uncle Otto WAS a military man from Germany he was in the service of Hitler and was a member of the Nazi
movement. He left Germany because he felt they country was weak and didn’t deserve him and his kind anymore…
My grandparents were immigrants from there as well. So I heard this from the horses mouth so to speak!
I understand that you perceive things differently, and to some degree why.
I just happen to disagree with your view.
A similar example from my own country:
There’s no (general) speed limit on our highways – get yourself a car that can
go 200 mph (expensive but not impossible), find an empty highway (that’s the
tricky part) and knock yourself out.
If your feeling really really brave you can try an suggest to change this …
The uproar is about as hefty as when people suggest limiting guns in the US.
And yes, it’s about “free roads for free people” (roughly translated).
There’s no point in arguing that the roads haven’t been designed for much more
than maybe 100 mph. Or that a crash at 120 is for (roughly) times as bad as one
at 60. Or that most of the times the roads are full with slower cars.
PC, whenever I was bullied, I’d simply “take care of it”. Not with lethal force,
But with what we in the US Navy refer to as “Percussive Maintenance”.
I figured, anyone who picked a fight with me, must have had some sort of
issue that needed correcting. So, A few wacks in the right spots, and they
ceased being a problem. Of course, I had to be careful, as my temper was,
and still is, rather volatile…
Oh, truth be told, I didn’t start out the most physical, but that changed after the first few
incidents. At the end, five or six a**holes was what I considered a target rich environment.
Still lost, on occasion, but they certainly knew not to repeat their actions.
Being alone? I was a Navy Brat, so friendships usually lasted a few years, then dad would
get transferred to a new post, so new guy in the pecking order.
Ptero, ok I’ll remember that thanks PC. I can see why they never tried hats low forehead and large rear
cranium and flat-ish ears a head covering wouldn’t of been practical much less thought of. I’m sure there
are many other things the Empire has that will interest the Ptero as well!
Terran kind was isolated for much of their memory I’m sure it will take a long time to accept all of the changes
that The Fall and the Alien races have forced on them. Sadly there will always be those that refuse to accept it
and fight against the changes like Emma and Jim’s friends.
Nice hat. But I don’t really know if pink’s your color.
(Oops. Do they even have a color perception comparable to our own?)
It takes a certain panache or je ne sais quoi to wear a hat like
that. I’m wondering what made PC outfit those guys in cholo hats.
Last installment someone asked whether those guys had officially
been named. I would suggest “goblins” but IMS that name has been
taken. How about “Gorn” from the Trek universe?
Ice-Warriors maybe?
“By the moons, I honor thee”
Because it’s funny?
Their species is Ptero.
Ah, they are Pterible Lizards.
That is a Pterible groaner. Thanks for the smile.
Those particular predator sapient beings can wear whatever they want.
A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he’s not afraid of anything
Note to “Me”, in response to a comment left on TGW-968:
“Weapons are made a purpose, and that purpose is to kill.”
No, weapons are made for a purpose: To make a profit for the manufacturer. Their
purpose is decided by the purchaser.
Sticking with guns, I have a High Standard .22 target pistol. It was manufactured
to make a profit for High Standard. I decide that it’s purpose is to punch little
holes in paper at a distance. Or tin cans, whatever.
I also have a WWII 1911 .45 handgun. It was also manufactured for a profit. It’s
original user, the officer it was issued to, may have decided that it’s purpose
was to kill, I have decided that it’s purpose now is to look nice in a display
case on my wall.
Firearms have no purpose in and of themselves. Their purpose is decided upon by
whoever is using them. Even that powerful little Ruger LCR that I carry in hot
weather is not on my hip to kill, but to stop evil. If a person comes into a
space where I am and begins shooting people, I will fire at him, and I will
continue firing at him until he stops, not until he is dead.
HE has decided that the purpose of his firearm is to kill, while I
have decided that the purpose of my firearm is to defend.
Can you see the distinction? Firearms are neither good nor evil, it is the
person who wields them who is good or evil.
That is why in the Empire, any adult is free to carry any weapon they wish,
and the first time they decide to use it to do evil, they are
arrested, jailed, tried and then either imprisoned, executed, or exiled.
It is the person who decides to commit evil that is punished by having his
(or her) freedoms removed, not every citizen. No group punishment within
this Empire!
I was also badly bullied at times in school, and did have easy access to
firearms, as I worked for a gunsmith. But I was never once tempted to
carry one of them into my school to shoot a bully. That’s not something
that a reasoning person does.
In closing, I refer you to Read
what Victor says to Chirk in panel eight. That’s the philosophy of the
Empire in this matter, indeed, of every rational being.
@me, I agree with PC on the whole “gun control” thing. The number of “gun crimes” in the U.S. which are c
ommitted by honest, law abiding citizens in miniscule. IMS, something like 40% (probably more) of all
“gun crimes” are suicides. If someone wants to off themselves 1) they will find a way to do so irrespective
of any laws and 2) if they really want to off themselves I say “their body, their choice” but I do feel for the
loved ones they leave behind. If you factor out the crimes committed in a few cities – all strongholds of
the party which so stridently pushes “common sense gun control” – the U.S. has a very modest crime rate.
The most dangerous cities on the planet are all in countries where the general populace is forbidden to
own guns. I live just a couple of hours’ drive from the border with the United States of Mexico. Private
ownership of firearms is absolutely prohibited there but that does not stop the gangs and cartels from
engaging in pitched battles with police and the Mexican Army.
I have read that the difference between a “citizen” and a “subject” is the right to keep and bear
arms. I have also read that the difference between a subject and a serf is largely semantic.
more useless info… IF you take two cities out of the formula,,
(which also have the highest gun control laws.) then US drops
dramatically on that list..
oh and.. “gun crimes.” is PUSHED to the top ,, because,,. last
couple of years it has been , blunt force, or stabbing as the
number one in death…
but the highest over all is medical malpractice / drug over dose..
also to Me.
i have been shot,. stabbed,. and shot with an arrow,.
and useless info, the knife and bow were NOT considered
weapons, as they did not use gun powder…
I feel for you, Rob, and that last statement exposes the stupidity in the system.
A “weapon” is a tool used to do harm. Anything, a baseball bat, a hammer, a rock.
Some tools are designed to be weapons, they are called “arms”. Knives, bows
and spears (including frog gigs) are arms. I remember Lawdog going on a rant
about that. He doesn’t think switchblades should be outlawed, and that a
switchblade is a poor weapon compared to a hunting knife anyway. I agree.
Weird. Both knives and bow&arrow would be considered lethal weapons over here …
@me: Since age and injury has stopped my ability to use my training I’ve had to resort to owning a .9mm
handgun for defense. It stays in the glove box in my car at all times. I have a Ruger 10-22 target .22LR
I carry on me whenever I go into the pastures for defense of the coyotes and other predictors. I too
have been attacked with a Baseball bat, shot at once, and have hand to hand fought gang members
and muggers alike. I have never tried to kill anyone for the sake of it nor have I wanted to end my own
life. I feel I am not an exception but the rule of gun owners and it is the control freaks not facts that
think otherwise. As far as death rates go the two highest are heart disease and cancer and if anyone noticed
three of our little group here has the latter!
Correction: two of our group have cancer, a third may have it.
I answered that post there, and should have here, sorry. And I like your answer as well
or better anyway. I will reiterate that every right carries responsibility with it. If you are
going to bear arms, you HAVE to train with them. Practice, drill, learn from others who
have the skills you need to develop. Buying a wrench set doesn’t make you a mechanic.
There is a simple solution the the gun “problem” instead of blaming gun owners and take
away their guns why don’t we teach our children IN SCHOOL how to safely use guns and
ammo. Press the safely aspect and show these kids are NOT taking the guns home it is
just to teach them how to safely use and be around them. Does it make sense?
(Que the angry protests)
Accoring to Washtington Post about one kid is shot in the US *every hour* (many of them non fatally, of course)
But I do know that we will be agree on this topic.
Just one thing: there’s other nations on this globe where people aren’t any less free than you are.
Even tho they do not have as many guns. Nor do they feel the need to have them.
All in all there’s not more violence over here.
Do they give an age group for “Kid”?
Many of our anti-gun folks inflate the statistics by calling anyone 21 and under a “kid” or a “child”.
How many of them were unjustifiably killed by a legal gun owner?
The devil, as always, is in the details.
The problem is not guns or gun owners, it is criminals. Punish them, leave the rest of us alone.
But gun control only affects lawful gun owners, not criminals.
And I guess perception depends on your definition of “freedom”. Maybe the people of other
nations don’t recognize the restrictions placed upon them.
As for me, personally, a lists of the freedoms I do have right now:
I have the freedom to speak my mind freely.
Does not imply I have to be right. Nor does it imply others belief in me.
I’m fine with both. More or less.
I have the right to chose among dozens of political parties to vote for.
If I don’t find any of them to my taste I can even found a new one – provided
I get enough supporters behind my cause.
Been done before with varying success.
I’d even have the right to go and buy a gun – it’s a bureaucratic nightmare,
of course but then again, everything is in my country.
I have the right to disagree with my government (on any of the various levels
from local to European), to voice these disagreements, to petition and appeal.
Of course with a varying degree of success …
I have the right to belief in any religion I chose – or to not belief in any of them.
I have the right to be with whom ever I chose and to marry them (well not quite.
Polygamy is still illegal, and of course each one involved has to be of age …)
I have the right to chose my own source of information. And pretty much unlimited
access to it.
I have the right to a fair trial, to appeal.
I have the right to be treated as any other Human being.
And many more. Many of those rights I chose not to exercise – I do have
that right, too.
So yes, that’s freedom in my book.
That fact that I would have to meet some conditions and fill out plenty
of papers if I ever felt the need to get me a weapon does not limit me
in anyway that I find relevant.
@me, here’s the thing about gun ownership here in the States. While (as I understand it) Europeans have pretty much never been armed to any great degree and so have no national tradition of being armed. The case here is RADICALLY different. From the very earliest days settlers in North America have been armed. Remember that unlike in Europe, colonists in North America were “taming” a continent and had to fend off attacks both natural and human. Contrary to current fantasy, land acquisition by conquest is something that is as old as our species – if it doesn’t predate our species. Life on the frontier was risky amd the settlers were pretty much all armed. Thus the culture and tradition of keeping and bearing arms actually predates our republic. And let’s face it, or good or ill Americas are an armed people. Outlawing gun ownership would not work. That ship has long since well and truly sailed. The tradition of firearm ownership is too deeply ingrained. But that begs the issue. Even if all lawfully possessed firearms were somehow confiscated that would not make any real difference. All it would do is make law-abiding citizens vulnerable to the predators. As I mentioned in my earlier post, Mexicans are prohibited from keeping and bearing arms. But somehow criminal elements acquire arms and ammunition in sufficient quantity to engage in battles with police and even the Mexican army. As a youtube content provider likes to put it “Criminals are going to criminal.” Oh, and BTW, I once had a police officer echo the maxim that “When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.” Supposedly there are 8 guns here in Texas for every resident. I want to know who has my other 3.
First order of business of any fascist or communist take over is to disarm the population
so that they are not able to fight back. (gun control) Then restrict the ability to move freely
or leave the country. (outrageous fuel costs) This forces the people to stay at home and
work so they can pay their “taxes”. Then outlaw group meetings and place new “taxes”
to lower the people’s base income more. Next set martial law and curfews.
During it all give manufactured reasons for every act laying blame on opposing
government figures or the population’s behavure. Any of this ring a bell?
This was a list gave to me by my late Uncle Otto when I made the mistake of asking him how
the Nazi’s took over Germany! I say mistake because it was 1979 at a family reunion took
nearly 5 hours. LOL
Despite what people in the US seem to believe, the Nazis were legally voted into power.
Sure, they used a bad situation, manipulated the situation and people further but in the end they were voted into power.
Only afterwards they made it a bloody dictatorship.
My Uncle Otto WAS a military man from Germany he was in the service of Hitler and was a member of the Nazi
movement. He left Germany because he felt they country was weak and didn’t deserve him and his kind anymore…
My grandparents were immigrants from there as well. So I heard this from the horses mouth so to speak!
I understand that you perceive things differently, and to some degree why.
I just happen to disagree with your view.
A similar example from my own country:
There’s no (general) speed limit on our highways – get yourself a car that can
go 200 mph (expensive but not impossible), find an empty highway (that’s the
tricky part) and knock yourself out.
If your feeling really really brave you can try an suggest to change this …
The uproar is about as hefty as when people suggest limiting guns in the US.
And yes, it’s about “free roads for free people” (roughly translated).
There’s no point in arguing that the roads haven’t been designed for much more
than maybe 100 mph. Or that a crash at 120 is for (roughly) times as bad as one
at 60. Or that most of the times the roads are full with slower cars.
PC, whenever I was bullied, I’d simply “take care of it”. Not with lethal force,
But with what we in the US Navy refer to as “Percussive Maintenance”.
I figured, anyone who picked a fight with me, must have had some sort of
issue that needed correcting. So, A few wacks in the right spots, and they
ceased being a problem. Of course, I had to be careful, as my temper was,
and still is, rather volatile…
Didn’t quite work for me as I’ve never been exactly the most physical guy
(In fact one of the reasons they did pick me to bully).
Also, there’s usually been 5 or 6 of them, and I was alone …
Oh, truth be told, I didn’t start out the most physical, but that changed after the first few
incidents. At the end, five or six a**holes was what I considered a target rich environment.
Still lost, on occasion, but they certainly knew not to repeat their actions.
Being alone? I was a Navy Brat, so friendships usually lasted a few years, then dad would
get transferred to a new post, so new guy in the pecking order.
Ptero, ok I’ll remember that thanks PC. I can see why they never tried hats low forehead and large rear
cranium and flat-ish ears a head covering wouldn’t of been practical much less thought of. I’m sure there
are many other things the Empire has that will interest the Ptero as well!
Terran kind was isolated for much of their memory I’m sure it will take a long time to accept all of the changes
that The Fall and the Alien races have forced on them. Sadly there will always be those that refuse to accept it
and fight against the changes like Emma and Jim’s friends.