Something tells me that Jenna wishes that draught she just downed WASN’T just tea!
I cannot see how any functional adult male could be sexually attracted to an 8-year-old.
Hell! I’m not all that big on thin, small breasted women! Although I would make an
exception for Diana Rigg (Emma Peel) and Amy Acker (Fred).;)
The Empire does not believe in making other people suffer so that it can maintain some
sort of moral “high ground”.
It’s all well and good to claim “I’d never torture a living being”, but when your prisoner
has a nuke buried somewhere in a major city and it’s set to go off in less than 24 hours,
well… fetch me my tools.
That’s an extreme example, in this case psyops should be enough.
“If you sink to their level, the terrorists win!” Well, then, they win either way, but which
way does the least damage to those that you are responsible for?
Had to go back a ways to pick up the thread George referenced. Mustafa was one of the two brothers
who were going to set off an ANFO bomb in front of an important meeting at Gary’s. From that
incident along with the way the Legion “handled” those guys to get the info on that gang in
the Black community I would opine that the Empire is pretty much down with “enhanced interrogation”.
Not that I expect those two wussies to need to have their interrogation “enhanced” all that much.
To all of my readers and commenters, thank you and merry Christmas.
You are who keep me going, I’m glad you enjoy my storytelling.
I enjoy reading your comments.
I hope I’ve created a world that we’d all like to live in.
Yeah, she LOOKS like an 8-year-old. But that’s a statement about the clientele
they were looking for, and found. The AIs are ALL little more than toddlers,
regardless of the shell they’ve been put in, and THAT’s a statement about them.
I’m surprised Cpt Chardis is stooping to and proudly wearing piracy, when it’s
obvious that this ship was no danger to them. I assumed Catia’s Pride was born
in orbit and couldn’t make planetfall. Of course, she may just be requesting
permission to land her shuttle and some of the fighters.
I’m wondering just how much weight we can put in Kataar’s picture of known
civilization way back when. The way I see it, if it’s shown or the author narrates
it, it’s canon barring a retcon. If a character says it, it’s either true in his point of
view or to the best of his knowledge, or it’s a lie. The few glimpses we’ve seen
into the culture of the Southern Worlds is considerably different than Lamia (was),
and Lamia has the Bookists. And these Inner World folks don’t really seem to be
on a much higher moral plane.
Merry Christmas to all.
It is the same, celebrated or not – it happened and I am eternally grateful.
May it bring the Best there is to the best in everybody.
Chaplain (LTC) Ned Moore, US Army, Retired.
(Comes to attention, salutes, relaxes)
And a Merry Christmas to every veteran out there, past present and future. Living and deceased.
Pleased to meet you, Lieutenant Col Moore. Or should it be “Padre” Moore?
SSG Woodman here, USArmy, Retired, Signal Corps.
It was fun while it lasted (78-98), but I wouldn’t want to be “in” right now.
Merry Christmas to all here! Most especially to our host who tells such wonderful stories.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christ-Mass to all you Basket of Deplorables out there!
Something tells me that Jenna wishes that draught she just downed WASN’T just tea!
I cannot see how any functional adult male could be sexually attracted to an 8-year-old.
Hell! I’m not all that big on thin, small breasted women! Although I would make an
exception for Diana Rigg (Emma Peel) and Amy Acker (Fred).;)
Bill, to me it’s not “thin” or “small breasted”, but maturity. And an 8 y.o. is nowhere near mature in any sense of the word.
“You bastards.”
I have to wonder if this is true berserker rage (justified), or a well rehearsed psyop to extract intel from Smith & Jones.
I’m sure that torture isn’t an Empire thing. BUT! There are times when,
“Yer Honor, he needed killin’ ” becomes a valid defense.
You would have to ask Belinda to be sure about the Empire’s torture policy –
The Empire does not believe in making other people suffer so that it can maintain some
sort of moral “high ground”.
It’s all well and good to claim “I’d never torture a living being”, but when your prisoner
has a nuke buried somewhere in a major city and it’s set to go off in less than 24 hours,
well… fetch me my tools.
That’s an extreme example, in this case psyops should be enough.
“If you sink to their level, the terrorists win!” Well, then, they win either way, but which
way does the least damage to those that you are responsible for?
I learned at an early age that if you take the “moral high ground”
and don’t take the right “steps”, it will cost you dearly and forever.
Had to go back a ways to pick up the thread George referenced. Mustafa was one of the two brothers
who were going to set off an ANFO bomb in front of an important meeting at Gary’s. From that
incident along with the way the Legion “handled” those guys to get the info on that gang in
the Black community I would opine that the Empire is pretty much down with “enhanced interrogation”.
Not that I expect those two wussies to need to have their interrogation “enhanced” all that much.
To all of my readers and commenters, thank you and merry Christmas.
You are who keep me going, I’m glad you enjoy my storytelling.
I enjoy reading your comments.
I hope I’ve created a world that we’d all like to live in.
“and yet, we just did”
Great line Catman
I like this captain.
The depths some folk sink can make it difficult to remember the heights which we can reach :{
Captain Chardis is sooo enjoying being on top for a change!
Yeah, she LOOKS like an 8-year-old. But that’s a statement about the clientele
they were looking for, and found. The AIs are ALL little more than toddlers,
regardless of the shell they’ve been put in, and THAT’s a statement about them.
I’m surprised Cpt Chardis is stooping to and proudly wearing piracy, when it’s
obvious that this ship was no danger to them. I assumed Catia’s Pride was born
in orbit and couldn’t make planetfall. Of course, she may just be requesting
permission to land her shuttle and some of the fighters.
I’m wondering just how much weight we can put in Kataar’s picture of known
civilization way back when. The way I see it, if it’s shown or the author narrates
it, it’s canon barring a retcon. If a character says it, it’s either true in his point of
view or to the best of his knowledge, or it’s a lie. The few glimpses we’ve seen
into the culture of the Southern Worlds is considerably different than Lamia (was),
and Lamia has the Bookists. And these Inner World folks don’t really seem to be
on a much higher moral plane.
“With great authority comes great responsibility.”
Most other governments:
“With great authority comes great opportunity.”
Oh, and there is a reason Captain Chardis is playing it this way. You’ll see.
Oh, and peace and joy to you all, regardless of the midwinter festival you celebrate.
Merry Christmas to all.
It is the same, celebrated or not – it happened and I am eternally grateful.
May it bring the Best there is to the best in everybody.
Chaplain (LTC) Ned Moore, US Army, Retired.
(Comes to attention, salutes, relaxes)
And a Merry Christmas to every veteran out there, past present and future. Living and deceased.
Pleased to meet you, Lieutenant Col Moore. Or should it be “Padre” Moore?
SSG Woodman here, USArmy, Retired, Signal Corps.
It was fun while it lasted (78-98), but I wouldn’t want to be “in” right now.