TerEsa needs to stay at Teresa’s house (out of sight)
and mimic her moves,, and use the same products..
since she don’t sweat, eating and drinking would
be a moot point…
Well, that’s an easy out for him, and a sure-fire way to shut him up.
I think he’s getting off easy, and I hope for his sake he knows it!
Ah so TeReesa is part of the plan to end the Puufti’s BS for good.
Taritha makes a valid point, it might be a dead give-away. Here’s
a thought, maybe the answer to the android heat problem is in
the fact they “breathe” and their internals can be water-proofed?
Perhaps a recirculating coolant inside their bodies that is passed
through their “lungs” to allow for more rapid cooling? I seen that
used in movies and books where an android is damaged and were
leaking coolant.
I’m just saying if they used a coolant and replaced
the “lungs” with liquid coolant heat ex-changers,
it would be more effective.
Just don’t let them breathe on you heh.
Panting should speed the process.
Now they should send operatives to hound him: ‘random’ civilians
who seem to ‘know’ something about him and can he give them
more information?
For shits and giggles of course.
And the Grand Poofti should consider himself lucky that
he doesn’t become ‘late-breaking’ news, as in, the walls
literally hitting him in the back as he begins speaking.
Heh, true, they may have to keep tabs on the guy for a while.
If I’m reading the vibe right,
TeReesa is going to be “captured” to bring him out of hiding,
and then “bad things” will start happening.
Jeff Dunham said it best with Akmed:
He’s over there, a little there, and up there”
I’m very disappointed. I was hoping Dumcan (thank you, Scars) would
have to fess up in front of the chicks he was trying to do and be totally
humiliated all while having to admit he was never in service at all! So,
WAS Dumcam actually in service after all? Was there an op on Catia
that went south as Mistral implied? I’m a tad confused.
BTW; I have some thoughts on the Mandela effect,
time travel paradoxes, The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle,
and even Schrodinger’s Cat.
In short; the multiverse not only exists,
but we all live in multiple timelines at the same time.
Trust me, that, along with the associated Hypothesis
that this idea is based upon, gives me such headaches,
you would not believe it.
The worst part? I think I might have figured out the overlap
between Classical Physics and Quantum Physics,
that violates neither,
and explains the overlap In a way that actually makes sense.
And no, I’m not being a braggart on this one.
It’s taken me the better part of sixty years to piece this together.
My next problem? Finding someone who Knows the math
enough to convert this into a testable theory…
as i see it. NO… not in service or “secret OP.”
G.A.M. saw it, and ran with it.!
up till now,. this has been a farce,
but the way it was done is actually legal…
(for a ‘field expedient general court-martial.’)
He is guilty of stolen valor. He knows it.
He does NOT know that the operation he thought he
made up but now believes was real was never real.
He can never ask anyone either, as it’s “quote-unquote”
a Top Secret Ultra operation.
He believes he has a death sentence hanging over his
head, though in truth he does not, since there were
not the required number of (real) officers on the court
martial panel.
He will probably be falling all over himself to admit he
never served, lest anyone even think it possible, and
he risk someone claiming he claimed service and the
“death sentence” become instantly enforceable.
real officers were 3.. and for an old (pre 1920) field expedient courts-martial.
all you needed was a Captain 0-6 or higher, so i think a OF-10 has that covered.
and burden of proof, IE: someone records all that happens.
Oh. I thought they needed three officers on the panel, and Jehan wasn’t.
Cissy was US Navy, but not imperial military, and Yato was like Jehan,
not military of any rank.
It was all just a prank, with dark undertones to put Dumcan in
the right mind set for the rest of his life. I still think a few years
in the Legion might straighten him out, and maybe earn him some
valor he can brag about, but if he sees the beast, I doubt he would.
The Legion see it often, so Dumcan might actually become a man.
Like I said above,
I thought they needed three officers ON the panel.
I was not including Cissy since she was acting as the prosecutor,
and Jehan is not military, past or present.
He already tried to come clean, his “JAG officer” shot him down fast,
flat out telling him it’s too late to lie his way out (AKA come clean)
about it all. Clearly Missy did NOT want him to get a free pass, that
he had to think he’s straight up dead if he ever tried this again. I
loved the part of putting a stay on his execution because of the
“trauma” he felt during the failed mission he was never on. Dumcan,
trade in those fake cammos for a bib overalls and go work on a farm,
use those muscles for good, I hear sheep are handy for some things
As long as PC is okay, that is all that matters.
The news reports are not good for some places.
We are getting the wind effects here in Ontario, Can.
Good luck to all.
I was wondering that as well, I seen footage of Florida,
my father’s stressed about his sister again. PC might have
gotten rain and some of the winds, knocking out his power
for a time. I know the rain/winds have hit me here, we has
a tree fall in the resting pasture, so I had to kill the power
to it until the weather settles down. I am NOT messing
with a hot fence in the rain and dark, so I closed them up
in the main pasture where they have shelter.
I’m too old for this shit…
The storm seems centered on Kentucky and southern Indiana,
PC’s area just show mild rain and iffy winds now. With luck,
he might be back tomorrow or Sunday, depending on how
much damage in the area and how long repairs will take.
Hadn’t thought about the hurricane. I don’t really pay attention to them
unless they come into the Gulf. I read something about a storm head-
ing towards the east coast but only heard about it due to it impacting
the launch of the next Crew Dragon launch to the ISS. Anybody heard
from the Catman? Is he okay? It apparently doesn’t take much for him
to lose power and internet.
Also, what happened in Tennessee? JohnnyB was filming outside on
his laptop for his regular “Spicy Friday”. Looked like flooding in his part
of the state. We haven’t had so much as a drizzle here in South Texas.
Not even when they had storms near SpaceX’s Starbase.
I would agree, but lets face it, it’s Dumcan! A few drinks
and he’d blab it to the pinup picture on the wall,
much less anything that walks and has boobs.
I was hoping he’d THINK he had to go there for his punishment.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
TerEsa needs a set of Polish Hussar calvary wings.
Very distinctive, and will send a message (an insult)
to every muzzie who sees it.
(see wiki link a couple of pages back, with sub-link
to the Siege of Vienna, 1683, breaking the back
of the Ottoman excursion into Europe)
They are impressive, but if she’s using them to aid in cooling,
she needs surface area for it to work well. which is why I
brought up the idea of liquid cooling for the ‘droids. I’ve
burned a finger on a stock CPU heat sink, but never on a
liquid cooled one. (when my son failed to keep that tower
clean that I rebuilt for him)
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Make the wings hollow, liquid filled,
w/ small fins (like the early Thompson sub guns).
May not be as much thermal exchange as the
bat wings, but part of it is the slap-in-your-face
symbolism of stopping the Ottomans from creating
a Europe caliphate.
This is the current news report for the area out of Atlanta,
it’s over 10 hours long though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvgpaumXS08
Mostly looks like downed power lines,
so I’m sure a lack of power and internet
is why he’s not back.
We didn’t get a lot of rain, but those winds!
Lost power and internet around 0100 Friday morning.
My generator stuttered a few minutes ago, running out of fuel.
I was in the shed, having shut it down, preparing to add more,
when the lights came back on. The bright side is,
I can store my gasoline generator with an empty fuel tank.
My home is intact, no damage at all. None of my trees down.
I was luckier than some. All roads out were blocked by fallen trees.
Not that there was anywhere to go, anyway.
But I’d just spent $400 on groceries so recently that some were
still in my minivan. All my frozen and cold food came through
intact because – generator!
Now I just have to clean up a bunch of extension cords,
put some books away,and other small stuff. Got a lot of reading done.
By flashlight, mostly.
And I can eat again! (I’m on a well, no power means no water,
no toilet… No A/C, no shower, I’m ripe!
I did have ten gallons of distilled water, so when I had the
generator on, I had hot coffee. Thank you, Briggs and Stratton!
I am so grateful that things weren’t much worse.
Thank you all for your well-wishes and concern. And thanks, Rob,
for the update for everyone.
I hadn’t realized it was so bad for other people here.
My wife and I are both glad to hear it,
and it makes the case I had ongoing with
the wife about spending the money on a
generator for ourselves.
(mostly about her needing new clothes,
me as well but for me? meh…)
I found a NICE Briggs and Stratton inverter generator in a
pawnshop for cheap. It was after a hurricane scare, and
people were getting rid of the ones they’d panic-bought.
Took it in for precautionary service, the dealer said it
didn’t need it. Had less than an hour on it. After a panic
is a good time to pick up survival supplies cheap.
I’ll look around, most of the local shops gouge their prices like mad.
we’ll need more than one as well, total we have 5 freezers and
2 fridges thanks to the hundreds of pounds of beef we get from a
steer. I’m more worried abut keeping both my wife and father’s oxy
machines fed power than anything.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
It depends on what you prioritize, all I could suggest is read the info
sticker, all wattage use shown is in kw per hour, get the wattage
rating on everything you want to run on the generator, add it up,
and that’s the ideal wattage you’d need. my wife’s oxy machine uses
468 watts, as does my fathers, so I have to at least have a 1200 to
1500 generator. Always have a bit of wiggle room, anything you turn
on (including women) have a surge you need to account for 😉
All I hoped for, better than I feared. I feel silly welcoming
you back to your own place, but thanks for letting us
know a power outage was the worst of it for you.
That is true PC, but you are the reason we all
hang around here and pester each other 😛
Like myself, this is as much fun as my old bar
hang-outs without a cover charge and the morning
after hangovers 🙂 Or the bar fights… don’t miss
them at all.
Good to hear! Very glad for minimal damage. Future reference you
might want to lay in a store of extra gas for the ginnie the next time
there’s a storm approaching. Unfortunately gas goes bad after just
a couple of months sitting in a can or fuel tank. Whenever I first get
the mower out of the shed in the.spring I always have to drain the
tank and carb and put in fresh fuel otherwise the thing flat out won’t
There’s a product called “Stable” that greatly reduces the
breakdown of gas, but also reduces the octane level. So
come spring I add some octane boost to the tank and cans
to counter that. Just a couple of cap-fulls does the trick.
We use a lot of gas and diesel so it’s a trick I learned.
TerEsa needs to stay at Teresa’s house (out of sight)
and mimic her moves,, and use the same products..
since she don’t sweat, eating and drinking would
be a moot point…
True, just a power outlet and a
3x3x6 foot closet would work,
if she had to hide for any period of time.
Or a small walk-in freezer/refrigerator.
Well, that’s an easy out for him, and a sure-fire way to shut him up.
I think he’s getting off easy, and I hope for his sake he knows it!
Ah so TeReesa is part of the plan to end the Puufti’s BS for good.
Taritha makes a valid point, it might be a dead give-away. Here’s
a thought, maybe the answer to the android heat problem is in
the fact they “breathe” and their internals can be water-proofed?
Perhaps a recirculating coolant inside their bodies that is passed
through their “lungs” to allow for more rapid cooling? I seen that
used in movies and books where an android is damaged and were
leaking coolant.
AI’s are waterproof.. Crystal the little AI explained in
smoked sausages…
I’m just saying if they used a coolant and replaced
the “lungs” with liquid coolant heat ex-changers,
it would be more effective.
Just don’t let them breathe on you heh.
Panting should speed the process.
Water works ok for heat transfer, but something like window
cleaner or antifreeze works much better. That one CPU water
cooler I had suggested Windex.
And I’m talking about a closed system,
where you don’t need to refill daily.
Oh, bravo! He gets to keep breathing, but has an excellent
incentive to not try and pull that stolen valor bs again.
Now they should send operatives to hound him: ‘random’ civilians
who seem to ‘know’ something about him and can he give them
more information?
For shits and giggles of course.
And the Grand Poofti should consider himself lucky that
he doesn’t become ‘late-breaking’ news, as in, the walls
literally hitting him in the back as he begins speaking.
Heh, true, they may have to keep tabs on the guy for a while.
If I’m reading the vibe right,
TeReesa is going to be “captured” to bring him out of hiding,
and then “bad things” will start happening.
Jeff Dunham said it best with Akmed:
He’s over there, a little there, and up there”
(Eeewww… it’s dripping… How can it be dripping?!?)
I’m very disappointed. I was hoping Dumcan (thank you, Scars) would
have to fess up in front of the chicks he was trying to do and be totally
humiliated all while having to admit he was never in service at all! So,
WAS Dumcam actually in service after all? Was there an op on Catia
that went south as Mistral implied? I’m a tad confused.
Could be Mandela Effect. 😉
Induced Mandela Effect?
BTW; I have some thoughts on the Mandela effect,
time travel paradoxes, The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle,
and even Schrodinger’s Cat.
In short; the multiverse not only exists,
but we all live in multiple timelines at the same time.
Trust me, that, along with the associated Hypothesis
that this idea is based upon, gives me such headaches,
you would not believe it.
The worst part? I think I might have figured out the overlap
between Classical Physics and Quantum Physics,
that violates neither,
and explains the overlap In a way that actually makes sense.
And no, I’m not being a braggart on this one.
It’s taken me the better part of sixty years to piece this together.
My next problem? Finding someone who Knows the math
enough to convert this into a testable theory…
I have a great deal of that worked into my sci-fi / fantasy writing 😀
as i see it. NO… not in service or “secret OP.”
G.A.M. saw it, and ran with it.!
up till now,. this has been a farce,
but the way it was done is actually legal…
(for a ‘field expedient general court-martial.’)
Here’s my take on it:
He is guilty of stolen valor. He knows it.
He does NOT know that the operation he thought he
made up but now believes was real was never real.
He can never ask anyone either, as it’s “quote-unquote”
a Top Secret Ultra operation.
He believes he has a death sentence hanging over his
head, though in truth he does not, since there were
not the required number of (real) officers on the court
martial panel.
He will probably be falling all over himself to admit he
never served, lest anyone even think it possible, and
he risk someone claiming he claimed service and the
“death sentence” become instantly enforceable.
real officers were 3.. and for an old (pre 1920) field expedient courts-martial.
all you needed was a Captain 0-6 or higher, so i think a OF-10 has that covered.
and burden of proof, IE: someone records all that happens.
Oh. I thought they needed three officers on the panel, and Jehan wasn’t.
Cissy was US Navy, but not imperial military, and Yato was like Jehan,
not military of any rank.
It was all just a prank, with dark undertones to put Dumcan in
the right mind set for the rest of his life. I still think a few years
in the Legion might straighten him out, and maybe earn him some
valor he can brag about, but if he sees the beast, I doubt he would.
The Legion see it often, so Dumcan might actually become a man.
3 officers, G.A.M.. Angel (reserve). Cecilia Ambrosia USN (0-1).
yes, the board/panel can use foreign officers.
modern board requires five officers.
Like I said above,
I thought they needed three officers ON the panel.
I was not including Cissy since she was acting as the prosecutor,
and Jehan is not military, past or present.
He already tried to come clean, his “JAG officer” shot him down fast,
flat out telling him it’s too late to lie his way out (AKA come clean)
about it all. Clearly Missy did NOT want him to get a free pass, that
he had to think he’s straight up dead if he ever tried this again. I
loved the part of putting a stay on his execution because of the
“trauma” he felt during the failed mission he was never on. Dumcan,
trade in those fake cammos for a bib overalls and go work on a farm,
use those muscles for good, I hear sheep are handy for some things
Heh, Your welcome Bill, I always did have a gift for insults 🙂
Something my father passed on to me 😉
just a heads up… we might not get an update.!
have not heard any from PC. but he is/was in the path.
so here’s hoping all is well.!!
As long as PC is okay, that is all that matters.
The news reports are not good for some places.
We are getting the wind effects here in Ontario, Can.
Good luck to all.
I was wondering that as well, I seen footage of Florida,
my father’s stressed about his sister again. PC might have
gotten rain and some of the winds, knocking out his power
for a time. I know the rain/winds have hit me here, we has
a tree fall in the resting pasture, so I had to kill the power
to it until the weather settles down. I am NOT messing
with a hot fence in the rain and dark, so I closed them up
in the main pasture where they have shelter.
I’m too old for this shit…
The storm seems centered on Kentucky and southern Indiana,
PC’s area just show mild rain and iffy winds now. With luck,
he might be back tomorrow or Sunday, depending on how
much damage in the area and how long repairs will take.
Hadn’t thought about the hurricane. I don’t really pay attention to them
unless they come into the Gulf. I read something about a storm head-
ing towards the east coast but only heard about it due to it impacting
the launch of the next Crew Dragon launch to the ISS. Anybody heard
from the Catman? Is he okay? It apparently doesn’t take much for him
to lose power and internet.
Also, what happened in Tennessee? JohnnyB was filming outside on
his laptop for his regular “Spicy Friday”. Looked like flooding in his part
of the state. We haven’t had so much as a drizzle here in South Texas.
Not even when they had storms near SpaceX’s Starbase.
Agreed. Main concern is PC’s well-being. Let us know when you can.
I wonder, did Missy go off script in panel four?
The look on Minka’s face says so.
I wondered that too, Might have been she wanted him
to go to the legion as well! Heh… 😛
I’m disappointed he is not joining the Legion
Same here, but you never know, he might join on his own.
Would the Legion even take him,
muscle-bound poser that he is?
They do have standards, you know.
Well, since it is not a real conviction, they couldn’t legitimately
sentence him to that.
Scars & Bill – Yes, he might join on his own, but they shouldn’t
know (officially, anyway) about any of this.
I would agree, but lets face it, it’s Dumcan! A few drinks
and he’d blab it to the pinup picture on the wall,
much less anything that walks and has boobs.
I was hoping he’d THINK he had to go there for his punishment.
TerEsa needs a set of Polish Hussar calvary wings.
Very distinctive, and will send a message (an insult)
to every muzzie who sees it.
(see wiki link a couple of pages back, with sub-link
to the Siege of Vienna, 1683, breaking the back
of the Ottoman excursion into Europe)
They are impressive, but if she’s using them to aid in cooling,
she needs surface area for it to work well. which is why I
brought up the idea of liquid cooling for the ‘droids. I’ve
burned a finger on a stock CPU heat sink, but never on a
liquid cooled one. (when my son failed to keep that tower
clean that I rebuilt for him)
Make the wings hollow, liquid filled,
w/ small fins (like the early Thompson sub guns).
May not be as much thermal exchange as the
bat wings, but part of it is the slap-in-your-face
symbolism of stopping the Ottomans from creating
a Europe caliphate.
Guy’s, it might be a while before we hear from PC, these are shots from his town:
Guys, it might be a while before we hear from PC, these are shots from his town:
well shit, my face is red, this is from 2 years ago.
This is the current news report for the area out of Atlanta,
it’s over 10 hours long though:
Mostly looks like downed power lines,
so I’m sure a lack of power and internet
is why he’s not back.
We didn’t get a lot of rain, but those winds!
Lost power and internet around 0100 Friday morning.
My generator stuttered a few minutes ago, running out of fuel.
I was in the shed, having shut it down, preparing to add more,
when the lights came back on. The bright side is,
I can store my gasoline generator with an empty fuel tank.
My home is intact, no damage at all. None of my trees down.
I was luckier than some. All roads out were blocked by fallen trees.
Not that there was anywhere to go, anyway.
But I’d just spent $400 on groceries so recently that some were
still in my minivan. All my frozen and cold food came through
intact because – generator!
Now I just have to clean up a bunch of extension cords,
put some books away,and other small stuff. Got a lot of reading done.
By flashlight, mostly.
And I can eat again! (I’m on a well, no power means no water,
no toilet… No A/C, no shower, I’m ripe!
I did have ten gallons of distilled water, so when I had the
generator on, I had hot coffee. Thank you, Briggs and Stratton!
I am so grateful that things weren’t much worse.
Thank you all for your well-wishes and concern. And thanks, Rob,
for the update for everyone.
I hadn’t realized it was so bad for other people here.
Monday’s comic will be up on schedule.
glad all is well… prayers for the others.!
I for one am very glad you came through it okay.
See you Monday.
My wife and I are both glad to hear it,
and it makes the case I had ongoing with
the wife about spending the money on a
generator for ourselves.
(mostly about her needing new clothes,
me as well but for me? meh…)
I found a NICE Briggs and Stratton inverter generator in a
pawnshop for cheap. It was after a hurricane scare, and
people were getting rid of the ones they’d panic-bought.
Took it in for precautionary service, the dealer said it
didn’t need it. Had less than an hour on it. After a panic
is a good time to pick up survival supplies cheap.
It was worth it, the generator cost me less than
the food in my refrigerator and freezer is worth.
It sips gasoline, too.
I’ll look around, most of the local shops gouge their prices like mad.
we’ll need more than one as well, total we have 5 freezers and
2 fridges thanks to the hundreds of pounds of beef we get from a
steer. I’m more worried abut keeping both my wife and father’s oxy
machines fed power than anything.
How big (Kw) is it?
Been debating one for our house.
It depends on what you prioritize, all I could suggest is read the info
sticker, all wattage use shown is in kw per hour, get the wattage
rating on everything you want to run on the generator, add it up,
and that’s the ideal wattage you’d need. my wife’s oxy machine uses
468 watts, as does my fathers, so I have to at least have a 1200 to
1500 generator. Always have a bit of wiggle room, anything you turn
on (including women) have a surge you need to account for 😉
BTW she does read the comic, but too shy to say hi I guess.
But if you think MY typing is bad….
All I hoped for, better than I feared. I feel silly welcoming
you back to your own place, but thanks for letting us
know a power outage was the worst of it for you.
This is as much your place as it is mine.
That is true PC, but you are the reason we all
hang around here and pester each other 😛
Like myself, this is as much fun as my old bar
hang-outs without a cover charge and the morning
after hangovers 🙂 Or the bar fights… don’t miss
them at all.
Good to hear! Very glad for minimal damage. Future reference you
might want to lay in a store of extra gas for the ginnie the next time
there’s a storm approaching. Unfortunately gas goes bad after just
a couple of months sitting in a can or fuel tank. Whenever I first get
the mower out of the shed in the.spring I always have to drain the
tank and carb and put in fresh fuel otherwise the thing flat out won’t
There’s a product called “Stable” that greatly reduces the
breakdown of gas, but also reduces the octane level. So
come spring I add some octane boost to the tank and cans
to counter that. Just a couple of cap-fulls does the trick.
We use a lot of gas and diesel so it’s a trick I learned.
Somehow I broke my monitor, I can still use it but it’s giving me a headache:

I’ve ordered a replacement.
Today’s update will be up on time,though.
Whew. Today’s page is up!