I don’t think that’s how an alligator kills. If my memory serves, it will hold it’s
prey underwater until it drowns, then stuff it’s carcass under some roots until
it decomposes enough to be appetizing. To an alligator, at least.
Which is probably not a better way to die, come to think of it.
Crocs do that, gators tend to shake their victims violently
until they either die or pass out. Also gators do the “death roll”,
not sure about crocs, Well other than they are ugly shoes
Eh, NG and the Discovery channel. That big boy looks like a croc,
wider mouth and heavier body. They are strong enough to just
drag ’em down, gators are not as big and have leaner jaws, so they
latch on, thrash around, and then roll.
Swamps are everywhere, I used to ride off-road by one all the time,
While that is true Bill, There are places that are dealing with dumped
animals that people thought would make a good pet until they
needed stitches. My kid sister worked in animal control, she and 5
others had to deal with a 20ft boa when they raided a pet store for
selling a rare albino snake that was VERY poisonous. People dump
unwanted Pets all the time, wouldn’t surprise me if it was someone’s
pet that got too big too fast for them. If they survive and find
someone to love, well, just ask Australia…
Even Texas has swamps. The largest of those is Caddo Lake,
the only natural lake in Texas, that has been the location of
filming for any number of swamp scenes in movies. And
there are plenty of swampy places in the piney woods in East Texas.
The one I’m talking about is on the south end of a major lake,
someone had thought (in the1900s) it was a good idea to
run railroad tracks through it, during a rather very wet spring,
a train was coming through and the tracks sank, dumping the
entire train into the swamp and the engine sank in the muck.
They tried to recover it, after digging down 50ft, they gave up.
Instead they opening the hole to the lake. extending it’s size
by 1/3… which increased tourist trade and such. Kills me it’s
where they also setup ice mining. Green ice anyone?
north central Arkansas,,. but this is a parallel earth..
we know lake of the Ozarks is to the north, Texas is west.
and the area around ‘Sylamore’ matches quite a bit.
to the south east is Myersville. and south there is a
spillway,. if that failed, for about ten miles would be
oh and Mountain home Ar. didn’t want the nuke plant in
backyard, (3 mile island) so they looked to put in the
remote area of Optimus,, not to far from Sylamore…
Well, on the upside he didn’t have a chance to get sick from the water AND
he didn’t have to worry about possibly getting blood poisoning from the
wound to his knee AND he didn’t have to suffer on account of that wound.
All in all I think he came out ahead – except for the whole being eaten by
an alligator thing. (Who says I’m not a positive person?)
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Yep. He came out “a-head” alright.
Just as he was losing his.
(I’m looking for the Red Queen off
to one side saying, “OFF WITH HIS….”
aaand you know the rest. LOL)
I figured as much, when are these people going learn that
the Empire wants nothing outside of you helping yourself?
And of course paying it both back AND forward. Now maybe
they can stop hiding in such a wrecked setting and live with
the others?
Ah yes, Karma and justice, they do go hand in hand. I agree,
this goof needs to stick his head under the water to see if
Mohammed is ok, maybe ask the nice croc to let him go? After
all, maybe he’s just shaking hands? (hands over sign)
Damned Democrat governors and mayors are trying to kill me.
This morning I said to myself, “Y’know, it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day.”
So I decided to take the motorcycle out for a cruise… Get out of the house, do some
exploring, just enjoy the day.
So I headed out in a direction I haven’t been in a while, the day got warmer, then hotter,
and I’m dressed in black on a Sportster. Talk about shake-and-bake.
Everything was fine, I was making a breeze, and then…
I ran into a huge new industrial area. Traffic lights, road construction/improvement,
trucks and cars.
My ride turned into a stop-and-go adventure of heat, sweat, and black leather.
And a hot engine between my legs. I mean, it was a hot nightmare!
I thought I was going to die.
So why do I blame the Democrats?
Because they’ve made their territories so hostile to businesses that many of
them are moving or expanding to the South. I suppose that’s a good thing,
but the added congestion isn’t.
And the people moving to Georgia are voting for the same damned things
that destroyed the areas they fled from.
Georgia was solid Red, now it’s purple, at best.
They’re like fucking locusts. They fly in, destroy the area, then move on to
the next good place. Rinse, repeat.
I wish they’d just get off my lawn.
Belt-fed .50, it’s the only way.
Trim the herd and pray the
smart ones take over.
I’ve seen a dozen ex-dems
apologizing to Trump for
believing the hype before
the shooting, so, hope maybe?
Not ads, just Tik-Tok vids.
I’m ordering a new keyboard, with oversized letters and back-lit.
That way when I screw up, I can only blame it on myself…
I paid $12 for this one, and it shows.
I’m using a Logitec wireless keyboard and mouse I bought at Sam’s
last year.
Both devices run on the same dongle so it freed up a USB port.
It isn’t back-lit but it works well enough. IIRC it cost about $30.
I have one of those, ate batteries like crazy. Plus I’m a gamer,
so having a mouse or keyboard go dead or lags while playing
is a “head bash on a wall” situation. The wired one I picked
out is a Logitech wired one with high visibility.
The little and ring fingers of my left hand barely move anymore,
I can’t straighten them out thanks to the injuries and arthritis
I have. So I’ve had to go back to hunt-n-peck.
Mistaken is not the same as lying. My eyes are not to the point
where I quite need a keyboard like that. As for batteries,
I’ve had this keyboard and mouse almost a year and am still
using the original batteries. Of course I’m not into gaming
so I probably don’t put it to near the use you do.
3 days was all I ever got out of my batteries, But I suspect
the model I was using wasn’t as good as yours. 5 If I got
AA lithium’s. My eyes are getting worse, they warned me
that I might need real glasses down the road, it’s been 8
years now. When I get it I’ll let you know if it’s any good.
Help an old man out here. Was Mo’s knee would self inflicted?
I assumed it was a sniper shot, but his cohorts (dumb and dumber)
are just standing around watching the show instead of hugging
the ground.
He knelt down and placed his knee on a “toe popper” which
is a simple shell set in a tube with a nail on the primer. when
a foot (or in this case a knee) puts pressure on it, the shell
fires straight up and through the foot. A common trap used
by the NV during the Vietnam war.
Ah, yes. The field expedient, bubbafied, version. Also known as the footbreaker.
AFAIK, part of the reason Vietnam era troops were issued steel shanked boots.
Or so I read somewhere. I’m old, but I’m not so old that I was in Vietnam. (And
I was never in the service, either.)
Neither was I, I missed the war by 4 years and the draft ended about
18 months before I hit 18. I have a military father so it’s only natural I’d
be curious. Hell, I didn’t know AM and PM until I started school. PC is
talking about a device based on that little trick I mentioned, does the
same thing but isn’t in need of bamboo. Think claymore the size of a
pack of cigarettes.
I was in the midst of the Vietnam years, and I had a lot of friends who
went. So far as I know, they all came back, which was interesting,
considering they were virtually all medics. But avoiding the draft
legally had become a major sport by the time I graduated from high
school in 1970. I knew one guy who stayed out of school instead of
going in for his junior year, because that would make him one year
older than everyone else when he became eligible for the draft after
graduation. I had something similar happen to me, but not by my
choosing. I had a college deferment my freshman year. That summer,
I got a letter from my draft board that they were revoking my deferment.
I called them and asked what the deal was, especially since I was already
committed to attend college in France my sophomore year. This was the
second year of the draft lottery. My lottery number was 223. The draft
board said that they had rescinded my deferment, which meant I would be
eligible for the draft that year. However, they didn’t expect to get that high
a number so I was pretty safe. And for me to be drafted after that, they
would have to draft all the numbers in that current year before they could
start on the previous year. Or, to put it another way (and in fact the way
they put it to me), they would take me right after the flatfooted pregnant
women. And, in fact, in my year of eligibility, that draft board didn’t call
anyone with a number higher than 11, because they had plenty of volunteers.
Benton County, Arkansas.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Nope. No gun fire involved.
It was a (small) toe-popper land mine set by
the squad acting NCO in the previous day’s comic
(Panel 5). Mo just happened to be the one who
“found” it.
2.2″ Damn! That’s SMALL! If you stepped on one it wouldn’t blow
your foot off but it’d damned sure require medivac. Never knew we
had those. Regular anti-personnel and anti-armor mines I knew
about but those things are flat out diabolical. I guess the Empire
must’ve found a cache of some of those things after the fall. My
Son’s FiL ran afoul of a NV mine in Nam. Got two metal knees
as a memento of his tour. I was in Service (USAF) but missed
going to the Nam. I was at 8th Air Force NCO leadership school
when Saigon fell. Was also there when the Mayaguez incident went
down. They bumped us to Defcon 2 and since 8th AF was part
of SAC we all packed our bags and were ready to have to go
home. But then we stood down from Def 2. Scary times!
Judging by the dates, you’re roughly 3-5 years older than I am.
My uncle was in the Marines, but got out shortly before we
started ramping up in Vietnam.
I was at NCO Leadership School at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana in 1975.
I was 23 going on 24 at the time. Saigon fell on 30 April and then
there was the Mayaguez incident on12 to 15 May. “Interesting”
couple of weeks!
Okay, I looked up the dates. The draft ended at the end of 1975,
though no one was actually drafted after 1973.
So that puts Bill born in 1952, and Scars born in 1957.
Ned (below) appears to be pushing 80. I was born in 1958.
Dang! I’m nigh on the youngest of the old farts (again).
Still, glad to have most of my health, teeth and mental faculties.
Still working, for a few more years, anyway.
Huh all this time I thought it ended in ’76. I was born at the start of 1960.
I’m 64. I was older than most of my classmates in school since I was born
in the “middle of the school year”. Stupid rule, they did drop it by time I
was in 6th grade.
Actually I was born in ’51. I will be 73 this coming Friday. Next Sunday is
our 52nd anniversary. I arranged our wedding for 2 days after my birthday
so I would have to forget my birthday before I could forget our anniversary.
How’s for advance planning?
by Sam’s numbers you are about 7 or 8 years older than me.
since mom was a army nurse (think mash.) i would have
been in country (sorta) in the mid 60’s…
My tour in the Delta – 5/66-5/67.
Before we got wise to the VC/NVA policing up and using the
20mm cartridges the F-4s, et al,
ejected and put cartridge catchers on them – The VC, et al,
would fill the 20mm cartridges with black powder, re-prime
and bury along trails, paddy dikes and canal edges.
Yeah – we called them “Toe Poppers” too,
They hit our steel jungle boot plates and knock the crap
out of our legs.
But they could and would break an ARVN soldier’s leg –
they just wore tennis shoes mainly.
(They could walk in the paddy areas where a GI would
sink to his knees . . . . )
They would guide around the pungi stakes and bam –
hit a toe popper.
Ah, sometimes things just leap out of my mouth…
My wife was watching TV, and I noticed the title of
the movie she was watching “Operation Christmas Drop”
and I couldn’t pass it up, I told her that sounds like
what I did in the bathroom the other day….
I did manage to catch her pillow before it hit me in the face….
Whelp, lost power a few hours ago. Just got it back.UPSs are recharging now, computer is on.
Today’s page will be late, but I’m not going to skip it. It will be up soon, just not 2000 soon.
I have a feeling this week will not be fun.
Had to max out generator with refrigerator and A/C. Sorry.
Yeah. That was a pretty dumb thing to say. Mohammed would
probably appreciate a bullet to being torn to pieces while still alive.
I don’t think that’s how an alligator kills. If my memory serves, it will hold it’s
prey underwater until it drowns, then stuff it’s carcass under some roots until
it decomposes enough to be appetizing. To an alligator, at least.
Which is probably not a better way to die, come to think of it.
Crocs do that, gators tend to shake their victims violently
until they either die or pass out. Also gators do the “death roll”,
not sure about crocs, Well other than they are ugly shoes
thanks for the information. I didn’t know.
I love you guys – such a breadth of knowledge and experience.
Eh, NG and the Discovery channel. That big boy looks like a croc,
wider mouth and heavier body. They are strong enough to just
drag ’em down, gators are not as big and have leaner jaws, so they
latch on, thrash around, and then roll.
Unless they’re in Florida (the only place in North America where
crocks live) that’s for sure a gator.
Side note: I wasn’t aware the Empire’s territory included swampy
areas. Approximately where in the real world are they now?
Swamps are everywhere, I used to ride off-road by one all the time,
While that is true Bill, There are places that are dealing with dumped
animals that people thought would make a good pet until they
needed stitches. My kid sister worked in animal control, she and 5
others had to deal with a 20ft boa when they raided a pet store for
selling a rare albino snake that was VERY poisonous. People dump
unwanted Pets all the time, wouldn’t surprise me if it was someone’s
pet that got too big too fast for them. If they survive and find
someone to love, well, just ask Australia…
Even Texas has swamps. The largest of those is Caddo Lake,
the only natural lake in Texas, that has been the location of
filming for any number of swamp scenes in movies. And
there are plenty of swampy places in the piney woods in East Texas.
The one I’m talking about is on the south end of a major lake,
someone had thought (in the1900s) it was a good idea to
run railroad tracks through it, during a rather very wet spring,
a train was coming through and the tracks sank, dumping the
entire train into the swamp and the engine sank in the muck.
They tried to recover it, after digging down 50ft, they gave up.
Instead they opening the hole to the lake. extending it’s size
by 1/3… which increased tourist trade and such. Kills me it’s
where they also setup ice mining. Green ice anyone?
north central Arkansas,,. but this is a parallel earth..
we know lake of the Ozarks is to the north, Texas is west.
and the area around ‘Sylamore’ matches quite a bit.
to the south east is Myersville. and south there is a
spillway,. if that failed, for about ten miles would be
oh and Mountain home Ar. didn’t want the nuke plant in
backyard, (3 mile island) so they looked to put in the
remote area of Optimus,, not to far from Sylamore…
The gator seems to have a smile on its face,
such an easy catch. I love seven and eight pics.
Snicker and snort.
Well, on the upside he didn’t have a chance to get sick from the water AND

he didn’t have to worry about possibly getting blood poisoning from the
wound to his knee AND he didn’t have to suffer on account of that wound.
All in all I think he came out ahead – except for the whole being eaten by
an alligator thing.
(Who says I’m not a positive person?)
Yep. He came out “a-head” alright.
Just as he was losing his.
(I’m looking for the Red Queen off
to one side saying, “OFF WITH HIS….”
aaand you know the rest. LOL)
Heh, I think that croc was the only one that got “ahead”
I figured as much, when are these people going learn that
the Empire wants nothing outside of you helping yourself?
And of course paying it both back AND forward. Now maybe
they can stop hiding in such a wrecked setting and live with
the others?
Ah yes, Karma and justice, they do go hand in hand. I agree,
this goof needs to stick his head under the water to see if
Mohammed is ok, maybe ask the nice croc to let him go? After
all, maybe he’s just shaking hands? (hands over sign)
Damned Democrat governors and mayors are trying to kill me.
This morning I said to myself, “Y’know, it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day.”
So I decided to take the motorcycle out for a cruise… Get out of the house, do some
exploring, just enjoy the day.
So I headed out in a direction I haven’t been in a while, the day got warmer, then hotter,
and I’m dressed in black on a Sportster. Talk about shake-and-bake.
Everything was fine, I was making a breeze, and then…
I ran into a huge new industrial area. Traffic lights, road construction/improvement,
trucks and cars.
My ride turned into a stop-and-go adventure of heat, sweat, and black leather.
And a hot engine between my legs. I mean, it was a hot nightmare!
I thought I was going to die.
So why do I blame the Democrats?
Because they’ve made their territories so hostile to businesses that many of
them are moving or expanding to the South. I suppose that’s a good thing,
but the added congestion isn’t.
And the people moving to Georgia are voting for the same damned things
that destroyed the areas they fled from.
Georgia was solid Red, now it’s purple, at best.
They’re like fucking locusts. They fly in, destroy the area, then move on to
the next good place. Rinse, repeat.
I wish they’d just get off my lawn.
Belt-fed .50, it’s the only way.
Trim the herd and pray the
smart ones take over.
I’ve seen a dozen ex-dems
apologizing to Trump for
believing the hype before
the shooting, so, hope maybe?
Not ads, just Tik-Tok vids.
I’m ordering a new keyboard, with oversized letters and back-lit.
That way when I screw up, I can only blame it on myself…
I paid $12 for this one, and it shows.
I’m using a Logitec wireless keyboard and mouse I bought at Sam’s
last year.
Both devices run on the same dongle so it freed up a USB port.
It isn’t back-lit but it works well enough. IIRC it cost about $30.
I have one of those, ate batteries like crazy. Plus I’m a gamer,
so having a mouse or keyboard go dead or lags while playing
is a “head bash on a wall” situation. The wired one I picked
out is a Logitech wired one with high visibility.
The little and ring fingers of my left hand barely move anymore,
I can’t straighten them out thanks to the injuries and arthritis
I have. So I’ve had to go back to hunt-n-peck.
Oops, I guess I lied:
Not Logitech.
Mistaken is not the same as lying. My eyes are not to the point
where I quite need a keyboard like that. As for batteries,
I’ve had this keyboard and mouse almost a year and am still
using the original batteries. Of course I’m not into gaming
so I probably don’t put it to near the use you do.
3 days was all I ever got out of my batteries, But I suspect
the model I was using wasn’t as good as yours. 5 If I got
AA lithium’s. My eyes are getting worse, they warned me
that I might need real glasses down the road, it’s been 8
years now. When I get it I’ll let you know if it’s any good.
Help an old man out here. Was Mo’s knee would self inflicted?
I assumed it was a sniper shot, but his cohorts (dumb and dumber)
are just standing around watching the show instead of hugging
the ground.
He knelt down and placed his knee on a “toe popper” which
is a simple shell set in a tube with a nail on the primer. when
a foot (or in this case a knee) puts pressure on it, the shell
fires straight up and through the foot. A common trap used
by the NV during the Vietnam war.
Ah, yes. The field expedient, bubbafied, version. Also known as the footbreaker.
AFAIK, part of the reason Vietnam era troops were issued steel shanked boots.
Or so I read somewhere. I’m old, but I’m not so old that I was in Vietnam. (And
I was never in the service, either.)
Neither was I, I missed the war by 4 years and the draft ended about
18 months before I hit 18. I have a military father so it’s only natural I’d
be curious. Hell, I didn’t know AM and PM until I started school. PC is
talking about a device based on that little trick I mentioned, does the
same thing but isn’t in need of bamboo. Think claymore the size of a
pack of cigarettes.
I was in the midst of the Vietnam years, and I had a lot of friends who
went. So far as I know, they all came back, which was interesting,
considering they were virtually all medics. But avoiding the draft
legally had become a major sport by the time I graduated from high
school in 1970. I knew one guy who stayed out of school instead of
going in for his junior year, because that would make him one year
older than everyone else when he became eligible for the draft after
graduation. I had something similar happen to me, but not by my
choosing. I had a college deferment my freshman year. That summer,
I got a letter from my draft board that they were revoking my deferment.
I called them and asked what the deal was, especially since I was already
committed to attend college in France my sophomore year. This was the
second year of the draft lottery. My lottery number was 223. The draft
board said that they had rescinded my deferment, which meant I would be
eligible for the draft that year. However, they didn’t expect to get that high
a number so I was pretty safe. And for me to be drafted after that, they
would have to draft all the numbers in that current year before they could
start on the previous year. Or, to put it another way (and in fact the way
they put it to me), they would take me right after the flatfooted pregnant
women. And, in fact, in my year of eligibility, that draft board didn’t call
anyone with a number higher than 11, because they had plenty of volunteers.
Benton County, Arkansas.
Nope. No gun fire involved.
It was a (small) toe-popper land mine set by
the squad acting NCO in the previous day’s comic
(Panel 5). Mo just happened to be the one who
“found” it.
Damn, I had never seen one, I was guessing
on the size, I was closer than I thought!
2.2″ Damn! That’s SMALL! If you stepped on one it wouldn’t blow
your foot off but it’d damned sure require medivac. Never knew we
had those. Regular anti-personnel and anti-armor mines I knew
about but those things are flat out diabolical. I guess the Empire
must’ve found a cache of some of those things after the fall. My
Son’s FiL ran afoul of a NV mine in Nam. Got two metal knees
as a memento of his tour. I was in Service (USAF) but missed
going to the Nam. I was at 8th Air Force NCO leadership school
when Saigon fell. Was also there when the Mayaguez incident went
down. They bumped us to Defcon 2 and since 8th AF was part
of SAC we all packed our bags and were ready to have to go
home. But then we stood down from Def 2. Scary times!
Judging by the dates, you’re roughly 3-5 years older than I am.
My uncle was in the Marines, but got out shortly before we
started ramping up in Vietnam.
I was at NCO Leadership School at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana in 1975.
I was 23 going on 24 at the time. Saigon fell on 30 April and then
there was the Mayaguez incident on12 to 15 May. “Interesting”
couple of weeks!
Okay, I looked up the dates. The draft ended at the end of 1975,
though no one was actually drafted after 1973.
So that puts Bill born in 1952, and Scars born in 1957.
Ned (below) appears to be pushing 80. I was born in 1958.
Dang! I’m nigh on the youngest of the old farts (again).
Still, glad to have most of my health, teeth and mental faculties.
Still working, for a few more years, anyway.
.. as i sed.. i’m pushing 60…
I did say “nigh on the youngest” not ‘am the youngest’.
Huh all this time I thought it ended in ’76. I was born at the start of 1960.
I’m 64. I was older than most of my classmates in school since I was born
in the “middle of the school year”. Stupid rule, they did drop it by time I
was in 6th grade.
Actually I was born in ’51. I will be 73 this coming Friday. Next Sunday is
our 52nd anniversary. I arranged our wedding for 2 days after my birthday
so I would have to forget my birthday before I could forget our anniversary.
How’s for advance planning?
I got you beat there, my wife and I moved in together
on my birthday. That and my wedding day I have never
forgotten, but she has…
by Sam’s numbers you are about 7 or 8 years older than me.
since mom was a army nurse (think mash.) i would have
been in country (sorta) in the mid 60’s…
My tour in the Delta – 5/66-5/67.
Before we got wise to the VC/NVA policing up and using the
20mm cartridges the F-4s, et al,
ejected and put cartridge catchers on them – The VC, et al,
would fill the 20mm cartridges with black powder, re-prime
and bury along trails, paddy dikes and canal edges.
Yeah – we called them “Toe Poppers” too,
They hit our steel jungle boot plates and knock the crap
out of our legs.
But they could and would break an ARVN soldier’s leg –
they just wore tennis shoes mainly.
(They could walk in the paddy areas where a GI would
sink to his knees . . . . )
They would guide around the pungi stakes and bam –
hit a toe popper.
Ah, sometimes things just leap out of my mouth…

My wife was watching TV, and I noticed the title of
the movie she was watching “Operation Christmas Drop”
and I couldn’t pass it up, I told her that sounds like
what I did in the bathroom the other day….
I did manage to catch her pillow before it hit me in the face….
Whelp, lost power a few hours ago. Just got it back.UPSs are recharging now, computer is on.
Today’s page will be late, but I’m not going to skip it. It will be up soon, just not 2000 soon.
I have a feeling this week will not be fun.
Had to max out generator with refrigerator and A/C. Sorry.
You are the reason we are here.
You take care yourself and the rest will follow.
You cannot help that the power went off.
Take care.
And you are the reason I’m here.
It’s aaaalll good, we can wait. get things
back up to specs and then post.
as all said… you do you.! we can wait.!
Thanks for the update, PC. Ya gotta take care of #1, which is yourself.
We’re all WAY DOWN on your priority list. Stay safe.
I’ve just voted for the 3rd time in 8 hours,
maybe their system isn’t tracking right
today, give it a try!
Today’s page is up.
And while it’s still today!