Miral is truly A Cat.Miral is truly A Cat.
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  1. for those who want to know…
    his name is ‘Bakrauf’ (Bawk ru)
    but… has not been used ,, yet.

  2. Sam

    And, , , whine about daylight savings time and poof!
    There it is !!!

    Panels seven and eight – The thought bubbles?
    Is this Loki’s “boon”?
    Or is Teresa talking to Karen “through” Dagger?
    Or something else?

    • They are talking through Dagger.

      • I was guessing as such,
        since the cloud bubble was green.

    • yeah we don’t have DST here in hell…
      so i never remember to reset…
      thanks for the reminder.!

      • Kiddeagle

        No DST here in AZ, but I work for an
        international company so that mean I
        have to come in an hour earlier anyways

        • JasonAW3

          If it weren’t so freaking hot in Phoenix, I’d be tempted to move back,
          Although, Flagstaff..?

  3. The look on Ahmya’s face in the third panel says it all.
    She is going to be sharpening her knives.

    • and polishing her armor.!
      as a Onna-Musha, (female samurai)

    • Yeeeeaaaahh.. she’s into him for sure,
      I know that look, my wife would look
      like that at a gal that was trying to
      flirt with me, wifey was skinny,
      but NOT one to piss off…

      • JasonAW3

        It’s always those thin, wiry types you have to look out for…

  4. Miral and Nakama (with input from Teresa) have more
    planned than even Ahmya knows of, and it’ll make
    both of “love birds” happy and put an end to that
    kind of manipulation.

    I don’t know, maybe Dagger got an upgrade or what I
    had suggested about Teresa getting telepathy along
    with her empathy. Empathy can be almost as good,
    but emotions are hard to define when the person
    she’s reading is stressed, and it’s pretty much a
    one sided conversation. Unless both are empaths,
    and even then… Plus, a Telepath needs to control
    their projected thoughts very carefully, otherwise
    it sounds like someone starting on the 3rd bottle
    of Jack Daniels…

  5. I don’t THINK Miral is speaking literally, but…

    • Sam

      I concur. I think her telling him that is to get him
      to think they’ll be going after the opposition,
      when in reality they’ll be manipulating he and
      Ahmya together such that they both learn to
      bend a bit more.

      • Sam

        Re-reading, I failed to complete my thought.
        Their actual intent is to get he and Ahmya
        together, in a way which will teach them
        both to bend, and in so doing, will cut the
        enemies out of the picture.

      • JasonAW3

        We can only hope that the two of them at least LIKE each other…

    • JasonAW3

      I don’t know… Maybe she found out about what Terrans typically do to their

  6. Sydney Dent

    Gods as a security risk is pretty much a given
    (although, I would argue these risks hold great opportunity) .
    One should worry about mitigation rather than prevention.

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