But she’s not really “in plain sight”. She’s sitting
under an awning atop at least a two story structure.
People seldom look up to see what’s on top of the
buildings around them. Plus, she has a pair of binos
and will likely see them long before they’d be likely
to notice her.
I agree will Mali, but we all know it won’t. I hope that
building is at least 3 stories, or she’s going to stick out
like a pimple on a big nose…
Yeah, little or no training, just a bunch of douses thinking
they got this, all the while going head first into hell.
(Highway to Hell plays in the background)
Yes and no, Heaven is always thought to be “up” while hell is down.
So you have to climb “up” to get to heaven,
but “fall” into a pit for hell.
Both places, (if they do exist) are not of this world/universe,
so the analogy is wrong technically, but makes it easier for
those who can’t understand a multiverse concept.
A different plane of existence isn’t a place on earth,
and gravity has nothing to do with it.
by his military record James G. Janos was NEVER a SEAL.
he went through BUDS and became a underwater
demolition team member (team 12).
it went to court, when one tried to claim he served with
Chris Kyle (actually bar fight),. but were in at different
times (JV 69-75) (CK 99-09)
This is why I believed magnesium made it’s own oxygen.
The instructor said that it would still burn even if it was
encased in dry ice. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FYM2gBCN1-Q
It does generate its own oxygen under the right conditions.
The magnesium burns hot enough to dissociate the CO2.
It’s similar to why it is so difficult to extinguish a LiPo battery
fire. The heat of the fire dissociates the water in the
electrolyte producing oxy and hydrogen in the perfect
proportions. The shorted battery discharging generates more
heat to dissociate more fuel. Some folks in (I believe)
Sweden figured out how to put out a LiPo battery fire.
They use super cooled, saturated brine. The cold brine
absorbs many times more heat than plain water plus the
brine, being conductive, spreads the electricity out
across the rest of the battery pack.
The foam they use to put out small Magnum fires act in
a similar way, but major fires, like the factory one that
a foolish disgruntled ex-worker started that burned for
3 days had to be buried in sand and let burn out, there
wasn’t enough of that foam spray in the world to deal
with it. I lived 12 miles away and I could see the light
from the fire in the night sky! The site looked like an
A-bomb had gone off.
After thinking about it, C02 does have oxy, and the guy did
say after the magnesium burned out there’s just a hunk of
carbon left, which is what’s left behind when the oxy is
removed. Any re-breather keeps the carbon and releases
the oxy. Bubbling C02 through a tank of baking soda water
takes out a fair bit, the the actual chemical escapes me
at the moment.
I missed this, Hulk Hogan swore many years ago he
would never let himself get dragged into the BS of
politics, but after the failed attempt, Here he is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lPQcBZYGR8
Including him, if indications are anything. To quote Winston
Churchill, “Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at
without result.” Except in this case, there was a result. In one
photo, before he was removed from the podium, you can
see the hole through his ear, and if it had been any closer
to his head, it would have dug a groove completely along
the side of his head.
It was pure luck, and he knows it. I doubt he’s going
to trust the SS after this, and maybe he’ll tempter his
rants a bit too, he’s been a bit cocky, and this is the
out come.
An inch to the shooter’s right and
it would have blown his brains out!
And yet I’ve had multiple people on
Quora try to tell me it was a setup
and all Trump’s idea!
He may not be the best we’ve EVER had, but he is a LOT better than
the current one, and, as much as I hate that there was an attempt on
his life, I think the introspective he has gained could well be the
tempering of the steel that will make him one of the best, if not THE
best President of our generation.
Kind of like how my own desire to avoid
politics here has gone out the window.
Sometimes evil is so grotesque that it
must be confronted, I guess.
But still, no religion or climate.
Also, some people are even more emphatic about their particular
climate beliefs than they are about their religious or political beliefs.
And in some cases, their climate beliefs ARE their religion.
Notice that I didn’t say what I believe about climate change. Because
it is such a divisive subject that almost no one ever changes anyone
else’s opinion, and it just causes hard feelings where none should
exist. We’re here to discuss TGW, not PC’s forbidden topics (which
are forbidden for good reasons).
The problem with all three subjects are belief, not facts.
You can respect belief, but not when they override facts.
Which is what happens all too often.
Bill, as far as my personal research over many years has taught me,
yes, the climate DOES change, human contribution to that change,
except in especially large or dense cities, is negligible.
Volcanos are more apt to cause significant changes in the climate
than we humans, solar storms contribute more to temperature
variation than humans currently do.
And, on a rather interesting note; many climatologists have discovered
a rather steep increase in methane in the atmosphere that CANNOT be
accounted for by human activity. In fact; many are indicating that
this increase is likely the result of permafrost melting, due to the
current ICE AGE we are in, coming to an end.
That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to minimize our impact on the
environment, but we don’t have to go nuts on changing everything.
When electric vehicles have performance, range and recharge times
equal to or better than petroleum burning vehicles,
I’ll be one of the first in line to trade in for one,
but until then, I’ll stick with a hybrid…
You just reminded me of a cartoon.
Boy and girl sitting across from each other at a table.
Boy asks, “Bolt action or semi auto?”
Girl responds, “Belt fed.”
Boy turns away,
shooting all those is fun,.! but expensive…
IE: mini-gun costs me $1200 a minute or $20 a second…
a burst costs $100… o.0
the BMG .50 is $5 a round. sooooo….
oh, an the MG-42 costs about $150 a drum..
I had the fun of firing an Uzi, or did until it jammed.
The guy converted it back to full auto, but never
got the mag feed right. I was grinning and suddenly
it stopped, I looked and a round was sticking out
the discharge slot, primer first. I put it on the ground
carefully and backed off… I had no idea wtf happened
and didn’t want to risk an “incident”.
they always forget the recoil spring.! when converted to NON-auto
they put a lighter spring in, so it doesn’t slam fire. the lighter
spring causes the round to jump when feeding… i also polish /
stone the feed ramp, for better feeding with different bullet types.
Hate to say it, but with that bright orange top,
and sitting upright in plain sight in that chair,
Mali may be about to be redshirted.
But she’s not really “in plain sight”. She’s sitting
under an awning atop at least a two story structure.
People seldom look up to see what’s on top of the
buildings around them. Plus, she has a pair of binos
and will likely see them long before they’d be likely
to notice her.
Crap! I hit the “save” button before
I edited the line lengths.
Help me out, Mr Stanley?
Stoopid invaders…..everybody clustered around one point.
Too easy to take out maximum numbers at once.
No training, no discipline, gets people killed.
Heh, “shooting fish in a barrel” doesn’t cover it!
I agree will Mali, but we all know it won’t. I hope that
building is at least 3 stories, or she’s going to stick out
like a pimple on a big nose…
Yeah, little or no training, just a bunch of douses thinking
they got this, all the while going head first into hell.
(Highway to Hell plays in the background)
Anybody ever wonder why there is a
“Stairway To Heaven” and a “Highway To Hell”?
Seems like the traffic might be a bit skewed…
Yes and no, Heaven is always thought to be “up” while hell is down.
So you have to climb “up” to get to heaven,
but “fall” into a pit for hell.
Both places, (if they do exist) are not of this world/universe,
so the analogy is wrong technically, but makes it easier for
those who can’t understand a multiverse concept.
A different plane of existence isn’t a place on earth,
and gravity has nothing to do with it.
Because the road to Hell is paved with good inventions?
Glad someone said it!
Jesse Ventura was a seal. Who knew?
by his military record James G. Janos was NEVER a SEAL.
he went through BUDS and became a underwater
demolition team member (team 12).
it went to court, when one tried to claim he served with
Chris Kyle (actually bar fight),. but were in at different
times (JV 69-75) (CK 99-09)
This is why I believed magnesium made it’s own oxygen.
The instructor said that it would still burn even if it was
encased in dry ice.
It does generate its own oxygen under the right conditions.
The magnesium burns hot enough to dissociate the CO2.
It’s similar to why it is so difficult to extinguish a LiPo battery
fire. The heat of the fire dissociates the water in the
electrolyte producing oxy and hydrogen in the perfect
proportions. The shorted battery discharging generates more
heat to dissociate more fuel. Some folks in (I believe)
Sweden figured out how to put out a LiPo battery fire.
They use super cooled, saturated brine. The cold brine
absorbs many times more heat than plain water plus the
brine, being conductive, spreads the electricity out
across the rest of the battery pack.
The foam they use to put out small Magnum fires act in
a similar way, but major fires, like the factory one that
a foolish disgruntled ex-worker started that burned for
3 days had to be buried in sand and let burn out, there
wasn’t enough of that foam spray in the world to deal
with it. I lived 12 miles away and I could see the light
from the fire in the night sky! The site looked like an
A-bomb had gone off.
After thinking about it, C02 does have oxy, and the guy did
say after the magnesium burned out there’s just a hunk of
carbon left, which is what’s left behind when the oxy is
removed. Any re-breather keeps the carbon and releases
the oxy. Bubbling C02 through a tank of baking soda water
takes out a fair bit, the the actual chemical escapes me
at the moment.
soda lime.. rebreathing gases
goes through soda lime.
Ah yes, baking soda is far less effective.
I did know that, but I got old P:
damn, “baking SODA”
also no. magnesium Cannot burn devoid of O2.!
but.. because of reactivity, it will leach any O2
compound (nO2, cO2,h2O. etc.)
I missed this, Hulk Hogan swore many years ago he
would never let himself get dragged into the BS of
politics, but after the failed attempt, Here he is:
The attempted assassination of one who may
well be the BEST president we will ever have,
has likely changed quite a few people.
Including him, if indications are anything. To quote Winston
Churchill, “Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at
without result.” Except in this case, there was a result. In one
photo, before he was removed from the podium, you can
see the hole through his ear, and if it had been any closer
to his head, it would have dug a groove completely along
the side of his head.
It was pure luck, and he knows it. I doubt he’s going
to trust the SS after this, and maybe he’ll tempter his
rants a bit too, he’s been a bit cocky, and this is the
out come.
The current head of the Secret Service, appointed by
Biden, is beginning to look like a DEI appointment.
An inch to the shooter’s right and
it would have blown his brains out!
And yet I’ve had multiple people on
Quora try to tell me it was a setup
and all Trump’s idea!
He may not be the best we’ve EVER had, but he is a LOT better than
the current one, and, as much as I hate that there was an attempt on
his life, I think the introspective he has gained could well be the
tempering of the steel that will make him one of the best, if not THE
best President of our generation.
Kind of like how my own desire to avoid
politics here has gone out the window.
Sometimes evil is so grotesque that it
must be confronted, I guess.
But still, no religion or climate.
I’ll be good, sorry.
Religion I can see but climate? Come on. May I at least suggest a
good place to learn more about the truth of “climate change”?
The problem with that Bill, is that both sides claim that their info
is the “real” truth.
Also, some people are even more emphatic about their particular
climate beliefs than they are about their religious or political beliefs.
And in some cases, their climate beliefs ARE their religion.
Notice that I didn’t say what I believe about climate change. Because
it is such a divisive subject that almost no one ever changes anyone
else’s opinion, and it just causes hard feelings where none should
exist. We’re here to discuss TGW, not PC’s forbidden topics (which
are forbidden for good reasons).
The problem with all three subjects are belief, not facts.
You can respect belief, but not when they override facts.
Which is what happens all too often.
Point! And when even the “facts” are in dispute,
it gets worse.
Bill, as far as my personal research over many years has taught me,
yes, the climate DOES change, human contribution to that change,
except in especially large or dense cities, is negligible.
Volcanos are more apt to cause significant changes in the climate
than we humans, solar storms contribute more to temperature
variation than humans currently do.
And, on a rather interesting note; many climatologists have discovered
a rather steep increase in methane in the atmosphere that CANNOT be
accounted for by human activity. In fact; many are indicating that
this increase is likely the result of permafrost melting, due to the
current ICE AGE we are in, coming to an end.
That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to minimize our impact on the
environment, but we don’t have to go nuts on changing everything.
When electric vehicles have performance, range and recharge times
equal to or better than petroleum burning vehicles,
I’ll be one of the first in line to trade in for one,
but until then, I’ll stick with a hybrid…
Sorry PC.
In the light of President Trump’s iconic image, this bears repeating:
Heh, if I had a nickel… Anyway, this message
can’t be said enough and without feeling!
I seen a meme once that was a picture
of a man firing a heavy machine gun,
and the caption read
“Happiness is a belt fed machine gun” heh.
You just reminded me of a cartoon.
Boy and girl sitting across from each other at a table.
Boy asks, “Bolt action or semi auto?”
Girl responds, “Belt fed.”
Boy turns away,
HAHAhaheh… I can’t tell how long I’ve wanted to fire one,
but not to be ignored, the mini-gun as well!
shooting all those is fun,.! but expensive…
IE: mini-gun costs me $1200 a minute or $20 a second…
a burst costs $100… o.0
the BMG .50 is $5 a round. sooooo….
oh, an the MG-42 costs about $150 a drum..
Never fired a belt-fed.
Tommygun a couple of times,
but never a belt-fed.
I had the fun of firing an Uzi, or did until it jammed.
The guy converted it back to full auto, but never
got the mag feed right. I was grinning and suddenly
it stopped, I looked and a round was sticking out
the discharge slot, primer first. I put it on the ground
carefully and backed off… I had no idea wtf happened
and didn’t want to risk an “incident”.
they always forget the recoil spring.! when converted to NON-auto
they put a lighter spring in, so it doesn’t slam fire. the lighter
spring causes the round to jump when feeding… i also polish /
stone the feed ramp, for better feeding with different bullet types.
I had heard of horror stories of them just emptying the mag
if you let the bolt snap closed. Yanking out a jam could do that.