A motley crew.A motley crew.
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  1. Sorry but the Admiral is left not right of Jochi

  2. Sorry, but the Admiral is to Jochi’s left

    • Sorry it is the, not he. Old fingers

  3. Sam

    I just read the character list.
    Chuckle – the Siamese is “dammitcat”.

    • It seems a fitting name. It gets into everything.

      • It’s the name he’s used to.
        “DammitCat, get off the counter!”
        “DammitCat, that’s MY hamburger!”
        And so on.

        • Tub-T

          Probably a descendant of That Darn Cat.

  4. I think Ahmya should talk to Grady, she might have a line on parts for her.
    Like a 500 huh? might be spunkier than my SS honda, I love the chip set
    option, I hated the way the USA de-tunes import bikes. And cars for that
    goes. The mopar 318 engine had potential, but they put such a low CFM
    respiration on them. Don’t get me started on the GM SB 350’s…

    I wondered why Johnathan was doing the statue of liberty thing until I seen
    damitcat heh. Jasmine has topped out at 18lbs, I had to buy an auto-feeder,
    being a stray she still thinks she needs to eat everything and is so fat now
    her belly sways when she walks. So 4 small feedings a day for her now!

    Did another test, I’m at last co vid free! I can be around people again!
    oh wait… never mind 😛

  5. I say that about Mopars because I had a ’71 Polaris with a 318,
    it was a real dog even though it was a retired police cruiser. So
    I checked, it had a lousy 195 2brl CFM carb and only 1 3/4 in
    exhaust! I put on a 225 2brl carb and installed a 2 in exhaust
    and she perked right up. And then my MPH dropped to 8…

    • Sam

      For every action, there is an equal, and opposite, reaction.

      You fixed the performance, gas mileage went down.

      Badda bing, badda boom!

  6. I did say I thought Taritha was going to go places
    from her start. The head of Imp-Diplo? Jeesh.

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