NOW it's the swamp's turn!NOW it's the swamp's turn!
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  1. Sam

    Yeah. That was a pretty dumb thing to say. Mohammed would
    probably appreciate a bullet to being torn to pieces while still alive.

    • I don’t think that’s how an alligator kills. If my memory serves, it will hold it’s
      prey underwater until it drowns, then stuff it’s carcass under some roots until
      it decomposes enough to be appetizing. To an alligator, at least.
      Which is probably not a better way to die, come to think of it.

      • Crocs do that, gators tend to shake their victims violently
        until they either die or pass out. Also gators do the “death roll”,
        not sure about crocs, Well other than they are ugly shoes 😛

  2. The gator seems to have a smile on its face,
    such an easy catch. I love seven and eight pics.
    Snicker and snort.

  3. Well, on the upside he didn’t have a chance to get sick from the water AND
    he didn’t have to worry about possibly getting blood poisoning from the
    wound to his knee AND he didn’t have to suffer on account of that wound.
    All in all I think he came out ahead – except for the whole being eaten by
    an alligator thing. 😉
    (Who says I’m not a positive person?) 😉 😉

    • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      Yep. He came out “a-head” alright.
      Just as he was losing his.
      (I’m looking for the Red Queen off
      to one side saying, “OFF WITH HIS….”
      aaand you know the rest. LOL)

  4. I figured as much, when are these people going learn that
    the Empire wants nothing outside of you helping yourself?
    And of course paying it both back AND forward. Now maybe
    they can stop hiding in such a wrecked setting and live with
    the others?

    Ah yes, Karma and justice, they do go hand in hand. I agree,
    this goof needs to stick his head under the water to see if
    Mohammed is ok, maybe ask the nice croc to let him go? After
    all, maybe he’s just shaking hands? (hands over sign)

  5. Damned Democrat governors and mayors are trying to kill me.
    This morning I said to myself, “Y’know, it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day.”
    So I decided to take the motorcycle out for a cruise… Get out of the house, do some
    exploring, just enjoy the day.
    So I headed out in a direction I haven’t been in a while, the day got warmer, then hotter,
    and I’m dressed in black on a Sportster. Talk about shake-and-bake.
    Everything was fine, I was making a breeze, and then…
    I ran into a huge new industrial area. Traffic lights, road construction/improvement,
    trucks and cars.
    My ride turned into a stop-and-go adventure of heat, sweat, and black leather.
    And a hot engine between my legs. I mean, it was a hot nightmare!
    I thought I was going to die.
    So why do I blame the Democrats?
    Because they’ve made their territories so hostile to businesses that many of
    them are moving or expanding to the South. I suppose that’s a good thing,
    but the added congestion isn’t.
    And the people moving to Georgia are voting for the same damned things
    that destroyed the areas they fled from.
    Georgia was solid Red, now it’s purple, at best.
    They’re like fucking locusts. They fly in, destroy the area, then move on to
    the next good place. Rinse, repeat.
    I wish they’d just get off my lawn.

    • Belt-fed .50, it’s the only way.
      Trim the herd and pray the
      smart ones take over.
      I’ve seen a dozen ex-dems
      apologizing to Trump for
      believing the hype before
      the shooting, so, hope maybe?
      Not ads, just Tik-Tok vids.

  6. I’m ordering a new keyboard, with oversized letters and back-lit.
    That way when I screw up, I can only blame it on myself…
    I paid $12 for this one, and it shows.

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