Well, Sgt Birov did tell them to 
treat their guests like any other Marine.Well, Sgt. Birov did tell them to treat their guests like any other Marine.
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  1. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    Ahhhh, the obstacle course…..
    Such fun (NOT)
    Yet, what I wouldn’t give to be
    able to run it one more time….

  2. Apropos of nothing…
    I ‘m watching a TV series from the 80’s.
    The family is sitting in the kitchen, eating sandwiches.
    I have a sandwich in front of me as I watch.
    What caught my eye? Bread was freakin’ HUGE back then.
    I’m looking at my sandwich, thinking “WTF???”

    • Sam

      It was television bread. Subliminal messaging – you need
      to go buy more bread – yours is inadequate.

    • I remember when I was in school the old pull-handle vending machines
      selling candy bars for a nickle that were bigger than the “extra-large”
      ones they sell at gas stations these days, Hell I used to walk 1/4 mile
      to a station close by me they sold 10oz bottles of soda for a dime! The
      thing with bread is they add more yeast to it making it LOOK bigger,
      then after it’s sold it shrinks. I’ve noticed that as well.

    • I told my wife that we are getting a bread machine and a good recipe
      for home-made bread. It tastes better and is far healthier than anything
      they sell at the store… Plus after the first kneading you add a tsp of
      cooking and blend it in, it slows the drying out process. I use extra virgin
      olive oil, far less HDL, plus it lets me joke that it’s the only virgin this old
      man will ever get! (cue the unified eye roll and soft groans) 😛

  3. It sounds like they were expecting the community to be like
    most areas, struggling to survive and barely managing to
    eat, much less thrive. Instead it’s a mini-Jerico, just needs
    help to expand and grow, and maybe back-up in case of raiders.
    Plus Gopi will get better and find a place in the Empire that
    staying where she was could never provide.

    Teresa loosen up! I never ran an obstacle course with a stiff back
    and short steps. I get that it’s not a real issue for her since she’s
    not a recruit, but look the part my dear.
    My sensei was a real ball-buster, if you did it wrong or fell he’s
    whack you with across the back of your thighs with this 6ft long
    bamboo stick he’d carry. Trust me, it’s a hell of a motivator! I’m
    glad I didn’t grow up in Korea, they DON’T mess around!

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