This woman has no concept of actions and consequences. “What does it matter?” is her constant refrain.q
She’s run out of available men (marks) to leech off of before they get tired of her shenanigans and detach her from themselves.
There was some discussion Friday about actors to play characters if TGW was ever made in a film.
Who would you like to see play which character?
Rule: No switching genders, ethnicity (Mostly), sexual preferences. For example:
Kathy must remain a Chinese heterosexual female. Could be a Japanese actress.
Although I would love to see Forrest Whittaker as King Bishop. So if you can make a compelling case for a change, go for it.
Please make your first comment the character’s name, then reply with your choice of actor, and why.
If someone has already named the character, please do not post again. Just reply with your own choice of actor.
I’ll get it started:
For some.reason this board.does not accept the smiley codes directly from the tablet keyboard. It does.except at.least some regular.smiley codes input it yourself. The code for the wink smiley is a semicolon “;” followed by a right parenthesis “)”. That character shows up fine ;). A quick will net you all the smiley codes.
I am SO evil! Yesterday I got a spam call that my car’s extended warranty was about to expire. That was news to me since my wife (had to – collision) get a new car this summer (so has a brand new maintenance contract) and the maintenance contract on my car expired in 19. But what the heck I’m old and retired (and evil ) and so I pressed “1” to “speak with a representative”. When the person came on she asked for.the year, make and model so.she could car is eligible to which I replied “1917 Ford Model T”. She didn’t respond. So I asked “Did you hear me? I have a 1917 Ford Model T. Doesn’t it qualify?” {click!} Yup! I’m evil! Reminds me of that classic Bugs Bunny line, “Gosh! Ain’t I a stinker?”
I had one particular scammer that kept haranguing me for months. The pitch varied, but I recognized the caller. “Publisher’s Clearing House”. “Lottery winner”. “IRS”. “Cruise winner”. And on and on.
I tried foreign languages, “Vas merkden sie?” “Kimi shimi peck (I’m deleting the rest)”. “An yong ha se yo?”
I tried screaming into the phone (hoping to blow out his eardrum(s) through the headset).
I tried swearing at him.
I tried berating him (don’t you have an HONEST working job?)
I tried the Just. Plain. NO!
Finally, I tried being a radio station DJ (in my best smooth, baritone DJ voice), “Hi! you’ve called radio station WXYZ, you’re local hair on the air, this is Wally Walrus, what would you like to say to our radio audience?”
He called once more a short time later, just to verify, I guess. Same routine back at him, haven’t heard anything from him since, and that’s been over a year ago.
Now all I get are robo calls, “your car’s extended warranty is about to expire”.
I answered one, and told them my car (I didn’t identify which one) had 240,000 plus miles (it actually does), did that qualify? She said “no”, and hung up.
I still get a few robo calls, but a lot less then previously.
We are continually getting calls selling Medicare insurance, and various other things we don’t want.
I have become sufficiently annoyed that I often put the phone on hold, set it down, and hope they waste a few minutes trying to talk to nothing. Not always, but whenever they waste my time by:
–Robo-dialing and then not having a human on-line and ready to talk when I answer. You wasted my time, now I’ll try to waste yours.
–Anything that doesn’t have a live human on-line within 5 seconds.
–Not getting to the point (saying what they’re selling) within 10 seconds. (How am I? Pissed off, and instead of hanging up because I don’t want what you’re selling, I’ll just ghost you.)
–Any statement implying a relationship that does not exist, such as “Your car’s extended warranty” gets them on hold – unless I’m feeling like taking the time and energy to scream at them about FRAUD!
OTOH, my wife has time, so she might _tell_ them about all her minor ailments, like someone at the nursing home you don’t want to get into a conversation with. And make up some disgusting bodily malfunctions.
I did something similar, but mine was my very reel 2005 F150 with 403,000 miles. REsponse was “Do you have any other vehicles? That one is too old.”
Around here (Tampa area) I get calls from a human asking if Juan is here, when I say no, they say ‘Well, maybe you can help me” and launch into a sales pitch.
Last one went like this:
Caller Hello, is Juan there?
Me Which Juan, there are several here.
Caller Uhhh
Me Juan Hernandez?
Caller Yes!
Me He’s not here, maybe Juan Gomez?
Caller Yes, I can talk to him. He’s not here either, how about Juan Ortiz?
Me He’s not here either, how about Juan Ortiz?
Caller Well, what is your name?
Me Oh, you don’t want to talk to me, I’m no Juan.
Caller Silence, then a chuckle, then hung up.
I kept an IRS scammer going for days.
Was supposed to buy five $200 gift cards to settle a past due bill.
Me: Well, I’ll go into town tomorrow and buy the cards.
The next day:
Scammer: You have the cards? Good. Now read me the numbers.
Me: Reads fake numbers (I had one card that I modified the numbers from)
Scammer: What did you do? There is no money on these cards!
Me: I deposited them into my bank account like you told me.
Scammer: I didn’t tell you to do that!
And round and round we went. Hey, everyone needs a hobby!
So THAT’S the IRS scam. Sounds like fun. I’ll have to see if I can hook me a scammer when (if) I get one of those. I’m old and male. Ornery is in my job description.
Regardless of other considerations, Walker shouldn’t want to get involved with a woman this stupid (or desperate). You can’t land a fish you haven’t hooked. The only way this COULD have worked would have been to re-establish familiarity first, absent any hint of romantic desire, like appealing to him for help or inviting him to a gathering of several “old friends”. This approach would have caused a much less intelligent and experienced man to raise shields.
I submit that if she had the brains the Creator gave a flea she would never have gotten herself into such a situation in the first place. Play stupid games; win stupid prizes.
Just because Pam wants something, does not mean everyone else has give it to her. How about time she finds out that her Queen Bee status from high school has expired :{
Whatever you do when talking to one of those phone scammers, never come out and say “yes”. Steve Lehto (” Lehto’s Law” on youtube) an attorney in Michigan gave out that advice. Seems there’s a scam going around where they get you to say “yes” and then they send you some hugely over priced shit and then bill you for it. If you say you never ordered it they have a doctored recording of you saying yes to the order. It might not hold up in court but you’ll spend a mint fighting it. After watching that video I will never utter the word “yes” on the phone unless I am 100% certain of who the person is I’m speaking with.
Hope it does not take too many more hammers for those kids to learn a “person” does not have to be like them. They have made good strides not limiting their friends to Homo Sapiens. Now just remove “organic” from the requirements.
oops .. i missed that,, you called her pam, not pat…
On purpose. She keeps calling him “Johnny”, which he has always hated.
This woman has no concept of actions and consequences. “What does it matter?” is her constant refrain.q
She’s run out of available men (marks) to leech off of before they get tired of her shenanigans and detach her from themselves.
There was some discussion Friday about actors to play characters if TGW was ever made in a film.
Who would you like to see play which character?
Rule: No switching genders, ethnicity (Mostly), sexual preferences. For example:
Kathy must remain a Chinese heterosexual female. Could be a Japanese actress.
Although I would love to see Forrest Whittaker as King Bishop. So if you can make a compelling case for a change, go for it.
Please make your first comment the character’s name, then reply with your choice of actor, and why.
If someone has already named the character, please do not post again. Just reply with your own choice of actor.
I’ll get it started:
Matthew Costman.
Lucas Grabeel, from High School Musical. One of the most versatile actors from Disney.
Versatile and Disney in one sentence? I don’t recall the english word for it but in danish we have the term: “selvmodsigende”
Whatever happened to the winkin’ smiley I put on the end? Oh well, by now I shouldhave learned not to use the tablet to comment (sad smiley)
For some.reason this board.does not accept the smiley codes directly from the tablet keyboard. It does.except at.least some regular.smiley codes input it yourself. The code for the wink smiley is a semicolon “;” followed by a right parenthesis “)”. That character shows up fine ;). A quick will net you all the smiley codes.
Jan, the word you’re looking for is “oxymoron”.
thank you, Bill.
Somewhat like “prepared parenthood” – doesn’t work that way no matter what people say
I am SO evil! Yesterday I got a spam call that my car’s extended warranty was about to expire. That was news to me since my wife (had to – collision) get a new car this summer (so has a brand new maintenance contract) and the maintenance contract on my car expired in 19. But what the heck I’m old and retired (and evil
) and so I pressed “1” to “speak with a representative”. When the person came on she asked for.the year, make and model so.she could car is eligible to which I replied “1917 Ford Model T”. She didn’t respond. So I asked “Did you hear me? I have a 1917 Ford Model T. Doesn’t it qualify?” {click!} Yup! I’m evil! Reminds me of that classic Bugs Bunny line, “Gosh! Ain’t I a stinker?” 
I had one particular scammer that kept haranguing me for months. The pitch varied, but I recognized the caller. “Publisher’s Clearing House”. “Lottery winner”. “IRS”. “Cruise winner”. And on and on.
I tried foreign languages, “Vas merkden sie?” “Kimi shimi peck (I’m deleting the rest)”. “An yong ha se yo?”
I tried screaming into the phone (hoping to blow out his eardrum(s) through the headset).
I tried swearing at him.
I tried berating him (don’t you have an HONEST working job?)
I tried the Just. Plain. NO!
Finally, I tried being a radio station DJ (in my best smooth, baritone DJ voice), “Hi! you’ve called radio station WXYZ, you’re local hair on the air, this is Wally Walrus, what would you like to say to our radio audience?”
He called once more a short time later, just to verify, I guess. Same routine back at him, haven’t heard anything from him since, and that’s been over a year ago.
Now all I get are robo calls, “your car’s extended warranty is about to expire”.
I answered one, and told them my car (I didn’t identify which one) had 240,000 plus miles (it actually does), did that qualify? She said “no”, and hung up.
I still get a few robo calls, but a lot less then previously.
We are continually getting calls selling Medicare insurance, and various other things we don’t want.
I have become sufficiently annoyed that I often put the phone on hold, set it down, and hope they waste a few minutes trying to talk to nothing. Not always, but whenever they waste my time by:
–Robo-dialing and then not having a human on-line and ready to talk when I answer. You wasted my time, now I’ll try to waste yours.
–Anything that doesn’t have a live human on-line within 5 seconds.
–Not getting to the point (saying what they’re selling) within 10 seconds. (How am I? Pissed off, and instead of hanging up because I don’t want what you’re selling, I’ll just ghost you.)
–Any statement implying a relationship that does not exist, such as “Your car’s extended warranty” gets them on hold – unless I’m feeling like taking the time and energy to scream at them about FRAUD!
OTOH, my wife has time, so she might _tell_ them about all her minor ailments, like someone at the nursing home you don’t want to get into a conversation with. And make up some disgusting bodily malfunctions.
I did something similar, but mine was my very reel 2005 F150 with 403,000 miles. REsponse was “Do you have any other vehicles? That one is too old.”
Around here (Tampa area) I get calls from a human asking if Juan is here, when I say no, they say ‘Well, maybe you can help me” and launch into a sales pitch.
Last one went like this:
Caller Hello, is Juan there?
Me Which Juan, there are several here.
Caller Uhhh
Me Juan Hernandez?
Caller Yes!
Me He’s not here, maybe Juan Gomez?
Caller Yes, I can talk to him. He’s not here either, how about Juan Ortiz?
Me He’s not here either, how about Juan Ortiz?
Caller Well, what is your name?
Me Oh, you don’t want to talk to me, I’m no Juan.
Caller Silence, then a chuckle, then hung up.
Sorry, messed that up on line 7.
Too much blood in my caffeine stream
I kept an IRS scammer going for days.
Was supposed to buy five $200 gift cards to settle a past due bill.
Me: Well, I’ll go into town tomorrow and buy the cards.
The next day:
Scammer: You have the cards? Good. Now read me the numbers.
Me: Reads fake numbers (I had one card that I modified the numbers from)
Scammer: What did you do? There is no money on these cards!
Me: I deposited them into my bank account like you told me.
Scammer: I didn’t tell you to do that!
And round and round we went. Hey, everyone needs a hobby!
So THAT’S the IRS scam. Sounds like fun. I’ll have to see if I can hook me a scammer when (if) I get one of those. I’m old and male. Ornery is in my job description.
Regardless of other considerations, Walker shouldn’t want to get involved with a woman this stupid (or desperate). You can’t land a fish you haven’t hooked. The only way this COULD have worked would have been to re-establish familiarity first, absent any hint of romantic desire, like appealing to him for help or inviting him to a gathering of several “old friends”. This approach would have caused a much less intelligent and experienced man to raise shields.
I submit that if she had the brains the Creator gave a flea she would never have gotten herself into such a situation in the first place. Play stupid games; win stupid prizes.
Just because Pam wants something, does not mean everyone else has give it to her. How about time she finds out that her Queen Bee status from high school has expired :{
Whatever you do when talking to one of those phone scammers, never come out and say “yes”. Steve Lehto (” Lehto’s Law” on youtube) an attorney in Michigan gave out that advice. Seems there’s a scam going around where they get you to say “yes” and then they send you some hugely over priced shit and then bill you for it. If you say you never ordered it they have a doctored recording of you saying yes to the order. It might not hold up in court but you’ll spend a mint fighting it. After watching that video I will never utter the word “yes” on the phone unless I am 100% certain of who the person is I’m speaking with.
Hope it does not take too many more hammers for those kids to learn a “person” does not have to be like them. They have made good strides not limiting their friends to Homo Sapiens. Now just remove “organic” from the requirements.