My kid sister uses one like that to help keep her
hair out of her face.
Otherwise she’d look like Hermine Granger in the
first couple of movies.
And why I didn’t mind losing my hair that much 😉
Water update: I filed a claim with USAA for my homeowner’s
insurance. Waiting on adjuster to get back to me. We mopped
up what came up during the day but the leak seems to be
getting worse. This evening I went out to turn off the water but
clearly the water company has put some tech in place to read
the meter remotely. I looked hard but could not see a shut-off
valve. Guess I’ll call the water company tomorrow. Good news
is it looks like insurance will cover it. Cross fingers.
There should be a small cover either in your yard or sidewalk
that has the shut-off valve in it. There’s a square headed
valve that takes a tool to turn it. Gary had theirs under a
locking cap because of pranking kids. I just hope it didn’t
wash out any of your foundation. One of the perks of being
a fireman, you find out about that stuff.
Believe me, Scars, I know what the place the shut-off valve
ought to look like. I’ve had a couple of occasions to have
to turn the water off before. I looked HARD in the meter box
and there was no shut off valve there that I could see. I’m
going to call the water company after 08:00 to try and get
them to come out and shut the water off and show me
how to do it.
It might be buried somewhere, or no where near your house.
Either way, the service needs to come out and deal with it.
Sorry you’re going through that, we fought hard against
city water and sewer out here. we got out of the city water
due to the farm etc, but we now have a lift-station for sewer.
many times city water estimates your usage rather than use
a meter, or the meter is under the same cover as the valve.
I’d have mine set to sound like an Indy car, I like that idea
of the swap-able chip-set, you can set your power level,
or have it act like a regular bike or an automatic. I’d love
to have a 3-wheeler like that. Only setup like a scooter,
I can’t raise my leg far enough to get it over the seat
I’d go with Imp-diplomatic corp myself, as if anyone noticed
I do like to talk 😛 Svetlana is an open person and has good
reasoning skills.
I seen a short on YouTube this morning that was interesting,
posted by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, He said they figured out the
human brain’s clock speed. From what he said, it’s 10 bps.
I disagree, the brain is not only thinking, but it’s also
managing our body and a host of other distractions that no
other machine has to deal with. So sticking a sticker saying
it runs at X speed is just dumb. If it’s that slow, then how
can we see and do things like when I rolled that car? in
just a few seconds it was happening and I was air-born,
I figured out what happened and what was about to happen
and reacted. 10 bit per second my ass!
The man is an over-educated idiot. He likes to come up
with these off-the-wall statements because he thinks
they make him sound intelligent, that he is on such a
high plane that he sees things truths that no one else
has ever seen.
How can the human eye see the difference between a
30 FPS video and one at 60 FPS if the brain can’t
process at that speed?
His momentous ego demands that he tear other people down.
It’s the only way that he can feel good about himself.
The only reason he’s famous is that he’s famous.
I’ve heard some of the claims he’s made,
though I remember none of them.
Tyson is very intelligent and a better than average science
communicator. He’s also an elitist asshole bastard!
AND a total shill for the Left. I remember during the lockdown
when he was pushing the whole agenda – masks, distancing,
the jab -despite having to know all that was bullshit.
When Bill Mahr asked him about men having an advantage in
sports over women and he brought up the fact(?) that women
may well have a slight advantage over men in long distance
swimming, whatever residual respect I might have retained
for him evaporated. If I watch a video with him in it, it’s
only too see what preposterous lie he’s pushing this week.
Tyson has the distinction of being mentored by Carl Sagon,
and has been riding that man’s name for decades. He’s
just trying to be up to date to the social norm I guess.
I like to listen to him for the laff factor 😉 nothing more.
I’ll grant you, I watched a clip where a woman colleague
shushed him on stage because he wouldn’t shut up!
She was making a statement, and he wouldn’t let her finish.
I just shared that because it was such a silly statement.
We’ve all had moments where it seemed like everything
slowed down and we could think things out.
I’ve spoken to combat vets that say the very same thing,
it’s a moment of maximum focus.
I remember being told about it as a kid and still being surprised
(in retrospect afterwards) when it happened to me. And no,
not combat, avoiding a traffic accident. The whole worlds seems
to slip into slow motion, except for you. Our brain has more
than one clock speed. I used to like him, but when he tried
saying the sun “doesn’t rise in the East” because the point of
breaking the horizon isn’t DUE East (except at the equinoxes).
I realized he was just a showman.
What he is is just entertaining, sure he is an astrophysicist,
but he makes what he’s talking about either funny or interesting.
I take him the same way I take doctors, I listen to what’s said
and make up my OWN mind afterwards.
I agree, he’s WAY out of his field there, I think that
other scientists use him as a mouth piece to get
their theories and research some air time rather than
risk ridicule by the rest of us. “Let Tyson do it, they
might accept it.” While most of us just do a face-palm.
Interesting thing… The transmission along the nervous system is supposedly about 120 miles per hour.
The Problem here is, if this is true, then how can we be able to hit a thrown baseball pitch?
There are many who suspect that our eyes can see a few milliseconds into the future.
Me, I have my own hypothesis, which, shockingly, seems to cover a whole lot more in both
standard and quantum physics, than I ever imagined.
Yeah, I know, big claims require big proofs. The thing is, I just approached some of the basic
principles of quantum physics from different perspective. The thing is; we tend to base our
understanding of the universe on our perceptions of our senses. Unfortunately, our senses are
limited. We see quantum physics as a series of “wave functions” that collapse when subatomic
particles are directly observed. When we use instrumentation to observe these interactions,
something weird happens. Look up the “two slit experiment” and then look up how direct
observation reveals particle actions, while indirect observation, through instruments, causes
a waveform action. Our instruments expand our perceptual capabilities, beyond what we can
directly observed. In short, we’ve pretty much based our theories on our own limited senses,
whereas, what is really happening is outside of our ability to directly observe, and, because of
this, there are layers of reality that we currently cannot directly observe, and as such, we tend
to ignore other possibilities that are beyond our limited sensory abilities.
So, in short, what if reality, as we observe it, is limited to what we directly observed, where as,
in “reality” what we have considered as ‘virtual particles’, quantum waveforms, and even the
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, are all based upon what we can directly observed with our
limited perceptions, where as every possible particle exists, slightly out of phase with what we
can directly perceive? The further out of ‘phase’ with what we can directly perceive, the further
apart from our current perceptual reality, they are. Simply; parallel realities exist, we live in
multiple realities simultaneously, but our decisions, actions, and personal observations, subtly
shift us between these different layers. When a large enough event is observed by a large
enough group, a segment of that populations’ perceptual reality is shifted to a different layer.
This concept has pretty much blown my mind, but when applied to both quantum and classical
Physics? It fits way better than any other current theory I’ve examined…
Our mind can extrapolate events with what we see and hear/feel
and it allows us what we can see is a few milliseconds in the
future. Lab tests aren’t set in real world environments,
so there’s no simple way to test the real limits. What we both
experienced is a clear example of that. That or we both have
the mutant power to slow time in stressful moments 😛 😉
I think what actually happens is we ignore the usual distractions
that the brain has (breathing, heart beats, blood flow, how hot
that girl was, what that cat did to the bird it caught, and so on)
and fully focused on the moment at hand. THAT’S the true
speed of a brain, not what those tests claim. And that is why
AI will never be as good, they have a set speed,
we have no such limits!
If you think about it, the only way a gravbike is limited
is how fast can a living thing go without bits flying off…
much less the bike… “You don’t need no stinkin’ mirrors!”
” Whada mean ‘the handle bars are bent’, they were
made that way! Yes, back over the tank…”
I had a funny thought for the Cat’s ships, what if a
passenger liner was in the shape of a cat stretched
out sunning itself? I was re-reading through TGW-936
and the idea hit me 😉
I’m sure you guys are tied of hearing about it but it seems
mt cancer is back in the form of lymphoma. They found it
in a couple of polyps they took out of me during a colon
scope. Tests, tests, and more tests! Blood tests, a PET scan,
a CT scan, and so on. New appointments during the entire
month… At least 6.
Panels 3 & 4 – what’s the spot on the back of Cissy’s head?
A hairclip.
My kid sister uses one like that to help keep her
hair out of her face.
Otherwise she’d look like Hermine Granger in the
first couple of movies.
And why I didn’t mind losing my hair that much 😉
Water update: I filed a claim with USAA for my homeowner’s
insurance. Waiting on adjuster to get back to me. We mopped
up what came up during the day but the leak seems to be
getting worse. This evening I went out to turn off the water but
clearly the water company has put some tech in place to read
the meter remotely. I looked hard but could not see a shut-off
valve. Guess I’ll call the water company tomorrow. Good news
is it looks like insurance will cover it. Cross fingers.
There should be a small cover either in your yard or sidewalk
that has the shut-off valve in it. There’s a square headed
valve that takes a tool to turn it. Gary had theirs under a
locking cap because of pranking kids. I just hope it didn’t
wash out any of your foundation. One of the perks of being
a fireman, you find out about that stuff.
Believe me, Scars, I know what the place the shut-off valve
ought to look like. I’ve had a couple of occasions to have
to turn the water off before. I looked HARD in the meter box
and there was no shut off valve there that I could see. I’m
going to call the water company after 08:00 to try and get
them to come out and shut the water off and show me
how to do it.
It might be buried somewhere, or no where near your house.
Either way, the service needs to come out and deal with it.
Sorry you’re going through that, we fought hard against
city water and sewer out here. we got out of the city water
due to the farm etc, but we now have a lift-station for sewer.
many times city water estimates your usage rather than use
a meter, or the meter is under the same cover as the valve.
I’d have mine set to sound like an Indy car, I like that idea
of the swap-able chip-set, you can set your power level,
or have it act like a regular bike or an automatic. I’d love
to have a 3-wheeler like that. Only setup like a scooter,
I can’t raise my leg far enough to get it over the seat
I’d go with Imp-diplomatic corp myself, as if anyone noticed
I do like to talk 😛 Svetlana is an open person and has good
reasoning skills.
I seen a short on YouTube this morning that was interesting,
posted by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, He said they figured out the
human brain’s clock speed. From what he said, it’s 10 bps.
I disagree, the brain is not only thinking, but it’s also
managing our body and a host of other distractions that no
other machine has to deal with. So sticking a sticker saying
it runs at X speed is just dumb. If it’s that slow, then how
can we see and do things like when I rolled that car? in
just a few seconds it was happening and I was air-born,
I figured out what happened and what was about to happen
and reacted. 10 bit per second my ass!
The man is an over-educated idiot. He likes to come up
with these off-the-wall statements because he thinks
they make him sound intelligent, that he is on such a
high plane that he sees things truths that no one else
has ever seen.
How can the human eye see the difference between a
30 FPS video and one at 60 FPS if the brain can’t
process at that speed?
His momentous ego demands that he tear other people down.
It’s the only way that he can feel good about himself.
The only reason he’s famous is that he’s famous.
I’ve heard some of the claims he’s made,
though I remember none of them.
You took the words right out of my mouth,
but you were much more diplomatic.
Think of him as a DEI hire.
Tyson is very intelligent and a better than average science
communicator. He’s also an elitist asshole bastard!
AND a total shill for the Left. I remember during the lockdown
when he was pushing the whole agenda – masks, distancing,
the jab -despite having to know all that was bullshit.
When Bill Mahr asked him about men having an advantage in
sports over women and he brought up the fact(?) that women
may well have a slight advantage over men in long distance
swimming, whatever residual respect I might have retained
for him evaporated. If I watch a video with him in it, it’s
only too see what preposterous lie he’s pushing this week.
Tyson has the distinction of being mentored by Carl Sagon,
and has been riding that man’s name for decades. He’s
just trying to be up to date to the social norm I guess.
I like to listen to him for the laff factor 😉 nothing more.
I’ll grant you, I watched a clip where a woman colleague
shushed him on stage because he wouldn’t shut up!
She was making a statement, and he wouldn’t let her finish.
I just shared that because it was such a silly statement.
We’ve all had moments where it seemed like everything
slowed down and we could think things out.
I’ve spoken to combat vets that say the very same thing,
it’s a moment of maximum focus.
I remember being told about it as a kid and still being surprised
(in retrospect afterwards) when it happened to me. And no,
not combat, avoiding a traffic accident. The whole worlds seems
to slip into slow motion, except for you. Our brain has more
than one clock speed. I used to like him, but when he tried
saying the sun “doesn’t rise in the East” because the point of
breaking the horizon isn’t DUE East (except at the equinoxes).
I realized he was just a showman.
What he is is just entertaining, sure he is an astrophysicist,
but he makes what he’s talking about either funny or interesting.
I take him the same way I take doctors, I listen to what’s said
and make up my OWN mind afterwards.
I agree, he’s WAY out of his field there, I think that
other scientists use him as a mouth piece to get
their theories and research some air time rather than
risk ridicule by the rest of us. “Let Tyson do it, they
might accept it.” While most of us just do a face-palm.
Interesting thing… The transmission along the nervous system is supposedly about 120 miles per hour.
The Problem here is, if this is true, then how can we be able to hit a thrown baseball pitch?
There are many who suspect that our eyes can see a few milliseconds into the future.
Me, I have my own hypothesis, which, shockingly, seems to cover a whole lot more in both
standard and quantum physics, than I ever imagined.
Yeah, I know, big claims require big proofs. The thing is, I just approached some of the basic
principles of quantum physics from different perspective. The thing is; we tend to base our
understanding of the universe on our perceptions of our senses. Unfortunately, our senses are
limited. We see quantum physics as a series of “wave functions” that collapse when subatomic
particles are directly observed. When we use instrumentation to observe these interactions,
something weird happens. Look up the “two slit experiment” and then look up how direct
observation reveals particle actions, while indirect observation, through instruments, causes
a waveform action. Our instruments expand our perceptual capabilities, beyond what we can
directly observed. In short, we’ve pretty much based our theories on our own limited senses,
whereas, what is really happening is outside of our ability to directly observe, and, because of
this, there are layers of reality that we currently cannot directly observe, and as such, we tend
to ignore other possibilities that are beyond our limited sensory abilities.
So, in short, what if reality, as we observe it, is limited to what we directly observed, where as,
in “reality” what we have considered as ‘virtual particles’, quantum waveforms, and even the
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, are all based upon what we can directly observed with our
limited perceptions, where as every possible particle exists, slightly out of phase with what we
can directly perceive? The further out of ‘phase’ with what we can directly perceive, the further
apart from our current perceptual reality, they are. Simply; parallel realities exist, we live in
multiple realities simultaneously, but our decisions, actions, and personal observations, subtly
shift us between these different layers. When a large enough event is observed by a large
enough group, a segment of that populations’ perceptual reality is shifted to a different layer.
This concept has pretty much blown my mind, but when applied to both quantum and classical
Physics? It fits way better than any other current theory I’ve examined…
Our mind can extrapolate events with what we see and hear/feel
and it allows us what we can see is a few milliseconds in the
future. Lab tests aren’t set in real world environments,
so there’s no simple way to test the real limits. What we both
experienced is a clear example of that. That or we both have
the mutant power to slow time in stressful moments 😛 😉
I think what actually happens is we ignore the usual distractions
that the brain has (breathing, heart beats, blood flow, how hot
that girl was, what that cat did to the bird it caught, and so on)
and fully focused on the moment at hand. THAT’S the true
speed of a brain, not what those tests claim. And that is why
AI will never be as good, they have a set speed,
we have no such limits!
or… the brain edits out every time you blink…
Sounds like the Empire have out-
Japanesed the Japanese in motorcycles.
Not an easy thing to do.
If you think about it, the only way a gravbike is limited
is how fast can a living thing go without bits flying off…
much less the bike… “You don’t need no stinkin’ mirrors!”
” Whada mean ‘the handle bars are bent’, they were
made that way! Yes, back over the tank…”
PC, I sent you an email.
I had a funny thought for the Cat’s ships, what if a
passenger liner was in the shape of a cat stretched
out sunning itself? I was re-reading through TGW-936
and the idea hit me 😉
I’m sure you guys are tied of hearing about it but it seems
mt cancer is back in the form of lymphoma. They found it
in a couple of polyps they took out of me during a colon
scope. Tests, tests, and more tests! Blood tests, a PET scan,
a CT scan, and so on. New appointments during the entire
month… At least 6.
sigh… damn filter…