No problem. We’ll keep. Your statement is why I am only on the
internet in a very limited way. I watch YouTube videos from a
very select group of providers. I come here to get the latest of
a story I have been following for years. I do not watch the news!
It is too depressing. If I’m not watching videos I’m reading or
playing solitaire. Hang in, PC.
I feel for you Petercat, there are days when
i consider taking back up heavy drinking as
well. Like now, I was checking my paperwork
on my tower, I bought it 7 1/2 years ago.
Warranty ran out 6yrs ago. 🙁
I’m not sure, I was just about to post a reply on here
and suddenly I had weird pixels everywhere and then
it locked up. I did a forced shutdown, waited about 20
mins, and it wouldn’t go past post. Last time I had
that happen it was the ram that failed. My son thinks
it’s the GPU, which will suck, I loved that 1080. He’s
pulling 12 hour shifts this week, so I’ll wait until he
can help. My hands shake too much these days and
I don’t want to risk more damage.
If memory serves, it’s a 8700k cpu, 1080ti GPU with
12 gig of ram. The nvida gpu is ASI, can’t tell the MoBo
was made by, the video card covers the brand. It’s so
thick it takes up 2 slots!
Cool. I have everything except the processor.
Your RAM is DDR4,
I have plenty. I also have a spare 980ti (6GB RAM).
If your motherboard has built-in graphics, (it should),
try plugging your monitor into that. You might need
to remove your 1080ti first, though.
It could also be your power supply failing, as well.
I have several extra. Let me know when you figure it
out, if your computer serves you well, it’s going to
be cheaper to repair it than to replace it.
8700K and a 1080ti are a great combination.
I still have my old 7700K with two wet 1080tis,
it wouldn’t be a problem for me to set it up to
render TGW again if I needed to.
You’re lucky on the “wet ones”, I wouldn’t dare to price one,
even if they are still available. Heh, don’t say that about
the PS, the last computer I had had suffered with a
short, 120VAC through the mainboard, GPU, a brand new
32in TV input socket, and my left hand…
Yeah it was a check-pulse moment.
The Mobo has a rinkadink base-line GPU built in, but that
wouldn’t handle any rendering or my steam games, but
I would be able to annoy you guys again 😉
Trying the motherboard GPU might tell you where the
problem is, though. But my 980 has only half the
memory of a 1080ti. If you have to replace the GPU,
I recommend a 3060. It has a hair more memory,
but it renders twice as fast as a 1080ti.
Requires Win10, though.
That’s pretty good, better than my 3060s except for the RAM, which will slightly
limit your scene size. But the higher CUDA core count and memory bus speed will
help it render faster.
That’s why my other art computer uses two 3060s. Specs for the pair are almost
the same as the 3080, + 2gb RAM.
And they fit in a smaller case. Have you checked the dimensions? I had to transfer
the guts of my main computer to another case when I bought my 3090, it was too long
for the old one… but it got me 24 GB of RAM,and renders twice as fast as my paired
3060s. I had to buy it when some of the scenes in the Miral-meets-Gopi storyline kicked
down to the CPU for rendering. Too large!
Take care of yourself, PC. If you don’t, nobody else can.
I mostly don’t go to “news” sites. I don’t watch TV; I only have
a FB account to get pictures of the granddaughter. I still see
some stuff, as I’m still working full time, but as much as possible,
I limit the outside world’s influence.
I said I don’t watch TV. We DO have one. 50″ Plasma, hanging on
the wall, a gift from the kids 8ish years ago. It hasn’t even been
plugged in for months. We will, if we wish to, plug it in and watch a
DVD, or a VCR tape, or, more likely, use Hulu to watch something.
I’m getting the laptop setup, it’s weird, I haven’t used one
in a decade. I’ve got to find a spare RGB cable so I can
hook up the monitor. Now I have to hook up my externals
and see what i’m missing from the tower. Maybe i’ll have
to buy one of those data savers to recover my files from
the tower.
aw crap, I don’t know why that was posted as a
reply to you Sam, this keyboard is weird, not to
mention the old mouse pointer stalk in the middle
of the keyboard…
It’s an HP, metal case, it’s an office laptop
that my sister had, I can tell why she quit
using it, at random it suddenly scrolls
down and leaves the window like on here.
What’s worse, she never activated it, so
I can’t even play games on it… grrr…
“Windows does not support Windows 7,
here are web sites to shop for a new
computer”. All Intel/Microsoft brands…
At least I can get on here for some things.
My boy should be off this weekend.
Woops. I hadn’t read this far. Yeah,
Win7 had the worst activation scheme.
Search for Windows 7 OEM keys, they
can be used to activate without any pain,
OEM keys don’t need to be verified.
I’ll dig through my USB drives
and see if I can find my copies.
Here ya go:
What kills me is when they did this for XP, they sold CDs
that had all the updates on it, when I went to the store
to see if I could do it for Win7 there’s nothing but the
same old notification. My sister has/had a copy of XP home
and gave me a copy, with a bulk system activation code.
It’s what I used when I rebuilt frankentower 😀
Thanks for the link, I copy/pasted the list to
a notepad, I’ll share with my sister, she’s got
several laptops that need minor repairs.
Mostly hard drives, Wifi cards, that sort of thing.
Like this one, it’s missing the Wifi card, the
bracket is there, but it’s missing and the socket
is wrecked. I got her hooked on computer
repair, I taught her and she ran with it lol.
She started doing IT work for the hospital she
was working for! Then took a job at a big concrete
place her hubby was driving for, the lady was
pulling $80k a year! (grumbling…)
Actually I found out it’s Win7 pro, she says she can fix it
and was a bit miffed when I offered her a copy of those
codes, she’s like many older women, too set in their
ways etc.
Oh lets face it, she’s always been like that LOL. 😀
I watch YouTude, Netflix, Prime, and Disney+. all of which I decide what I’m watching and the content. I
have a 55 in on our bedroom wall, mostly so my wife
can watch her game show network and her hallmark
rom-coms and dramadies movies. (eye-roll)
That’s why I don’t watch TV or any news service, I get so enraged
at the hate/cancel culture that if I was a bit unstable, I’d be on the
news myself. I think your vision here, PC, is coming, and becoming
a prepper is making sense.
Get your bike out and take a short road trip, my friend.
Will add you on Twitter, as soon as my site-blocker allows
me access again, this afternoon. I block all the political
sites during the day,
so I can write when not working on the barn or the yard.
Riding a motorcycle (or driving an open car like my
T buckets) will give you a whole new understanding
of the concept of “wind chill factor.” Even 70
degrees at 60 mph is uncomfortable. It’s like water.
It doesn’t take long for 70 degree water to kill you,
if you’re immersed in it.
I used to race on a lake, and I didn’t have a snowmobile suit.
i used a full face mask, a winter parka, an insulated cover-all,
3 pairs of socks, and I still froze my dangles! Heh…
After my “bike threw a valve (I’m STILL waiting on the replacements!)
I got a crappy old snowmobile and rode that for a couple of years.
Food for thought: I saw this meme on Johnny B’s humpday
Wednesday video:
The tobacco industry paid government to say
that cigarettes were safe.
Then the same thing happened with the plastics industry
and food packaging.
And government scientists pushed seed oils
and an unhealthy food pyramid.
But I’m absolutely certain that vaccines are safe and effective
because that’s what the CDC says!
Screw the anti-vac people, I haven’t had the flu of
any kind in years, even before co-19. Including the
pneumonia shots. You should include the Teflon BS
too, I used pots and pans for decades with it. Then
the FDA did a 180 on it.
My wife and I talked about it, we both had the swine flu in
07-08, that’s it. We were so sick we both took an end of the
couch and stayed there for 3 days, didn’t eat, barely drank.
I should have called 911 I guess.
if you find your own usual sources of information depressing
at the moment, maybe you’d like to read some from the other
side of the spectrum more, currently?
Well, at least my personal main (and ‘mainstream media’)
source is full of articles that are complaining, whining and
out right panicking about Trump and Musk and their plans
and growing influence and about how company/media
leaders are bending over backwards to appease them?
So if both sides of fence are depressed about how the world
is going to change — maybe at least one of them is wrong?
TO BE CLEAR: this is not meant as an attack, rather as an
slightly self ironical/weird try to maybe lift your spirit
just a bit.
Thanks for the advice, welcome back. It’s good to hear from you.
I already do. I use different websites of different persuasions
such as Politico, Bluesky, Twitter…
I’m more interested in what works rather than what side.
My core is personal freedom, and that the first, overriding
purpose of any true adult is too protect those who can not
protect themselves. Anything else comes from that.
I do hope that you will stay and continue presenting
your own views.
I’m not really sure that I’m strong enough to return for good.
Just reading some of the comments here makes me feel quite
similar to what you vented about on this current “page”.
Maybe just one thing. I honestly belief that one of the most
underestimated problems, and one that makes everything else
just so much worse is basically information overload.
When I was a kid we had exactly two TV stations (plus regional
ones, but those kinda where part of the ARD anyway), and both
were non commercial. Beyond that we had newspapers and
magazines and that was it.
I more often than not disagreed with the opinions presented to me,
but in hind site this might actually have been a good thing,
since it did two things to me.
First it forced me to think for myself, to question my sources
and to question my own views. And secondly I was under no
illusion that my own view was in any way the only possible one.
Far from it.
Nowadays we have an overwhelmingly vast quantity of information
sources to pick from. So pick we do. Everybody prefers listening
to voices that agree with their view of the world. And today —
no matter how farfetched the rubbish you want to belief in,
you *will* find countless others who encourage you,
who share your position or claim to.
That in turn does two things: First it radicalizes people.
Every single one of us has plenty “proof” that their own
worldview is “correct”.
And secondly — maybe even worse — it lowers the quality
and enforces information sources to maximize their biases.
If you want to attract readers/viewer/audience, you have
to be heard. And to do that you have to be louder than
anybody else, to be more extreme than anybody else.
To tell more people exactly what they want to hear or
what they want to belief in.
So that is one vicious,
downward spiral we all are caught up in.
Both sides are wrong. And both sides are right. Just about
different things. When I taught history, I told the students
they should never hitch their wagon to any political party.
They both have good ideas and bad ideas, and elections
are the way those ideas get moderated. Our democracy is
healthiest when those who are in power are voted out of
power, and thus reminded that they CAN be voted out of
power. We don’t watch TV. We only use it to listen to the
Satellite Survey on Sirius/XM each week. And to watch
the occasional movie, usually an oldie like “Holiday Inn.”
My college degree (English) had a journalism specialization,
and I recognize the mindset in “journalists” today. They
don’t want to report. They want to predict what will happen,
and hope to change it.
And everybody — including journalist, politicians, influencers,
and bloggers) — is more about “winning” or “scoring” than about
doing the right thing.
For journalists/bloggers that would require caring about those
facts, for politicians that would require to — gasp — compromise
and work together (pardon me, to use these offensive words).
I know what you mean PC, It’s the same with my
father, he insists on watching CBS and CNN, he
then rants at the TV. Since the Roku is out of his
skill set, I have to change the channel to Fox
whenever he gets up or he upsets himself. I
have tried many times to set him up with Hulu
so he could watch shows like Bewitched and
I Dream Of Genie, but he gets bored, I think
he likes to get pissed off, but I worry he’ll cause
another heart attack. Real World news is bad for
anyone’s health.
Maybe it was a DIY “kit”, You heft it up, put the poor ole
Blue out of his misery, then cut it up and/or carve it out?
Heh,I did say I was a bit, just a teeny tiny bit,
of an asshole 😉
My family is sort of steering me to move back to the town I graduated high school from.
I love my family, but to be quite honest, there is very little draw for me there, except for
my family. I love them dearly, but, I have changed so much over the years apart, that I
suspect that I will have significant issues fitting in, once again, with the small town
attitudes and lack of significant mental stimulation. I, have not fully recovered after my
Thyroid cancer from a few years back. (Going through 3 operations to remove the
cancer, and an additional one to try to repair some of the damage to my esophagus, is
taking a bit of time to recover from. I suspect that they are concerned that I may never
fully recover, and they want to be there for me, should I need the help.
What chaffes is my loss of personal autonomy, and I really don’t know how to handle this.
I realize that my situation is quite a bit different than your own, but I do understand your
feelings of both helplessness and hopelessness. I’m uncertain of what the future holds
in my life, but I suspect yours will improve in the next few months, as things settle down
with the more extreme natured individuals, whom I suspect, having been indoctrinated
with absolute terror of conservatives, will most likely claim up and wait, hoping that
They can survive until they can get back in control. (Considering the mess we’ve had
over the last four years, I somehow doubt this will happen for at least the next decade
or two).
In short, the extremists on both sides are venting while they can, as after the inauguration,
I’m fairly certain that they’ll want to keep as low a profile as possible.
So cheer up… I’m pretty sure things are going to get better.
(On a side note; things are getting VERY strange on Facebook, as people seem to be
deliberately saying some of the stupidest things on line, as to draw the ire of those
with better sense than themselves. In short, they’re trolling hard to cause problems.)
I know the feeling, I miss my hometown, but I won’t go back
for any reason. Too many bad memories and bad people with
an axe to grind should I meet up with any these days. And
from what I hear, the area is become a ghost town, lacking
in many things that made life “exciting” heh.
I have read “Cordelia’s Honor”.
Along with other books in the series.
I have to agree with that statement.
It is getting to the point that the good
people will say enough is enough and
rebel against the current system.
Sorry that I’m rambling.
Everything just came together in one day,
and I got overwhelmed.
Friday will be much better.
Please take care of yourself,
not for us or the comic, but for yourself.
Be selfish for once.
I am like Sam, I do not watch TV or the news.
No problem. We’ll keep. Your statement is why I am only on the
internet in a very limited way. I watch YouTube videos from a
very select group of providers. I come here to get the latest of
a story I have been following for years. I do not watch the news!
It is too depressing. If I’m not watching videos I’m reading or
playing solitaire. Hang in, PC.
I feel for you Petercat, there are days when
i consider taking back up heavy drinking as
well. Like now, I was checking my paperwork
on my tower, I bought it 7 1/2 years ago.
Warranty ran out 6yrs ago. 🙁
So what’s wrong with the tower?
Can it be repaired? I have lots of spare parts.
What are it’s specifications?
I’m not sure, I was just about to post a reply on here
and suddenly I had weird pixels everywhere and then
it locked up. I did a forced shutdown, waited about 20
mins, and it wouldn’t go past post. Last time I had
that happen it was the ram that failed. My son thinks
it’s the GPU, which will suck, I loved that 1080. He’s
pulling 12 hour shifts this week, so I’ll wait until he
can help. My hands shake too much these days and
I don’t want to risk more damage.
If memory serves, it’s a 8700k cpu, 1080ti GPU with
12 gig of ram. The nvida gpu is ASI, can’t tell the MoBo
was made by, the video card covers the brand. It’s so
thick it takes up 2 slots!
Cool. I have everything except the processor.
Your RAM is DDR4,
I have plenty. I also have a spare 980ti (6GB RAM).
If your motherboard has built-in graphics, (it should),
try plugging your monitor into that. You might need
to remove your 1080ti first, though.
It could also be your power supply failing, as well.
I have several extra. Let me know when you figure it
out, if your computer serves you well, it’s going to
be cheaper to repair it than to replace it.
8700K and a 1080ti are a great combination.
I still have my old 7700K with two wet 1080tis,
it wouldn’t be a problem for me to set it up to
render TGW again if I needed to.
You’re lucky on the “wet ones”, I wouldn’t dare to price one,
even if they are still available. Heh, don’t say that about
the PS, the last computer I had had suffered with a
short, 120VAC through the mainboard, GPU, a brand new
32in TV input socket, and my left hand…
Yeah it was a check-pulse moment.
The Mobo has a rinkadink base-line GPU built in, but that
wouldn’t handle any rendering or my steam games, but
I would be able to annoy you guys again 😉
Trying the motherboard GPU might tell you where the
problem is, though. But my 980 has only half the
memory of a 1080ti. If you have to replace the GPU,
I recommend a 3060. It has a hair more memory,
but it renders twice as fast as a 1080ti.
Requires Win10, though.
I was thinking the same,
I’m hoping the price will
drop with the new releases.
So far I’ve found a 3080 for $236, used, I’ll check eBay as well.
I like the fact that the stock 3080 has the same stats as my 1080ti.
That’s pretty good, better than my 3060s except for the RAM, which will slightly
limit your scene size. But the higher CUDA core count and memory bus speed will
help it render faster.
That’s why my other art computer uses two 3060s. Specs for the pair are almost
the same as the 3080, + 2gb RAM.
And they fit in a smaller case. Have you checked the dimensions? I had to transfer
the guts of my main computer to another case when I bought my 3090, it was too long
for the old one… but it got me 24 GB of RAM,and renders twice as fast as my paired
3060s. I had to buy it when some of the scenes in the Miral-meets-Gopi storyline kicked
down to the CPU for rendering. Too large!
Take care of yourself, PC. If you don’t, nobody else can.
I mostly don’t go to “news” sites. I don’t watch TV; I only have
a FB account to get pictures of the granddaughter. I still see
some stuff, as I’m still working full time, but as much as possible,
I limit the outside world’s influence.
And thanks for letting us know.
I said I don’t watch TV. We DO have one. 50″ Plasma, hanging on
the wall, a gift from the kids 8ish years ago. It hasn’t even been
plugged in for months. We will, if we wish to, plug it in and watch a
DVD, or a VCR tape, or, more likely, use Hulu to watch something.
I’m getting the laptop setup, it’s weird, I haven’t used one
in a decade. I’ve got to find a spare RGB cable so I can
hook up the monitor. Now I have to hook up my externals
and see what i’m missing from the tower. Maybe i’ll have
to buy one of those data savers to recover my files from
the tower.
aw crap, I don’t know why that was posted as a
reply to you Sam, this keyboard is weird, not to
mention the old mouse pointer stalk in the middle
of the keyboard…
You have a Lenovo? With Windows 7?
Lucky guy. Really. I love that combination.
It’s an HP, metal case, it’s an office laptop
that my sister had, I can tell why she quit
using it, at random it suddenly scrolls
down and leaves the window like on here.
What’s worse, she never activated it, so
I can’t even play games on it… grrr…
“Windows does not support Windows 7,
here are web sites to shop for a new
computer”. All Intel/Microsoft brands…
At least I can get on here for some things.
My boy should be off this weekend.
Woops. I hadn’t read this far. Yeah,
Win7 had the worst activation scheme.
Search for Windows 7 OEM keys, they
can be used to activate without any pain,
OEM keys don’t need to be verified.
I’ll dig through my USB drives
and see if I can find my copies.
Here ya go:
What kills me is when they did this for XP, they sold CDs
that had all the updates on it, when I went to the store
to see if I could do it for Win7 there’s nothing but the
same old notification. My sister has/had a copy of XP home
and gave me a copy, with a bulk system activation code.
It’s what I used when I rebuilt frankentower 😀
Thanks for the link, I copy/pasted the list to
a notepad, I’ll share with my sister, she’s got
several laptops that need minor repairs.
Mostly hard drives, Wifi cards, that sort of thing.
Like this one, it’s missing the Wifi card, the
bracket is there, but it’s missing and the socket
is wrecked. I got her hooked on computer
repair, I taught her and she ran with it lol.
She started doing IT work for the hospital she
was working for! Then took a job at a big concrete
place her hubby was driving for, the lady was
pulling $80k a year! (grumbling…)
Actually I found out it’s Win7 pro, she says she can fix it
and was a bit miffed when I offered her a copy of those
codes, she’s like many older women, too set in their
ways etc.
Oh lets face it, she’s always been like that LOL. 😀
I watch YouTude, Netflix, Prime, and Disney+. all of which
I decide what I’m watching and the content. I
have a 55 in on our bedroom wall, mostly so my wife
can watch her game show network and her hallmark
rom-coms and dramadies movies. (eye-roll)
dramadies = drama + comedy I invented
that term a while back to tease her 😛
That’s why I don’t watch TV or any news service, I get so enraged
at the hate/cancel culture that if I was a bit unstable, I’d be on the
news myself. I think your vision here, PC, is coming, and becoming
a prepper is making sense.
I pasted it on my Twitter. Let’s see what happens.
Get your bike out and take a short road trip, my friend.
Will add you on Twitter, as soon as my site-blocker allows
me access again, this afternoon. I block all the political
sites during the day,
so I can write when not working on the barn or the yard.
Not that I am getting very far with writing…..
He’d have to break out the winter gear, i do know
how 40 F feels like at 60MPH heh. (actually broke
off part of my mustache)
Riding a motorcycle (or driving an open car like my
T buckets) will give you a whole new understanding
of the concept of “wind chill factor.” Even 70
degrees at 60 mph is uncomfortable. It’s like water.
It doesn’t take long for 70 degree water to kill you,
if you’re immersed in it.
I used to race on a lake, and I didn’t have a snowmobile suit.
i used a full face mask, a winter parka, an insulated cover-all,
3 pairs of socks, and I still froze my dangles! Heh…
After my “bike threw a valve (I’m STILL waiting on the replacements!)
I got a crappy old snowmobile and rode that for a couple of years.
*Ice race*
Food for thought: I saw this meme on Johnny B’s humpday
Wednesday video:
The tobacco industry paid government to say
that cigarettes were safe.
Then the same thing happened with the plastics industry
and food packaging.
And government scientists pushed seed oils
and an unhealthy food pyramid.
But I’m absolutely certain that vaccines are safe and effective
because that’s what the CDC says!
Screw the anti-vac people, I haven’t had the flu of
any kind in years, even before co-19. Including the
pneumonia shots. You should include the Teflon BS
too, I used pots and pans for decades with it. Then
the FDA did a 180 on it.
My wife and I talked about it, we both had the swine flu in
07-08, that’s it. We were so sick we both took an end of the
couch and stayed there for 3 days, didn’t eat, barely drank.
I should have called 911 I guess.
Dear PC,
if you find your own usual sources of information depressing
at the moment, maybe you’d like to read some from the other
side of the spectrum more, currently?
Well, at least my personal main (and ‘mainstream media’)
source is full of articles that are complaining, whining and
out right panicking about Trump and Musk and their plans
and growing influence and about how company/media
leaders are bending over backwards to appease them?
So if both sides of fence are depressed about how the world
is going to change — maybe at least one of them is wrong?
TO BE CLEAR: this is not meant as an attack, rather as an
slightly self ironical/weird try to maybe lift your spirit
just a bit.
Thanks for the advice, welcome back. It’s good to hear from you.
I already do. I use different websites of different persuasions
such as Politico, Bluesky, Twitter…
I’m more interested in what works rather than what side.
My core is personal freedom, and that the first, overriding
purpose of any true adult is too protect those who can not
protect themselves. Anything else comes from that.
I do hope that you will stay and continue presenting
your own views.
I’m not really sure that I’m strong enough to return for good.
Just reading some of the comments here makes me feel quite
similar to what you vented about on this current “page”.
Maybe just one thing. I honestly belief that one of the most
underestimated problems, and one that makes everything else
just so much worse is basically information overload.
When I was a kid we had exactly two TV stations (plus regional
ones, but those kinda where part of the ARD anyway), and both
were non commercial. Beyond that we had newspapers and
magazines and that was it.
I more often than not disagreed with the opinions presented to me,
but in hind site this might actually have been a good thing,
since it did two things to me.
First it forced me to think for myself, to question my sources
and to question my own views. And secondly I was under no
illusion that my own view was in any way the only possible one.
Far from it.
Nowadays we have an overwhelmingly vast quantity of information
sources to pick from. So pick we do. Everybody prefers listening
to voices that agree with their view of the world. And today —
no matter how farfetched the rubbish you want to belief in,
you *will* find countless others who encourage you,
who share your position or claim to.
That in turn does two things: First it radicalizes people.
Every single one of us has plenty “proof” that their own
worldview is “correct”.
And secondly — maybe even worse — it lowers the quality
and enforces information sources to maximize their biases.
If you want to attract readers/viewer/audience, you have
to be heard. And to do that you have to be louder than
anybody else, to be more extreme than anybody else.
To tell more people exactly what they want to hear or
what they want to belief in.
So that is one vicious,
downward spiral we all are caught up in.
Both sides are wrong. And both sides are right. Just about
different things. When I taught history, I told the students
they should never hitch their wagon to any political party.
They both have good ideas and bad ideas, and elections
are the way those ideas get moderated. Our democracy is
healthiest when those who are in power are voted out of
power, and thus reminded that they CAN be voted out of
power. We don’t watch TV. We only use it to listen to the
Satellite Survey on Sirius/XM each week. And to watch
the occasional movie, usually an oldie like “Holiday Inn.”
My college degree (English) had a journalism specialization,
and I recognize the mindset in “journalists” today. They
don’t want to report. They want to predict what will happen,
and hope to change it.
And everybody — including journalist, politicians, influencers,
and bloggers) — is more about “winning” or “scoring” than about
doing the right thing.
For journalists/bloggers that would require caring about those
facts, for politicians that would require to — gasp — compromise
and work together (pardon me, to use these offensive words).
I know what you mean PC, It’s the same with my
father, he insists on watching CBS and CNN, he
then rants at the TV. Since the Roku is out of his
skill set, I have to change the channel to Fox
whenever he gets up or he upsets himself. I
have tried many times to set him up with Hulu
so he could watch shows like Bewitched and
I Dream Of Genie, but he gets bored, I think
he likes to get pissed off, but I worry he’ll cause
another heart attack. Real World news is bad for
anyone’s health.
I just had a spam comment offering to
sell me a “solid wood” dog casket.
If it’s solid, where do you put the dog?
Maybe it was a DIY “kit”, You heft it up, put the poor ole
Blue out of his misery, then cut it up and/or carve it out?
Heh,I did say I was a bit, just a teeny tiny bit,
of an asshole 😉
PC, I feel you.
My family is sort of steering me to move back to the town I graduated high school from.
I love my family, but to be quite honest, there is very little draw for me there, except for
my family. I love them dearly, but, I have changed so much over the years apart, that I
suspect that I will have significant issues fitting in, once again, with the small town
attitudes and lack of significant mental stimulation. I, have not fully recovered after my
Thyroid cancer from a few years back. (Going through 3 operations to remove the
cancer, and an additional one to try to repair some of the damage to my esophagus, is
taking a bit of time to recover from. I suspect that they are concerned that I may never
fully recover, and they want to be there for me, should I need the help.
What chaffes is my loss of personal autonomy, and I really don’t know how to handle this.
I realize that my situation is quite a bit different than your own, but I do understand your
feelings of both helplessness and hopelessness. I’m uncertain of what the future holds
in my life, but I suspect yours will improve in the next few months, as things settle down
with the more extreme natured individuals, whom I suspect, having been indoctrinated
with absolute terror of conservatives, will most likely claim up and wait, hoping that
They can survive until they can get back in control. (Considering the mess we’ve had
over the last four years, I somehow doubt this will happen for at least the next decade
or two).
In short, the extremists on both sides are venting while they can, as after the inauguration,
I’m fairly certain that they’ll want to keep as low a profile as possible.
So cheer up… I’m pretty sure things are going to get better.
(On a side note; things are getting VERY strange on Facebook, as people seem to be
deliberately saying some of the stupidest things on line, as to draw the ire of those
with better sense than themselves. In short, they’re trolling hard to cause problems.)
I know the feeling, I miss my hometown, but I won’t go back
for any reason. Too many bad memories and bad people with
an axe to grind should I meet up with any these days. And
from what I hear, the area is become a ghost town, lacking
in many things that made life “exciting” heh.
That’s why I quit social media, back in 2016
it was already starting and I got fed up.
I quit social media, too. I’m only on Twitter,
haven’t even logged into Disqus in forever.
I’m an SL-libertarian, I don’t belong anywhere!
I have read “Cordelia’s Honor”.
Along with other books in the series.
I have to agree with that statement.
It is getting to the point that the good
people will say enough is enough and
rebel against the current system.