Nor did I! But I approve, makes far more sense than a fight that
Ahmya couldn’t win. Plus, it restores her honor. Now lets hope
that neither of them get sick from the blood-pact. You don’t
worry about that when you’re kids, but after co-vid it’s hard
not to.
Shouldn’t hurt Ahmya at all. The cats are universal donors, remember?
And there is so little blood actually exchanged, that I doubt it will
hurt Miral at all, either.
True, she’s gone way farther than I thought she would,
plus she now cares for people in general, not just her
own kin and kind. Granny there looks like her jaw is
about to drop off! “How did you know that!” reading…
And looking back at the previous episode, panel 4, the aggressive
granny looked very pleased when it appeared Miral was calling out
Ahmya. She probably thought Miral was going to add more shame
to Miss Shimizu. Ha! Little did she surmise anywhere near the truth.
Back in 1960-1962 when Kennedy and Khrushchev
were all about the Cuban Crisis –
I wanted to tell them to knock them to bugger off!
We, with my contemporaries, have not even had our chance yet!
In RVN – in was plain to me that the generals who wanted the war,
need to be the ones to go fight it.
– yeah, I learned really fast why that was not going to happen . . .
Well done Miral! I completely forgot that. Too many
idiots out there that think fight first, then bond.
(myself included )
Well, if it is all a scam on her part, she’s going to
seriously think JACKPOT! And she’s on the up-n-up,
it will help to alleviate any fear she might have of
the Empire.
And another thing. Miral was seriously packing sharpness. Panel
7 of episode 1342, that’s a bayonet on her right hip, plus the katana
across her back, and she had that double edged stilletto packed
To quote Ronan Dex from SG Atlantis: ALWAYS have a spare!
I swear he pulled out 6 throwing knives alone from his hair in
one episode. Think Mala but 3X the size… (And I thought I had
poofy hair…)
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
As head of sept Woodman, of clan Duncan,
I weep with approval. “I give oath….”
(and that clan Cherow knife looks
suspiciously like a Sykes-Fairbairn Special
Forces dagger/knife)
I’m on eleven-terhooks (one more then tenterhooks)
to see how this Svetlana case turns out.
“(and that clan Cherow knife looks suspiciously
like a Sykes-Fairbairn Special Forces dagger/knife)”
Well, why couldn’t the cats have independently invented a
similar knife? It’s hard to argue with Perfection! I had a cheap
copy most of 50 years ago. I’d love to have a good copy now,
as a collector, but really don’t have a legitimate need.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
And at my age, we’re trying to divest of
unnecessary stuff, not accumulate more.
We’re still processing my inlaws’ crap seven
years after they died. Almost done.
Slight error 1st story: P1 & 2 “family Shimizu” but in P3 it’s
“family Shimazu”. I almost never catch tiny glitches
like this but for some reason this one caught my attention.
Sorry, Catman.
With a fair number of Cats in the Dragonfly’s,
you KNOW it’ll be both! And if the Empire
steps in, well, maybe the warlords might have
to learn a very hard lesson. D-fly’s, marines,
the Legion, Navy god-rods, they haven’t a clue…
Then the new Bun paratroopers drop in…
No silk, just the new grav-shutes, from Terysa’s
Way down at 90.
I checked at 0300, restart time,
and the leading comics had received
300-500 votes by 0302,
then the count slowed to zero for a while.
I give up, TWC is corrupt as hell.
When I tried earlier I used the search function and got nowhere.
Happily TGW is at 44 as I type this. Looks like the hinkeyness
of a couple of months back has returned.
At around 4am west coast time, I brought up TGW, clicked on the
banner at the top of the page and voted. Then followed the link to
TWC. The usual suspects were at 390ish. Couldn’t find TGW. Went
to the bottom of page 1 and used the search function. That popped
up TGW showing 375 votes, and in the top spot. Backed up to the
first page again, refreshed, and TGW was nowhere to be found on
the first page. Yeah, they’re back to their BS again.
Panels 1 to 4 – I DID NOT see that coming! Blood sisters!
Nor did I! But I approve, makes far more sense than a fight that
Ahmya couldn’t win. Plus, it restores her honor. Now lets hope
that neither of them get sick from the blood-pact. You don’t
worry about that when you’re kids, but after co-vid it’s hard
not to.
Shouldn’t hurt Ahmya at all. The cats are universal donors, remember?
And there is so little blood actually exchanged, that I doubt it will
hurt Miral at all, either.
I know, but after the diseases out there, I can’t help but
cringe. My immune system is wonky, so I have to be extra
True on our bugs, but our world is
not their world, mores the pity.
Miral has matured far beyond what she ever expected.
Her conversation with Danny:
True, she’s gone way farther than I thought she would,
plus she now cares for people in general, not just her
own kin and kind. Granny there looks like her jaw is
about to drop off! “How did you know that!” reading…
A lot of shock in panels three and four.
Great way around an uncomfortable situation.
Svetlana looks great.
Well done
And looking back at the previous episode, panel 4, the aggressive
granny looked very pleased when it appeared Miral was calling out
Ahmya. She probably thought Miral was going to add more shame
to Miss Shimizu. Ha! Little did she surmise anywhere near the truth.
It’s clear that both of those elders want war, Miral just
shot that down, and sank the carrier to boot!
Back in 1960-1962 when Kennedy and Khrushchev
were all about the Cuban Crisis –
I wanted to tell them to knock them to bugger off!
We, with my contemporaries, have not even had our chance yet!
In RVN – in was plain to me that the generals who wanted the war,
need to be the ones to go fight it.
– yeah, I learned really fast why that was not going to happen . . .
Yeah, Jochi – let them be rabbits.
Well done Miral! I completely forgot that. Too many
idiots out there that think fight first, then bond.
(myself included
Well, if it is all a scam on her part, she’s going to
seriously think JACKPOT! And she’s on the up-n-up,
it will help to alleviate any fear she might have of
the Empire.
And another thing. Miral was seriously packing sharpness. Panel
7 of episode 1342, that’s a bayonet on her right hip, plus the katana
across her back, and she had that double edged stilletto packed
To quote Ronan Dex from SG Atlantis: ALWAYS have a spare!
I swear he pulled out 6 throwing knives alone from his hair in
one episode. Think Mala but 3X the size… (And I thought I had
poofy hair…)
As head of sept Woodman, of clan Duncan,
I weep with approval. “I give oath….”
(and that clan Cherow knife looks
suspiciously like a Sykes-Fairbairn Special
Forces dagger/knife)
I’m on eleven-terhooks (one more then tenterhooks)
to see how this Svetlana case turns out.
“(and that clan Cherow knife looks suspiciously
like a Sykes-Fairbairn Special Forces dagger/knife)”
Well, why couldn’t the cats have independently invented a
similar knife? It’s hard to argue with Perfection! I had a cheap
copy most of 50 years ago. I’d love to have a good copy now,
as a collector, but really don’t have a legitimate need.
“Need” has nothing to do with collecting.
If you have “want” + $$$, go for it!
Buy yourself a good copy.
Agreed, “Need” has nothing to do with it.
“Want” I have, spare $$$ I don’t.
And at my age, we’re trying to divest of
unnecessary stuff, not accumulate more.
We’re still processing my inlaws’ crap seven
years after they died. Almost done.
Slight error 1st story: P1 & 2 “family Shimizu” but in P3 it’s
“family Shimazu”. I almost never catch tiny glitches
like this but for some reason this one caught my attention.
Sorry, Catman.
Stupid old brain.
“Hasenpfeffer Incorporated” popped into my head,
and I finally pegged the link as “Schlemiel, Schlimazel…”
So, mess with Ahmya and a Wildcat might come calling.
And she made sushi before.
Or is it going to be death from above?
The entire Clan Cherow might drop
everything and come a’calling.
And vice-versa.
With a fair number of Cats in the Dragonfly’s,
you KNOW it’ll be both! And if the Empire
steps in, well, maybe the warlords might have
to learn a very hard lesson. D-fly’s, marines,
the Legion, Navy god-rods, they haven’t a clue…
Then the new Bun paratroopers drop in…
No silk, just the new grav-shutes, from Terysa’s
Happy new year, all!
Catman! I went to TWC to vote and absolutely
COULD NOT FIND TGW! Whiskey! Tango! Foxtrot!!!
Way down at 90.
I checked at 0300, restart time,
and the leading comics had received
300-500 votes by 0302,
then the count slowed to zero for a while.
I give up, TWC is corrupt as hell.
see that was not the reset,,..
cuz now it only has ’17’ votes.
opps, read that wrong…
i read ‘wolf’ had 300-500…
When I tried earlier I used the search function and got nowhere.
Happily TGW is at 44 as I type this. Looks like the hinkeyness
of a couple of months back has returned.
Okay I did my usual double vote (one anonymous, one sighed in)
and TGW is up to #37.
At around 4am west coast time, I brought up TGW, clicked on the
banner at the top of the page and voted. Then followed the link to
TWC. The usual suspects were at 390ish. Couldn’t find TGW. Went
to the bottom of page 1 and used the search function. That popped
up TGW showing 375 votes, and in the top spot. Backed up to the
first page again, refreshed, and TGW was nowhere to be found on
the first page. Yeah, they’re back to their BS again.
on new vote days.. they bury the ‘non-add ‘ comics.
so,, scroll all the way down to bottom.
comic search bar, type in TGW. enter
Happy New Year.
Well, so far so good.
The Cat says at 13 hours in…