Nice curve ball, Catman. Now will our intrepid skipper accept the
declaration at face value or demand proof such as ship’s manifest?
Followed up by being boarded and searched. 2nd thought, why
was a passenger ship escorted by warships? 3rd thought, did our
budding James T Kirk establish the interlopers were hostile before
launching kitty litter?
(Enquiring minds want to know.)
When they were en-globing them, they had that drone mimic a cruiser,
and they fired on it. That’s a hostile act if any. Just sending a message;
do NOT do that again! Anyone that’s played a RPG knows that
mimics are bad news. heh…
useless info: unless redesigned, ONE KL(kittylitter) completely
obliterated a Dogshun freighter,. now they erased a warship
with 20KL.! (i can see why they were moving for cover.!!) …
not only did they say “bad dog”, but they also rubbed their
nose in it, smacked their ass, put them in the dog house.!
Poor Diana, I guess she was expecting an old, regal looking lady,
not someone not much older than her. That, and finding out that
sci-fi aliens aren’t sci-fi any more HA!
OOOOH… That computer is just mean, dumping that on the Buns like
that. (Why do I keep picturing hot cross buns when I use that nickname?
oh well…) To be honest, I would highly doubt that to be true,
anyone with half a brain knows that passengers wouldn’t travel on
any kind of ship like that! Wait…
This is the core… idiots…
I agree with Caorda, I’d shoot him too! Slowly, starting
at the hands/feet and ending between the eyes…
Wait, let me borrow my son’s Katana…
When Teresa said that I had this weird image of a very old man,
waving his cane at the TV, complaining about “In my day an alien
was someone talked funny or had a weird skin color, Not kitty
cats or wabbits!” heh… the voice would be a cross between
Elmer Fudd and Mr. Magoo…
Hey, some of my stories actually do have Wabbits in them!
Visually they look almost identical to rabbits/hares except
for not having tails or claws so the humans call them Wabbits
to identify them in much the same way as PC uses humans
and Terrans to identify the Empire from slavers.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
I’m sure Diana feels like Alice In Wonderland
(that is, if she’s been allowed that much education),
believing “seven impossible things before breakfast”.
The ship CALLS itself “Windflower”, and SEZ that it’s a
passenger liner……but how does Cpt Bun know for sure?
What’s the saying, “Trust, but verify”?
(I believe that was Ronaldus Maximus)
And once proven true, THEN kick the cruiser’s
Captain (and designer, and builder, and contractor, and financer…..)
collective butts for NOT building and installing escape pods
for the safety of heir passengers.
(comparisons to the Titanic are valid. yes the Titanic had
lifeboats, but nowhere near enough for the number of passengers)
I always thought that windflower was when you glance over at the wrong
time in the locker room… HEH
The problem I have with that guy’s statement is if they have no way to
leave the ship, then how did they all get on board? How were they going
to disembark? I think these are troop ships and they are just making
excuses to stay on board. Those multi-use troop ships the humans had
at the start would work just fine.
My problem with it is not so much the “lack” of escape pods,
but the idea that they have NO way to leave the ship. What
tourist would get on board a ship they can’t get off of?
Many heavy water ships stand 2, 3 and even some 4 stories
high above the water line. Even jumping in the water at that
distance could break a bone or knock them out.
key word “tourist” .. in this ‘sim’ WHY would a passenger
vessel be escorted by 2 warships?
ever hear of “forced relocation.?? and no pods so no escape.
its like no one ever thought of dumping un-desirables in a remote area…
“the plot twist” .. Now they HAVE to deal with refugees.!
My comment about life pods does NOT imply I think
the liners accompanying the cruisers is a tourist
ship. I agree with Scarsdale that they are troop
ships and they are trying to keep the troops on board.
tourist was a guess. IF this was a converted troopship,.
they would have “Some way” to get the troops off the ship,.
or! it is just that, a tourist ship,. with no life boats,,
to throw a plot twist in the Sim.!
I suspect those freighters only because of the drop/fighter/slave carrier ships that were
on the Bushear ship (tgw-171) and the bay they used (tgw-199) to keep them in. Each
one was to carry 8 men and their gear for hunting, and they could carry 12 without the
gear. This alone screams “setup” to me. They flew in 6 ships they captured, and 6 more
were in the bay, If my math is right, 12-2 for the pilot/co-pilot staying on board, that’s
120 men on the ground. 2 – 3 trips would empty those ships. That’s based on the human
set up, I don’t know if the core used the same configuration.
I’m more inclined to suspect that the liner is a ship
full of VIP’s. Likely political types and celebrities.
Most likely, they would hire at least a cruiser as an
True, the Titanic didn’t have enough lifeboats, but even if it did it
is unlikely to have made much difference since it wasn’t the iceberg
that sank the ship! Both passengers and crew (including the captain)
though the ship unsinkable and with just the damage from the iceberg
the Titanic would have remained afloat. The real cause of the Titanic
sinking was the bunker fire (that started before the ship even left
port) the passengers knew nothing about weakening and buckling the
dividing bulkheads so they failed. Combined with cost cutting measures
during construction the failure also caused the failure of the hull
allowing water directly into the engine room and the ship sank within
a few minutes of that happening.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Yeah, stupidity-induced stress is the bane of any
leader, Caorda with have to learn it fast. I was
site boss more times than I liked most of our mech
team didn’t know how to change their car’s oil…
out of 11 guys, only 4 (including myself) that were
real mechanics, and we got line jobs except the
forklift mech.
Diane will certainly have a lot to tell Seth (if he doesn’t already
know from his mental contact with Teresa) – and a lot to talk about
It is beginning to look like we will see the entire simulation from
the viewpoint of the bunnies so unless they see who the attackers
are we wont see who the AI thinks the aggressors are. I am still
plugging for a Shitbat/Horned ones combo, possibly with the
Hammerheads in the next stage.
Since they were nicely begging for their lives, I’d suggest they are “hornies”
Shitbats would yell and make demands, Hammer heads would point fingers
and complain.
Hornies are what expect in the Liners/Troopships
Shitbats in the Cruisers.
Hammerheads (yet to put in an appearance) in the Dreadnaughts
(and remember some of them can maintain their shields up during transfer)
FTL ships when/if they arrive ???? (PC might have the Leprodea ‘blue screen’
before they arrive; but I doubt it)
That’s an unusual training scenario. What is a
passenger liner accompanied by hostile war ships
would do so far away from established routes?
It’s so suspicious…
Yes, this is a very back-water planet, with only a short time with the
core people on it. Why suddenly now, would THAT many ships just be
“passing through”. With so many red flags, if it was on Earth, I’d start
looking for Chinese troops! The computer knows about the core’s
attempt to take over, and the Laporidae’s worry about it, that it would
place this scenario to the trainee’s.
PC, in P4 Theresa advises Diane that there currently 8 planets in the Empire.
The flag I made for you has 8 stars. At the time you said that stars
represented kingdoms in the empire. Could the stars not represent worlds
instead of kingdoms? I can still redesign as needed but that would make that
flag still valid. What do you think? (Everybody is welcome to chime in here, too.)
Well on Earth alone there’s at maybe 5 kingdoms in the Empire, you really
can’t count it as the entire planet, there’s far from everyone that wants
to be a member, so Earth barely qualifies as a member planet. It’s up to PC.
The biggest issue with Earth is the huge population. None of the other
member world have anything close to the population of Earth, even post-fall.
You can figure every 1 person out of every 100 wants to be “the boss”,
makes it hard to consolidate the entire planetary governments.
Let’s see, outside of Terra (1):
2) Catia—Cats
3) Aquatane—Amphibians
4) Rattia—Rats
5) Gremlins
6) Trolls
7) Aviania—Bird People
8) Dogishua—Canid People
And now, although Teresa is unaware,
9) Leopaedria—Bunnies
I think the Empire will need a new flag very soon.
Yeah, well I have a 10 star flag available but cannot get email on the PC
to work and cannot get the PC and Kindle Fire tablet to talk to each other.
I can xfer files to a memory card but cannot get the tablet to read them.
I can plug a USB cable between the PC and tablet but neither sees the
other as a device or drive. Bottom line till I get it fixed I can’t send any
files to PC.
We know Aquatane has a _very_ low population. Can we safely assume that human Empire’s population is far greater than the rest combined? Even taking into account that large parts of Earth haven’t joined yet.
Although, at that point, most sane countries would have joined already an interplanetary Empire. Without them possessing the gravity technology the Empire could take over every independent country if only they wanted to do so…
The orbital bombardment has proved they are capable of doing so…
That’s a good idea, but let’s make it species instead of worlds.
Some species might eventually colonize uninhabited worlds,
and if the Humans decide to join up with four (seven) planets
the flag could get crowded.
That’s a good idea, more so for the human worlds, since they are split with Catia
in the middle, plus the north/south divide, You’d be looking at least 2 – 3 stars
for that area alone. Not to mention the flag each kingdom will have, their
planetary one and so on.
I started a note speculating Teresa didn’t know about the Buns yet and
speculating about who the Eight were, and pointing out the Empire holds
only part of Terra, and before I’d researched background for it you and Scar
had addressed most of it. I still wonder which species, other than humans,
occupy more than one world, and whether any species still consider Xanadu
their “home world” and themselves to be something akin to refugees.
I think some of the Fringe races may feel like that, few seem
to have more than one world (save for the humans) and any
like the Trolls that don’t want to have their own ships. That
might be something to reflect on in the future. This is one of
the reasons I love this comic, like any long-running TV series,
the lore never stops growing. Plus, PC drops clues towards
a new revelation in the lore/story lines. Keeps me on my toes!
I’m getting a bit worried about Diana, she’s gone from being a lever
to force her brother to being over-used, with her life hanging on his
survival, to being rescued, being surrounded by military and
para-military forces, meeting the Empress who is only a few years
older than her, and meeting an alien and learning about 7 more races
in the Empire and even more friendly to it. Right now she’s numb, but
the “BuWAAA…” face hasn’t shown, yet.
I have been thinking about the Earth’s situation in PC’s universe, and I’ve come
to the conclusion that the Empire is similar to Atlantis, during pre-history times.
Both are raised above the rest of the planet, able to take control easily of the
entire world if they chose to, but don’t want to. Both are accepting of any and
all races, but will only accept those with the same belief set to join. The Empire
has gone even farther than Atlantis has, and has expanded into the stars,
feared by the evil and have rescued slaves and the down-trodden alike. In just
a few years, The Empire has done what many of the core worlds ever dreamed
of. To get the loyalty of so many races without using fear or desperation.
Seeing the Empire through Diana’s eyes made me look hard at what has happened
after the Empire has created, it would have freaked me out as well!
I’m more inclined to suspect that the liner is a ship
full of VIP’s. Likely political types and celebrities.
Most likely, they would hire at least a cruiser as an
Nice curve ball, Catman. Now will our intrepid skipper accept the
declaration at face value or demand proof such as ship’s manifest?
Followed up by being boarded and searched. 2nd thought, why
was a passenger ship escorted by warships? 3rd thought, did our
budding James T Kirk establish the interlopers were hostile before
launching kitty litter?
(Enquiring minds want to know.)
When they were en-globing them, they had that drone mimic a cruiser,
and they fired on it. That’s a hostile act if any. Just sending a message;
do NOT do that again! Anyone that’s played a RPG knows that
mimics are bad news. heh…
useless info: unless redesigned, ONE KL(kittylitter) completely
obliterated a Dogshun freighter,. now they erased a warship
with 20KL.! (i can see why they were moving for cover.!!) …
not only did they say “bad dog”, but they also rubbed their
nose in it, smacked their ass, put them in the dog house.!
Somebody needs to educate “Captain Caorda”
in the principle of “less is more.”
Maxim 37. There is no ‘overkill,’ there
is only ‘open fire’ and ‘time to reload.’
Poor Diana, I guess she was expecting an old, regal looking lady,
not someone not much older than her. That, and finding out that
sci-fi aliens aren’t sci-fi any more HA!
OOOOH… That computer is just mean, dumping that on the Buns like
that. (Why do I keep picturing hot cross buns when I use that nickname?
oh well…) To be honest, I would highly doubt that to be true,
anyone with half a brain knows that passengers wouldn’t travel on
any kind of ship like that! Wait…
This is the core… idiots…
I agree with Caorda, I’d shoot him too! Slowly, starting
at the hands/feet and ending between the eyes…
Wait, let me borrow my son’s Katana…
When Teresa said that I had this weird image of a very old man,
waving his cane at the TV, complaining about “In my day an alien
was someone talked funny or had a weird skin color, Not kitty
cats or wabbits!” heh… the voice would be a cross between
Elmer Fudd and Mr. Magoo…
Hey, some of my stories actually do have Wabbits in them!
Visually they look almost identical to rabbits/hares except
for not having tails or claws so the humans call them Wabbits
to identify them in much the same way as PC uses humans
and Terrans to identify the Empire from slavers.
I’m sure Diana feels like Alice In Wonderland
(that is, if she’s been allowed that much education),
believing “seven impossible things before breakfast”.
“But wait! There’s more!”
The ship CALLS itself “Windflower”, and SEZ that it’s a
passenger liner……but how does Cpt Bun know for sure?
What’s the saying, “Trust, but verify”?
(I believe that was Ronaldus Maximus)
And once proven true, THEN kick the cruiser’s
Captain (and designer, and builder, and contractor, and financer…..)
collective butts for NOT building and installing escape pods
for the safety of heir passengers.
(comparisons to the Titanic are valid. yes the Titanic had
lifeboats, but nowhere near enough for the number of passengers)
I always thought that windflower was when you glance over at the wrong
time in the locker room… HEH
The problem I have with that guy’s statement is if they have no way to
leave the ship, then how did they all get on board? How were they going
to disembark? I think these are troop ships and they are just making
excuses to stay on board. Those multi-use troop ships the humans had
at the start would work just fine.
That is so obvious it almost doesn’t need a reply,
but I can imagine a cut-price passenger ship not
supplying life pods (unless required by law).
My problem with it is not so much the “lack” of escape pods,
but the idea that they have NO way to leave the ship. What
tourist would get on board a ship they can’t get off of?
Many heavy water ships stand 2, 3 and even some 4 stories
high above the water line. Even jumping in the water at that
distance could break a bone or knock them out.
key word “tourist” .. in this ‘sim’ WHY would a passenger
vessel be escorted by 2 warships?
ever hear of “forced relocation.?? and no pods so no escape.
its like no one ever thought of dumping un-desirables in a remote area…
“the plot twist” .. Now they HAVE to deal with refugees.!
My comment about life pods does NOT imply I think
the liners accompanying the cruisers is a tourist
ship. I agree with Scarsdale that they are troop
ships and they are trying to keep the troops on board.
tourist was a guess. IF this was a converted troopship,.
they would have “Some way” to get the troops off the ship,.
or! it is just that, a tourist ship,. with no life boats,,
to throw a plot twist in the Sim.!
I suspect those freighters only because of the drop/fighter/slave carrier ships that were
on the Bushear ship (tgw-171) and the bay they used (tgw-199) to keep them in. Each
one was to carry 8 men and their gear for hunting, and they could carry 12 without the
gear. This alone screams “setup” to me. They flew in 6 ships they captured, and 6 more
were in the bay, If my math is right, 12-2 for the pilot/co-pilot staying on board, that’s
120 men on the ground. 2 – 3 trips would empty those ships. That’s based on the human
set up, I don’t know if the core used the same configuration.
I’m more inclined to suspect that the liner is a ship
full of VIP’s. Likely political types and celebrities.
Most likely, they would hire at least a cruiser as an
True, the Titanic didn’t have enough lifeboats, but even if it did it
is unlikely to have made much difference since it wasn’t the iceberg
that sank the ship! Both passengers and crew (including the captain)
though the ship unsinkable and with just the damage from the iceberg
the Titanic would have remained afloat. The real cause of the Titanic
sinking was the bunker fire (that started before the ship even left
port) the passengers knew nothing about weakening and buckling the
dividing bulkheads so they failed. Combined with cost cutting measures
during construction the failure also caused the failure of the hull
allowing water directly into the engine room and the ship sank within
a few minutes of that happening.
Situations like this are why those who have been in command
for any length of time are usually gray and/or bald.
And it ain’t from old age.
Naa… Just a drunken barber and bad booze! heh…
Yeah, stupidity-induced stress is the bane of any
leader, Caorda with have to learn it fast. I was
site boss more times than I liked most of our mech
team didn’t know how to change their car’s oil…
out of 11 guys, only 4 (including myself) that were
real mechanics, and we got line jobs except the
forklift mech.
Diane will certainly have a lot to tell Seth (if he doesn’t already
know from his mental contact with Teresa) – and a lot to talk about
It is beginning to look like we will see the entire simulation from
the viewpoint of the bunnies so unless they see who the attackers
are we wont see who the AI thinks the aggressors are. I am still
plugging for a Shitbat/Horned ones combo, possibly with the
Hammerheads in the next stage.
Since they were nicely begging for their lives, I’d suggest they are “hornies”
Shitbats would yell and make demands, Hammer heads would point fingers
and complain.
Hornies are what expect in the Liners/Troopships
Shitbats in the Cruisers.
Hammerheads (yet to put in an appearance) in the Dreadnaughts
(and remember some of them can maintain their shields up during transfer)
FTL ships when/if they arrive ???? (PC might have the Leprodea ‘blue screen’
before they arrive; but I doubt it)
That’s an unusual training scenario. What is a
passenger liner accompanied by hostile war ships
would do so far away from established routes?
It’s so suspicious…
Yes, this is a very back-water planet, with only a short time with the
core people on it. Why suddenly now, would THAT many ships just be
“passing through”. With so many red flags, if it was on Earth, I’d start
looking for Chinese troops! The computer knows about the core’s
attempt to take over, and the Laporidae’s worry about it, that it would
place this scenario to the trainee’s.
PC, in P4 Theresa advises Diane that there currently 8 planets in the Empire.
The flag I made for you has 8 stars. At the time you said that stars
represented kingdoms in the empire. Could the stars not represent worlds
instead of kingdoms? I can still redesign as needed but that would make that
flag still valid. What do you think? (Everybody is welcome to chime in here, too.)
Well on Earth alone there’s at maybe 5 kingdoms in the Empire, you really
can’t count it as the entire planet, there’s far from everyone that wants
to be a member, so Earth barely qualifies as a member planet. It’s up to PC.
The biggest issue with Earth is the huge population. None of the other
member world have anything close to the population of Earth, even post-fall.
You can figure every 1 person out of every 100 wants to be “the boss”,
makes it hard to consolidate the entire planetary governments.
Let’s see, outside of Terra (1):
2) Catia—Cats
3) Aquatane—Amphibians
4) Rattia—Rats
5) Gremlins
6) Trolls
7) Aviania—Bird People
8) Dogishua—Canid People
And now, although Teresa is unaware,
9) Leopaedria—Bunnies
I think the Empire will need a new flag very soon.
Yeah, well I have a 10 star flag available but cannot get email on the PC
to work and cannot get the PC and Kindle Fire tablet to talk to each other.
I can xfer files to a memory card but cannot get the tablet to read them.
I can plug a USB cable between the PC and tablet but neither sees the
other as a device or drive. Bottom line till I get it fixed I can’t send any
files to PC.
how bout this? tho it’s the 8 star..
We know Aquatane has a _very_ low population. Can we safely assume that human Empire’s population is far greater than the rest combined? Even taking into account that large parts of Earth haven’t joined yet.
Although, at that point, most sane countries would have joined already an interplanetary Empire. Without them possessing the gravity technology the Empire could take over every independent country if only they wanted to do so…
The orbital bombardment has proved they are capable of doing so…
That’s a good idea, but let’s make it species instead of worlds.
Some species might eventually colonize uninhabited worlds,
and if the Humans decide to join up with four (seven) planets
the flag could get crowded.
That’s a good idea, more so for the human worlds, since they are split with Catia
in the middle, plus the north/south divide, You’d be looking at least 2 – 3 stars
for that area alone. Not to mention the flag each kingdom will have, their
planetary one and so on.
I started a note speculating Teresa didn’t know about the Buns yet and
speculating about who the Eight were, and pointing out the Empire holds
only part of Terra, and before I’d researched background for it you and Scar
had addressed most of it. I still wonder which species, other than humans,
occupy more than one world, and whether any species still consider Xanadu
their “home world” and themselves to be something akin to refugees.
I think some of the Fringe races may feel like that, few seem

to have more than one world (save for the humans) and any
like the Trolls that don’t want to have their own ships. That
might be something to reflect on in the future. This is one of
the reasons I love this comic, like any long-running TV series,
the lore never stops growing. Plus, PC drops clues towards
a new revelation in the lore/story lines. Keeps me on my toes!
I’m getting a bit worried about Diana, she’s gone from being a lever
to force her brother to being over-used, with her life hanging on his
survival, to being rescued, being surrounded by military and
para-military forces, meeting the Empress who is only a few years
older than her, and meeting an alien and learning about 7 more races
in the Empire and even more friendly to it. Right now she’s numb, but
the “BuWAAA…” face hasn’t shown, yet.
I have been thinking about the Earth’s situation in PC’s universe, and I’ve come
to the conclusion that the Empire is similar to Atlantis, during pre-history times.
Both are raised above the rest of the planet, able to take control easily of the
entire world if they chose to, but don’t want to. Both are accepting of any and
all races, but will only accept those with the same belief set to join. The Empire
has gone even farther than Atlantis has, and has expanded into the stars,
feared by the evil and have rescued slaves and the down-trodden alike. In just
a few years, The Empire has done what many of the core worlds ever dreamed
of. To get the loyalty of so many races without using fear or desperation.
Seeing the Empire through Diana’s eyes made me look hard at what has happened
after the Empire has created, it would have freaked me out as well!
Which Atlantis? In at least one DC retcon, Krypton, Thanagar and Rann are all
Atlantean colonies, and Daxam is in turn a Kryptonian colony.
I’m more inclined to suspect that the liner is a ship
full of VIP’s. Likely political types and celebrities.
Most likely, they would hire at least a cruiser as an