And another investment bites the dust.
I wonder how fast they planned for the mined materials to be available,
because that sounds to me like a rather large operation. So I wonder
what the plans for the materials are.
Especially if we remember that they felt the absence of one freighter
Also, ‘some assembly required’ sounds like they planned to have that
mining equipment operational quickly.
The entire mining setup tells me that not only would there be toxic
waste on the surface of the planet, but the oceans were going to be
killed off too. If the entire situation hadn’t happened with the scouts
and the core attackers, the Laporidae and the entire wildlife of the
planet would have been extinct, or suffering badly from exposure.
We don’t know how big the Laporidae’s planet is and how much
of it is covered with the oceans, but if it was like Earth,
three mining rigs, no matter how big, would be barely noticeable.
People tend to forget how big the planet is and how much water
in the ocean is.
We have spoiled our planet, because we have thousands of
polluting platforms and pollute it for more than hundred years.
True, but if they can establish a permanent base on the planet,
they have a point from which they can expand, no matter how
slowly. Sure, the Laporidae chased them from their planet once,
but now that the Corey knows there is resistance they can try
different tactics.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
“…try different tactics.”
Not if the miners/invaders just…..
disappear/held incommunicado (destroy/block/jam all
communications in and out)
Then the Corey don’t know what happened/
what worked/what DIDN’T work.
“We have spoiled our planet”
Mmm not so much. Admittedly we have made a mess of a few places but
over all I would argue that we have NOT spoiled the planet. And in some
places we’ve actually cleaned up our act considerably. If I am not mistaken,
the Hudson River was at one time pretty much an open sewer, as was the
Thames. But today those rivers are quite clean. Likewise the air in Los
Angeles used to be terrible while I hear that today it can actually be quite
nice. To date PC has not shown us all of the Laporidae home world (BTW
what is the name of that world?) but I doubt the core worlders succeeded
in trashing more than a small corner of it. Planets are remarkably resilient
things. Homo Saps (and other technological species) are not nearly as
omnipotent at wreaking havoc as we like to imagine. That does not mean
that we ought not to be good stewards of the planet; it just means we
might not be as harmful as we think we are. We also have to try to keep
from falling into the trap of presentism – i.e. believing that current
conditions are somehow the way things are “supposed to be” or that
they are constant. So far as I can see the only thing in the universe
which doesn’t change is that everything changes. I friend of mine
who taught High School physics used to say that “Even protons decay.”
mmm, stuff like micro-plastics and “forever” chemicals seem to have a
much larger reach than just where they were initially deployed. Like
DDT it may take generations to realize their full impact, then even
longer before cleanup efforts become effective. Words like “spoiled”
or “ruined” may seem alarmist, but our one and only cradle world
should be a wilderness park, not an industrial park.
So get the FAA in gear to turn SpaceX loose so we can proceed on the path
to moving all manufacturing off planet. I promise whatever computer you
used to read/post this message was NOT kind to the environment. Same
for EVs. LiPo batteries are downright nasty for the environment. Oh and
tell all those poor people in 3rd world countries burning wood or cow chips
to cook their food they have to keep living in the pre-industrial age. No
doubt they’ll appreciate your sympathy.
We can’t know what processes they use and what kind of toxic waste it produces.
We do know the strip-mining had killed off all plant life and most likely the animals
as well. The Buns would have to find the mining rigs out in the ocean to even
began to attack them, much less emptying them of personal.
We shouldn’t base what the core does on what RL rigs do, they dig and pump oil,
the core is after the minerals, not oil, so who knows what chemicals they might use
and how they effect the ecosystem. Mercury was commonly used in strip mining
until it was banned, as a lube for the stone in the crushers. Once it gets into the
ecosystem, it stays.
II want to pick the gang’s collective brains. I am getting back into 3D modelling and
am building a bulk freighter. PC and I have decided upon max sizes for wormhole
transit (1,150ft/350m max length and 262ft/80m max width/diameter). For reference
that is about the size of a U.S. Navy Supercarrier. Anyhow I am starting out designing
the cargo pods. In the real world, ISO cargo containers are roughly 8ftx9ftx40ft with
half length containers available at 20ft long. Oh and they are rectangular. PC has said
he wants the cargo containers to be hexagonal (Back in 21 I was actually looking at
octagonal but the man wants hexagonal. His universe he decides.) I’ve been noodling
with Flat side to flat side dimensions of 10 meters. What do you guys think about full
sized containers being 40 meters long with half sized containers being 20 meters. That
would make them just over 3 times the size of real-world containers. Now I have to
put a crew/control module at the front and some sort of rocket (okay Newton’s 3rd
law) engines and propellant tankage at the rear. If I play with the sizes of the crew
cab and propulsion modules I can come out with 280m of cargo area with attach-
ment points every 20 meters. Think empty ship looking a lot like the main ship in
“2001 A Space Oddessy” But with a crew module shaped more like a medicine
capsule than a sphere. There would be a central spine running the length with
attachment points every 20m. If I reserve 70 meters for crew and propulsion
that would give me the capability to haul 84 cargo modules. (7 double rows of
12 pods). Alternatively, if I fudge the length to 360m I can do 5 rows of 60m
long pods. What do you guys think?
That sounds pretty good! I’d love to see how it turns out.
the ovens they used at the factory were 10ft tall and
15ft wide by 40ft long, we had 12 man crew working in
there stripping it for a rebuild and still had to shout to
be heard!
the reason for the 8x9x20/40/50 is so it can be transported by road.
now,, IF you made 6, ten meter scant triangles
they would stack inside nicely for smaller cargo.
and if you made the spine the same ten meter side.
the pods would lock 3 flats per side.
PC has said he wants hexagonal cargo modules. His universe, his call.
The same with ship hulls. The Catman likes medicine capsule shaped
hulls so that’s what he gets.
I’ve been noodling with different sizes and I don’t like the proportions
for 30/60 meters. I’m thinking now about 25 and 50 meters. Also
thinking about building in imperial units (inches, feet etc.) instead of
metric. The Wolf Empire is located in the former U.S.A. after all. Also
thinking about the width of crew module (and side to side in pods)
at 9 meters (18 feet) as a “harkening back” to SpaceX Starship space-
craft. Although I’m not sure whether SpaceX happened in the TGW
universe before the fall. I wish PC’d chime in here and/or answer
of my emails. I don’t know for sure but I suspect he’s been getting in
some time on the bike.
I picked hexagonal because they will pack nicely around a core that
has the same dimensions, and the interior will be almost as easy to
work in as a square shape. I’m thinking that it would be easy to use
pre-packed modules for smaller loads like Fed-Ex uses in their cargo
The main modules would fit around the core like seven coins on a
flat surface, with the center coin being the spine of the ship… or a
can of vienna sausages. No other shape would fit without gaps, or
would have an interior that would be difficult to work in.
I’m just doing the containers themselves. Currently deciding on size and whether
or how much external framing to put. I think they need some sort of exoskeleton
or frame but how prominent to make them is the question. For the ship itself I’m
going to implement a circular open lattice with attachment points every half
module length. The trick is to make something that looks like it could be real.
I plan to put some sort of structure in the middle of the sides to dock the pods
to the freighter and to each other. I’m looking at a double row of 12 pods around
the central spine. If PC decides he needs it I will model an open pod. The
for me is that I have to be able to picture the finished model in order to be
able to model it.
Now, what do you guys think about pods 33 feet between flat sides and
either 75 or 150 feet long. Half pods would have a single ring of attachment
points with full pods having 2. Theoretically you could mix and match with
2 half pods hung on the outside of a full or vice versa.
If you are packing a circular-cylindrical spaceship hold, hexagonal containers will pack best, especially if the hold
and container dimensions are designed together. But think about how you’ll stack containers in gravity when they’re unloaded.
Large hexagons are not good for ground transportation. But how much will an economy with antigravity use ground transport,
rather than an atmosphere craft to pick up a container and fly with it?
Finally, containers are useful even if they’re only used on ships and you have to transfer the goods too and from the
containers at dockside. Unloading and reloading a large ship with palletized or break-bulk cargo
ties the ship up in port for a long time. With containers, you pull the incoming containers off the ship, load the outgoing containers
on the ship, and it’s on its way. The ship only makes money when it is moving, and containers keep it moving.
you ever play the “Telephone game”? you started off with the
statement of “I like billy” a hundred people later, the story
is now joe is a homicidal nut who killed hundreds..
We called the game “Gossip”. I always believed some players would
deliberately garble the message. I have no doubt that happens in the
real world. I figure some folks just like to make trouble. Things aren’t
unsettled enough they have to make stuff up!
And another investment bites the dust.
I wonder how fast they planned for the mined materials to be available,
because that sounds to me like a rather large operation. So I wonder
what the plans for the materials are.
Especially if we remember that they felt the absence of one freighter
Also, ‘some assembly required’ sounds like they planned to have that
mining equipment operational quickly.
The entire mining setup tells me that not only would there be toxic
waste on the surface of the planet, but the oceans were going to be
killed off too. If the entire situation hadn’t happened with the scouts
and the core attackers, the Laporidae and the entire wildlife of the
planet would have been extinct, or suffering badly from exposure.
We don’t know how big the Laporidae’s planet is and how much
of it is covered with the oceans, but if it was like Earth,
three mining rigs, no matter how big, would be barely noticeable.
People tend to forget how big the planet is and how much water
in the ocean is.
We have spoiled our planet, because we have thousands of
polluting platforms and pollute it for more than hundred years.
True, but if they can establish a permanent base on the planet,
they have a point from which they can expand, no matter how
slowly. Sure, the Laporidae chased them from their planet once,
but now that the Corey knows there is resistance they can try
different tactics.
“…try different tactics.”
Not if the miners/invaders just…..
disappear/held incommunicado (destroy/block/jam all
communications in and out)
Then the Corey don’t know what happened/
what worked/what DIDN’T work.
“We have spoiled our planet”
Mmm not so much. Admittedly we have made a mess of a few places but
over all I would argue that we have NOT spoiled the planet. And in some
places we’ve actually cleaned up our act considerably. If I am not mistaken,
the Hudson River was at one time pretty much an open sewer, as was the
Thames. But today those rivers are quite clean. Likewise the air in Los
Angeles used to be terrible while I hear that today it can actually be quite
nice. To date PC has not shown us all of the Laporidae home world (BTW
what is the name of that world?) but I doubt the core worlders succeeded
in trashing more than a small corner of it. Planets are remarkably resilient
things. Homo Saps (and other technological species) are not nearly as
omnipotent at wreaking havoc as we like to imagine. That does not mean
that we ought not to be good stewards of the planet; it just means we
might not be as harmful as we think we are. We also have to try to keep
from falling into the trap of presentism – i.e. believing that current
conditions are somehow the way things are “supposed to be” or that
they are constant. So far as I can see the only thing in the universe
which doesn’t change is that everything changes. I friend of mine
who taught High School physics used to say that “Even protons decay.”
mmm, stuff like micro-plastics and “forever” chemicals seem to have a
much larger reach than just where they were initially deployed. Like
DDT it may take generations to realize their full impact, then even
longer before cleanup efforts become effective. Words like “spoiled”
or “ruined” may seem alarmist, but our one and only cradle world
should be a wilderness park, not an industrial park.
So get the FAA in gear to turn SpaceX loose so we can proceed on the path
to moving all manufacturing off planet. I promise whatever computer you
used to read/post this message was NOT kind to the environment. Same
for EVs. LiPo batteries are downright nasty for the environment. Oh and
tell all those poor people in 3rd world countries burning wood or cow chips
to cook their food they have to keep living in the pre-industrial age. No
doubt they’ll appreciate your sympathy.
We can’t know what processes they use and what kind of toxic waste it produces.
We do know the strip-mining had killed off all plant life and most likely the animals
as well. The Buns would have to find the mining rigs out in the ocean to even
began to attack them, much less emptying them of personal.
We shouldn’t base what the core does on what RL rigs do, they dig and pump oil,
the core is after the minerals, not oil, so who knows what chemicals they might use
and how they effect the ecosystem. Mercury was commonly used in strip mining
until it was banned, as a lube for the stone in the crushers. Once it gets into the
ecosystem, it stays.
Update; while the doctor extracted a “mat of lymph nodes”,
It appears had only one was cancerous, per the pathology
Just FYai…
Very good news. I assume you’re still facing chemo though just
because it was in the lymphatic system. Hopefully, not long-term.
Sounds like there may be some recovery in your future after all!
Great news! So it hadn’t spread far.
You might be in the clear in the future
Terrific news. Good luck and better health.
II want to pick the gang’s collective brains. I am getting back into 3D modelling and
am building a bulk freighter. PC and I have decided upon max sizes for wormhole
transit (1,150ft/350m max length and 262ft/80m max width/diameter). For reference
that is about the size of a U.S. Navy Supercarrier. Anyhow I am starting out designing
the cargo pods. In the real world, ISO cargo containers are roughly 8ftx9ftx40ft with
half length containers available at 20ft long. Oh and they are rectangular. PC has said
he wants the cargo containers to be hexagonal (Back in 21 I was actually looking at
octagonal but the man wants hexagonal. His universe he decides.) I’ve been noodling
with Flat side to flat side dimensions of 10 meters. What do you guys think about full
sized containers being 40 meters long with half sized containers being 20 meters. That
would make them just over 3 times the size of real-world containers. Now I have to
put a crew/control module at the front and some sort of rocket (okay Newton’s 3rd
law) engines and propellant tankage at the rear. If I play with the sizes of the crew
cab and propulsion modules I can come out with 280m of cargo area with attach-
ment points every 20 meters. Think empty ship looking a lot like the main ship in
“2001 A Space Oddessy” But with a crew module shaped more like a medicine
capsule than a sphere. There would be a central spine running the length with
attachment points every 20m. If I reserve 70 meters for crew and propulsion
that would give me the capability to haul 84 cargo modules. (7 double rows of
12 pods). Alternatively, if I fudge the length to 360m I can do 5 rows of 60m
long pods. What do you guys think?
That sounds pretty good! I’d love to see how it turns out.
the ovens they used at the factory were 10ft tall and
15ft wide by 40ft long, we had 12 man crew working in
there stripping it for a rebuild and still had to shout to
be heard!
the reason for the 8x9x20/40/50 is so it can be transported by road.
now,, IF you made 6, ten meter scant triangles
they would stack inside nicely for smaller cargo.
and if you made the spine the same ten meter side.
the pods would lock 3 flats per side.
PC has said he wants hexagonal cargo modules. His universe, his call.
The same with ship hulls. The Catman likes medicine capsule shaped
hulls so that’s what he gets.
I’ve been noodling with different sizes and I don’t like the proportions
for 30/60 meters. I’m thinking now about 25 and 50 meters. Also
thinking about building in imperial units (inches, feet etc.) instead of
metric. The Wolf Empire is located in the former U.S.A. after all. Also
thinking about the width of crew module (and side to side in pods)
at 9 meters (18 feet) as a “harkening back” to SpaceX Starship space-
craft. Although I’m not sure whether SpaceX happened in the TGW
universe before the fall. I wish PC’d chime in here and/or answer
of my emails. I don’t know for sure but I suspect he’s been getting in
some time on the bike.
I picked hexagonal because they will pack nicely around a core that
has the same dimensions, and the interior will be almost as easy to
work in as a square shape. I’m thinking that it would be easy to use
pre-packed modules for smaller loads like Fed-Ex uses in their cargo
The main modules would fit around the core like seven coins on a
flat surface, with the center coin being the spine of the ship… or a
can of vienna sausages. No other shape would fit without gaps, or
would have an interior that would be difficult to work in.
yellow would be the spine
each triangle would be a 10m road worthy container for local shipping
I’m just doing the containers themselves. Currently deciding on size and whether
or how much external framing to put. I think they need some sort of exoskeleton
or frame but how prominent to make them is the question. For the ship itself I’m
going to implement a circular open lattice with attachment points every half
module length. The trick is to make something that looks like it could be real.
I plan to put some sort of structure in the middle of the sides to dock the pods
to the freighter and to each other. I’m looking at a double row of 12 pods around
the central spine. If PC decides he needs it I will model an open pod. The
for me is that I have to be able to picture the finished model in order to be
able to model it.
Now, what do you guys think about pods 33 feet between flat sides and
either 75 or 150 feet long. Half pods would have a single ring of attachment
points with full pods having 2. Theoretically you could mix and match with
2 half pods hung on the outside of a full or vice versa.
If you are packing a circular-cylindrical spaceship hold, hexagonal containers will pack best, especially if the hold
and container dimensions are designed together. But think about how you’ll stack containers in gravity when they’re unloaded.
Large hexagons are not good for ground transportation. But how much will an economy with antigravity use ground transport,
rather than an atmosphere craft to pick up a container and fly with it?
Finally, containers are useful even if they’re only used on ships and you have to transfer the goods too and from the
containers at dockside. Unloading and reloading a large ship with palletized or break-bulk cargo
ties the ship up in port for a long time. With containers, you pull the incoming containers off the ship, load the outgoing containers
on the ship, and it’s on its way. The ship only makes money when it is moving, and containers keep it moving.
>That’s not the only time something like that’s happened, either.
Now girls, what kind of gossip are you trying to scare the youngster with?
you ever play the “Telephone game”? you started off with the
statement of “I like billy” a hundred people later, the story
is now joe is a homicidal nut who killed hundreds..
We called the game “Gossip”. I always believed some players would
deliberately garble the message. I have no doubt that happens in the
real world. I figure some folks just like to make trouble. Things aren’t
unsettled enough they have to make stuff up!