Do not separate brothers-in-arms, even if they’re from different services and branches.
Ground pounder or fly jockey, military bonds are often closer than family.
Damn! I still miss The Life.
Too much dust around here.
Pass a kleenex.
I feel yah, I had a friend like that, we shared everything together. Blood,
sweat, and tears. Sadly about 25 years ago His mother died and he went
to pieces. Drank like a fish and cheated on his wife etc… Pity too I tried
so many times to help him.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
So it looks like not all Hammerheads are not as sleazy as Slinom.
And it appears that Cpt Slinom is not very popular. (Gee! I wonder why!?)
So even his crew is setting him up for a fall.
The crew will have fun and laughs.
And I have the feeling that slimy Slinom will take it……a little bit harder.
I get the feeling that the only time he laughs is when he’s taking advantage
of someone else’s misfortune and discomfort.
Poor guy, just like Miral and Kelly, as close as two species
could be. Pity there’s no happy ending for him
HA! That gives me some hope for the Hammerheads, glad to
see they see his BS for what it is. I would love to see the
prank they pull on him! And this shows it’s not a race issue,
but the leaders… that’s the problem! I wouldn’t be surprised
if some “house cleaning” isn’t in order.
I love the fact that the drink, Cofeve, has so many uses to the
different races, that alone will change soooo much! Even the
Romani will benefit from this. This might cause problems in the
future though, I guess when the time comes, The IMM will need
many more scouts looking for usable worlds to keep up with the
Now the bunker has gone we move to the actual retrieval of the dead cat’s body
And we all know you don’t/can’t separate a scout team; only the death of one
of the pair can do that.
Oh no PC, you can’t tell the Hammerhead pilots what the Schlong drive
is before we find out. Yipes, too late now as you already have!
It seems the Hammerhead pilots have learned you get further with the cats if
you treat them with respect and ask (as long as it doesn’t breach security)
And it looks like the Hammerheads could even be the first core world to
actually trade with the empire.
Slinom has yet to learn that lesson and possibly never will; so when the
pilots tell him they never got in to see the Schlong Drive he jumps to the
conclusion they don’t know what it is and gets in without permission.
And since we, the long suffering readers trying to guess where the next curve
ball PC throws will take us, still don’t know the answer all our guesses are
still waiting for PC to shoot them down –
or will he actually confirm one of them?
There is no “Schlong” drive.
He just told them what the word Schlong refers to, a male sexual organ.
It was Jochi that had the idea to have the Hammerheads reproduce immersed in water.
I love you guys, you give me so many ideas to improve the story!
I had them pegged as desert lizard descendants, they do
seem to look a bit like the sharks I’ll grant you. PC is very
good at the curve ball but he has grumped at me for guessing
his plans so I try to keep it to myself anymore, mostly at the bottom of the page
I added it last minute I doubt many seen it. It’s all good, just the
musings of my rambling mind
AH no thinking of something else, It was joking said that I had figured
out your plot point in a page, that it was a bad habit of mine while
watching a movie with the family. Wife used to complain about it often
so I had to break the habit. Even well written story lines leave clues
I pick up on, old mechanic habits I guess?
I thought it was just a lucky guess. But their appearance does
suggest slug or maybe amphibian to me as much as scaleless fish.
Any of which could be something that releases sperm in the
vicinity of unfertilized eggs rather than a full-contact method.
Trade on paper you mean, the P’tera have already, unofficially,
traded a few things with them, they just don’t want an records
as yet, can’t say I blame them for now. “Have to stay neutral
for now” just like the fringe worlds were doing at first.
Wow! It worked! I followed the link at the top to vote anonymously
at TWC, then I logged in (I had created a login a while back) and
was able to vote again. I guess from now on I’ll be dropping 2
votes every day. It takes a little time,
but what else do I have these days?
If you have a cell phone, each new public wi-fi you are willing to connect to is a
new public IP address and therefore a new “machine” by TWC rules. I admit I
am guilty of averaging 3-5 votes per day, without signing in to their system.
Assuming a mating pool is at least 300 gallons (rounding a rather skimpy 5′ x 3′ x 3′),
with a few milliliter dose, that couple liter of concentrate could set those two up for
lucrative trade! How long before they are smugglers dodging their own patrol ships :}
I imagined it as about the size of a camper trailer, with room to swim
gracefully around, maybe a sandy bottom, and a few large plants and rocks.
Maybe I’ll make a vote incentive.
That’s why I called them a he/she/it, fish/lizard based races are like the
the P’tera, no mammary glands. Never did understand why Oblivion and
other games put them on the lizard races, other than eye candy for boys…
the hammerhead breeding ground I know of, is 1 mile by 2 mile..
lets go with a 10 foot pool of 1200 gallons.. that’s still alot of
happy girls…
that little “coffin” would not work (irl) HH are viviparous, and
males like to move around to latch on (bite) the females,
till they submit / agree to mate..
I used to have a friend at work who collected what he called “things I guess
I’m glad I know but hope to God I never have to use”. My “favorite” was: “If
you’re stranded at sea, drinking seawater will dehydrate and kill you faster
because your small intestine can’t filter out the salt below the level at which
your kidneys can eject it. But your large intestine can. You can keep yourself
alive via saltwater enemas.”
Same at 04:40. Tried the two-vote trick but the system at TWC recognized me and just.let me
vote without having to prove I was a person. Sorry, Catman. I tried.
as of 20:00 it started.. twokinds jumped over a 1000 in
less than an hour. it was at 525 at 19:20, then at 1549
at just after 20:00.. o.0 .. 1024 in under 42 min..
i don’t think ‘girr power’ will jump till maybe friday..
so as not to be as noticeable..
Do not separate brothers-in-arms, even if they’re from different services and branches.
Ground pounder or fly jockey, military bonds are often closer than family.
Damn! I still miss The Life.
Too much dust around here.
Pass a kleenex.
I feel yah, I had a friend like that, we shared everything together. Blood,
sweat, and tears. Sadly about 25 years ago His mother died and he went
to pieces. Drank like a fish and cheated on his wife etc… Pity too I tried
so many times to help him.
So it looks like not all Hammerheads are not as sleazy as Slinom.
And it appears that Cpt Slinom is not very popular. (Gee! I wonder why!?)
So even his crew is setting him up for a fall.
The crew will have fun and laughs.
And I have the feeling that slimy Slinom will take it……a little bit harder.
I get the feeling that the only time he laughs is when he’s taking advantage
of someone else’s misfortune and discomfort.
Poor guy, just like Miral and Kelly, as close as two species
could be. Pity there’s no happy ending for him
HA! That gives me some hope for the Hammerheads, glad to
see they see his BS for what it is. I would love to see the
prank they pull on him! And this shows it’s not a race issue,
but the leaders… that’s the problem! I wouldn’t be surprised
if some “house cleaning” isn’t in order.
I love the fact that the drink, Cofeve, has so many uses to the
different races, that alone will change soooo much! Even the
Romani will benefit from this. This might cause problems in the
future though, I guess when the time comes, The IMM will need
many more scouts looking for usable worlds to keep up with the
How to cripple the Hammerheads: Send them a tanker of Covefe and give it out for free.
Well, at least there won’t be a shortage as far as tadpoles(?) for them!
“Hammerhead population explosion! Film at 11…”
Uh no, thanks…
Interesting question: does Covefe have other side effects beside
enhancing sexual pleasure?
Like, if they get too much of it, do the hammerheads get hammered?
Good point! Maybe if it’s fermented….
If it messes with their hormones or something they
could get high on it without it being fermented.
Now the bunker has gone we move to the actual retrieval of the dead cat’s body
And we all know you don’t/can’t separate a scout team; only the death of one
of the pair can do that.
Oh no PC, you can’t tell the Hammerhead pilots what the Schlong drive
is before we find out. Yipes, too late now as you already have!
It seems the Hammerhead pilots have learned you get further with the cats if
you treat them with respect and ask (as long as it doesn’t breach security)
And it looks like the Hammerheads could even be the first core world to
actually trade with the empire.
Slinom has yet to learn that lesson and possibly never will; so when the
pilots tell him they never got in to see the Schlong Drive he jumps to the
conclusion they don’t know what it is and gets in without permission.
And since we, the long suffering readers trying to guess where the next curve
ball PC throws will take us, still don’t know the answer all our guesses are
still waiting for PC to shoot them down –
or will he actually confirm one of them?
There is no “Schlong” drive.
He just told them what the word Schlong refers to, a male sexual organ.
It was Jochi that had the idea to have the Hammerheads reproduce immersed in water.
I love you guys, you give me so many ideas to improve the story!
I had them pegged as desert lizard descendants, they do

seem to look a bit like the sharks I’ll grant you. PC is very
good at the curve ball but he has grumped at me for guessing
his plans so I try to keep it to myself anymore, mostly
Huh? When? at the bottom of the page
I added it last minute I doubt many seen it. It’s all good, just the
musings of my rambling mind
AH no thinking of something else, It was joking said that I had figured
out your plot point in a page, that it was a bad habit of mine while
watching a movie with the family. Wife used to complain about it often
so I had to break the habit. Even well written story lines leave clues
I pick up on, old mechanic habits I guess?
I thought it was just a lucky guess. But their appearance does
suggest slug or maybe amphibian to me as much as scaleless fish.
Any of which could be something that releases sperm in the
vicinity of unfertilized eggs rather than a full-contact method.
I was not aware of that particular slang term.
It’s not commonly used here in Australia and
I am a bit of a recluse as well.
American English has absorbed a plethora of words from Yiddish, and Yiddish
appears to have a plethora of euphemisms for “penis”.
Trade on paper you mean, the P’tera have already, unofficially,
traded a few things with them, they just don’t want an records
as yet, can’t say I blame them for now. “Have to stay neutral
for now” just like the fringe worlds were doing at first.
Wow! It worked! I followed the link at the top to vote anonymously
at TWC, then I logged in (I had created a login a while back) and
was able to vote again. I guess from now on I’ll be dropping 2
votes every day. It takes a little time,
but what else do I have these days?
If you have a cell phone, each new public wi-fi you are willing to connect to is a
new public IP address and therefore a new “machine” by TWC rules. I admit I
am guilty of averaging 3-5 votes per day, without signing in to their system.
I do it that way as well.
I just didn’t want to put it in public.
No shame after last month.
In regards to the stubborn computer;
Voting incentive;
It was ax-ing for it…
Heads up everyone, groaners have broken out in another spot.
As a former PC tech, I’m allowed this pun…
Also; I sometimes need to hone my cutting wit to stay sharp.
Assuming a mating pool is at least 300 gallons (rounding a rather skimpy 5′ x 3′ x 3′),
with a few milliliter dose, that couple liter of concentrate could set those two up for
lucrative trade! How long before they are smugglers dodging their own patrol ships :}
Heh, not long I’ll wager…
I’d bet it’s a queen bed sized, rounded of course. 7′ x 5.5′ x 3′
I imagined it as about the size of a camper trailer, with room to swim
gracefully around, maybe a sandy bottom, and a few large plants and rocks.
Maybe I’ll make a vote incentive.
That’s why I called them a he/she/it, fish/lizard based races are like the
the P’tera, no mammary glands. Never did understand why Oblivion and
other games put them on the lizard races, other than eye candy for boys…
the hammerhead breeding ground I know of, is 1 mile by 2 mile..
lets go with a 10 foot pool of 1200 gallons.. that’s still alot of
happy girls…
that little “coffin” would not work (irl) HH are viviparous, and
males like to move around to latch on (bite) the females,
till they submit / agree to mate..
Again, with the useless info …
edit: i also have a scar,
from a Baby Hammerhead..
Don’t worry, I filled my head with the same thing,
partly makes me happy I’ve forgotten most of it
I used to have a friend at work who collected what he called “things I guess
I’m glad I know but hope to God I never have to use”. My “favorite” was: “If
you’re stranded at sea, drinking seawater will dehydrate and kill you faster
because your small intestine can’t filter out the salt below the level at which
your kidneys can eject it. But your large intestine can. You can keep yourself
alive via saltwater enemas.”
Nope, no unnatural vote totals as of 0201 EST.
So far.
Same at 04:40. Tried the two-vote trick but the system at TWC recognized me and just.let me
vote without having to prove I was a person. Sorry, Catman. I tried.
Strange. Did you log out and try?
They might of caught on and now read the MAC address rather
than the IP address, which sux even a good VPN won’t work
as of 20:00 it started.. twokinds jumped over a 1000 in
less than an hour. it was at 525 at 19:20, then at 1549
at just after 20:00.. o.0 .. 1024 in under 42 min..
i don’t think ‘girr power’ will jump till maybe friday..
so as not to be as noticeable..
i guess they got nervous when you got within 200 votes (@326)
yes you are at #2 spot… right now …
Hi, catching up…following along. Greetings!
SAL u ta tions
And back to you good sir!