They also serve who stand and... Serve?They also serve who stand and... Serve?
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  1. Hmm. Taritha’s gift? Some of you will be wanting longevity to match
    Teresa’s. My first thought was a dragonfly, which would help with that,
    but that’s a Dragon’s gift. Maybe one of Sleipnir’s offspring?

    • While that’s true, who created the dragons in the first place?
      I would love to see Taritha join the D’fly club, it’d be as much
      of a gift to Teresa as it would be for Taritha! If you knew your
      very best friend was ill and was going to die, wouldn’t you
      want to find out they might even out-live you?

  2. Lesson #1 Higashi, no matter what job in
    life you have, you are NEVER better than
    anyone else. Servants are no more necessary
    than having 4 forks and spoons to eat food,
    it’s just showing off. Sure, during political
    dinners, but not at a social gathering where
    you’re friends with them. If you’re the host,
    act like it!

    (Inward chanting ‘no whammy, no whammy’)
    I truly hope Loki isn’t being a trickster there,
    Give that sweetheart of a gypsy cat a D’fly!
    Although, it looks like Loki won her over at
    the end, Teresa was smiling and pleasant!

    • Teresa was smiling and pleasant…
      It’s always wise to be nice to an entity who can make your sun go nova.
      No matter how you really feel.
      (Honestly, she’s just adopting a wait-and-see approach)

      • I’m just saying she seemed to relax towards the end, rather than
        worrying he’s going to do something awful. If anything felt like
        a ticking bomb, it would be an Elder God. I just wonder who, if
        any, she’s going to tell about this heart-stopping incident. The
        Catains will wonder about it after the first natural birth that goes
        too easily, or an elder in their final years suddenly joining a
        4-ball game. I’ve played more than a few touch football games
        that de-evolved into full contact without gear, I can guess what
        the 4-ball was like 😉

  3. I zoomed in on that device behind Teresa, it says it’s
    a Codel oscilloscope. Funny that it says that but the only
    thing missing from that radio I mentioned is a tape player
    and a CD slot. The button we can see at the top says
    power, the bigger knob says voltage. But why would
    you want a tech lab item in your kitchen? I’m a stickler
    on a recipe, but that’s over-kill 😛

    • That’s actually been re-purposed as part of the security system.
      Ignore the labels, Jonathan is lazy.

    • JasonAW3

      Scars, properly setup, with the appropriate sensors, one can usesuch an O-scope to detect
      Bugs and recording devices, as well detecting whether or not your ‘white noise’ masking system
      is currently active. As he is rather highly placed in the espionage realm, and with her being
      Empress, precautionary systems are ve4y much in line, as would be displays placed where they
      can be checked on with a glance.
      Don’t ask how I know about this stuff, I just do…

  4. Okay, this is too funny not to share. How the White House meeting should have gone:

    • Gary (Kajm at DA)

      Oh My God.

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