The game is afoot.The game is afoot.
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  1. What if the knife is turned to one side?
    The mushroom hat on the Poofti, shades
    of Mario game perhaps?

    • Sideways means they’re not done yet.

  2. Love the Poofti’s hat!

  3. Sam

    Panel 8 – bit of an understatement. Islam has proven itself
    incompatible with ALL societies. Simply because it adheres to a
    “my way, or death” attitude.

    Poofti’s hat – from Toad, of Mario’s world. Somehow, I find that
    appropriate. Toadstools usually indicate something rotten

    • We just need Mario to do his copyrighted thing on him!

  4. Ah, nice fact about the dagger then, Missy holding it in her hand
    while talking to the room and the accused, and then lays it out
    in the appropriate manner. After which Dumcan either breates a
    sigh of relief, or wishes he was wearing the brown cammo.

    If the Poofti was any “poofier”, he wouldn’t walk around, he’d roll
    around. I’m glad they are shipping them off, terrorist cells are bad
    news, ask anyone from the Towers or the Pentagon. Sadly, They
    may not have a choice but to bomb the Poofti’s palace, or this will
    happen again. As always it’s the leaders, not the people that’s
    the problem, their “sacred duty” to honor Allah.

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