You know there are showers know there are showers there.
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  1. Wow Missy, going for the full moxie? Making him panic to
    the point of begging! (I’m still hoping for the Legion)
    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes….

    Ah, so she’s not being held hostage then? Interesting.
    Maybe he’s learned now that others don’t need to be
    Muslim to have the warrior spirit.

    AW, I was getting used to her blonde-ness 😉
    but I get it, she does look “off”.

  2. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    I am SO glad that I am not there at
    Angel’s bar. I would be so ROFLOLMFAO
    I would probably need to be hospitalized.

    Would the court martial trial need an
    officer? Or would a retired mid-level
    NCO (SSG (Ret)) be acceptable? If
    so, I volunteer.

    • Sam

      Apparently, Angel holds a rank of some sort.
      I never served in the military, so don’t know
      who is eligible to sit on a court martial board.
      Plus, the empire’s rules may be different.

      • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

        Never get an answer until ya ask.

        • There are only two genuine officers in the bar. The Grand Admiral and Angel, who holds
          a commission as a Captain in the Naval Reserve. In fact, with her past as an assassin, she
          was one of the instructors of that Marine Pathfinder platoon that the four Marines were
          a part of. Need I say that Duncan chose the worst possible bar to play his game in?
          Angel’s Lair is the chosen watering hole for the Pathfinders.

          • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

            More ROFLOLMFAO!!
            Can you say, “The Immutable
            Law of Unintended Consequences”?
            I knew you could.

            • Heh, so true, like the Blue Oyster bar from
              the Police academy movies! This guy would
              be dumb enough to try and pickup ladies
              at a bar with several biker gang Harley’s
              parked out front. I can picture him hitting
              on a hot babe in leather and “Bear” a 6’8″
              biker I knew, walking up behind him and growl!

          • (Sarcastic, whiny voice) “Aw ‘poor’ Duncan, there’s no JAG officer
            for him to bail him out!” Good, he stepped in it and sank to his
            hips on this “hunt”, now he’s going to see that it’s not marsh,
            but quicksand!

          • OK, I just figured Duncan wouldn’t know any better. Just like he wouldn’t
            know he has to have access to counsel and time to mount a defense.

  3. Rick

    I liked her as a blond. She seemed smarter LOL

    • At least she didn’t choose a pastel color.

      • Or neon… Or rainbow…

        • Sam

          30+ years ago our daughters streaked their long, very blond hair
          with red and blue washable markers. Their mother and I were
          ‘meh, as long as it’s washable’. Their step-mother flipped out. In
          her defense though, I’m not sure if they told her the markers
          were washable colors or not.

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