The dog is the smart one. He wants to shake hands with the cat.
Time for an exchange of philosophies.
Excellent strategy on both sides especially since they are hunt buddies.
Okay, so my basic thesis that multiple intelligent species evolving on a single world was not disproved.
It is still exceedingly unlikely. But the multiple species in the core did not evolve sapience. They
were created or at least uplifted by the race known as the “Elder Gods” (damn but I hate advanced species
taking on airs). For the record I don’t recall humans being among the species created by the EG. I believe
that humans evolved on Terra. The Lamians are the descendants of an early high tech civilization which
arose on Terra. This group developed star travel and after some left to colonize Lamia that civilization
fell. That would explain how Lamians and Terrans can interbreed. Remember. You are much more closely
related to a sponge than to anything which evolved under another star. Star Trek not withstanding, it is
unlikely – in the extreme – that evolution would independently produce identical results on two different
worlds. Heck! Even here it produced different human species (Neanderthals, Denisovans, possibly others)
but our line won out.
The dragon Kataar told us back in tgw-182 that humans were created along
with the other species on the same homeworld, or at the very least glossed
over his creation story in a way that heavily implied it, that humans were
signatory of the non-interference-mutual-defense treaty from the beginning.
We really don’t know how much of PC’s Terra’s fossil record matches that of
our Earth, hasn’t come up in the story and I’m not sure how it would without
being forced or fourth-wall breaking. There have been other indications that
his story may have been intentionally misleading, however, and I suppose it
is possible that all the ‘original species’ ‘achieved space flight’ through contact
with the ancestors of both Lamians and Terrans when they were out exploring
and found Xanadu. I doubt that is PC’s story, however. I’m willing to wait and
see where this goes.
The “Elder Gods” might of just picked up some terrains to add to their
collection I’ve noticed that any belief is largely guess work, when it
comes to primitive peoples even more so. The whole “prime directive”
bit in Star Trek and other sci-fi universes is a result of that fact.
Take Stargate, SG-1 they had to fight the idea that
the bad guys were gods because of their tech.
Powerful isn’t Godliness.
Actually, Bill, if you want to get technical, over the last few decades,
we’ve discovered over a dozen species of hominid that evolved here on earth,
which seems to have either bred into or were out competed, in the last few
million years. That they all defender from ape based hominids, could be
considered the same species.
But, technically, if they had remained geographically separated, there
could have been several intelligent species, Evolved on the same planet.
It may also have been that we are only the latest intelligent
species to have emerged in Earth’s history.
We debate about the degree of sapience in apes, elephants, cetaceans
and octopi as it is. Probably a few others. And then there is the bit about
the park ranger talking about how hard it is to design a usable trash can:
“There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest
bear and the stupidest tourist.”
Sadly, most people equate sapience with tech some
whales have more brain capacity than humans they
just don’t bother with being “advanced”, fancy
toys don’t mean intelligence.
“Karen” here is a good example lol.
There’s a cute video somewhere about some guy who started out trying
to protect his bird feeder from squirrels.
He ended up forgetting all about those birds and kept on designing an increasingly
sophisticated parcour for his new furry friends to beat (which they did again and again,
even if it sometimes took the a few days to deal with a new obstacle).
Let me clarify something, Jason. I did not express myself clearly. I do not see
multiple sapient species from multiple unrelated lines arising spontaneously.
All the known sapient species that have arisen here on Terra were from a
single line, i.e. primates. Cetacean sapience is debated although they are
unquestionably highly intelligent and sentient. Octopi and squids may well be
sapient but we will probably never know since there would appear to be
insufficient common ground to establish communication.
I still believe that the evidence indicates that Homo Saps evolved on Terra. I
don’t know if PC has given us any indication of just how long ago the races on
Xanadu were uplifted. If they are older than us homo saps then we could
conceivably be the result of the Elder Gods having another giggle. One thing of
which I am confident is that, the meager clues with which we have already been
gifted aside, as usual the cat will (smugly) say nothing.
I find it rather odd that human intelligence seems to decrease in an inverse proportion
to the number of people in a gathered group. It seems like the more people gathered,
the less of their survival instincts and intellectual capacity is active. Perhaps a sort of
“herd mentality” kicks into gear, allowing the “weakest” to be removed from the gene
There was an experiment that was done they put 10 rats into a large sealed room with
unlimited food and water. They were allowed to breed and multiply. At first all was well
they got along fine with no reason to fight. After a year the room began to fill and the social
stress began to build up. Fights, rape of the young ones, and wars broke out. Other anti-social
behaviors started. Once the room was filled with rats they started to fight and kill each other and
all breeding stopped. After I think it was 5 years all rats were dead. Not once did the researchers
enter the room or interact with these rats. But they still had unlimited water and food but they
wiped themselves out! Population in any given area has a direct effect on social behavior.
an the USA is still testing to this day..
tho a few of the parameters have changed..
IE: no longer sterilizing NA females.. no more “gas”
control release in slums.. etc.
IF.. If it fits, it would be to close to permanent structure (house),.
then it would be blocking drive way.. where it is fine.
emergency takeoff (on call) will destroy the lattice, probably
the railing an fences.. maybe a window or two..
just an example…
Somehow I knew that “Karen” was going to be trouble and I can’t wait to see
how Carl is going to shut her up and shut her down.
So not so benign a visit then at least they aren’t openly aggressive to the cats
mostly curious. Still not the best way to open the door but it’s a start.
I agree with Bill there’s very little chance that multiple species would develop on
a single planet the strongest would wipe out the weaker ones. Take us, as soon
as we developed weapons we wiped out the dodo birds and nearly wiped out
the buffalo just to name a few. The only reason we exist is we could breed year
around while the others had to follow the females’ cycles. (that’s the theory I
read anyway) To this day many of the great apes have mating seasons. Neanderthals
had tools and weapons sooner than the Cro-magnans which is our fore-fathers.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Uh-oh. The dreaded HOA Karen rears its Hydra head.
Instead of an, “oh dear, who’s hurt”, it’s the Stazi questioning.
It will be interesting to see how Carl shuts this down.
Most Karens and Karls (male Karen counterpart) respond to one thing,
a verbal bitchslap. With no apologies.
My son showed me a video meme where this guy was relaxing on his front lawn when a “Karen”
started to yell at him for being in someone yard (he was black) and wouldn’t listen kept on him
about trespassing. So he just ignored her and opened a bag of candy and started to eat. She
got even louder so he started to toss the candy at her. She yelled at a passing cop that she was
assaulted. Then the camera changed and the cop was in the guy’s yard also tossing candy at her!
LOL gotta love it!
One of the universal constants of modern behavior – along with “haters are gonna hate” –
is that Karens are gonna Karen. It’s in their nature. I am looking forward to this Karen
getting her comeuppance. Isn’t Carl also a ranking member of that HOA?
Well … strip two does remind me of an aphorism I heard a few decades
ago (I don’t have a citeable source ready, sorry):
“If I’d believe in god, I’d picture him as an old man, relaxing, smoking his
A suitable explanation of many things”
(Roughly translated, and using an oooooold memory)
But strip 1 would make even for a worse view: just image a god that’s
always nosing around like that treasurer does … looking for any misstep
you might be about to commit.
How amazing that as soon as some people get a microscopic bit of power
(Treasurer of HOA) they think that they can lord it over anyone. How
does that saying go? “Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
It is going to be rolling in the aisles funny when she gets shut down.
Preferably very hard. Makes you wonder if she will run back to the rest
of of the controlling committee crying and bellyaching about it and will
want someone else to slap them down for her. Oh well, time will tell.
As for Carl being on the HOA board, He had a blinding moment of clarity,
and now is a way better person for it. Go CARL.
This is a clear example of why no one person should remain in office for any length of time.
They get so caught up in their position that they feel that they have the right to form policy
and make the rules as they see fit. Never mind the rules and the laws put down to prevent
that because they are important to the world. The god complex is sadly common in a lot of
governments because those in power stay there without having to worry about the consequences
because of the blame game. “The ends justify the means”… not cool…
The dog is the smart one. He wants to shake hands with the cat.
Time for an exchange of philosophies.
Excellent strategy on both sides especially since they are hunt buddies.
Okay, so my basic thesis that multiple intelligent species evolving on a single world was not disproved.
It is still exceedingly unlikely. But the multiple species in the core did not evolve sapience. They
were created or at least uplifted by the race known as the “Elder Gods” (damn but I hate advanced species
taking on airs). For the record I don’t recall humans being among the species created by the EG. I believe
that humans evolved on Terra. The Lamians are the descendants of an early high tech civilization which
arose on Terra. This group developed star travel and after some left to colonize Lamia that civilization
fell. That would explain how Lamians and Terrans can interbreed. Remember. You are much more closely
related to a sponge than to anything which evolved under another star. Star Trek not withstanding, it is
unlikely – in the extreme – that evolution would independently produce identical results on two different
worlds. Heck! Even here it produced different human species (Neanderthals, Denisovans, possibly others)
but our line won out.
The dragon Kataar told us back in tgw-182 that humans were created along
with the other species on the same homeworld, or at the very least glossed
over his creation story in a way that heavily implied it, that humans were
signatory of the non-interference-mutual-defense treaty from the beginning.
We really don’t know how much of PC’s Terra’s fossil record matches that of
our Earth, hasn’t come up in the story and I’m not sure how it would without
being forced or fourth-wall breaking. There have been other indications that
his story may have been intentionally misleading, however, and I suppose it
is possible that all the ‘original species’ ‘achieved space flight’ through contact
with the ancestors of both Lamians and Terrans when they were out exploring
and found Xanadu. I doubt that is PC’s story, however. I’m willing to wait and
see where this goes.
The “Elder Gods” might of just picked up some terrains to add to their
collection I’ve noticed that any belief is largely guess work, when it
comes to primitive peoples even more so. The whole “prime directive”
bit in Star Trek and other sci-fi universes is a result of that fact.
Take Stargate, SG-1 they had to fight the idea that
the bad guys were gods because of their tech.
Powerful isn’t Godliness.
Actually, Bill, if you want to get technical, over the last few decades,
we’ve discovered over a dozen species of hominid that evolved here on earth,
which seems to have either bred into or were out competed, in the last few
million years. That they all defender from ape based hominids, could be
considered the same species.
But, technically, if they had remained geographically separated, there
could have been several intelligent species, Evolved on the same planet.
It may also have been that we are only the latest intelligent
species to have emerged in Earth’s history.
We debate about the degree of sapience in apes, elephants, cetaceans
and octopi as it is. Probably a few others. And then there is the bit about
the park ranger talking about how hard it is to design a usable trash can:
“There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest
bear and the stupidest tourist.”
Sadly, most people equate sapience with tech some
whales have more brain capacity than humans they
just don’t bother with being “advanced”, fancy
toys don’t mean intelligence.
“Karen” here is a good example lol.
There’s a cute video somewhere about some guy who started out trying
to protect his bird feeder from squirrels.
He ended up forgetting all about those birds and kept on designing an increasingly
sophisticated parcour for his new furry friends to beat (which they did again and again,
even if it sometimes took the a few days to deal with a new obstacle).
Let me clarify something, Jason. I did not express myself clearly. I do not see
multiple sapient species from multiple unrelated lines arising spontaneously.
All the known sapient species that have arisen here on Terra were from a
single line, i.e. primates. Cetacean sapience is debated although they are
unquestionably highly intelligent and sentient. Octopi and squids may well be
sapient but we will probably never know since there would appear to be
insufficient common ground to establish communication.
I still believe that the evidence indicates that Homo Saps evolved on Terra. I
don’t know if PC has given us any indication of just how long ago the races on
Xanadu were uplifted. If they are older than us homo saps then we could
conceivably be the result of the Elder Gods having another giggle. One thing of
which I am confident is that, the meager clues with which we have already been
gifted aside, as usual the cat will (smugly) say nothing.
I find it rather odd that human intelligence seems to decrease in an inverse proportion
to the number of people in a gathered group. It seems like the more people gathered,
the less of their survival instincts and intellectual capacity is active. Perhaps a sort of
“herd mentality” kicks into gear, allowing the “weakest” to be removed from the gene
There was an experiment that was done they put 10 rats into a large sealed room with
unlimited food and water. They were allowed to breed and multiply. At first all was well
they got along fine with no reason to fight. After a year the room began to fill and the social
stress began to build up. Fights, rape of the young ones, and wars broke out. Other anti-social
behaviors started. Once the room was filled with rats they started to fight and kill each other and
all breeding stopped. After I think it was 5 years all rats were dead. Not once did the researchers
enter the room or interact with these rats. But they still had unlimited water and food but they
wiped themselves out! Population in any given area has a direct effect on social behavior.
an the USA is still testing to this day..
tho a few of the parameters have changed..
IE: no longer sterilizing NA females.. no more “gas”
control release in slums.. etc.
I think the ambulance would fit on the driveway. Ya know,
make nice with the neighbors to get them off guard.
IF.. If it fits, it would be to close to permanent structure (house),.
then it would be blocking drive way.. where it is fine.
emergency takeoff (on call) will destroy the lattice, probably
the railing an fences.. maybe a window or two..
just an example…
I like the ambulance. Looks like a mod of the military design we saw earlier.
Definitely a step up from her air taxi.
Somehow I knew that “Karen” was going to be trouble and I can’t wait to see
how Carl is going to shut her up and shut her down.
So not so benign a visit then at least they aren’t openly aggressive to the cats
mostly curious. Still not the best way to open the door but it’s a start.
I agree with Bill there’s very little chance that multiple species would develop on
a single planet the strongest would wipe out the weaker ones. Take us, as soon
as we developed weapons we wiped out the dodo birds and nearly wiped out
the buffalo just to name a few. The only reason we exist is we could breed year
around while the others had to follow the females’ cycles. (that’s the theory I
read anyway) To this day many of the great apes have mating seasons. Neanderthals
had tools and weapons sooner than the Cro-magnans which is our fore-fathers.
Uh-oh. The dreaded HOA Karen rears its Hydra head.
Instead of an, “oh dear, who’s hurt”, it’s the Stazi questioning.
It will be interesting to see how Carl shuts this down.
Most Karens and Karls (male Karen counterpart) respond to one thing,
a verbal bitchslap. With no apologies.
Unless Carl is interested in seeing how his daughter shuts this down.
True and he’ll just add icing to the cake LOL
My son showed me a video meme where this guy was relaxing on his front lawn when a “Karen”
started to yell at him for being in someone yard (he was black) and wouldn’t listen kept on him
about trespassing. So he just ignored her and opened a bag of candy and started to eat. She
got even louder so he started to toss the candy at her. She yelled at a passing cop that she was
assaulted. Then the camera changed and the cop was in the guy’s yard also tossing candy at her!
LOL gotta love it!
One of the universal constants of modern behavior – along with “haters are gonna hate” –
is that Karens are gonna Karen. It’s in their nature. I am looking forward to this Karen
getting her comeuppance. Isn’t Carl also a ranking member of that HOA?
I assume the hover text refers to strip 2 and not strip 1. Although…
Well … strip two does remind me of an aphorism I heard a few decades
ago (I don’t have a citeable source ready, sorry):
“If I’d believe in god, I’d picture him as an old man, relaxing, smoking his
A suitable explanation of many things”
(Roughly translated, and using an oooooold memory)
But strip 1 would make even for a worse view: just image a god that’s
always nosing around like that treasurer does … looking for any misstep
you might be about to commit.
How amazing that as soon as some people get a microscopic bit of power
(Treasurer of HOA) they think that they can lord it over anyone. How
does that saying go? “Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
It is going to be rolling in the aisles funny when she gets shut down.
Preferably very hard. Makes you wonder if she will run back to the rest
of of the controlling committee crying and bellyaching about it and will
want someone else to slap them down for her. Oh well, time will tell.
As for Carl being on the HOA board, He had a blinding moment of clarity,
and now is a way better person for it. Go CARL.
This is a clear example of why no one person should remain in office for any length of time.
They get so caught up in their position that they feel that they have the right to form policy
and make the rules as they see fit. Never mind the rules and the laws put down to prevent
that because they are important to the world. The god complex is sadly common in a lot of
governments because those in power stay there without having to worry about the consequences
because of the blame game. “The ends justify the means”… not cool…