I’m glad to see King Rexx (ALL HAIL!) accepting the current situation,
and how to best take advantage of it for his people.
And I’m also glad to see that he will not take advantage of the current
situation to the detriment of future allies.
Yeah…that catering truck is the clean up….just not the way that
you think.
Not “clean up on Aisle 9”, but……..think “Mafia clean up krew”.
And……..tag! You’re it!
Along with your bullet ridden, bloody, and soon-to-be bereft of
breath buddies.
I notice Long Tom did not reply to anyone who dared criticize him.
That in itself is telling how deep he is. Your butterfly comment was
dead on. Great articles from you and Bill.
I like webkilla’s comment (just below yours), “give no f++ks”.
I find myself using this comment more and more,
Wow – Petercat !
That is some damn good sic-em.
Imagine those toads telling preaching clergy types
they cannot write sermons on what Jesus meant for us now because
we were not here . . .
Imagine what they would say to Nurses giving report on patients
with diseases they had not themselves had.
It has been written that Liberalism is a mental illness . . .
yeah – I have to agree with that not because I have never been diagnosed –
but because I think the SJW and their kith and kin, are in fact crazy –
I have seen and talked to CRAZY.
‘Tis but a matter of approach . . . mine comes from Karl Menninger’s
“Vital Balance”.
To wit: All people are mentally ill. The only question is: Where are
they on the continuum?
SJWs and their K/K are quite a ways down the Pike . . .
I have worked as a Chaplain and (newbie) Nurse in a couple mental
IMHO – You, Petercat, are an awesome story teller.
Much of what you say in this Gentle Wolf story could easily be
considered as a series of parables . . . .
FWIW – Seems to me you are in good company.
(not to mention sermon illustrations) Fret not – the kid is not
currently preaching anywhere –
and historically, I have always given source credits.
Perhaps your detractors might be better employed if they themselves
would be actually authentic and just go tree a coon.
As a Liberal (5311 I collected signatures to get Bernie on the ballot)
I agree that the idea that you can only write from your person experience
is a bankrupt and when applied bankrupting idea. As a writer you do apply
your experience, knowledge, and self to the situations and characters.
It is applying the question “What if?” This is especially true in what is called
speculation fiction. That is a relative new term that covers science fiction,
fantasy and alternate history.
If I disagree with you and your regular readers who write on here,
it is that all liberals are a-holes and all conservatives are heroes.
A-holes are found on all points of the political spectrum, although I agree they
are more concentrated on the ends.
You have invited me to sign up for an ID in the past and I have been reluctant
to do so b/c I feel I will not fit in and might in a tired or already irritated
moment flame on something said that I find unacceptable or unthoughtful.
We make a distinction here between the far Left and Liberals, you won’t be
the only Liberal who reads and comments. But I must correct you, I seek criticism,
it encourages improvement. But I demand courtesy for and from everyone. What
I will not allow is condescension or personal attacks. Anyone may explain, using logic
and reason, why they think I am something negative, but if someone wants to just
claim that I am, say, a racist because of the way I portray one or two characters,
completely ignoring my portrayal of others, their comment will be either removed
or mocked with much humor. I’ll let my other readers continue this discussion if
they wish, I will only say that you are welcome here so long as you are courteous
towards others.
(I can’t remember receiving any comments from the far Right, perhaps a classic-
Libertarian webcomic isn’t to their liking.)
ALL are welcome.!
and i think each one of us here, have at one time ,
snapped, flamed, bitched, or some other.. at another..
but,, it has been with , respect or courtesy..
we the readers still haven’t come to a consensus whether,
Catians are a “race or species…”
They are a created hybrid of Human and Cat. Most of the explanation can be found
in the bottom story here and on the next page: http://thegentlewolf.net/comic/tgw-232/
You really should read the comic from the beginning, or you’ll miss a lot of context.
Also here, and the next few pages: http://thegentlewolf.net/comic/tgw-182/
PB, I echo Petercat. You would do well to hit the “first” link above
and read how we got to where we are today. You also should read the
additional material in the archives below.
As a lifelong conservative I do not consider all liberals to be assholes.
I do not agree with anybody who seeks change for its own sake – just
maybe the fence was constructed for a good reason – but neither am I
totally adverse to change so long as it serves a purpose. Actually I
am a “liberal” in the classic sense. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal –
a classical liberal. Today’s people who call themselves are, in my
experience, the least “liberal” folks around. Today’s “liberals”
are the champions and enforcers of the orthodoxy of the moment and that
I cannot abide. Welcome to the crew and as Petercat said, you really
ought to start at the beginning and read up to the current installment.
I do so occasionally because I sometimes have trouble recalling some
(Snerk) I’ve been labeled left and right by acquaintances over the years.
I guess I have a hard time grasping the differences, especially in the
extremes. It’s easier for me to see the divide between classic liberal
(of which pure libertarian is the extreme) and control (of which
totalitarian is the extreme). I’ve said that there isn’t a nickel’s
worth of difference between a Fascist and a Bolshevist, and I hold to
that position. (Try and convince me Hitler and Stalin weren’t cut from
the same bolt of cloth.)
I can assure you, though, that (courteous, well-reasoned, tolerant)
liberal voices are welcome here. This is a community, not a hive mind.
You can’t really believe you believe what you believe, unless you have
fairly compared it to the thoughts of others, extrapolated it beyond the
current situation, modified it if needed rather than armored it, and found
it still satisfying. These are all good, intelligent, thoughtful, caring
people whether I agree with them or not.
As to the divide between Catians and (other) humans, I THINK I was the
first to point out that if they cannot cross and produce fertile offspring,
they can’t exchange genes; mutations in one group will not be shared with
the other, and genetic drift over the generations will drive their genomes
farther and farther apart. So, as far as the other sapient species are
concerned, LEGALLY they are a variety of human, but for all practical
purposes, they are a separate species. And if that means I think Law and
Science can be at odds as much as Religion and Science can, I have to
plead guilty. But none of the have to be or, in the long run, should be.
And don’t make me break out my rusty college academic High German.
I sound silly enough as it is.
Very well thought out comment, thanks.
Your opinion of the Catians is pretty much spot-on. In fact, it
gives me an idea. Again.
I’ve always thought you to be a Liberal.
I want to look coolly across the poker table and say “Smile when you say
that, partner”, but Bill and I may be the only ones old enough to get the
reference, and I’d rather assume you mean Jeffersonian Liberal, and to
that I’ll plead (mostly) guilty.
One of my college profs said that the chief difference between Republicans
and Democrats was what they wanted to outlaw. That was nearly 50 years
ago, but I don’t think it’s changed.
The Empire has various regulations, any bureaucracy has to have rules, but
one basic Law: “Don’t hurt anybody else.” Not even “Play Nice.” Since
cheating someone or taking from them more or other than they want to give
is recognized as hurting them, I like it.
I don’t know that you’ve ever said, but I assume this separation is
more than just physiology. Even in vitro, the gametes just won’t
combine and grow. The only way to cross the barrier would be the
way it was created in the first place, by gene manipulation within
chromosomes. And really, there’s no reason scientific or financial,
nothing to test or prove and nothing to gain, by going there.
I never needed to know much about fertilization, but I would
guess that there is something about Human sperm that triggers
an immune response in the female Catian body, causing rejection.
If I recall, there is a very rare condition in real-life human females that
does the same, meaning that they can never become pregnant.
Not sure how to even search for it.
My granddad had 2 things he often said:
Treat others as you would like them to treat you
– and –
If you can’t say anything nice about a person, best keep your trap shut.
He had quite a few persons that, when mentioned, made him go silent.
A concept I (and most of my cousins) try to live by.
Of course you can write your story as YOU see it.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, Petercat.
Ahh, one of those betterknowing people(? – yes, must be nice and let
the doubt come to their benefit…) that think everybody else has to
live or at least think as they do. Step on their toes and there is no
ending to their cries – but they can step on whatever toes THEY want.
Oh, we’ve got those too, usually not called something nice…
A not-so-easily translated Danish saying:
Moral er godt, dobbeltmoral må være dobbelt så godt.
Standards are valued, double standards must be double valued…
Sarcasm can occur…
I don’t get it, sorry. Dark room. Light in your eyes. Exposed, bunched
position. Unknown opponents with unknown arms, their positions and
degree of cover unknown. And the response to a demand for surrender
is not compliance, not retreat, not negotiation and maneuver, but
initiate hostilities? For a cause, maybe, but not for money. You can’t
spend money if you’re dead. Of course, only one of them went that
route, the other five are effectively HIS kills as much as the
It wasn’t until this page that I was sure that Malana was Roxxy’s
mother, or another (later or co-) mate. But the look of pride makes
it clear she considers Roxxy hers.
..”I don’t get it.” heh,. how many prisons are filled with “smart”
thugs..? also they have the mentality of,, “I am the Bad guy with
the Gun. Fear me an tremble.!”
Money.? money is a bonus.. they may say they “do it” for money. no,
they “do it” for the power / fear they do… (IE: look at the thugs
that attacked Ginny an Miral..)
Yes his kills,,. but, with out him in picture,,. and at least 2 to
1 odds against them,. do you really think they would give up.??
i had an inkling, when Roxxy called him uncle Menga,, an was sure
(pretty sure) when King Rexx an mate (Malana) was introduced..
name similarities , fur pattern , an (the final clue) gold fur
around Roxxys face..
It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was happy to stay in the top 200.
Under a lot of pressure now to keep improving, which will only be
possible because of my critics like you.
I’m glad to see King Rexx (ALL HAIL!) accepting the current situation,
and how to best take advantage of it for his people.
And I’m also glad to see that he will not take advantage of the current
situation to the detriment of future allies.
Yeah…that catering truck is the clean up….just not the way that
you think.
Not “clean up on Aisle 9”, but……..think “Mafia clean up krew”.
And……..tag! You’re it!
Along with your bullet ridden, bloody, and soon-to-be bereft of
breath buddies.
Well, I finally had to write a commentary, for what it’s worth:
I need a blog page here. A forum, too.
To quote the immortal Robin Williams in his album “Reality: What a
Concept” “Assholes do vex me!”. I sorta waded in there a bit.
Thanks, that was good.
I notice Long Tom did not reply to anyone who dared criticize him.
That in itself is telling how deep he is. Your butterfly comment was
dead on. Great articles from you and Bill.
I like webkilla’s comment (just below yours), “give no f++ks”.
I find myself using this comment more and more,
Wow – Petercat !
That is some damn good sic-em.
Imagine those toads telling preaching clergy types
they cannot write sermons on what Jesus meant for us now because
we were not here . . .
Imagine what they would say to Nurses giving report on patients
with diseases they had not themselves had.
It has been written that Liberalism is a mental illness . . .
yeah – I have to agree with that not because I have never been diagnosed –
but because I think the SJW and their kith and kin, are in fact crazy –
I have seen and talked to CRAZY.
‘Tis but a matter of approach . . . mine comes from Karl Menninger’s
“Vital Balance”.
To wit: All people are mentally ill. The only question is: Where are
they on the continuum?
SJWs and their K/K are quite a ways down the Pike . . .
I have worked as a Chaplain and (newbie) Nurse in a couple mental
IMHO – You, Petercat, are an awesome story teller.
Much of what you say in this Gentle Wolf story could easily be
considered as a series of parables . . . .
FWIW – Seems to me you are in good company.
(not to mention sermon illustrations) Fret not – the kid is not
currently preaching anywhere –
and historically, I have always given source credits.
Perhaps your detractors might be better employed if they themselves
would be actually authentic and just go tree a coon.
As a Liberal (5311 I collected signatures to get Bernie on the ballot)
I agree that the idea that you can only write from your person experience
is a bankrupt and when applied bankrupting idea. As a writer you do apply
your experience, knowledge, and self to the situations and characters.
It is applying the question “What if?” This is especially true in what is called
speculation fiction. That is a relative new term that covers science fiction,
fantasy and alternate history.
If I disagree with you and your regular readers who write on here,
it is that all liberals are a-holes and all conservatives are heroes.
A-holes are found on all points of the political spectrum, although I agree they
are more concentrated on the ends.
You have invited me to sign up for an ID in the past and I have been reluctant
to do so b/c I feel I will not fit in and might in a tired or already irritated
moment flame on something said that I find unacceptable or unthoughtful.
We make a distinction here between the far Left and Liberals, you won’t be
the only Liberal who reads and comments. But I must correct you, I seek criticism,
it encourages improvement. But I demand courtesy for and from everyone. What
I will not allow is condescension or personal attacks. Anyone may explain, using logic
and reason, why they think I am something negative, but if someone wants to just
claim that I am, say, a racist because of the way I portray one or two characters,
completely ignoring my portrayal of others, their comment will be either removed
or mocked with much humor. I’ll let my other readers continue this discussion if
they wish, I will only say that you are welcome here so long as you are courteous
towards others.
(I can’t remember receiving any comments from the far Right, perhaps a classic-
Libertarian webcomic isn’t to their liking.)
ALL are welcome.!
and i think each one of us here, have at one time ,
snapped, flamed, bitched, or some other.. at another..
but,, it has been with , respect or courtesy..
we the readers still haven’t come to a consensus whether,
Catians are a “race or species…”
Wouldn’t they have to be a species? They are not primates are they?
They are a created hybrid of Human and Cat. Most of the explanation can be found
in the bottom story here and on the next page:
You really should read the comic from the beginning, or you’ll miss a lot of context.
Also here, and the next few pages:
Yup, just wanted to say hi on the last page where someone might see it.
i knew i should not have said something….
but,, even tho Petercat sez “hybrid human”,,
the on going argument is “are they this
or are they that…
I’m with you, Rob. Irrespective of their origin Cats are
definitely a different species.
PB, I echo Petercat. You would do well to hit the “first” link above
and read how we got to where we are today. You also should read the
additional material in the archives below.
As a lifelong conservative I do not consider all liberals to be assholes.
I do not agree with anybody who seeks change for its own sake – just
maybe the fence was constructed for a good reason – but neither am I
totally adverse to change so long as it serves a purpose. Actually I
am a “liberal” in the classic sense. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal –
a classical liberal. Today’s people who call themselves are, in my
experience, the least “liberal” folks around. Today’s “liberals”
are the champions and enforcers of the orthodoxy of the moment and that
I cannot abide. Welcome to the crew and as Petercat said, you really
ought to start at the beginning and read up to the current installment.
I do so occasionally because I sometimes have trouble recalling some
Well, greetings. I just thought I would say hi. Nose around and see whats up.
This is a new thing to me. Usually just yakking here and there.
Sal u ta tions …
Wie gehts? I like your hat~!
Daniel gut
Danke gut
Und wie gehts dir?
geht so.
Hee-hee. You’re going to fit right in with this crowd!
(Snerk) I’ve been labeled left and right by acquaintances over the years.
I guess I have a hard time grasping the differences, especially in the
extremes. It’s easier for me to see the divide between classic liberal
(of which pure libertarian is the extreme) and control (of which
totalitarian is the extreme). I’ve said that there isn’t a nickel’s
worth of difference between a Fascist and a Bolshevist, and I hold to
that position. (Try and convince me Hitler and Stalin weren’t cut from
the same bolt of cloth.)
I can assure you, though, that (courteous, well-reasoned, tolerant)
liberal voices are welcome here. This is a community, not a hive mind.
You can’t really believe you believe what you believe, unless you have
fairly compared it to the thoughts of others, extrapolated it beyond the
current situation, modified it if needed rather than armored it, and found
it still satisfying. These are all good, intelligent, thoughtful, caring
people whether I agree with them or not.
As to the divide between Catians and (other) humans, I THINK I was the
first to point out that if they cannot cross and produce fertile offspring,
they can’t exchange genes; mutations in one group will not be shared with
the other, and genetic drift over the generations will drive their genomes
farther and farther apart. So, as far as the other sapient species are
concerned, LEGALLY they are a variety of human, but for all practical
purposes, they are a separate species. And if that means I think Law and
Science can be at odds as much as Religion and Science can, I have to
plead guilty. But none of the have to be or, in the long run, should be.
And don’t make me break out my rusty college academic High German.
I sound silly enough as it is.
Very well thought out comment, thanks.
Your opinion of the Catians is pretty much spot-on. In fact, it
gives me an idea. Again.
I’ve always thought you to be a Liberal.
I want to look coolly across the poker table and say “Smile when you say
that, partner”, but Bill and I may be the only ones old enough to get the
reference, and I’d rather assume you mean Jeffersonian Liberal, and to
that I’ll plead (mostly) guilty.
One of my college profs said that the chief difference between Republicans
and Democrats was what they wanted to outlaw. That was nearly 50 years
ago, but I don’t think it’s changed.
The Empire has various regulations, any bureaucracy has to have rules, but
one basic Law: “Don’t hurt anybody else.” Not even “Play Nice.” Since
cheating someone or taking from them more or other than they want to give
is recognized as hurting them, I like it.
I don’t know that you’ve ever said, but I assume this separation is
more than just physiology. Even in vitro, the gametes just won’t
combine and grow. The only way to cross the barrier would be the
way it was created in the first place, by gene manipulation within
chromosomes. And really, there’s no reason scientific or financial,
nothing to test or prove and nothing to gain, by going there.
I never needed to know much about fertilization, but I would
guess that there is something about Human sperm that triggers
an immune response in the female Catian body, causing rejection.
If I recall, there is a very rare condition in real-life human females that
does the same, meaning that they can never become pregnant.
Not sure how to even search for it.
Just to throw in my $0.02.
My granddad had 2 things he often said:
Treat others as you would like them to treat you
– and –
If you can’t say anything nice about a person, best keep your trap shut.
He had quite a few persons that, when mentioned, made him go silent.
A concept I (and most of my cousins) try to live by.
Of course you can write your story as YOU see it.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, Petercat.
PS: I’m not fully familiar with a lot of your abbreviations – SJW?
Social Justice Warrior.
Ahh, one of those betterknowing people(? – yes, must be nice and let
the doubt come to their benefit…) that think everybody else has to
live or at least think as they do. Step on their toes and there is no
ending to their cries – but they can step on whatever toes THEY want.
Oh, we’ve got those too, usually not called something nice…
A not-so-easily translated Danish saying:
Moral er godt, dobbeltmoral må være dobbelt så godt.
Standards are valued, double standards must be double valued…
Sarcasm can occur…
Oh, my, I like that.
I don’t get it, sorry. Dark room. Light in your eyes. Exposed, bunched
position. Unknown opponents with unknown arms, their positions and
degree of cover unknown. And the response to a demand for surrender
is not compliance, not retreat, not negotiation and maneuver, but
initiate hostilities? For a cause, maybe, but not for money. You can’t
spend money if you’re dead. Of course, only one of them went that
route, the other five are effectively HIS kills as much as the
It wasn’t until this page that I was sure that Malana was Roxxy’s
mother, or another (later or co-) mate. But the look of pride makes
it clear she considers Roxxy hers.
..”I don’t get it.” heh,. how many prisons are filled with “smart”
thugs..? also they have the mentality of,, “I am the Bad guy with
the Gun. Fear me an tremble.!”
Money.? money is a bonus.. they may say they “do it” for money. no,
they “do it” for the power / fear they do… (IE: look at the thugs
that attacked Ginny an Miral..)
Yes his kills,,. but, with out him in picture,,. and at least 2 to
1 odds against them,. do you really think they would give up.??
i had an inkling, when Roxxy called him uncle Menga,, an was sure
(pretty sure) when King Rexx an mate (Malana) was introduced..
name similarities , fur pattern , an (the final clue) gold fur
around Roxxys face..
These things change, but right now while you are #9, the gap between
you and #10 is bigger than the gap between you and #5.
It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was happy to stay in the top 200.
Under a lot of pressure now to keep improving, which will only be
possible because of my critics like you.
Reminder, please don’t vote tonight. Vote tomorrow, so it will count for February’s total.