SG-1 used those on the death gliders many times I’m sure
the real thing will (in the story) will do even better! Could
you imagine what a grav system would be like? Silent but
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Just telling them what they want to hear, like “Oh yes, we are in the process
of forcing them to sign your trade agreement.” etc… Or something along
those lines. Let them THINK they’ve won, it’ll give the Empire more time.
Once the P’tero ships are upgraded I’m sure they will be more than a match
for any core fleet. A nice strafing run with a cloaked ship with grav guns will
do WONDERS for any ships hull.
Just proves that an “old fool” can teach a younger one
how it feels…
That’s going to be tricky for the Queen but I have faith
that she knows what mind strings to yank on to get the
wrong idea planted correctly. We still don’t know what
happened to the grasseaters’ ship, it’s been plenty of
time for them to of returned and reported.
Reminds me of ‘Commando’ (1985) where a Stewardess (Cindy) learns
how to use an M202 FLASH Rocket Launcher by reading the instructions
(she just mixed up the front and back of the weapon at her first shot)
or a cop (Billy Rosewood) in ‘Beverly Hills Cop II’ (1987) does the
same with an M72 LAW.
I haven’t seen many action movies in recent years, but is this
something that is no longer part of the movies? Considering recent
events it sounds that modern versions of such weapons are still as
easy to use.
If that isn’t part of action movies anymore they are missing out
big time. People still seem to like good explosions.
The Army has been making things as simple as possible for many
years. They’ll have to redouble their efforts, however, since they’ve
lowered their recruiting standards so much.
I’ve noticed that, after the embarrassing rejection I got back
in 1977 it pisses me off but I get it. They’ve been taking anyone
they can get. I can’t blame any of the branches though, no one
wants to be yelled at in boot. I know I would of gotten into a
lot of trouble myself if I had gotten in
When I tried to get in, I applied to the army, air force, and the marines.
All three would take me on the spot and offered to let me complete
high school while in boot. Sounded great until the first 2 rejected me
by time I got the third one from the marines I wasn’t in a good mood,
hence the recruiter and chair dead-lift
Never tried the navy, being stuck on a ship 6 months to a year wasn’t
very attactive, plus being out of touch with family, friends, and the girl
I was seeing ;D
Army would not take me,, i had a Army birth certificate.
born before state required, an sperm donor never did it.
marines said, “That’s It?” “Sign here, your in!” .. they
wanted me in, cuz i aced the ASVAB.
oh an the SAT (97% tile..) BUT no collage cuz i was a
poor white male,. an did not meet any of “ethnic”
“old fool” even did not get any exhaust
splash on the orchards office trailer!
Though Captain lost his expected bargaining
chip on price since it is usable without
intensive instruction; at least for thinking
folk, he still may not be able to manage it :}
Yeah, a touch more complicated than a ‘point and click’ interface, but not by much…
And, ah yes, the old ‘deception by telling the truth, but in a way as to make your
opponent think what you want them to…’ Trick…
Looks and acts like a variation of the old Stinger missile.
With updated IFF (Identity Friend or Foe)
SG-1 used those on the death gliders many times I’m sure
the real thing will (in the story) will do even better! Could
you imagine what a grav system would be like? Silent but
I wonder what kind of lie the Queen will tell?
A lie of comission? Or a lie of omission?
Not a lie, but most likely truth told in such a way as to SEEM to be a lie…
Just telling them what they want to hear, like “Oh yes, we are in the process
of forcing them to sign your trade agreement.” etc… Or something along
those lines. Let them THINK they’ve won, it’ll give the Empire more time.
Once the P’tero ships are upgraded I’m sure they will be more than a match
for any core fleet. A nice strafing run with a cloaked ship with grav guns will
do WONDERS for any ships hull.
Just proves that an “old fool” can teach a younger one
how it feels…
That’s going to be tricky for the Queen but I have faith
that she knows what mind strings to yank on to get the
wrong idea planted correctly. We still don’t know what
happened to the grasseaters’ ship, it’s been plenty of
time for them to of returned and reported.
Reminds me of ‘Commando’ (1985) where a Stewardess (Cindy) learns
how to use an M202 FLASH Rocket Launcher by reading the instructions
(she just mixed up the front and back of the weapon at her first shot)
or a cop (Billy Rosewood) in ‘Beverly Hills Cop II’ (1987) does the
same with an M72 LAW.
I haven’t seen many action movies in recent years, but is this
something that is no longer part of the movies? Considering recent
events it sounds that modern versions of such weapons are still as
easy to use.
If that isn’t part of action movies anymore they are missing out
big time. People still seem to like good explosions.
The Army has been making things as simple as possible for many
years. They’ll have to redouble their efforts, however, since they’ve
lowered their recruiting standards so much.
I’ve noticed that, after the embarrassing rejection I got back
in 1977 it pisses me off but I get it. They’ve been taking anyone
they can get. I can’t blame any of the branches though, no one
wants to be yelled at in boot. I know I would of gotten into a
lot of trouble myself if I had gotten in
.. maybe downhill in the last 30 or so years.
when i went in (84), had to have a diploma,.
or some higher Ed, for the higher end MOS..
When I tried to get in, I applied to the army, air force, and the marines.
All three would take me on the spot and offered to let me complete
high school while in boot. Sounded great until the first 2 rejected me
by time I got the third one from the marines I wasn’t in a good mood,
hence the recruiter and chair dead-lift
Never tried the navy, being stuck on a ship 6 months to a year wasn’t
very attactive, plus being out of touch with family, friends, and the girl
I was seeing ;D
Army would not take me,, i had a Army birth certificate.
born before state required, an sperm donor never did it.
marines said, “That’s It?” “Sign here, your in!” .. they
wanted me in, cuz i aced the ASVAB.
oh an the SAT (97% tile..) BUT no collage cuz i was a
poor white male,. an did not meet any of “ethnic”
“old fool” even did not get any exhaust
splash on the orchards office trailer!
Though Captain lost his expected bargaining
chip on price since it is usable without
intensive instruction; at least for thinking
folk, he still may not be able to manage it :}