Reminds me of a friend of mine, he was
forever yelling out “C’mere you!” at his
cat, HEH! Cat had developed a taste for
beer and “special” brownies 😀
I think Ahmya should talk to Grady, she might have a line on
parts for her. Like a 500 huh? might be spunkier than my SS
honda, I love the chip set option, I hated the way the USA
de-tunes import bikes. And cars for that goes. The mopar 318
engine had potential, but they put such a low CFM respiration
on them. Don’t get me started on the GM SB 350’s…
I wondered why Johnathan was doing the statue of liberty thing
until I seen damitcat heh. Jasmine has topped out at 18lbs,
I had to buy an auto-feeder, being a stray she still thinks
she needs to eat everything and is so fat now her belly sways
when she walks. So 4 small feedings a day for her now!
Did another test, I’m at last co vid free! I can be around
people again! oh wait… never mind 😛
I say that about Mopars because I had a ’71 Polaris with a 318,
it was a real dog even though it was a retired police cruiser. So
I checked, it had a lousy 195 2brl CFM carb and only 1 3/4 in
exhaust! I put on a 225 2brl carb and installed a 2 in exhaust
and she perked right up. And then my MPH dropped to 8…
The car I borrowed to get my license in back in 1977
was a Plymouth Barracuda with a six-pack carb and a
radical cam. When putting it in gear you had to give
it enough gas that you didn’t kill it but not so much
that you chirped the tires.
I never drove one, but I did ride in one.
Man did I love the acceleration! And
bumping up the timing advance had a
surprising effect too. Downside was
you risked burning the pistons, rings,
and plugs. But you’d get the same effect
running 93 octane unleaded in those
older engines. Stock parts were too
soft for high performance/unleaded.
Yes, she went from a child of the leader of a hunted
outcast clan to the second most powerful person
in the Empire, it’s amazing what one person can do
when society lets them. Taritha wasn’t born to it,
she earned it.
If nothing else, Teresa could take an extended vacation
and let Taritha run the Empire when Teresa and Mischeal
decide to marry and have a child. Maybe take a trip to
Catia for a year or so? Obviously after the core issue
is resolved.
Help! I need to pick you guys’ brains. Suddenly we have water
apparently coming out from under the floor. We have laminate
over a basic slab. The house was built in 1997 and the laminate
went down in 2004. Now suddenly we have standing water.
I suspect something broke under the slab. Who would we call
to troubleshoot/fix such a problem? What kind of professional
would handle such a thing? Help!
Sounds like the water table may be at ground level.
Or a ruptured line.
Stop all water usage for a couple of hours.
Read your meter before and after.
If it changes, you have a burst pipe.
It’s for sure not high water table. I figure a ruptured pipe. The
question is who do I call to fix it. I’d bet my next 6 Social Secu-
rity checks it’s a busted water line. But it’s under part of the
slab. If so then they’re going to have to rip up a portion of the
slab to fix the leak. Is that part of what a plumbing company
does? And is such a malfunction likely to be covered by my
homeowner’s insurance? And of course it showed up on a week-
end when I cannot get to a person at the insurance co. (USAA).
I’m trying real hard not to fret about it. Fretting never solved
anything. I just don’t know who to call!
Call the water company. Have them shut off the water.
Otherwise the leak will be reflected in your bill.
Water is insidious, it doesn’t always show up at the leak site.
Maybe they can tell you where the leak is, it might even be in
the line before the meter, which would make it their problem.
Just be glad you don’t live in Atlanta, where the water company
billed a man $30,000 for an empty lot – with no hookup past
the meter. That much water would have flooded his entire
neighborhood a foot deep, but they wouldn’t budge.
Do you have a well or is it city water? If you have a well
check to see if it’s running all the time, if you have city
then call them! That motel I worked at had a main bust,
the basement flooded bad and the water bill was HUGE.
You could hear the water rushing in the sewer outside.
We get flooding every year here, there’s a creek just
down the road a bit and the valley we live in was the
flood plain. Took us putting in a retention pond and
a drainage ditch to stop the standing water around
the house. Downside of the pond is the frogs chirping
every night during the spring and summer.
Have you had some really cold weather lately?
Have you checked under every sink?
There could be a leak in the wall running down
to the floor and under the laminate.
It could even be an outside hose outlet leaking
down into the wall.
It’s for sure not coming from sink plumbing. We’ve had some
cold weather recently but we leave the cabinet doors open on
all plumbing on an outside wall. As for outside faucets, I always
put foam covers over them. Even bought new ones last fall
since the ones were looking pretty ratty. Nope. All indications
are it’s a water line under the slab. Yippee!!
Update: I called my insurance company and filed a claim. I’m
waiting on a call from an Adjuster to learn the next hoop I’ll
have to jump through. They will also give me a list of known
good contractors they have worked with in the past. Yippee!
Sorry but the Admiral is left not right of Jochi
Sorry, but the Admiral is to Jochi’s left
Sorry it is the, not he. Old fingers
I just read the character list.
Chuckle – the Siamese is “dammitcat”.
It seems a fitting name. It gets into everything.
It’s the name he’s used to.
“DammitCat, get off the counter!”
“DammitCat, that’s MY hamburger!”
And so on.
Probably a descendant of That Darn Cat.
Reminds me of a friend of mine, he was
forever yelling out “C’mere you!” at his
cat, HEH! Cat had developed a taste for
beer and “special” brownies 😀
You know, having been owned by many
cats over the years,
that cat’s landing in his hand like that?
Not really a surprise…
I think Ahmya should talk to Grady, she might have a line on
parts for her. Like a 500 huh? might be spunkier than my SS
honda, I love the chip set option, I hated the way the USA
de-tunes import bikes. And cars for that goes. The mopar 318
engine had potential, but they put such a low CFM respiration
on them. Don’t get me started on the GM SB 350’s…
I wondered why Johnathan was doing the statue of liberty thing
until I seen damitcat heh. Jasmine has topped out at 18lbs,
I had to buy an auto-feeder, being a stray she still thinks
she needs to eat everything and is so fat now her belly sways
when she walks. So 4 small feedings a day for her now!
Did another test, I’m at last co vid free! I can be around
people again! oh wait… never mind 😛
I say that about Mopars because I had a ’71 Polaris with a 318,
it was a real dog even though it was a retired police cruiser. So
I checked, it had a lousy 195 2brl CFM carb and only 1 3/4 in
exhaust! I put on a 225 2brl carb and installed a 2 in exhaust
and she perked right up. And then my MPH dropped to 8…
For every action, there is an equal, and opposite, reaction.
You fixed the performance, gas mileage went down.
Badda bing, badda boom!
yep, I was young and didn’t think about it, but
that also explained why they swapped them out.
And gave a clue why the 383 6-pack didn’t last
Six pack? Hmm. Memories.
The car I borrowed to get my license in back in 1977
was a Plymouth Barracuda with a six-pack carb and a
radical cam. When putting it in gear you had to give
it enough gas that you didn’t kill it but not so much
that you chirped the tires.
I never drove one, but I did ride in one.
Man did I love the acceleration! And
bumping up the timing advance had a
surprising effect too. Downside was
you risked burning the pistons, rings,
and plugs. But you’d get the same effect
running 93 octane unleaded in those
older engines. Stock parts were too
soft for high performance/unleaded.
I did say I thought Taritha was going to go places
from her start. The head of Imp-Diplo? Jeesh.
AND,,, Empress,. or the next best thing.!
i mean,, sister and or Envoy.!
Yes, she went from a child of the leader of a hunted
outcast clan to the second most powerful person
in the Empire, it’s amazing what one person can do
when society lets them. Taritha wasn’t born to it,
she earned it.
If nothing else, Teresa could take an extended vacation
and let Taritha run the Empire when Teresa and Mischeal
decide to marry and have a child. Maybe take a trip to
Catia for a year or so? Obviously after the core issue
is resolved.
Help! I need to pick you guys’ brains. Suddenly we have water
apparently coming out from under the floor. We have laminate
over a basic slab. The house was built in 1997 and the laminate
went down in 2004. Now suddenly we have standing water.
I suspect something broke under the slab. Who would we call
to troubleshoot/fix such a problem? What kind of professional
would handle such a thing? Help!
Sounds like the water table may be at ground level.
Or a ruptured line.
Stop all water usage for a couple of hours.
Read your meter before and after.
If it changes, you have a burst pipe.
It’s for sure not high water table. I figure a ruptured pipe. The
question is who do I call to fix it. I’d bet my next 6 Social Secu-
rity checks it’s a busted water line. But it’s under part of the
slab. If so then they’re going to have to rip up a portion of the
slab to fix the leak. Is that part of what a plumbing company
does? And is such a malfunction likely to be covered by my
homeowner’s insurance? And of course it showed up on a week-
end when I cannot get to a person at the insurance co. (USAA).
I’m trying real hard not to fret about it. Fretting never solved
anything. I just don’t know who to call!
Call the water company. Have them shut off the water.
Otherwise the leak will be reflected in your bill.
Water is insidious, it doesn’t always show up at the leak site.
Maybe they can tell you where the leak is, it might even be in
the line before the meter, which would make it their problem.
Just be glad you don’t live in Atlanta, where the water company
billed a man $30,000 for an empty lot – with no hookup past
the meter. That much water would have flooded his entire
neighborhood a foot deep, but they wouldn’t budge.
I have a faint memory of that, did
they have to go to court over that?
court – yes, and no… it’s the city. they have their own.
and went multiple times. and lost.
now taking it to superior court. State.
Do you have a well or is it city water? If you have a well
check to see if it’s running all the time, if you have city
then call them! That motel I worked at had a main bust,
the basement flooded bad and the water bill was HUGE.
You could hear the water rushing in the sewer outside.
We get flooding every year here, there’s a creek just
down the road a bit and the valley we live in was the
flood plain. Took us putting in a retention pond and
a drainage ditch to stop the standing water around
the house. Downside of the pond is the frogs chirping
every night during the spring and summer.
Have you had some really cold weather lately?
Have you checked under every sink?
There could be a leak in the wall running down
to the floor and under the laminate.
It could even be an outside hose outlet leaking
down into the wall.
It’s for sure not coming from sink plumbing. We’ve had some
cold weather recently but we leave the cabinet doors open on
all plumbing on an outside wall. As for outside faucets, I always
put foam covers over them. Even bought new ones last fall
since the ones were looking pretty ratty. Nope. All indications
are it’s a water line under the slab. Yippee!!
Update: I called my insurance company and filed a claim. I’m
waiting on a call from an Adjuster to learn the next hoop I’ll
have to jump through. They will also give me a list of known
good contractors they have worked with in the past. Yippee!
Damn filter, guys, please?