Panel 1 – knife hand strike to the ribs. That’ll leave a mark.
Looks like Pinky’s getting ready to join in.
Panel 2 – be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
Panel 3 – yep, Pinky wanted to play too.
Panel 4 – beware the pissed-off putty tat.
Panel 7 – emphasis on HELP the unfortunate. Not become
their lifelong supporter. Such a difference between the
Empire and many parts of current day USA.
Panel 8 – if a business wishes to intentionally limit their
profits by limiting their potential customers (of all colors),
let them.
I think the ladies were playing nice, but that makes me
wonder what pink did to get kicked through a window?
I never did that, view windows weren’t cheap!
Probably wasn’t a plate glass window. It damn near requires
a car to crash through them to shatter like that.
Of course, we’re talking at least a quarter to half inch thick.
You wouldn’t believe the number of bullet holes I saw in one
window. There had been a drive by shooting, but nobody killed,
and the store owner was either too cheap to replace the glass,
(a 3×5 sheet of plate glass isn’t very cheap) or they looked
at as a sort of combat badge.
Mid Atlantic coast Navy towns can get pretty rough…
Note – I said the businesses were limiting their potential customers,
as many people feel such race-centric policies are nothing they wish
to be associated with. Comparisons to the KKK? Not at all. The KKK
specifically attacked people. These businesses here are only saying
people of specific colors are not allowed. Are they being stupid and
short-sighted? I’d say ‘yes’. As long as they do not resort to violence,
nor seek to push their policies past their doorposts, they have
committed no crimes. Do either of those, and they can, and will, be
sued into oblivion.
It could be something as silly as some bar do:
“We only serve Dolphin fans!” Without context,
it looks bad, but doesn’t mean it is. I learned
a long time ago that jumping to conclusions can
cause injury. You rarely stick the landing.
The town I grew up in had the team name of Wildcats,
every where you look a sign that read: Go Cats GO!
What would any Catain think when reading that?
I almost would bet one of those signs was put up in response to
the other one, understandable but IMAO the wrong answer. I
agree they should have the right to shoot themself in the foot if
they want, but I wouldn’t patronize either establishment, and if
asked why, say “Because I’m not an a*****e and don’t want to
hang out with a******s. That last isn’t strictly true, btw. Lots
of my friends proudly claim to be a******s, but by that they
mean rude, loud and vulgar. They aren’t bigots.
There is also the slim possibility that they
were hung up as a historical reference.
As one youtube video puts it;
“there are no blacks or whites,
just different shades of brown..”
Yes, and I’m having quite the giggle fit over it.
Considering (IIRC) how heavy Catians are vs hoomans,
hopefully Miral will find some way to NOT land anywhere
on Pink’s torso with both feet. I fear permanent,
if not lethal, damage would ensue.
True, I have little doubt for her size she’s at least 180-200lbs.
Most likely she’ll spread her feet as she lands. Besides,
crashing through a window of that size would feel like falling
from a 2nd story window. Hardened glass 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick.
TV/Movie glass is thinner and is made out of sugar
(tastes like tar too).
I try not to comment on things that may just be a matter of what
art is available and not PC’s intention, but that glass broke up like
highly tempered glass, designed to shatter into small (mostly) non-
jagged pieces to reduce the chances of injury. Think auto windshield
glass without the layer of adhesive plastic. Expensive stuff, almost
implies the owner expected something like this might happen.
Most picture windows are tempered glass, a sheet
that big in normal glass would break too easily.
I wanted to install one in a house we had until I
seen the price, OUCH! 5X the price of a bay window!
I’m pretty sure that cobra strike went to the solar plexus. He’s likely
going down for the count, probably won’t be able to control his lungs
for a few minutes and if he has any heart issues… She’s good if she
used straight fingers. I’d have curled my fingers at the second knuckle.
The solar plexus is below the belt, just
above the bladder, that’s the nerve bundle
at the base of the sternum.
Just as effective and WAY more painful.
There’s 3 spots on the sternum that’s going
to feel like the chest was caved in, I’ve
used them in the past when I needed to
take down someone fast so I could focus
on another attacker. Gang-ups were common
back in the day… I love living in the country!
Then why is hitting below the belt in boxing banned?
I was told that the plexus was too cruel for the
profession. Damn, now I gotta look up the nerve
points again… This old-man memory is frustrating.
When I was a kid, my grandmother had her grandfather’s
Civil War sword behind the door in the spare bedroom. When
we went over that was always the first place I went. At first
it took pulling it out as far as I could, then grab the blade and
pull some more, then do it again to get it all out (I was a little
fella). Over time, I could do it in two pulls, and then, finally,
I was tall enough to get it all in one pull. But that was from at
my waist, not over my head.
Yeah, when I mentioned the inner-arm artery, I was thinking Miral
can’t draw the sword, but Ahmya can the dagger. But she was
merciful and just paralyzed his diaphram. Hopefully temporarily.
Why hopefully? Can’t learn if you’re dead.
So at the risk of unleashing a firestorm,
I’d like to propose an alternative point of view.
First – I’ve been reading this comic
for a long time and I’ve loved the story arcs (mostly) and find the
libertarian mindset an interesting thought exercise.
I have really appreciated the diversity of the good characters.
(Wee bit challenged by the lack of diversity in the evil characters
– but I’ll let that go).
I am going to be very interested to see how PC answers a very valid
How can a society that is good tolerate racism?
The argument that “don’t judge” doesn’t really ring with me.
If “We don’t serve Blacks/Whites” is allowed, then what else is
allowed? Can I refuse to sell my house to someone who is the wrong
race/religion/sex/political party? Will I be refused a loan because
I am the wrong race/religion/sex/political party? It seems like a
small thing, but it is a not a good sign. Especially when everything
in this utopia is privatized. Do police or fire services get denied
because the person isn’t the right race/religion/sex/political party?
I’m in California, but we have our ugly racist history – we just hid
it better. Blacks weren’t allowed to buy in certain areas and if they
were too successful, their houses and property were taken. Berkeley
came up with “zoning” as a way to keep it’s black population from
living in “white areas”. So color me confused when these signs are
“OK” and no remediation is made.
First, your comments are most welcome here – a voice of dissent
questioning the status quo holds great value, if the author’s
personality does not make his comment unreadable. As far as your
comments on race, I hope you don’t mind if I re-post your comment
on today’s comic, where every reader will see it and have a
chance to respond.
I will say this – All people of any background can be racists.
As long as it is not manifested as physical damage, it is a
social problem to be handled on a social level.
Second – Please limit your line length. I’ve edited it manually
because some people have narrow screens.
Left Wing Cal Berkeley Grad Woke Anti-Racist Tree Hugging Nice Guy
By all means repost where it makes good sense.
And you nailed it with
“all people can be racists regardless of color”
I am white. I know I’ve had my racist moments.
I’m working on fixing those and being a force for inclusion.
Looking forward to seeing your take on the signs.
Oh, thereβs a few Liberals who comment here.
Weβve only had one full-on Leftist here.
He threw his bomb, got a friendly and reasonable response,
and never returned. I think we broke him.
Scroll down to the bottom of the comments to see the exchange:
It will also give you a perspective on where I, my readers,
and this webcomic stand.
But then, when you see an anti-child predator poster and
assume itβs an attack on gays,
you deserve to be humiliated.
Also, Svetlana has merely asked the question, and it is the first
time (as i recall anyway), that it has come up that we’ve seen.
Let’s see what PC comes up with as Jonathan’s answer to her.
We may all be surprised.
if you read, then you know,. i also edit..
(almost deleted yours as spam..)(glad i read it..)
but know, i only edit line length and gross spelling errors.
IF it don’t show let us know,. and we will fix it.
i try not to delete , but accidents happen..
Panel 1 – knife hand strike to the ribs. That’ll leave a mark.
Looks like Pinky’s getting ready to join in.
Panel 2 – be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
Panel 3 – yep, Pinky wanted to play too.
Panel 4 – beware the pissed-off putty tat.
Panel 7 – emphasis on HELP the unfortunate. Not become
their lifelong supporter. Such a difference between the
Empire and many parts of current day USA.
Panel 8 – if a business wishes to intentionally limit their
profits by limiting their potential customers (of all colors),
let them.
I think the ladies were playing nice, but that makes me
wonder what pink did to get kicked through a window?
I never did that, view windows weren’t cheap!
Probably wasn’t a plate glass window. It damn near requires
a car to crash through them to shatter like that.
Of course, we’re talking at least a quarter to half inch thick.
You wouldn’t believe the number of bullet holes I saw in one
window. There had been a drive by shooting, but nobody killed,
and the store owner was either too cheap to replace the glass,
(a 3×5 sheet of plate glass isn’t very cheap) or they looked
at as a sort of combat badge.
Mid Atlantic coast Navy towns can get pretty rough…
Note – I said the businesses were limiting their potential customers,
as many people feel such race-centric policies are nothing they wish
to be associated with. Comparisons to the KKK? Not at all. The KKK
specifically attacked people. These businesses here are only saying
people of specific colors are not allowed. Are they being stupid and
short-sighted? I’d say ‘yes’. As long as they do not resort to violence,
nor seek to push their policies past their doorposts, they have
committed no crimes. Do either of those, and they can, and will, be
sued into oblivion.
It could be something as silly as some bar do:
“We only serve Dolphin fans!” Without context,
it looks bad, but doesn’t mean it is. I learned
a long time ago that jumping to conclusions can
cause injury. You rarely stick the landing.
The town I grew up in had the team name of Wildcats,
every where you look a sign that read: Go Cats GO!
What would any Catain think when reading that?
Sadly, the only exercise some people get is running
off at the mouth and jumping to conclusions.
I almost would bet one of those signs was put up in response to
the other one, understandable but IMAO the wrong answer. I
agree they should have the right to shoot themself in the foot if
they want, but I wouldn’t patronize either establishment, and if
asked why, say “Because I’m not an a*****e and don’t want to
hang out with a******s. That last isn’t strictly true, btw. Lots
of my friends proudly claim to be a******s, but by that they
mean rude, loud and vulgar. They aren’t bigots.
I’M an a-hole… I reigned it in when I got married
and had kids. Mostly… π
There is also the slim possibility that they
were hung up as a historical reference.
As one youtube video puts it;
“there are no blacks or whites,
just different shades of brown..”
Oh ow, was looking at P4 better, both feet on
Pink’s belly, that IS gonna leave a mark!
(Off-mic) clean up on E Street!
Yes, and I’m having quite the giggle fit over it.
Considering (IIRC) how heavy Catians are vs hoomans,
hopefully Miral will find some way to NOT land anywhere
on Pink’s torso with both feet. I fear permanent,
if not lethal, damage would ensue.
True, I have little doubt for her size she’s at least 180-200lbs.
Most likely she’ll spread her feet as she lands. Besides,
crashing through a window of that size would feel like falling
from a 2nd story window. Hardened glass 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick.
TV/Movie glass is thinner and is made out of sugar
(tastes like tar too).
I try not to comment on things that may just be a matter of what
art is available and not PC’s intention, but that glass broke up like
highly tempered glass, designed to shatter into small (mostly) non-
jagged pieces to reduce the chances of injury. Think auto windshield
glass without the layer of adhesive plastic. Expensive stuff, almost
implies the owner expected something like this might happen.
Most picture windows are tempered glass, a sheet
that big in normal glass would break too easily.
I wanted to install one in a house we had until I
seen the price, OUCH! 5X the price of a bay window!
That’s most likely an artifact of the 3D model and software.
I’m pretty sure that cobra strike went to the solar plexus. He’s likely
going down for the count, probably won’t be able to control his lungs
for a few minutes and if he has any heart issues… She’s good if she
used straight fingers. I’d have curled my fingers at the second knuckle.
The solar plexus is below the belt, just
above the bladder, that’s the nerve bundle
at the base of the sternum.
Just as effective and WAY more painful.
There’s 3 spots on the sternum that’s going
to feel like the chest was caved in, I’ve
used them in the past when I needed to
take down someone fast so I could focus
on another attacker. Gang-ups were common
back in the day… I love living in the country!
Sorry, Scars, but the solar plexus is located just
below the bottom tip of the xyphoid process.
Then why is hitting below the belt in boxing banned?
I was told that the plexus was too cruel for the
profession. Damn, now I gotta look up the nerve
points again… This old-man memory is frustrating.
I can think of two small (but important π )
reasons not to hit below the belt.
Three, now that I think about it further. π
π yeah, pretty much my understanding.
A cafe called “Old Books?”
It goes with the chalkboard.
P8, I think Svetlana is misreading those signs, considering
how bigotry is frowned upon in the schools.
No Sushi?
Someone’s getting off easy π
She gave her knife to Ahmya.
And her arms aren’t long enough clear the
sword on her back from it’s sheath.
When I was a kid, my grandmother had her grandfather’s
Civil War sword behind the door in the spare bedroom. When
we went over that was always the first place I went. At first
it took pulling it out as far as I could, then grab the blade and
pull some more, then do it again to get it all out (I was a little
fella). Over time, I could do it in two pulls, and then, finally,
I was tall enough to get it all in one pull. But that was from at
my waist, not over my head.
Yeah, when I mentioned the inner-arm artery, I was thinking Miral
can’t draw the sword, but Ahmya can the dagger. But she was
merciful and just paralyzed his diaphram. Hopefully temporarily.
Why hopefully? Can’t learn if you’re dead.
Naaa, Miral’s teaching the broad that fighting
a Cat is a very bad idea, she reserves killing
for those that deserve it, not a stupid. π
So at the risk of unleashing a firestorm,
I’d like to propose an alternative point of view.
First – I’ve been reading this comic
for a long time and I’ve loved the story arcs (mostly) and find the
libertarian mindset an interesting thought exercise.
I have really appreciated the diversity of the good characters.
(Wee bit challenged by the lack of diversity in the evil characters
– but I’ll let that go).
I am going to be very interested to see how PC answers a very valid
How can a society that is good tolerate racism?
The argument that “don’t judge” doesn’t really ring with me.
If “We don’t serve Blacks/Whites” is allowed, then what else is
allowed? Can I refuse to sell my house to someone who is the wrong
race/religion/sex/political party? Will I be refused a loan because
I am the wrong race/religion/sex/political party? It seems like a
small thing, but it is a not a good sign. Especially when everything
in this utopia is privatized. Do police or fire services get denied
because the person isn’t the right race/religion/sex/political party?
I’m in California, but we have our ugly racist history – we just hid
it better. Blacks weren’t allowed to buy in certain areas and if they
were too successful, their houses and property were taken. Berkeley
came up with “zoning” as a way to keep it’s black population from
living in “white areas”. So color me confused when these signs are
“OK” and no remediation is made.
First, your comments are most welcome here – a voice of dissent
questioning the status quo holds great value, if the author’s
personality does not make his comment unreadable. As far as your
comments on race, I hope you don’t mind if I re-post your comment
on today’s comic, where every reader will see it and have a
chance to respond.
I will say this – All people of any background can be racists.
As long as it is not manifested as physical damage, it is a
social problem to be handled on a social level.
Second – Please limit your line length. I’ve edited it manually
because some people have narrow screens.
By all means repost where it makes good sense.
And you nailed it with
“all people can be racists regardless of color”
I am white. I know I’ve had my racist moments.
I’m working on fixing those and being a force for inclusion.
Looking forward to seeing your take on the signs.
You’ve been reading this comic for a
long time and you’re worried about
igniting a firestorm in the comments?
C’mon, man!
Yeah. Well we libs have been kinda
quiet here.
Oh, thereβs a few Liberals who comment here.
Weβve only had one full-on Leftist here.
He threw his bomb, got a friendly and reasonable response,
and never returned. I think we broke him.
Scroll down to the bottom of the comments to see the exchange:
It will also give you a perspective on where I, my readers,
and this webcomic stand.
But then, when you see an anti-child predator poster and
assume itβs an attack on gays,
you deserve to be humiliated.
Also, Svetlana has merely asked the question, and it is the first
time (as i recall anyway), that it has come up that we’ve seen.
Let’s see what PC comes up with as Jonathan’s answer to her.
We may all be surprised.
if you read, then you know,. i also edit..
(almost deleted yours as spam..)(glad i read it..)
but know, i only edit line length and gross spelling errors.
IF it don’t show let us know,. and we will fix it.
i try not to delete , but accidents happen..