Flea threw a spanner in the machinery.
The legionnaires were Teresa’s idea,
so she can’t be tooooo upset.
Can she besides she will be
miserable for awhile herself.
She has a conscience.
Aside from Dumcan finding out it was a scam?
Because they basically broke the same law
that they did with the O’blama’s princesses,
and at some point she’ll have to rescue him.
As has been stated numerous times, she can be gentle, when
she is allowed to be. And that gentleness does NOT like
having to do what she just did. There were most assuredly
children in the homes of the parliament members’ families
who died.
So, episode 1305, panel 4 forward through episode 1308
would have been real, if not for Flea’s entry?
He still might, once he finds out the rules. Not that
he’d get away with it, but he might try. Flea might
have jumped the gun, for all she knew, part of
the trial might have been for bad “behavure” on
Lamia. Granted Cassie did tell her the basics, but
never assume…
Did Flea just Name him? I always thought Legionnaires chose their own.
How much authority does Flea have? Can any Legionnaire just take in
whoever they want based on a statement of intent? Looks to me like
logistics could become an issue quickly.
Well, you got the Rubble Helscope!
I know it’s hard Teresa, but if you
didn’t, they would have just kept
trying, just for the sake of bragging
rights… And more “followers.”
Plus the way both the girls and boys are treated by the Muslims,
if they weren’t brainwashed, they soon would be. Lets face it,
out the hundreds if not thousands of men that were fought off,
only one had the sense to stop it and accept that the demands
they were obeying were wrong. Those are very bad odds…
(Starts writing an world-ending virus) Does anyone
know some Russian that like to make stuff feel heavier?
(aims grav-gun) “GET OVER HERE!” (SPLAT!!!) eeewww…
I wanted all of them, not just the bits that got ripped off!
(Grabs chunk off shoulder, holds it out) Have a heart, PC?
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
I see that Flea has already given DumbDude (Duncan) a nickname,
Turtle”. And apparently he’s not SO dumb that he doesn’t know,
and take, a golden opportunity when it’s presented to him.
And it will be interesting to see Borogrove’s explanation of
what’s gone wrong with the mock trial “sentencing”.
My thought is that, now that he’s in the Legion,
and all past sins (and sentences) are washed away, he’ll
start talking again about Operation Top Secret Ultra,
and all will come out about the trial being a sham.
Maybe Borogrove can put a bee in Flea’s ear, and she can
ride herd (psyops) on the big guy to keep him hushed.
Flea is about as subtle as a brick through a glass window.
If not Flea, then maybe Doc’s ear.
In the words of a favorite scifi author, “waiting is”.
It’s a sad comedy of errors, starting with Dumcan.
I’m sure it’d be a simple thing to yank him out if need be,
but I think putting him in the Legion for a short while
might be good for him.
Let him see the beast he’s claiming to see on Lamia,
it might change his tune.
I think there’s a loop-hole that could be used to get him out of
going to the Legion and getting off scott-free, he committed an
“act of treason” by blabbing what he did, I believe that would
exclude him from Legion service. http://thegentlewolf.net/comic/tgw-323/ Teresa was talking
about it to Doc and Pony.
Slight continuity error: In 1307 Dumcan was advised of the “verdict” and
“sentence” and “temporary set aside” and then led back upstairs. In 1308
the two girls whose pants Dumcan was trying to get into are apprised of
the truth. But here in 1309 Flea intervenes before Mistral can “set the
sentence aside”. What gives?
First comment. It’s what actually happened vs what was planned.
In panel 4, you can see everyone heading for the basement to
find out the court’s decision.
Recent memes I saw on JohnnyB videos:
Cocaine was found at Biden’s house
A dead body was found at Obama’s house
A male prostitute was found at Pelosi’s hoise
An illegal server was found at Clinton’s house
So the FBI raided Trump’s house!
We live in a society where
Homosexuals lecture us on morals,
Transexuals lecture us on human biology,
Baby killers lecture us on human rights,
Communists lecture us on economics, and
Satanists lecture us on religion.
A country run by banks will always be in debt.
Healthcare run by Big Pharma will never cure disease.
A state run by war will never know peace.
A nation run by media will never know the truth.
Healthcare run by Big Pharma has no reason
to keep you healthy or even alive.
They will make cures for diseases.
If you can pay for the cures, now
that’s something else all together.
Clearly someone that doesn’t speak english, a simple
check with the bank would debunk this, a call or login
their website. I’ve gotten a few like this too, just some
idiot that doesn’t know how banking works, just
targeting the older/elderly in hopes of an easy mark.
My medicare was hacked, I’ve been getting a shit-ton
of calls, all scams, at least 5 a day. If someone pretending
to be me tries to sell stuff, shoot me an e-mail and we’ll
change my password, I had to do that with my e-mail
and bank passwords.
When I get a call about my Medicare coverage I first ask if I know them.
Then I ask why I would even consider buying something from an
anonymous voice on the phone. They pretty much always wind up
ending the call. If they don’t then I flat out tell them they could not
sell me a drink of water in the Sahara at high noon on the hottest
day of the year. Even the die-hards hang up then. I don’t buy anything
I don’t already want.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Most of the time when I get an unknown call, I’ll answer
if I’m not too busy. Most of the times they’re robo calls
that hang up before pickup. On the rare occasion when
someone picks up on the distant end, I’ll respond to their
“pitch” in either German or Korean. I remember just
enough to be dumb (ya! Grus gott. Vas merchtan se?)
or insulting (dumkoff! shizekoff) or both.
I have a Korean insult that’s an automatic assault
if I were to say it over in Korea.
When I get shit like that I just delete it. I haven’t had a Chase account
since we came home from Japan in ’82. If I got one appearing to have
come from my bank I’d be on the phone with customer service most
rickey-tick! Unfortunately there are all too many ignorant souls out there
who will fall for such nonsense. My bullshit detector is extremely
sensitive and has a hair trigger.
I learned real quick to tell when it’s an auto-dialer,
there’s a quiet beep, then someone speaks. If it
was legit, there would be a person to answer
right away. One of these calls I get is offering
to “help me choose a Medicare provider”, I did that
8 years ago! Just because I turn 65 at the start
of the year.
Scars – It’s open enrollment season for Medicare. The time
of year when the various insurance companies can poach
from each other. I got beaucoup offers prior to turning 65,
then nothing for the last nine months. The “pick us instead”
emails and snail mails have now started again, and won’t
stop for a few months.
I know, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let someone on the phone talk
me into something. These are scam calls, mostly from the same
people. They have a pre-recorded American woman reading
from a script, and then you’re told to press a number to learn
more, if you do, someone with a heavy East Indian accent
starts talking. And WON’T let you talk until the sales pitch is done.
Wait! Are you telling me that’s not a real email. Damn!! And
I just responded as they requested to the copy I got.
NOT!! That’s one of the most incompetent one’s I’ve ever seen.
They might get a single, blind, hermit with an internet fetish with
that one, but that’s about it.
yeah,, know the feeling…
roommate has a comic,, and has not
been able to update for like a month now..
moving, health, and the big one, hard drive
dropped files out of the comic art folder…
It’s fine, we ALL have bad days/weeks/months/years.
In my case, it’s hobby machines I’m trying to make
work as pro ones.
Cracked me up, my son was complaining about being
old, once I could breathe again,
I said “But wait, there’s MORE!”
I told him to come see me when “Mr. Happy”
is really depressed… In about 30 years or so heh.
I’ve been retired coming up on my third Christmas,
and Mondays… many times it is like, ‘what the hell
did I do different from any other day of the week?’
When I wake up Monday morning and feel like Hell.
Only 3 Christmases retired? You’re a rookie! I retired in ’13
(we weren’t sure I’d last to ’16 and age 65). I’m just marking
time till I move down the way from my folks at Ft Sam Houston
National Cemetery. Gonna be cremated. That way folks’ll say ,
“Look at that. Old Bill finally found his niche.” 😉
Monday went okay – mostly – but today has been very, VERY trying. Only
way to get around San Antonio in on the freeways and there were several
work zones on the way to the big VA hospital here where I get my most
of my medical care. It’s a 50 mile anyway and when they’re futzing with
the freeways shit gets serious. It took me over 15 minutes to go a mere
3 miles. Plus they had part of the way we’d normally go coming back
down to 1 (slow) lane. If that wasn’t enough the freeway exit I needed to
take in the terminal area was closed due to maintenance. Lucky I know
a back way to get to the VA. I checked in with 5 minutes to spare. They
were working on the freeway on the return route – 5 lanes down to 3 but
it didn’t slow us down too much. I got an infusion of cash from the study
I’m participating in so I took my lady to lunch at a fairly nice Mexican
place we’ve gone to forever. I got 5 bites down and my stomach yelled
“NO!”. That was it for me for lunch. I was able to drink my Diet Pepsi.
When we got home my wife had an urgent appt. on the throne. And to
cap it all off the nuts in the pecan candy we bought were about half
stale! Ain’t eating there again EVER!
What. The. FUCK. At some point today I had this icon on
my taskbar show up, calling itself Windows copilot. An
AI that installed itself WITHOUT my permission! I wondered
why my computer has been acting wonky all day.
Same here. Had an automatic, unescapable Windows update today. I typed “uninstall” in
my search bar, found it, and uninstalled it.
Wonder how long it will take before it’s back?
This is why my working art computer (That I create this comic on) NEVER goes on line.
If I did, the damned Windows updates would probably take all day.
It works okay, Microsoft. Leave my damned computers alone!
I’ll try that, it doesn’t show up in the normal routes. it seriously lagged
my system last night. The LAST thing I need is for it to spend money
I don’t have because it thinks I need it. I’ve heard horror stories about
Ale xis and Goo gle.
My Aunt lives in Clearwater, Florida, it’s about 50 miles SE of Tampa.
About an hour’s drive. My father’s been trying to call her. She’s partly
deaf and my father can barely see so normal communication is dicey
for them.
Nope.It only runs on Windows or Mac. Some people have ported it to Linux, but
the results are… imperfect.
But it’s not on the internet, so I don’t get updates. I have two separate internet
computers, one Win10 and one Linux. I wish Win7 was safe to take online!
I still have a windows XP laptop that I use for old games. I copied images of the CDs
to the hard drive and stowed the CDs in a safe place.
Command & Conquer, Stacraft, Dungeon Keeper 2, Thexis, etc.
I did have one, but the PSU said FU and shorted 120VAC into the mobo and video card,
wasn’t worth the effort after that. CPU looked like the surface of the moon once I got
the heatsink off. Do not buy any off-brand PSU’s, it’s not worth it. Shocked the piss
outta me when I turned it on too. It’s hard to check your pulse when it trips the breaker….
So, the Puffti was going away, off to his reward, at the conclusion of his
part in this recorded performance. I have a feeling Teresa did this this
way to create this video, his part and hers, and it will be broadcast. I’m
not sure she is going to be happy with all aspects of the image of herself
she is creating. I see her adversaries accusing her both of hypocrisy and
cowardice, since she is killing relative innocents along with the guilty
from a secure distance. Her primary defense is that this is return fire,
she didn’t start it. She’ll have to take the spin that the Caliphate put their
own people at risk by their actions, and are the real authors of their deaths.
That Puufti has been attacking innocence’s everywhere for bragging rights and to
forward his plans. At the rate he was going all of Europe and the Asia’s were going
to be under his control. Killing and raping the lands and the people along the way.
Teresa saw this and with the attack on the Empire, she was left with no choice
but to end them, it’ll take years for Islam to recover to try again, maybe this time
with smarter leaders? I doubt it…
And your solution would be?
How does one fight a murderous religion which believes that
helpless civilians make the most desirable targets?
A religion that gives a big thumbs up to finding the most
horrible ways of killing it’s enemies (anyone not of that
religion) such as locking them in a cage and soaking them
in gasoline… then lighting it?
How do you fight someone like that?
You have to totally destroy them, or totally destroy their
will to fight. You can’t go halfway and then stop.
Read some of the atrocities that have been committed by Christians,
Jews, Hindu, Shinto, and on and on. I will not condemn people in any
group for what others in that group have done. People who do the
things you list? Light ’em up and the sooner the better. But don’t
become them. Don’t target others that happen to speak the same
language or worship the same version of Deity, unless they show
themselves to be the same sort. I am not guilty of My Lai or Wounded
Knee. Or many more I could mention. Anything short of complete
annihilation leaves a future enemy, and genocide is not acceptable.
and seeing it first hand… this “murderous religion” believes just that.!
‘no infidel shall live.’ … and they are Christian,, but not. if not muslim
then death to you infidel.! your laws (any country not theirs) Don’t
apply to them.!!
Most of the religions you mentioned have become enlightened,
while some people cling to the old ways, Islam is still in the dark
ages, they feel the more horrific the “punishment,” the better.
The kuron depicts the same events found in the Hebrew bible.
much less the KJ version, just names and places changed.
Infidels are not people to them, only lessor beings that risk their
way of life and religion, hence the “Demon” names for women.
They won’t be wiped out, but the few that survive won’t be able
to do much harm for a long time. Islam covers 5 nations on 3
continents and number in the billions, not even the Empire could
find them all. But they will take care of any that tries this crap again.
We got some bad news about my wife, her breathing has gotten worse.
She’s up to 6 liters of oxygen and we are getting a new machine to handle
the demand. Her current one only goes up to 5. She’s (understandably)
refuses a permanent ventilator, so she may only have a few years left, I
guess it’s time to start making arrangements.
Sorry guys, it’s been rough.
Update, we got the new machine today, that thing is LOUD.
Can’t hear the living room TV over it, Ill have to get some
extra hose and put it in the pantry I guess.
Maybe run the hose overhead and/or through some plastic conduit,
at least through the hard-to-reach spots so that you don’t have
to dig out any awkward cat-chewed parts of the run?
Or have you enclosed it in braided steel wire sheathing?
Flea threw a spanner in the machinery.
The legionnaires were Teresa’s idea,
so she can’t be tooooo upset.
Can she besides she will be
miserable for awhile herself.
She has a conscience.
Oh, Teresa will be pissed.
I’ll let you guys figure out why,
Mistrial will explain on Monday.
Aside from Dumcan finding out it was a scam?
Because they basically broke the same law
that they did with the O’blama’s princesses,
and at some point she’ll have to rescue him.
As has been stated numerous times, she can be gentle, when
she is allowed to be. And that gentleness does NOT like
having to do what she just did. There were most assuredly
children in the homes of the parliament members’ families
who died.
So, episode 1305, panel 4 forward through episode 1308
would have been real, if not for Flea’s entry?
Yep. And Mr. Standoaf would have just faded into the background.
He still might, once he finds out the rules. Not that
he’d get away with it, but he might try. Flea might
have jumped the gun, for all she knew, part of
the trial might have been for bad “behavure” on
Lamia. Granted Cassie did tell her the basics, but
never assume…
Did Flea just Name him? I always thought Legionnaires chose their own.
How much authority does Flea have? Can any Legionnaire just take in
whoever they want based on a statement of intent? Looks to me like
logistics could become an issue quickly.
By the way… Thanks, Woodman.
I changed what Teresa said in panel
5 because of what you said earlier.
You’re welcome.
I have my occasional moments.
Well, you got the Rubble Helscope!
I know it’s hard Teresa, but if you
didn’t, they would have just kept
trying, just for the sake of bragging
rights… And more “followers.”
Plus the way both the girls and boys are treated by the Muslims,
if they weren’t brainwashed, they soon would be. Lets face it,
out the hundreds if not thousands of men that were fought off,
only one had the sense to stop it and accept that the demands
they were obeying were wrong. Those are very bad odds…
There is too much going on in
North Carolina and Tennessee.
The evil is overwhelming.
It’s a fucking rabbit hole.
A good place to start:
(Starts writing an world-ending virus) Does anyone
know some Russian that like to make stuff feel heavier?
(aims grav-gun) “GET OVER HERE!” (SPLAT!!!) eeewww…
I wanted all of them, not just the bits that got ripped off!
(Grabs chunk off shoulder, holds it out) Have a heart, PC?
I see that Flea has already given DumbDude (Duncan) a nickname,
Turtle”. And apparently he’s not SO dumb that he doesn’t know,
and take, a golden opportunity when it’s presented to him.
And it will be interesting to see Borogrove’s explanation of
what’s gone wrong with the mock trial “sentencing”.
My thought is that, now that he’s in the Legion,
and all past sins (and sentences) are washed away, he’ll
start talking again about Operation Top Secret Ultra,
and all will come out about the trial being a sham.
Maybe Borogrove can put a bee in Flea’s ear, and she can
ride herd (psyops) on the big guy to keep him hushed.
Flea is about as subtle as a brick through a glass window.
If not Flea, then maybe Doc’s ear.
In the words of a favorite scifi author, “waiting is”.
It’s a sad comedy of errors, starting with Dumcan.
I’m sure it’d be a simple thing to yank him out if need be,
but I think putting him in the Legion for a short while
might be good for him.
Let him see the beast he’s claiming to see on Lamia,
it might change his tune.
“Turtle” is a generic term for a new recruit.
I stole it from David Drake. (Hammer’s Slammers)
I think there’s a loop-hole that could be used to get him out of
going to the Legion and getting off scott-free, he committed an
“act of treason” by blabbing what he did, I believe that would
exclude him from Legion service.
http://thegentlewolf.net/comic/tgw-323/ Teresa was talking
about it to Doc and Pony.
damn filter…
Slight continuity error: In 1307 Dumcan was advised of the “verdict” and
“sentence” and “temporary set aside” and then led back upstairs. In 1308
the two girls whose pants Dumcan was trying to get into are apprised of
the truth. But here in 1309 Flea intervenes before Mistral can “set the
sentence aside”. What gives?
First comment. It’s what actually happened vs what was planned.
In panel 4, you can see everyone heading for the basement to
find out the court’s decision.
Okay. I missed the import of the yellow fields in P3 & 4.
(In my best Gilda Radnor voice) “Never mind.”
Recent memes I saw on JohnnyB videos:
Cocaine was found at Biden’s house
A dead body was found at Obama’s house
A male prostitute was found at Pelosi’s hoise
An illegal server was found at Clinton’s house
So the FBI raided Trump’s house!
We live in a society where
Homosexuals lecture us on morals,
Transexuals lecture us on human biology,
Baby killers lecture us on human rights,
Communists lecture us on economics, and
Satanists lecture us on religion.
A country run by banks will always be in debt.
Healthcare run by Big Pharma will never cure disease.
A state run by war will never know peace.
A nation run by media will never know the truth.
(Think about it!)
Healthcare run by Big Pharma has no reason
to keep you healthy or even alive.
They will make cures for diseases.
If you can pay for the cures, now
that’s something else all together.
Got this email just now. This scammer isn’t even trying.

Is anyone dumb enough to fall for something this sloppy?
Clearly someone that doesn’t speak english, a simple
check with the bank would debunk this, a call or login
their website. I’ve gotten a few like this too, just some
idiot that doesn’t know how banking works, just
targeting the older/elderly in hopes of an easy mark.
My medicare was hacked, I’ve been getting a shit-ton
of calls, all scams, at least 5 a day. If someone pretending
to be me tries to sell stuff, shoot me an e-mail and we’ll
change my password, I had to do that with my e-mail
and bank passwords.
When I get a call about my Medicare coverage I first ask if I know them.
Then I ask why I would even consider buying something from an
anonymous voice on the phone. They pretty much always wind up
ending the call. If they don’t then I flat out tell them they could not
sell me a drink of water in the Sahara at high noon on the hottest
day of the year. Even the die-hards hang up then. I don’t buy anything
I don’t already want.
Most of the time when I get an unknown call, I’ll answer
if I’m not too busy. Most of the times they’re robo calls
that hang up before pickup. On the rare occasion when
someone picks up on the distant end, I’ll respond to their
“pitch” in either German or Korean. I remember just
enough to be dumb (ya! Grus gott. Vas merchtan se?)
or insulting (dumkoff! shizekoff) or both.
I have a Korean insult that’s an automatic assault
if I were to say it over in Korea.
When I get shit like that I just delete it. I haven’t had a Chase account
since we came home from Japan in ’82. If I got one appearing to have
come from my bank I’d be on the phone with customer service most
rickey-tick! Unfortunately there are all too many ignorant souls out there
who will fall for such nonsense. My bullshit detector is extremely
sensitive and has a hair trigger.
I learned real quick to tell when it’s an auto-dialer,
there’s a quiet beep, then someone speaks. If it
was legit, there would be a person to answer
right away. One of these calls I get is offering
to “help me choose a Medicare provider”, I did that
8 years ago! Just because I turn 65 at the start
of the year.
Scars – It’s open enrollment season for Medicare. The time
of year when the various insurance companies can poach
from each other. I got beaucoup offers prior to turning 65,
then nothing for the last nine months. The “pick us instead”
emails and snail mails have now started again, and won’t
stop for a few months.
I know, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let someone on the phone talk
me into something. These are scam calls, mostly from the same
people. They have a pre-recorded American woman reading
from a script, and then you’re told to press a number to learn
more, if you do, someone with a heavy East Indian accent
starts talking. And WON’T let you talk until the sales pitch is done.
Wait! Are you telling me that’s not a real email. Damn!! And
I just responded as they requested to the copy I got.
NOT!! That’s one of the most incompetent one’s I’ve ever seen.
They might get a single, blind, hermit with an internet fetish with
that one, but that’s about it.
Off subject, have you all seen this?
It’s a year old, but I just saw it.
Kamala got run over by a reindeer.
HA! I dare Trump to play that at his next rally!
Sorry – No update today. Having troubles with everything.
Mondays shouldn’t be cursed once you retire.
Just happy to something bad hasn’t happened.
yeah,, know the feeling…
roommate has a comic,, and has not
been able to update for like a month now..
moving, health, and the big one, hard drive
dropped files out of the comic art folder…
It’s fine, we ALL have bad days/weeks/months/years.
In my case, it’s hobby machines I’m trying to make
work as pro ones.
Cracked me up, my son was complaining about being
old, once I could breathe again,
I said “But wait, there’s MORE!”
I told him to come see me when “Mr. Happy”
is really depressed… In about 30 years or so heh.
I’ve been retired coming up on my third Christmas,
and Mondays… many times it is like, ‘what the hell
did I do different from any other day of the week?’
When I wake up Monday morning and feel like Hell.
Only 3 Christmases retired? You’re a rookie! I retired in ’13
(we weren’t sure I’d last to ’16 and age 65). I’m just marking
time till I move down the way from my folks at Ft Sam Houston
National Cemetery. Gonna be cremated. That way folks’ll say ,
“Look at that. Old Bill finally found his niche.” 😉
Glad to hear everything is, well, if not OK at least not catastrophic.
Monday went okay – mostly – but today has been very, VERY trying. Only
way to get around San Antonio in on the freeways and there were several
work zones on the way to the big VA hospital here where I get my most
of my medical care. It’s a 50 mile anyway and when they’re futzing with
the freeways shit gets serious. It took me over 15 minutes to go a mere
3 miles. Plus they had part of the way we’d normally go coming back
down to 1 (slow) lane. If that wasn’t enough the freeway exit I needed to
take in the terminal area was closed due to maintenance. Lucky I know
a back way to get to the VA. I checked in with 5 minutes to spare. They
were working on the freeway on the return route – 5 lanes down to 3 but
it didn’t slow us down too much. I got an infusion of cash from the study
I’m participating in so I took my lady to lunch at a fairly nice Mexican
place we’ve gone to forever. I got 5 bites down and my stomach yelled
“NO!”. That was it for me for lunch. I was able to drink my Diet Pepsi.
When we got home my wife had an urgent appt. on the throne. And to
cap it all off the nuts in the pecan candy we bought were about half
stale! Ain’t eating there again EVER!
Cheers, all!
It’s a bummer when a restaurant you’ve
enjoyed for years goes to he;;.
The DOT should have checked with you
before working on those roads. 😉
What. The. FUCK. At some point today I had this icon on
my taskbar show up, calling itself Windows copilot. An
AI that installed itself WITHOUT my permission! I wondered
why my computer has been acting wonky all day.
Same here. Had an automatic, unescapable Windows update today. I typed “uninstall” in
my search bar, found it, and uninstalled it.
Wonder how long it will take before it’s back?
This is why my working art computer (That I create this comic on) NEVER goes on line.
If I did, the damned Windows updates would probably take all day.
It works okay, Microsoft. Leave my damned computers alone!
I’ll try that, it doesn’t show up in the normal routes. it seriously lagged
my system last night. The LAST thing I need is for it to spend money
I don’t have because it thinks I need it. I’ve heard horror stories about
Ale xis and Goo gle.
PC you’re not from Florida?
I’m in southeast Georgia, near Savannah. We were without power for four days.
Some parts of the state still are.
My Aunt lives in Clearwater, Florida, it’s about 50 miles SE of Tampa.
About an hour’s drive. My father’s been trying to call her. She’s partly
deaf and my father can barely see so normal communication is dicey
for them.
PC- the software you use for the website need Windows? Or can you switch to something else?
Nope.It only runs on Windows or Mac. Some people have ported it to Linux, but
the results are… imperfect.
But it’s not on the internet, so I don’t get updates. I have two separate internet
computers, one Win10 and one Linux. I wish Win7 was safe to take online!
I agree, Win7 was their best for gaming and video processing.
My oldest likes Apple, but has emulators for both Windows
and Linux… Go figure…
I still have a windows XP laptop that I use for old games. I copied images of the CDs
to the hard drive and stowed the CDs in a safe place.
Command & Conquer, Stacraft, Dungeon Keeper 2, Thexis, etc.
I did have one, but the PSU said FU and shorted 120VAC into the mobo and video card,
wasn’t worth the effort after that. CPU looked like the surface of the moon once I got
the heatsink off. Do not buy any off-brand PSU’s, it’s not worth it. Shocked the piss
outta me when I turned it on too. It’s hard to check your pulse when it trips the breaker….
(FYI, that’s where the “Frankenstein” tower came from)
So, the Puffti was going away, off to his reward, at the conclusion of his
part in this recorded performance. I have a feeling Teresa did this this
way to create this video, his part and hers, and it will be broadcast. I’m
not sure she is going to be happy with all aspects of the image of herself
she is creating. I see her adversaries accusing her both of hypocrisy and
cowardice, since she is killing relative innocents along with the guilty
from a secure distance. Her primary defense is that this is return fire,
she didn’t start it. She’ll have to take the spin that the Caliphate put their
own people at risk by their actions, and are the real authors of their deaths.
Putting their own…. ‘innocent,’ people at risk is SOP for islamic jihad, sorry, nations.
That Puufti has been attacking innocence’s everywhere for bragging rights and to
forward his plans. At the rate he was going all of Europe and the Asia’s were going
to be under his control. Killing and raping the lands and the people along the way.
Teresa saw this and with the attack on the Empire, she was left with no choice
but to end them, it’ll take years for Islam to recover to try again, maybe this time
with smarter leaders? I doubt it…
And your solution would be?
How does one fight a murderous religion which believes that
helpless civilians make the most desirable targets?
A religion that gives a big thumbs up to finding the most
horrible ways of killing it’s enemies (anyone not of that
religion) such as locking them in a cage and soaking them
in gasoline… then lighting it?
How do you fight someone like that?
You have to totally destroy them, or totally destroy their
will to fight. You can’t go halfway and then stop.
Read some of the atrocities that have been committed by Christians,
Jews, Hindu, Shinto, and on and on. I will not condemn people in any
group for what others in that group have done. People who do the
things you list? Light ’em up and the sooner the better. But don’t
become them. Don’t target others that happen to speak the same
language or worship the same version of Deity, unless they show
themselves to be the same sort. I am not guilty of My Lai or Wounded
Knee. Or many more I could mention. Anything short of complete
annihilation leaves a future enemy, and genocide is not acceptable.
and seeing it first hand… this “murderous religion” believes just that.!
‘no infidel shall live.’ … and they are Christian,, but not. if not muslim
then death to you infidel.! your laws (any country not theirs) Don’t
apply to them.!!
Most of the religions you mentioned have become enlightened,
while some people cling to the old ways, Islam is still in the dark
ages, they feel the more horrific the “punishment,” the better.
The kuron depicts the same events found in the Hebrew bible.
much less the KJ version, just names and places changed.
Infidels are not people to them, only lessor beings that risk their
way of life and religion, hence the “Demon” names for women.
They won’t be wiped out, but the few that survive won’t be able
to do much harm for a long time. Islam covers 5 nations on 3
continents and number in the billions, not even the Empire could
find them all. But they will take care of any that tries this crap again.
We got some bad news about my wife, her breathing has gotten worse.
She’s up to 6 liters of oxygen and we are getting a new machine to handle
the demand. Her current one only goes up to 5. She’s (understandably)
refuses a permanent ventilator, so she may only have a few years left, I
guess it’s time to start making arrangements.
Sorry guys, it’s been rough.
I feel for you both, Scars. I’ve been there. In my wife’s case it was
I’m sorry to hear that Jochi, that’s pretty bad. It’s a rare side-effect
of the calcium shots my wife takes for her brittle bone disorder.
thoughts and prayers…
Update, we got the new machine today, that thing is LOUD.
Can’t hear the living room TV over it, Ill have to get some
extra hose and put it in the pantry I guess.
Maybe run the hose overhead and/or through some plastic conduit,
at least through the hard-to-reach spots so that you don’t have
to dig out any awkward cat-chewed parts of the run?
Or have you enclosed it in braided steel wire sheathing?