Can you trust The Trickster?Can you trust The Trickster?
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  1. Sam

    No intentions? Loki? Well, maybe at the moment he doesn’t.
    Only time and PC will tell. And PC won’t tell. Until he does.

    Now what do Miral and Akeshi have up their collective sleeves?

    • I guess {grumble grumble} we have {grumble grumble} to
      wait {grumble grumble} till next week {grumble grumble} to
      find out. {grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble
      grumble} And yeah I know what the cat sayeth. 😉

  2. A trio of match-makers?
    those two are going to get so turned around they may
    wake up in bed together and have NO idea how…

    Ah ha! I had a strong hunch. I guess Loki will pop in
    uninvited and at the worse times, just to be a pain,
    Kinda like Q from TNG.
    “My DEAR Pi-card, how are you?”
    “Watda want Q! (Ricker speaks out)”
    “Just stopped in to see how my favorite captain is doing!
    Can’t an old friend just say hi now and then?”
    (The next thing you know, Data is doing one
    of the worst Frier Tuck impressions ever…)

  3. so? weird tec, in panel 3..?
    and new look..!

    • Sam

      What weird tech?

      • Behind Teresa’s head on the wall.

    • We were house-shopped a few years ago, a
      Module home had a full-house stereo setup
      in the kitchen that looked just like that.
      it was a fancy double-wide with a sunken
      dining area and a HUGE master bedroom.
      We couldn’t manage it but it was a nice
      place to look at!

      • *house-shopping* It was about 15 years ago…
        They listed the house at $38,000, but moving
        it to the land (that we didn’t have yet) and
        the rest of the costs would have totaled
        nearly $200k

  4. Damn. Changeover was two hours ago and the
    #1 comic on TWC is already at 24,237.
    TWC is useless.

    • Well, that sux…

    • Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      The best way to win the game is…Don’t Play.
      Save yourself the stress. Don’t. Play.

    • 24,314 now though 18 – 25 are all in triple digits.
      “Castoff” musthave paid him in advance.
      I hope the guy running TWC screws up and
      gets a “nice” letter from the IRS real soon.

      • Makes me wish I’d bought advertising
        so I could sue him for fraud.
        I wonder if the author of “Castoff”
        is proud of his ranking?

        • If it generates hits he probably is.
          Site traffic is kind of the name of the game,
          isn’t it? Not that I approve, mind you,
          but I do understand.

          • robnot

            so,, my IT guy was over,,
            (had a random restart issue)
            told him, had to vote first,.
            he saw the numbers,. and said
            “wait, let me run my bot detector.!”
            he pointed out the top 15,. and then
            said the numbers are skewed because
            the site is generating it’s own numbers…

            • Okay, but upon what basis is it generating
              those numbers?
              My Money is on people paying him extra.
              I just wish everybody who reads TGW would
              take the time to vote.
              Because I have a logon I vote twice every day.
              If everybody who follows the comic would vote
              daily it would help the Catman’s numbers.

              • voting – voting only helps the ‘standing’
                if you vote early the first week.!
                like last month,, comic was “stuck” at
                102 the last 3 weeks,.
                an no amount of voting changed it.!!

  5. I got lucky, I was looking for a “new” video
    card and found a 2080ti for $219. Since a
    1080ti at newegg was $568 I figured a
    working used one made sense, 4 payments
    @ $59 a month works.

  6. I got one hell of a shock a few hours ago, I was talking to
    my son, he was asking why I haven’t been printing anything
    and I told him that I went through both printers, the Ender
    is over 3 years old, the sovel almost 2, both are just worn
    out. So in order to stop the constant repairs, I’d have to
    rebuild them. At almost the same cost as buying new.
    So I told him about a flashforge M1 for the same price
    as the Sovol, but it’s a riser, not a bed slinger. He said
    I should just get the Bambu labs P1P I looked at. My
    wife came up to me after he headed back to his room
    and asked me about it, so I called up on YT some
    reviews on the machine. After watching, she told me
    to get it! After I shook off the BUWAA!! look I said
    maybe after I pay off the GPU.

  7. I ran across this, all I can say is: OH HOLY SHIT!

    • Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      I agree. That 577 Tyranosaur is a BEAST!
      One of those guns you either work up to
      gradually, or shoot once, then walk away
      muttering “never again”.

      • When I was a young man a friend talked me into trying
        an old, doubled barreled 10 gauge, what made it bad
        was he told me that the trigger was stiff and I had to
        squeeze it hard. Dummy me didn’t know that it would
        trip BOTH barrels… I had my arm in a sling for weeks…
        same guy that had that “fixed” uzi. Cracked my collar bone.

        • Got to “he told me that the trigger was stiff and I had to squeeze
          it hard” and thought “Crap… That jerk…”

      • (starts humming ‘dumb ways to die’)

  8. Are my eyes deceiving me or do I recognize that pose? Is
    Jonathan about to become a grandpa?

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