Ah, they speak not just English but specifically the North American version. A Brit would have said ‘biscuit’, although Ozzies are apparently possibly coming around. I wonder which thing is troubling the Sergeant. The most likely seem to me to be “We have to do something about these efforts to turn our men’s loyalty toward the enemy” and “I find I am sufficiently appalled by our nation’s treatment of the Catians, and attracted to a couple of these young ladies that have written me, that I weighing resignation of my enlistment”.
‘Are we really going to turn out backs on our own nation, for a box of cookies and some letters?’
Maybe not. But you Ought to be wondering what the ‘enemy’ has got, if they are so confident they can offer you, uhhh, free women….
Maybe not, but those photographs!
“Have a cookie” “I promise by the time you finish eating it, you’ll feel right as rain”
Homemade cookies will do that to you.
ok, Oracle..
Hope no one has a nut allergy…
Ah, they speak not just English but specifically the North American version. A Brit would have said ‘biscuit’, although Ozzies are apparently possibly coming around. I wonder which thing is troubling the Sergeant. The most likely seem to me to be “We have to do something about these efforts to turn our men’s loyalty toward the enemy” and “I find I am sufficiently appalled by our nation’s treatment of the Catians, and attracted to a couple of these young ladies that have written me, that I weighing resignation of my enlistment”.