The old “give ’em enough rope to hang themselves with ” trick,
never fails with those type of people. Too cock-sure of themselves
to believe that someone might be smarter than them.
That’s odd, I think I had named the new d’fly when I had to grab
a tissue… 😛 (EEEWWW… it’s drippin’), heh. Yeah I wouldn’t trust
Loki either, there’s always a catch or a “I forgot to mention” clause.
The old “give ’em enough rope to hang themselves with ” trick,
never fails with those type of people. Too cock-sure of themselves
to believe that someone might be smarter than them.
That’s odd, I think I had named the new d’fly when I had to grab
a tissue… 😛 (EEEWWW… it’s drippin’), heh. Yeah I wouldn’t trust
Loki either, there’s always a catch or a “I forgot to mention” clause.
Sun Tsu: “Appear weak when you are strong…”