Was thinking of the same, “Beware of Greeks
(and gods) bearing strange gifts”.
I see where Mr God “chooses” to use the name
Loki. Implying that that’s not his real name.
Why not use “his” real name? Well….
Could be that he’s totally unknown to us
Earth humans, and his name is unpronouncable.
It could be that he’s totally known to Earth humans,
and to say his real name (and therefore his reputation)
would put Teresa on high alert, possibly rejecting the
“gift” immediately, before finding out more. (Highly
unlikely, as Teresa seems a more thoughtful type).
Not sure how much this would come into play,
but in more superstitious ancient societies, to know
someone’s TRUE name is to have power over that
person or being.
(Can you say “Rumpelstilkskin”? I knew you could)
And rightfully so. If I were in Teresa’s place I’d
start out assuming the gift was harmful and look
at it to see if it had any redeeming features. No
way I would trust a deity that called himself Loki!
Heh, like a personal sound track? Or worse yet, cartoon
sound effects for every movement or action you take?
Or something good like a complete tech manual for FTL
or being able to use telepathy with anyone anywhere in
the known universe?
I knew it, a sportster. And they both make a good point,
riding it around to get the “ooooo’s” and “aaaaaa’s” going
will bring in sales, more so as it LOOKS like a sportster.
Heh, so he’s NOT Loki, just plays the roll for past people
to write scary stories about. The last time someone told
me they had a gift, it was a poorly applied head punch.
So I showed him the right way, fell back like I had stuck
an axe in his skull heh. Careful Teresa, these guys have a
lot of ego and pride. Don’t get too snarky with him…
You might have to hope he has a sense of humor.
Same for “gifts” from the Fey. Puts you in their debt. Always read
the fine print. Being honest about giving a Trickster as an assumed
name is an odd combination. Making sure she is on guard. I guess
we’ll see if this is more nom de plume or nom de guerre. And if the
latter, I think it’s likely the “guerre” is between factions in HIS crew.
Which, now that I think of it, might be a reason for his reticence.
And remember, Tricksters are also Knowledge Bringers. Loki and
Prometheus are heavily correlated.
There is speculation that the Fey and the ‘gods’ are actually one and the same thing.
And, yes, using the name of a trickster God is an excellent way to warn her to carefully
examine the gift being given, for all potential downsides and unseen obligations,
without actually telling her to be careful.
Likely, ‘Loki’ has been forbidden from flat out telling her that there are strings attached
by the ‘Elder Gods’, but, by using a name associated with a trickster god, he warns her
without actually violating any rules put on ‘him’ by the other ‘Elder Gods’.
besides Christmas, Red and Gold
equates to Elegant Power.
i think she’s going to fully examine
this gift horse.!
The Trojans can tell you stories about accepting
gifts when gods might be involved,…
Was thinking of the same, “Beware of Greeks
(and gods) bearing strange gifts”.
I see where Mr God “chooses” to use the name
Loki. Implying that that’s not his real name.
Why not use “his” real name? Well….
Could be that he’s totally unknown to us
Earth humans, and his name is unpronouncable.
It could be that he’s totally known to Earth humans,
and to say his real name (and therefore his reputation)
would put Teresa on high alert, possibly rejecting the
“gift” immediately, before finding out more. (Highly
unlikely, as Teresa seems a more thoughtful type).
Not sure how much this would come into play,
but in more superstitious ancient societies, to know
someone’s TRUE name is to have power over that
person or being.
(Can you say “Rumpelstilkskin”? I knew you could)
It’s the same as in Dr. Who, more than once
he’s used knowing the name or race of an
aggressor has stopped them in their tracks.
Teresa IS going to look that gift horse
in the mouth.
And rightfully so. If I were in Teresa’s place I’d
start out assuming the gift was harmful and look
at it to see if it had any redeeming features. No
way I would trust a deity that called himself Loki!
Heh, like a personal sound track? Or worse yet, cartoon
sound effects for every movement or action you take?
Or something good like a complete tech manual for FTL
or being able to use telepathy with anyone anywhere in
the known universe?
More like a full dental exam!
I knew it, a sportster. And they both make a good point,
riding it around to get the “ooooo’s” and “aaaaaa’s” going
will bring in sales, more so as it LOOKS like a sportster.
Heh, so he’s NOT Loki, just plays the roll for past people
to write scary stories about. The last time someone told
me they had a gift, it was a poorly applied head punch.
So I showed him the right way, fell back like I had stuck
an axe in his skull heh. Careful Teresa, these guys have a
lot of ego and pride. Don’t get too snarky with him…
You might have to hope he has a sense of humor.
Same for “gifts” from the Fey. Puts you in their debt. Always read
the fine print. Being honest about giving a Trickster as an assumed
name is an odd combination. Making sure she is on guard. I guess
we’ll see if this is more nom de plume or nom de guerre. And if the
latter, I think it’s likely the “guerre” is between factions in HIS crew.
Which, now that I think of it, might be a reason for his reticence.
And remember, Tricksters are also Knowledge Bringers. Loki and
Prometheus are heavily correlated.
There is speculation that the Fey and the ‘gods’ are actually one and the same thing.
And, yes, using the name of a trickster God is an excellent way to warn her to carefully
examine the gift being given, for all potential downsides and unseen obligations,
without actually telling her to be careful.
Likely, ‘Loki’ has been forbidden from flat out telling her that there are strings attached
by the ‘Elder Gods’, but, by using a name associated with a trickster god, he warns her
without actually violating any rules put on ‘him’ by the other ‘Elder Gods’.
What this boils down to is, ‘Loki’ likes her…