Miral, in one fell swoop, you have turned a pampered princess
into possibly the second most powerful person in the Japanese
kingdom, and gained an important ally. Nicely done!
Something is off here, either someone wants a rift between
the Empire and Russia, or Svetlana is important to someone
that has plans and this is all to expose them.
I can’t help but think this was a setup to cause a rift,
that isn’t working like they expected. The Empire is
just too careful, and I suspect that the Russians are
as well. So instead of it being a simple criminal act,
and being treated as such, they on both sides are
trying very hard to make sure nothing is over-looked
or assumed. Knowing you, there could be a third
party we haven’t seen yet that created this comedy
of errors.
Of course there could be, the same one that was using people to
threaten and interfere with the coronation, very well could, and
likely would, be creating bush fires to test for weakness and
distract from actual pushes for control. You can not take over
a stable government without treachery and outside conflict. So
the likelihood of the guy being set up to think he was untouchable,
or put into a position where he could take advantage of his assumed
invulnerability, is highly likely. Where did the person go who was
there before him, why did he get stationed there, where did he get
the drug from, how did he come to think he was untouchable?
All questions that need to be asked of the people in charge of the
department he was working under. Someone made a major mistake
by placing him in the situation he was in, if he had ever shown his
true character prior to this event. That calls into question
everyone training him, and promoting him into his position.
training – you CAN NOT predict what will happen!
highly trained, and vetted embassy Marine fell in
love with a spy,. and she used that to get state
secrets. he was trained for that situation and
briefed,,, but it still happened.
Questioning his training is in no way accusing his trainers, it is
verifying the training he received, to look for any oversight or
shortcoming. Were their any warning signs of poor choices, was he
being blackmailed, was he set up and was as drugged as her?
Questioning his trainers and quality of training, is to eliminate
that as a possible issue, or verifying that the trainers or type of
training needs to be enhanced or altered. Once the questions are
answered, you know if there is anything needing done before examining
everything else. If you assume things are good, you open yourself
to repeat failure, making YOU the problem needing to be eliminated.
questioning is accusing,,, by definition,.
and yes they went over the incident very
carefully… and cuz he was in love, ‘they’
did not need to know….
and because of that , he is sitting in Gitmo.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
So, after dismissing most of the charges against
against Jeffery, what’s left?
I’d be investigating who ACTUALLY gave what drugs
to whom, and what is Svetlana’s REAL age?
The rape charge carries the death penalty, the rest weren’t
expected to stick I’d wager. It’s been made clear she’s
under-aged, so it’s very bad for him. Plus the illegal drug
charge, he’s still in deep doo-doo.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
But did rape really happen?
Or is it a case of “he said, she said”?
Svetlana, “he raped me, and I’m under age.”
Jeffrey, “huh? Wha’happened? I just woke up
from taking a girl to a dance club.”
I still say there’s something hinkey about the
whole thing. Hopefully the two bulldog lawyers
can get to the truth. Were there any video
surveillance recordings at the dance club?
That’s been my point. I’m not pointing a finger, but I
can’t help but wonder. If she’s underage, why was she
drinking? Wasn’t she carded? Most dance clubs I’ve
seen were bars and hook-up joints. Was she in a group?
If so, why didn’t they watch out for her? If she was
alone, that tells me she was looking to hookup with
You’re thinking about the TGW universe in terms of our universe.
And not just that, in terms of current day America. They met
in Russia. At a Russian venue. In post-fall Russia in the TGW
universe. Underage for that Russia? Maybe, maybe not. But,
he’s a citizen of the Wolf Empire, and therefore subject to WE
laws. Though I do think she was underage even by Russian law.
We can’t necessarily make all these various assumptions, though
I do understand how we all forget that this “world” is not our
world. It is all from PC’s imagination, and unfortunately,
is not how our “real” world is.
I’m trying to think in PC’s universe, I just
don’t have enough info. So my mind keeps
going the wrong way. If it was real world,
I’d be wanting this guy burned at the stake!
I’m just thinking there’s far more to it than
we know.
Remember they have incontrovertible drug test and rape kit/dna
test evidence. Sex happened, and unless the drugging was by a
third party or happened afterwards as Woodman speculated, it
was rape, and statutory rape anyway unless she lied about her
age. The drugging apparently occurred in Russian territory, but
the actual rape occurred in Wolf Empire territory — the Embassy.
DNA takes several days to run, and I’m sure
the defense and the prosecuting attorneys
are waiting on those results. For all we know,
they both were drugged. We just don’t know
enough to look at it as cut-n-dried. Rape and
abuse is a sore point for me, but people
deciding on anyone’s guilt/innocence without
knowing for sure is as well.
by law, it’s still rape if the minor lies about age.!
if the ‘adults’ still want to press charges…
FYI: in one case he was charged,. parents pushed it.
even tho, medically she is still a virgin.! o.0
in ‘most’ high profile cases, Each charge is tried separate.
so at the Verdict, you get the list of charges…
IE: one is charged with 3 separate life sentences ‘after’
lethal injection,. if that fails… one had 6 charges against
but 2 were dropped,. not enough evidence…
I have had a loss in my circle, A longtime friend of ours,
Connie, lost her battle with liver cancer today.
She was only 65. Her daughter is my god-daughter,
my wife and I helped raise her kids, we were there for
her when she left her husband of 18 years. She is
survived by her 4 children and 11 grand kids.
I don’t think my wife can make the trip,
but I’m going to try to run over to Ohio for the service.
Sorry to hear, Scars. My family had a loss this week as well.
My brother’s wife passed late Sunday night or early Monday
morning. It was a blessing, really. She was in the later stages
of dementia and my brother was in the process of arranging
some sort of nursing care. They had already moved into an
assisted living center. I told him I was sorry but I could not
afford to drive to Dallas for a funeral. We’re barely scraping
by here. I changed my medicare plan to one that takes out
less per month. The coverage is reduced but I get all of my
medical through the VA anyhow. She was the oldest of my
generation (76 to my brother’s 71). All of my dad and mom’s
generation are gone. Now it’s my generation’s time to go.
While talking with my brother I found out one of my cousins
passed last year. He was 7 years younger than me. Pneumonia.
No guarantees. I’m just marking time till I move down the way
from my folks at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery.
I find it infinitely fascinating that the same people who tell me
that using electricity to air condition my home is bad for the
planet but using the same electricity to charge an E-vehicle is
is good for the planet. Wherever possible we have long since
replaced all our incandescent bulbs with either CFLs or LEDs.
Note: we did this to cut our light bill and not because of any
“green” leanings.
I switch back to incandescents in heating season because I have electric
spot heat, and LEDs don’t save me anything when I’m using resistance
to heat whatever room I’m in anyway.
I like the light better, too.
Bill – we replaced our bulbs for the same reason.
We put a light bulb in the washing machine at
night to help prevent freezing when the temps
go south of 32. Fluorescent puts out a bit of
heat; LEDs, not so much. Incandescents are
hard to find around here, or we’d use them in
the washer as they put out more heat.
The hypocrisy, nay, contradiction, is lost on the
greenies. Like how Al Gore was telling everyone
else how they should cut back, but his mansion
was using massive amounts of electricity to
maintain his preferred lifestyle.
I ran across a clip from either a TV show or movie that
had a greenie tagging along with a oil maintenance guy.
She seen they had windmills out where they pumps were,
and started to go off on a rant about the hypocrisy of it.
He told her flat out that they use them here rather than
spending millions to run power out in the middle of no
where, and they they damage the environment more than
any oil rig. 1/3 of an acre of land for the 12ft deep foundations,
the fuel to drag the parts out there, and the crane used to
install them. Plus they only last 10-15 years, less if a storm
blows through and wrecks any of them. Then he went on about
how the world has been using oil for 120 years, and switching
out to “green” energy could cause more harm than good.
Then he pointed out that her EV uses tires, plastics, cloth,
and electronics that are all made from oil products. It was
funny how fast she shut up after his counter-rant.
And George W. Bush’s home in Crawford, TX, was a very “green”
facility. We have all CFL or LED lights. Soon after we moved
into this house, the 20-year-old heat pump HVAC developed
problems. We bought the highest SEER unit we could get without
going to water well heat exchangers. When our equally old
electric water heater gave up, we passed up the inexpensive
direct replacement and installed a hybrid unit, electric/heat
pump. Our house is built inside another building (quonset hut),
so our heating and cooling is less expensive. Our electric bill
is in the area of $110 per month, all electric. But we don’t
have an EV, and I don’t see one in our future. When we replaced
our Mustang, we test drove a Fusion hybrid. We really wanted to
like it, but it just gave up too much to be what it was. I would
drive a hybrid, but I hope to never have to buy another daily
driver. My hot rod, on the other hand… I just sold the T with
the Big Block 454 for a new one with an SBC. Hope it does better
than the 11 mpg the big block did.
Damn damn damn… I was on my computer and
the screen scrambled and then it locked up…
This tablet sux on the Internet it’s taken
30 minutes to write this and send it.
I don’t know when or how I can fix my system,
so I may be AWOL for a bit.
What bothers me about the whole embassy situation here is that
I’m fairly certain that The Wolf Empire, by this time, having
learned quite a bit about the sort of shenanigans that occurred
with embassy personnel from the files downloaded from Washington
at the beginning of the nuclear exchange, would likely gone to
extremes to both vet, and train those personnel, about not only
their responsibilities, but what the results of any actions that
they were to take that would reflect badly on the Empire would be.
I’m reasonably certain, even as young as he is, he KNOWS what
the penalty is for rape, and, unless he has an IQ lower than is
shoe size, and NO sense of self preservation, he would have
avoided any appearance of inappropriate behavior.
In short, I think he was set up, the Empire knows he was set up,
and they have now set up a reverse sting operation on the Russians.
Back during the Soviet era, the KGB and GRU were well known to
use such tactics to gain the “cooperation” of embassy staff for
espionage purposes. Worse part? I would not be completely
surprised if BOTH he and the girlhood been drugged with
something that made them both suggestive, and this is a covert
operation to make the Wolf Empire look bad.
training – NO ONE can predict ‘what’ (how, or why).!
my example, the Sgt. had 4 years of training and was
highly vetted.! .. but still failed…
penalty,. look at the full prisons. NOT one thought
they would get caught.!
with the “Empress’s” thoughts of rape, And who her
father is,. you really think they would approve a
plan that involves sed rape.!??
Panels 1-4: Okay, did not see that angle coming at all. From
shamed warrior to Imperial Empress (possibly?) in short order?
Panels 5-8: “Our orders are to pull out all the stops defending you.”
Hmm. Begs the question – Orders from whom, eh?
From their respective governments.
They want no possible claim of
anything wrong with the trial,
whether convicted or exonerated.
Ah, thanks, PC.
I was thinking his parents,
Miral, in one fell swoop, you have turned a pampered princess
into possibly the second most powerful person in the Japanese
kingdom, and gained an important ally. Nicely done!
Something is off here, either someone wants a rift between
the Empire and Russia, or Svetlana is important to someone
that has plans and this is all to expose them.
See my answer to Sam, above.
Trying to avoid any possible rift.
I can’t help but think this was a setup to cause a rift,
that isn’t working like they expected. The Empire is
just too careful, and I suspect that the Russians are
as well. So instead of it being a simple criminal act,
and being treated as such, they on both sides are
trying very hard to make sure nothing is over-looked
or assumed. Knowing you, there could be a third
party we haven’t seen yet that created this comedy
of errors.
Of course there could be, the same one that was using people to
threaten and interfere with the coronation, very well could, and
likely would, be creating bush fires to test for weakness and
distract from actual pushes for control. You can not take over
a stable government without treachery and outside conflict. So
the likelihood of the guy being set up to think he was untouchable,
or put into a position where he could take advantage of his assumed
invulnerability, is highly likely. Where did the person go who was
there before him, why did he get stationed there, where did he get
the drug from, how did he come to think he was untouchable?
All questions that need to be asked of the people in charge of the
department he was working under. Someone made a major mistake
by placing him in the situation he was in, if he had ever shown his
true character prior to this event. That calls into question
everyone training him, and promoting him into his position.
training – you CAN NOT predict what will happen!
highly trained, and vetted embassy Marine fell in
love with a spy,. and she used that to get state
secrets. he was trained for that situation and
briefed,,, but it still happened.
Questioning his training is in no way accusing his trainers, it is
verifying the training he received, to look for any oversight or
shortcoming. Were their any warning signs of poor choices, was he
being blackmailed, was he set up and was as drugged as her?
Questioning his trainers and quality of training, is to eliminate
that as a possible issue, or verifying that the trainers or type of
training needs to be enhanced or altered. Once the questions are
answered, you know if there is anything needing done before examining
everything else. If you assume things are good, you open yourself
to repeat failure, making YOU the problem needing to be eliminated.
questioning is accusing,,, by definition,.
and yes they went over the incident very
carefully… and cuz he was in love, ‘they’
did not need to know….
and because of that , he is sitting in Gitmo.
So, after dismissing most of the charges against
against Jeffery, what’s left?
I’d be investigating who ACTUALLY gave what drugs
to whom, and what is Svetlana’s REAL age?
The rape charge carries the death penalty, the rest weren’t
expected to stick I’d wager. It’s been made clear she’s
under-aged, so it’s very bad for him. Plus the illegal drug
charge, he’s still in deep doo-doo.
But did rape really happen?
Or is it a case of “he said, she said”?
Svetlana, “he raped me, and I’m under age.”
Jeffrey, “huh? Wha’happened? I just woke up
from taking a girl to a dance club.”
I still say there’s something hinkey about the
whole thing. Hopefully the two bulldog lawyers
can get to the truth. Were there any video
surveillance recordings at the dance club?
That’s been my point. I’m not pointing a finger, but I
can’t help but wonder. If she’s underage, why was she
drinking? Wasn’t she carded? Most dance clubs I’ve
seen were bars and hook-up joints. Was she in a group?
If so, why didn’t they watch out for her? If she was
alone, that tells me she was looking to hookup with
You’re thinking about the TGW universe in terms of our universe.
And not just that, in terms of current day America. They met
in Russia. At a Russian venue. In post-fall Russia in the TGW
universe. Underage for that Russia? Maybe, maybe not. But,
he’s a citizen of the Wolf Empire, and therefore subject to WE
laws. Though I do think she was underage even by Russian law.
We can’t necessarily make all these various assumptions, though
I do understand how we all forget that this “world” is not our
world. It is all from PC’s imagination, and unfortunately,
is not how our “real” world is.
I’m trying to think in PC’s universe, I just
don’t have enough info. So my mind keeps
going the wrong way. If it was real world,
I’d be wanting this guy burned at the stake!
I’m just thinking there’s far more to it than
we know.
Remember they have incontrovertible drug test and rape kit/dna
test evidence. Sex happened, and unless the drugging was by a
third party or happened afterwards as Woodman speculated, it
was rape, and statutory rape anyway unless she lied about her
age. The drugging apparently occurred in Russian territory, but
the actual rape occurred in Wolf Empire territory — the Embassy.
DNA takes several days to run, and I’m sure
the defense and the prosecuting attorneys
are waiting on those results. For all we know,
they both were drugged. We just don’t know
enough to look at it as cut-n-dried. Rape and
abuse is a sore point for me, but people
deciding on anyone’s guilt/innocence without
knowing for sure is as well.
by law, it’s still rape if the minor lies about age.!
if the ‘adults’ still want to press charges…
FYI: in one case he was charged,. parents pushed it.
even tho, medically she is still a virgin.! o.0
in ‘most’ high profile cases, Each charge is tried separate.
so at the Verdict, you get the list of charges…
IE: one is charged with 3 separate life sentences ‘after’
lethal injection,. if that fails… one had 6 charges against
but 2 were dropped,. not enough evidence…
I have had a loss in my circle, A longtime friend of ours,
Connie, lost her battle with liver cancer today.
She was only 65. Her daughter is my god-daughter,
my wife and I helped raise her kids, we were there for
her when she left her husband of 18 years. She is
survived by her 4 children and 11 grand kids.
I don’t think my wife can make the trip,
but I’m going to try to run over to Ohio for the service.
Sorry to hear of your loss, Scars.
It’s never easy to lose loved ones.
Sorry to hear, Scars. My family had a loss this week as well.
My brother’s wife passed late Sunday night or early Monday
morning. It was a blessing, really. She was in the later stages
of dementia and my brother was in the process of arranging
some sort of nursing care. They had already moved into an
assisted living center. I told him I was sorry but I could not
afford to drive to Dallas for a funeral. We’re barely scraping
by here. I changed my medicare plan to one that takes out
less per month. The coverage is reduced but I get all of my
medical through the VA anyhow. She was the oldest of my
generation (76 to my brother’s 71). All of my dad and mom’s
generation are gone. Now it’s my generation’s time to go.
While talking with my brother I found out one of my cousins
passed last year. He was 7 years younger than me. Pneumonia.
No guarantees. I’m just marking time till I move down the way
from my folks at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery.
we’re talking to my god daughter now,
seems they are opting for cremation, I’m
seeing if I can get one of those mini urns.
We were in school together…
I forgot I was having a lower scope done this week,
so I can’t go. This really stinks, but I can’t reschedule
It has been said that you can judge your age by
the ratio of weddings to funerals you attend.
And I don’t remember the last wedding I went to…
Very sorry for your loss,
especially someone close like her.
Take care of yourself on your trip
I find it infinitely fascinating that the same people who tell me
that using electricity to air condition my home is bad for the
planet but using the same electricity to charge an E-vehicle is
is good for the planet. Wherever possible we have long since
replaced all our incandescent bulbs with either CFLs or LEDs.
Note: we did this to cut our light bill and not because of any
“green” leanings.
I switch back to incandescents in heating season because I have electric
spot heat, and LEDs don’t save me anything when I’m using resistance
to heat whatever room I’m in anyway.
I like the light better, too.
Bill – we replaced our bulbs for the same reason.
We put a light bulb in the washing machine at
night to help prevent freezing when the temps
go south of 32. Fluorescent puts out a bit of
heat; LEDs, not so much. Incandescents are
hard to find around here, or we’d use them in
the washer as they put out more heat.
The hypocrisy, nay, contradiction, is lost on the
greenies. Like how Al Gore was telling everyone
else how they should cut back, but his mansion
was using massive amounts of electricity to
maintain his preferred lifestyle.
I ran across a clip from either a TV show or movie that
had a greenie tagging along with a oil maintenance guy.
She seen they had windmills out where they pumps were,
and started to go off on a rant about the hypocrisy of it.
He told her flat out that they use them here rather than
spending millions to run power out in the middle of no
where, and they they damage the environment more than
any oil rig. 1/3 of an acre of land for the 12ft deep foundations,
the fuel to drag the parts out there, and the crane used to
install them. Plus they only last 10-15 years, less if a storm
blows through and wrecks any of them. Then he went on about
how the world has been using oil for 120 years, and switching
out to “green” energy could cause more harm than good.
Then he pointed out that her EV uses tires, plastics, cloth,
and electronics that are all made from oil products. It was
funny how fast she shut up after his counter-rant.
And George W. Bush’s home in Crawford, TX, was a very “green”
facility. We have all CFL or LED lights. Soon after we moved
into this house, the 20-year-old heat pump HVAC developed
problems. We bought the highest SEER unit we could get without
going to water well heat exchangers. When our equally old
electric water heater gave up, we passed up the inexpensive
direct replacement and installed a hybrid unit, electric/heat
pump. Our house is built inside another building (quonset hut),
so our heating and cooling is less expensive. Our electric bill
is in the area of $110 per month, all electric. But we don’t
have an EV, and I don’t see one in our future. When we replaced
our Mustang, we test drove a Fusion hybrid. We really wanted to
like it, but it just gave up too much to be what it was. I would
drive a hybrid, but I hope to never have to buy another daily
driver. My hot rod, on the other hand… I just sold the T with
the Big Block 454 for a new one with an SBC. Hope it does better
than the 11 mpg the big block did.
Damn damn damn… I was on my computer and
the screen scrambled and then it locked up…
This tablet sux on the Internet it’s taken
30 minutes to write this and send it.
I don’t know when or how I can fix my system,
so I may be AWOL for a bit.
What bothers me about the whole embassy situation here is that
I’m fairly certain that The Wolf Empire, by this time, having
learned quite a bit about the sort of shenanigans that occurred
with embassy personnel from the files downloaded from Washington
at the beginning of the nuclear exchange, would likely gone to
extremes to both vet, and train those personnel, about not only
their responsibilities, but what the results of any actions that
they were to take that would reflect badly on the Empire would be.
I’m reasonably certain, even as young as he is, he KNOWS what
the penalty is for rape, and, unless he has an IQ lower than is
shoe size, and NO sense of self preservation, he would have
avoided any appearance of inappropriate behavior.
In short, I think he was set up, the Empire knows he was set up,
and they have now set up a reverse sting operation on the Russians.
Back during the Soviet era, the KGB and GRU were well known to
use such tactics to gain the “cooperation” of embassy staff for
espionage purposes. Worse part? I would not be completely
surprised if BOTH he and the girlhood been drugged with
something that made them both suggestive, and this is a covert
operation to make the Wolf Empire look bad.
training – NO ONE can predict ‘what’ (how, or why).!
my example, the Sgt. had 4 years of training and was
highly vetted.! .. but still failed…
penalty,. look at the full prisons. NOT one thought
they would get caught.!
with the “Empress’s” thoughts of rape, And who her
father is,. you really think they would approve a
plan that involves sed rape.!??