No need to apologize, I was joking. I’ve got too much
going on, and too little time, to spend the time practicing
that it would take to become proficient.
I don’t blame them for it, Julie was doing pretty much the same
kind of behavior that caused the Fall and resulted in the deaths
of a HUGE number of people world wide. Granted she’s not making
“tapeworms” to delete data, yet. But no one is willing to risk it.
So it’s either Navy, Impsec, or washing dishes/flipping burgers.
I’d have to agree, she’s too resourceful to be allowed any kind of
public access to electronic devices. Even a cell phone could be used
to hack in somewhere.
Guys, I hate to pop your bubble, but a good information synthesist can gather
bits and pieces of information, from MANY, many different sources, all completely
unclassified, and observe patterns of what is said and left unsaid, and come up
with some pretty accurate conclusions about some pretty highly classified programs.
I’ve seen and done this a number of times, and, while most have become public
knowledge since, enough are still “behind the veil” that I will not discuss them.
So, let’s just say, even with no online access she could still be a serious info threat…
I’ve heard that when Tom Clancy wrote “Hunt For Red October”
(and maybe other of his stories?), the FiBbIes came a’knockin’
at his door, wondering WHERE he got the classified info for his book(s).
He had to take them and SHOW them the unclassified public information.
Typical cat, jumps up/down/on something and goes to each person there
to get pets or treats. Meanwhile, my cat refuses to understand that she’s
not my type (I don’t CARE if you do the “I’m sexy and I know it” dance well!)
Judging how much Zeeka likes the hydroponics bay, I hope these pictures
convince her she’s not about to die at the hands of the dreaded Empire.
Don’t worry Zeeka, you’re with the nicest group of people you’ll ever meet,
unless you do something really, REALLY stupid…
Author Michael Crichton once described a stacked
bar graph of the makeup of the earth’s atmosphere
on a scale of 100 yards. On that scale CO2 was less
than an inch and the human contribution was the
width of a mechanical pencil lead. IN 100 YARDS!
Anthropogenic global climate change is a pygmy
shrew handing out cigars, pointing to a pregnant
elephant and exclaiming “I did that!”
I’m sorry. I misremembered Crichton’s chart. Using the generally
accepted value for CO2 concentration of 400 parts/million, that
puts the width of the total CO2 line on a stacked bar graph with
a 100 yard scale at a whopping 1.44 inches.
Exactly, cold hard facts upset these people, only because it shuts them up.
They HATE that! I miss the good old days when real world problems were
more real and less “pay attention to me. I have a right to be heard!”
We are nowhere near any sort of maximum. The current
interglacial is not only NOT the warmest of the current
ice age (and yes we are still in an ice age because we have
permanent ice caps at the poles) it is actually probably
I’m just saying that these people in that video are no different than the tree-huggers I
mentioned, or the bunch that Jim and Emma were dealing with, clueless and aren’t
making an effort to look at the facts. I loved the fact at the end of the video he stated
that if the CO2 levels were to drop to .02% Earth’s plants would start to die…
CO2 was never the problem, it’s the man-made chemicals that are in waste gases from
manufacturing that are causing some problems, but few people can understand those
plus steps have been made to reduce those. Take tetracycline, it makes an excellent
tap and die thread cutter fluid, but it was band because the damage to the ozone
layer. Since the real problems were identified and steps were made, the attention
mongers turned to the very slight increase of CO2. The increase could just as easily
be the cause of volcanoes and forest fires, but no one mentions those…
Well, shit. I seem to have come to the attention of some evil people.
I just deleted a comment that was being held for moderation.
It was offering me “intimate” photos of underaged girls.
Go away, Mr. Government three-letter man, whoever you are. I don’t do child porn.
And the fact that you would use images of children to try and entrap me means
that you are a sick, evil bastard thriving in my own government.
Why do you think it is someone in the government and
not someone who actually trades in that garbage?
These people don’t care so much if you buy but
that they get free ad space on your site that has
prominent spot on TWC and a large following.
This confirms your good judgement in requiring
moderation review before being seen on your web site.
If it were a third party, then publicizing their contact information
(In this case, an email address) would pose too great a risk that
someone in law enforcement could track them down.
And I know secondhand that the three-letter men have no
problem with going after the easy, if innocent, person.
More after I wake up, I’m just checking in before going to bed.
You’re right about that, only way it’s not a 3 letter bunch is it’s a really
stupid guy / kid that’s going to just LOVE a 10 x 10 with a cot and a pot.
Or finding out that Bubba REALLY doesn’t like him…
I had an “oh shit” moment last night, my son staggered in the house panting
and fighting to breathe. His 02 was only 84, after trying his mom’s oxy I had
to take him to the ER. After 2 hrs they couldn’t get it to stay above 92. That
was at 10:30 last night. They admitted him at about 2am. I’m on my 3rd cup,
my legs keep telling me to “duck off” ( I LIKED that cup… glad I have spares…)
I hope this will be the things that finally convinces him to quit smoking all together
(Dad, I cut way back) that’s not quitting, you don’t want to be on oxy like your
mom do you? (bangs my head on wall) Might be too late now…
Julie, “Gimme Kimi.”
Some amusement park.
Mr. Cat, if I remember rightly, you learning the banjo.
How are you doing with it?
Just because I live in the Rural South there’s no need to be rude.
No, seriously, I have no desire to learn a musical instrument!
Sorry I thought you said you were learning it.
About two years ago. I have a tin ear.
I can carry a tune in a bucket, but that’s it.
Sorry my mistake.
No need to apologize, I was joking. I’ve got too much
going on, and too little time, to spend the time practicing
that it would take to become proficient.
Julie’s fate was decided before she sat down.
No doubt about it.
Julie is being herded in a pre-destined direction like cattle and sheep.
Intelligent cattle and sheep, but still, cattle and sheep.
I don’t blame them for it, Julie was doing pretty much the same
kind of behavior that caused the Fall and resulted in the deaths
of a HUGE number of people world wide. Granted she’s not making
“tapeworms” to delete data, yet. But no one is willing to risk it.
So it’s either Navy, Impsec, or washing dishes/flipping burgers.
“washing dishes / flipping burgers.” no i would say.
locked up and/or NO Access to ANY computer.!
I’d have to agree, she’s too resourceful to be allowed any kind of
public access to electronic devices. Even a cell phone could be used
to hack in somewhere.
Guys, I hate to pop your bubble, but a good information synthesist can gather
bits and pieces of information, from MANY, many different sources, all completely
unclassified, and observe patterns of what is said and left unsaid, and come up
with some pretty accurate conclusions about some pretty highly classified programs.
I’ve seen and done this a number of times, and, while most have become public
knowledge since, enough are still “behind the veil” that I will not discuss them.
So, let’s just say, even with no online access she could still be a serious info threat…
I agree,, tho,. Julie’s problem is when she gets computer access.
I’ve heard that when Tom Clancy wrote “Hunt For Red October”
(and maybe other of his stories?), the FiBbIes came a’knockin’
at his door, wondering WHERE he got the classified info for his book(s).
He had to take them and SHOW them the unclassified public information.
Typical cat, jumps up/down/on something and goes to each person there
to get pets or treats. Meanwhile, my cat refuses to understand that she’s
not my type (I don’t CARE if you do the “I’m sexy and I know it” dance well!)
Judging how much Zeeka likes the hydroponics bay, I hope these pictures
convince her she’s not about to die at the hands of the dreaded Empire.
Don’t worry Zeeka, you’re with the nicest group of people you’ll ever meet,
unless you do something really, REALLY stupid…
I just noticed, Eva is giving Julie her death stare…
Not as powerful at Mistrial’s,
but damned close!
“I can join the Navy and swab decks.
or I can join Impsec and do what I have a talent for.”
This shouldn’t take more than a nano second to decide.
I just seen this on YouTube. And people wonder why I
question the reasoning behind global warming….
Author Michael Crichton once described a stacked
bar graph of the makeup of the earth’s atmosphere
on a scale of 100 yards. On that scale CO2 was less
than an inch and the human contribution was the
width of a mechanical pencil lead. IN 100 YARDS!
Anthropogenic global climate change is a pygmy
shrew handing out cigars, pointing to a pregnant
elephant and exclaiming “I did that!”
I’m sorry. I misremembered Crichton’s chart. Using the generally
accepted value for CO2 concentration of 400 parts/million, that
puts the width of the total CO2 line on a stacked bar graph with
a 100 yard scale at a whopping 1.44 inches.
Exactly, cold hard facts upset these people, only because it shuts them up.
They HATE that! I miss the good old days when real world problems were
more real and less “pay attention to me. I have a right to be heard!”,h_536,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/97e08a_61292d70b5444f9eb628c21ba26b69bc~mv2.jpg
just sayin… look at where we are ‘right now’ on that chart.
We are nowhere near any sort of maximum. The current
interglacial is not only NOT the warmest of the current
ice age (and yes we are still in an ice age because we have
permanent ice caps at the poles) it is actually probably
And, the climatologists say,. “About another 500 years to determine
IF this interglacial is going to keep heating or cool down.”
I’m just saying that these people in that video are no different than the tree-huggers I
mentioned, or the bunch that Jim and Emma were dealing with, clueless and aren’t
making an effort to look at the facts. I loved the fact at the end of the video he stated
that if the CO2 levels were to drop to .02% Earth’s plants would start to die…
CO2 was never the problem, it’s the man-made chemicals that are in waste gases from
manufacturing that are causing some problems, but few people can understand those
plus steps have been made to reduce those. Take tetracycline, it makes an excellent
tap and die thread cutter fluid, but it was band because the damage to the ozone
layer. Since the real problems were identified and steps were made, the attention
mongers turned to the very slight increase of CO2. The increase could just as easily
be the cause of volcanoes and forest fires, but no one mentions those…
Well, shit. I seem to have come to the attention of some evil people.
I just deleted a comment that was being held for moderation.
It was offering me “intimate” photos of underaged girls.
Go away, Mr. Government three-letter man, whoever you are. I don’t do child porn.
And the fact that you would use images of children to try and entrap me means
that you are a sick, evil bastard thriving in my own government.
Why do you think it is someone in the government and
not someone who actually trades in that garbage?
These people don’t care so much if you buy but
that they get free ad space on your site that has
prominent spot on TWC and a large following.
This confirms your good judgement in requiring
moderation review before being seen on your web site.
If it were a third party, then publicizing their contact information
(In this case, an email address) would pose too great a risk that
someone in law enforcement could track them down.
And I know secondhand that the three-letter men have no
problem with going after the easy, if innocent, person.
More after I wake up, I’m just checking in before going to bed.
You’re right about that, only way it’s not a 3 letter bunch is it’s a really
stupid guy / kid that’s going to just LOVE a 10 x 10 with a cot and a pot.
Or finding out that Bubba REALLY doesn’t like him…
I stand firmly by my last sentence.
It’s still true whether 3 letter guy or stupid criminal.
For your amusement.
I had an “oh shit” moment last night, my son staggered in the house panting
and fighting to breathe. His 02 was only 84, after trying his mom’s oxy I had
to take him to the ER. After 2 hrs they couldn’t get it to stay above 92. That
was at 10:30 last night. They admitted him at about 2am. I’m on my 3rd cup,
my legs keep telling me to “duck off” ( I LIKED that cup… glad I have spares…)
I hope this will be the things that finally convinces him to quit smoking all together
(Dad, I cut way back) that’s not quitting, you don’t want to be on oxy like your
mom do you? (bangs my head on wall) Might be too late now…
I almost didn’t recognize Shiva in “normal” clothes.
It’s choreography.