I can guess, Jim will have won but I wonder at what cost?
I had forgotten about Hitarn taking over, seems getting rid of that slug
of a man has caused way more changes than I had thought. Although I had
hoped he and Loria would get together. Glad to hear they are considering
joining, with effort and a bit luck the core humans can be a member in
good standing. There will be some bad blood I’m sure, especially in the
Catians area, but I’m sure it will work out for the most part,
it wasn’t too hard for them to accept the Terrans.
Make preserving land profitable, I wonder how they will decide? True,
in our world they would not go for it because taking a loss for 5 years
is nothing managers do. I assume things work differently in the Empire
for this scheme to have a chance to work. Which leaves marketing and
public perception. True, it will take 5 years to become profitable with
some backup from the government and of course how that can be
made look in the public eye.
I had wondered about Lamia’s position. Interesting.
Another detail that can be played in many ways.
I just discovered way back in http://thegentlewolf.net/comic/tgw-557/
I promised to explain Barnwell and the funding of the school system
and never did. It’s funny, so it’s the next story. I have so many
stories in my head, I hope I can tell them all.
But then, by the time I do, there’ll be more. Sigh. It never ends.
Any reader who tries to sign up for an account:
I have a lot of spammers signing up for accounts.
If you are real, email me at the address in the middle of every
other comic so I’ll know you’re real and can approve them.
won’t see much of me in the Daily, I’m still
catching up (Currently on 589 and moving fast)
LOVE this comic!!!!!
OOPS! Too late. ARGH! i hate it when i get caught up.
been up for about 36 hrs. now i gotta wait till the next
episode. well, now i got an excuse to go to bed.
Love the comic.
I like the secretary Shehar. Smart enough to know what’s going on,
smart enough to make intelligent guesses (most likely 90+% right),
and smart enough to keep company secrets.
A most worthy employee.
I wish I had a company so I could employ her myself.
It’s a fantasy. And I can fantasize.
I have enjoyed fantasy and scifi since grade school.
(thinking back on it, I may have read some of RAH’s
earliest juvies in first print school editions.
but who knew at the time?)
from what I’ve seen all Catains are good people and way more intelligent
than most people would expect that lame comment someone had made in
the comic about their IQ was only 95? Yeah I’d say more than that on average.
Yeah, the person who made that comment about a 95 IQ is a real asshole.
Oh, wait, that was me.
Their average IQ really is about 95, the difference is that they think faster than we do.
That makes up for a lot. That’s why there are so many Cat officers in the military.
And there are bad Cats, like the Romani. I just haven’t included many in the story.
yeah I know I was fudging a bit there lol I have known smart people and
clever and to be honest it’s hard to tell the clear difference. True there’s
always bad folk in any society if I recall it has something to do with their
“walks” and the few who don’t take it. Smacks of the “emo culture”.
I should say clever people tend to think very quickly and use what they know to solve a problem.
Smart people study and work through a problem which takes longer but they tend to come up
with new or a twist on an old way that works out much better. So clever = quick on their “feet”,
smart = slow and careful study. Which makes the clever Catians better suited for leadership rolls
in combat.
Yup. It matters in combat.
“Make a decision! A poor decision is better than no decision!”
Even everyone’s favorite little Combat Kitty makes mistakes: http://thegentlewolf.net/comic/tgw-834/
So would I (even live actors) but you know the franchise would be ruined. They would insist
on a wholesale changing of genders, races, sexual preferences, etc until
the story would be unrecognizable.
Maybe the Disney of 40 years ago, but not today’s mouse house.
I would insist on a veto of everything, and loyalty to the Canon.
I’m learning that as we speak it is not easy to figure out and I’m only using it to create
models for printing the animation aspects are much more complicated plus, unless you
have a massively powerful computer it can take days to render a single frame. I have
a fairly good gaming system so it’s not as bad but yeah, that’s why it takes 1-3 years
for Pixar or Disney to produce their movies and they have whole crews manning the
just a reminder: IF your comment don’t show right away, it is likely
in moderation.. which means PeterCat or i have to approve..
(i try to check 2 or 3 times daily.)
i post the comic (M,W,F, @20:00 eastern) and edit comments,
(format and gross spelling errors, NOT content.!) AND delete spam..
lots an lots of spam…(average is about 30 a day..)
and finally: this is PC’s comic,, he loves comments an suggestions,.
just don’t be rude or mean..
I have 16 “Curtis”s on my pending signup list. 15 of them are probably spam.
Is your middle initial “W”? If so, I’ll activate your account now.
(There are almost 30,000 attempted signups, going through and deleting
them would be impossible.) WordPress was supposed to reply to all attempts
with an email, but it isn’t…
(loud meaty thudding sounds) Why (thud) won’t (smack) it (thud) print (thud) like (splat)
I (thud) want! (my head hurts…) I’d punch it but as pricey as they are….
Sorry gang 3D printer issues not in the best mood atm taking a break before I break it!
I have a couple of those t-shirts. Remember. No machine ever does what you
want it to do. It only does what you tell it to do. Actually, that goes for people, too.
It’s been heavily modified so I can print the harder stuff like nylon so I’m working through the kinks
that the chances created. FDM printers “draw a line” of the filament 0.2 mm each layer and a common
problem is you get “stringing”, a hair fine lines in the gaps of what you’re printing. It makes the item
you’re printing look like crap and takes TOO much time to clean up. I’ve been trying to use ideas on
how to clean it up and so far they’ve just made it worse. So I have to go back over and see where
I screwed up or go back over my research.
The reason I’m so annoyed is there is SO many “experts” out there that rarely agree on how to reduce
or stop stringing/clumping even those who use the same printer. Hours of vids and forum texts to go
over. it’s extremely annoying.
I’m hoping to start a business next year but until I master this there’s little hope of ever having the chance.
I bought a resin printer because I wanted the fine detail. I was
intending to make figurines such as Miral running, shown on Jason’s desk here: http://thegentlewolf.net/comic/tgw-926/ but it proved to be way too difficult.
So the printer has been sitting, unused.
so? what is the problem? I’ve been making simple figures an
accessories (dice boxes & towers) at the local library.
the biggest issue is print time vs detail,, typical print
is 6 hours,, but,, for fine detail double the print time.
AND for fine detail, the figure is printed on
it’s back,, and in (usually) 3 parts.!
oh oh alittle trick,, on NON-heated beds,,
a light coating of cheap hairspray,,
it helps the ‘base’ stick. but is an easy release.. o.0
The problem is the number of open vertices and the complexity and fine detail.
A resin printer doesn’t have a heated bed, it uses a liquid pool of resin hardened
selectively by UV light.
I was going to add a resin printer but there’s an issue, I have only 1/3 kidney and my doctor
warned me I could damage it exposing myself to harsh chemicals and fumes, so I have to have
a fume cabinet to put it in and make sure the room is well vented. I really don’t want to be on
dialysis. I got this thing last fall when I was still on chemo and slowly tinkered with it up until
surgery, gave it a break while I was recovering and I’m just now getting back into it.
My Photon-s came in a cabinet with vent fans and filters. Using it, I never smelled the resin.
If I needed to, I could have run a dryer flex from the exhaust out the wall.
It’s not just the resin the ISO alcohol as well I have a unit picked out it’s a package deal
both the printer and the wash/cure system for under $500 Anycubic. I have an old office trailer
I’m repairing and re-insulating that would be ideal for a print shop but it’s in rough shape
and poorly wired. Door frame is rotted and minor roof repairs most of the problems.
I know about it and there’s a wash solution that is fume-less as well but I’d want to sample both first.
Costs are a huge issue when starting out I have to look at electric costs, supply costs, shipping costs
and so on just to print a simple self-watering flower pot costs altogether $2.46 and that doesn’t include
I don’t know if you know about this but if your alcohol is pretty dirty with the resin you can set the container
in the bright sunlight (sealed of course) the resin will cure and sink to the bottom. That way you can reuse
it without having to buy fresh often. Just use the resin filters to clear it out. Sorry I had hours and hours of
“free time” while on chemo I did a LOT of research and spoke to real print farmers about this stuff. look up
Chep, Teaching Tech, and Modbot to name a few these guys all run print farms and do YouTube in their spare time.
When I bought mine it was cheaper directly from the manufacturer. Great service and communication, too. I’ve learned that many things on Amazon are cheaper direct, I’ve been checking. And I have Prime.
That’s how I bought my FDM Creality 3 pro was direct from them, I just use amazon to get an idea
and look for the best deal when I actually go to buy one. I’ll need at least 3-4 printers of various sizes
and types to really get going. I’ve installed a SD mini to SD adapter, a direct drive extruder, all-metal hot end,
custom dryboxes for the hydrosopic filaments, and a hotter heater that (i hope) will be enough for nylon,
standard limit on this printer is 260 C and nylon melts best at 270.
I know Rob I’m getting into the more difficult types of plastic: PETG, ASA, PCP, PC, TPU, and soon
I hope nylon plus CF nylon. It’s not “boss talk” I am serious about making a living at this not just
trinkets and statues. Especially PETG and TPU they are awful bad about stringing and clumping.
I can print PLA all day long hell I printed a full sized barn owl with a noise maker for our barn took
38 hours!
BTW elmers glue stick works better and cleans up easier than hair spray plus I use a PEI power-coated
flex steel bed sheet with a plain back for the glue stick easier to come off and idea for multiple print jobs
out entire hot fence has insulators I’ve printed and not a single one has broken while the store-bought
ones barely last a season.
Some of the most popular items people want is D-n-D figures (NO flippin’ THANK YOU), cosplayers,
RC car bodies/parts, and quad-copter (drone) parts. Which means carbon fiber infused nylon. VERY
tricky to print. And pricey to buy, the common rolls of PLA cost around $20 (for a 1 km roll) where
CB nylon starts at $50-60 a kg (2.2lbs) so bad prints are a costly problem. Also a filament called TPU
is a rubber-like filament so kid-safe toys can be made.
True, but Loria is more Catian, born and raised among Cats on Catia, than Garion is Jericoan (Jericonese?
Jerican? Jericoni?) or even Terran. It might depend on what the Catians think of the job she’s doing.
That is true but in this passing time do you honestly think those two haven’t spoken since the attacks?
It really comes down to if she’s willing to stay.
concerning hover text.:
your name in white = not active
your name in yellow = active
Mine is white but I can access the member content now weird…
also have to sign in..
as i did not,, here..
Thank you I had wondered but I didn’t want to nit-pick.
No names in the hover text. Just PC’s statement.
I am signed in though.
I can guess, Jim will have won but I wonder at what cost?
I had forgotten about Hitarn taking over, seems getting rid of that slug
of a man has caused way more changes than I had thought. Although I had
hoped he and Loria would get together. Glad to hear they are considering
joining, with effort and a bit luck the core humans can be a member in
good standing. There will be some bad blood I’m sure, especially in the
Catians area, but I’m sure it will work out for the most part,
it wasn’t too hard for them to accept the Terrans.
Make preserving land profitable, I wonder how they will decide? True,
in our world they would not go for it because taking a loss for 5 years
is nothing managers do. I assume things work differently in the Empire
for this scheme to have a chance to work. Which leaves marketing and
public perception. True, it will take 5 years to become profitable with
some backup from the government and of course how that can be
made look in the public eye.
I had wondered about Lamia’s position. Interesting.
Another detail that can be played in many ways.
Patience, Dreamfox, patience.
I just discovered way back in http://thegentlewolf.net/comic/tgw-557/
I promised to explain Barnwell and the funding of the school system
and never did. It’s funny, so it’s the next story. I have so many
stories in my head, I hope I can tell them all.
But then, by the time I do, there’ll be more. Sigh. It never ends.
Very much YES, please keep the stories coming. They are the best.
We love stories (well, at least I do)!
Thank you, and keep them coming!
Thank you. You all keep me going.
LOL well you’re very good at this, I just finished my 4th read-through,
yeah I know, but if I read something I like I re-read it often
Any reader who tries to sign up for an account:
I have a lot of spammers signing up for accounts.
If you are real, email me at the address in the middle of every
other comic so I’ll know you’re real and can approve them.
won’t see much of me in the Daily, I’m still
catching up (Currently on 589 and moving fast)
LOVE this comic!!!!!
It only gets better!
Don’t go too fast there is a huge amount of lore that Petercat
does use in later content and we do refer to it often here LOL.
OOPS! Too late. ARGH! i hate it when i get caught up.
been up for about 36 hrs. now i gotta wait till the next
episode. well, now i got an excuse to go to bed.
Love the comic.
LOL that’s ok it’s not going anywhere
I like the secretary Shehar. Smart enough to know what’s going on,
smart enough to make intelligent guesses (most likely 90+% right),
and smart enough to keep company secrets.
A most worthy employee.
I wish I had a company so I could employ her myself.
jus sayin,, you would have a hard time getting her from Carl.!
..he is a cat favorite now …
It’s a fantasy. And I can fantasize.
I have enjoyed fantasy and scifi since grade school.
(thinking back on it, I may have read some of RAH’s
earliest juvies in first print school editions.
but who knew at the time?)
That’s ok we all dreamed of having a “Radar”, smart, efficient,
easy on the eyes (yeah I know, but who doesn’t?),
and not afraid to speak their mind.
MASH 4077 Tv show, yes I’m that old LOL.
Even had one of those IV gin bottles!
from what I’ve seen all Catains are good people and way more intelligent
than most people would expect that lame comment someone had made in
the comic about their IQ was only 95? Yeah I’d say more than that on average.
Yeah, the person who made that comment about a 95 IQ is a real asshole.
Oh, wait, that was me.
Their average IQ really is about 95, the difference is that they think faster than we do.
That makes up for a lot. That’s why there are so many Cat officers in the military.
And there are bad Cats, like the Romani. I just haven’t included many in the story.
yeah I know I was fudging a bit there lol I have known smart people and
clever and to be honest it’s hard to tell the clear difference. True there’s
always bad folk in any society if I recall it has something to do with their
“walks” and the few who don’t take it. Smacks of the “emo culture”.
I should say clever people tend to think very quickly and use what they know to solve a problem.
Smart people study and work through a problem which takes longer but they tend to come up
with new or a twist on an old way that works out much better. So clever = quick on their “feet”,
smart = slow and careful study. Which makes the clever Catians better suited for leadership rolls
in combat.
Yup. It matters in combat.
“Make a decision! A poor decision is better than no decision!”
Even everyone’s favorite little Combat Kitty makes mistakes:
Yeah when I was reading that for the first time I was thinking no…no…NO…. GO UP!
I’d love to these stories as a movie/TV series but MAN that’s a a lot of rendering
time and work! (PG-13 easily)
So would I (even live actors) but you know the franchise would be ruined. They would insist
on a wholesale changing of genders, races, sexual preferences, etc until
the story would be unrecognizable.
Maybe the Disney of 40 years ago, but not today’s mouse house.
I would insist on a veto of everything, and loyalty to the Canon.
Yeah I know I mentioned that before but it’s nice to dream huh?
Are you aware that Blender can do animation? I’m not sure what you’re
using for a rendering engine.
I’m learning that as we speak it is not easy to figure out and I’m only using it to create
models for printing the animation aspects are much more complicated plus, unless you
have a massively powerful computer it can take days to render a single frame. I have
a fairly good gaming system so it’s not as bad but yeah, that’s why it takes 1-3 years
for Pixar or Disney to produce their movies and they have whole crews manning the
Higher! Faster! And while you’re up there, throw in some Snow Leopard Zoomies!
LOL I’ve seen that one before I’m not a big fan of cats but they do have their funny moments!
Looked like those cats were basically bored out of their gourd. I
suspect I would be if I was cooped up in a cage like that.
just a reminder: IF your comment don’t show right away, it is likely
in moderation.. which means PeterCat or i have to approve..
(i try to check 2 or 3 times daily.)
i post the comic (M,W,F, @20:00 eastern) and edit comments,
(format and gross spelling errors, NOT content.!) AND delete spam..
lots an lots of spam…(average is about 30 a day..)
and finally: this is PC’s comic,, he loves comments an suggestions,.
just don’t be rude or mean..
I don’t doubt it! it was bad 15 years ago I can only imagine now…
And thank you very much.
I prefer comments that are spam free and civil.
I have 16 “Curtis”s on my pending signup list. 15 of them are probably spam.
Is your middle initial “W”? If so, I’ll activate your account now.
(There are almost 30,000 attempted signups, going through and deleting
them would be impossible.) WordPress was supposed to reply to all attempts
with an email, but it isn’t…
Never mind, found your email. Do I need to send you a new
password, or do you remember the one you chose?
We might banter and kid but we’re a pretty calm bunch here, mostly aging adults LOL
dang it! I thought I fixed that grumble…
that’s better
sorry after I logged in it was showing my real name not that it matters
mine’s pretty common but better safe etc…
Aw… you forgot to sign and date…. LOL
Lol! darn!
(loud meaty thudding sounds) Why (thud) won’t (smack) it (thud) print (thud) like (splat)
I (thud) want! (my head hurts…) I’d punch it but as pricey as they are….
Sorry gang 3D printer issues not in the best mood atm taking a break before I break it!
I have a couple of those t-shirts. Remember. No machine ever does what you
want it to do. It only does what you tell it to do. Actually, that goes for people, too.
It’s been heavily modified so I can print the harder stuff like nylon so I’m working through the kinks
that the chances created. FDM printers “draw a line” of the filament 0.2 mm each layer and a common
problem is you get “stringing”, a hair fine lines in the gaps of what you’re printing. It makes the item
you’re printing look like crap and takes TOO much time to clean up. I’ve been trying to use ideas on
how to clean it up and so far they’ve just made it worse. So I have to go back over and see where
I screwed up or go back over my research.
The reason I’m so annoyed is there is SO many “experts” out there that rarely agree on how to reduce
or stop stringing/clumping even those who use the same printer. Hours of vids and forum texts to go
over. it’s extremely annoying.
I’m hoping to start a business next year but until I master this there’s little hope of ever having the chance.
I bought a resin printer because I wanted the fine detail. I was
intending to make figurines such as Miral running, shown on Jason’s desk here:
http://thegentlewolf.net/comic/tgw-926/ but it proved to be way too difficult.
So the printer has been sitting, unused.
so? what is the problem? I’ve been making simple figures an
accessories (dice boxes & towers) at the local library.
the biggest issue is print time vs detail,, typical print
is 6 hours,, but,, for fine detail double the print time.
AND for fine detail, the figure is printed on
it’s back,, and in (usually) 3 parts.!
oh oh alittle trick,, on NON-heated beds,,
a light coating of cheap hairspray,,
it helps the ‘base’ stick. but is an easy release.. o.0
The problem is the number of open vertices and the complexity and fine detail.
A resin printer doesn’t have a heated bed, it uses a liquid pool of resin hardened
selectively by UV light.
I was going to add a resin printer but there’s an issue, I have only 1/3 kidney and my doctor
warned me I could damage it exposing myself to harsh chemicals and fumes, so I have to have
a fume cabinet to put it in and make sure the room is well vented. I really don’t want to be on
dialysis. I got this thing last fall when I was still on chemo and slowly tinkered with it up until
surgery, gave it a break while I was recovering and I’m just now getting back into it.
My Photon-s came in a cabinet with vent fans and filters. Using it, I never smelled the resin.
If I needed to, I could have run a dryer flex from the exhaust out the wall.
It’s not just the resin the ISO alcohol as well I have a unit picked out it’s a package deal
both the printer and the wash/cure system for under $500 Anycubic. I have an old office trailer
I’m repairing and re-insulating that would be ideal for a print shop but it’s in rough shape
and poorly wired. Door frame is rotted and minor roof repairs most of the problems.
That’s what I have, an Anycubic Photon S. They also
sell a less toxic resin, although it’s a bit more expensive.
I know about it and there’s a wash solution that is fume-less as well but I’d want to sample both first.
Costs are a huge issue when starting out I have to look at electric costs, supply costs, shipping costs
and so on just to print a simple self-watering flower pot costs altogether $2.46 and that doesn’t include
I don’t know if you know about this but if your alcohol is pretty dirty with the resin you can set the container
in the bright sunlight (sealed of course) the resin will cure and sink to the bottom. That way you can reuse
it without having to buy fresh often. Just use the resin filters to clear it out. Sorry I had hours and hours of
“free time” while on chemo I did a LOT of research and spoke to real print farmers about this stuff. look up
Chep, Teaching Tech, and Modbot to name a few these guys all run print farms and do YouTube in their spare time.
this is it and I see the price went down a bit! https://www.amazon.com/ANYCUBIC-Photon-Station-Printer-Resin/dp/B093SC6TDS/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1SGBTJANCPLVU&keywords=anycubic+resin+printer+4k&qid=1661218436&sprefix=anycubic+resin+printer%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-5
When I bought mine it was cheaper directly from the manufacturer. Great service and communication, too. I’ve learned that many things on Amazon are cheaper direct, I’ve been checking. And I have Prime.
That’s how I bought my FDM Creality 3 pro was direct from them, I just use amazon to get an idea
and look for the best deal when I actually go to buy one. I’ll need at least 3-4 printers of various sizes
and types to really get going. I’ve installed a SD mini to SD adapter, a direct drive extruder, all-metal hot end,
custom dryboxes for the hydrosopic filaments, and a hotter heater that (i hope) will be enough for nylon,
standard limit on this printer is 260 C and nylon melts best at 270.
I know Rob I’m getting into the more difficult types of plastic: PETG, ASA, PCP, PC, TPU, and soon
I hope nylon plus CF nylon. It’s not “boss talk” I am serious about making a living at this not just
trinkets and statues. Especially PETG and TPU they are awful bad about stringing and clumping.
I can print PLA all day long hell I printed a full sized barn owl with a noise maker for our barn took
38 hours!
BTW elmers glue stick works better and cleans up easier than hair spray plus I use a PEI power-coated
flex steel bed sheet with a plain back for the glue stick easier to come off and idea for multiple print jobs
out entire hot fence has insulators I’ve printed and not a single one has broken while the store-bought
ones barely last a season.
Some of the most popular items people want is D-n-D figures (NO flippin’ THANK YOU), cosplayers,
RC car bodies/parts, and quad-copter (drone) parts. Which means carbon fiber infused nylon. VERY
tricky to print. And pricey to buy, the common rolls of PLA cost around $20 (for a 1 km roll) where
CB nylon starts at $50-60 a kg (2.2lbs) so bad prints are a costly problem. Also a filament called TPU
is a rubber-like filament so kid-safe toys can be made.
I wonder what the odds are she’ll be chosen as King. Best laid plans of Cats and Men.
I’d agree but the cats want to rule themselves that was made clear back when they were
planning the attacks etc…
True, but Loria is more Catian, born and raised among Cats on Catia, than Garion is Jericoan (Jericonese?
Jerican? Jericoni?) or even Terran. It might depend on what the Catians think of the job she’s doing.
That is true but in this passing time do you honestly think those two haven’t spoken since the attacks?
It really comes down to if she’s willing to stay.