Hmm… Possibilities, possibilities…
Mr. Walker?
Teresa’s bodyguard? Teresa herself? (She carries a suppressed Sig.)
Bill Wilson?
We haven’t seen Leonor for a while…
One of the Walker girls? Miko or Niko wouldn’t have given a warning, They would have fired as soon as the gun came out.
two more of the Walker girls , Larissa or Christina .. they could /would do it,. (could be here for lunch, or bus meeting.)
then there is Belle an Elroy… tho not likely.
i’m thinking Knight an Squire …
Damn! Triple tap! Did NOT see that coming but then Joggers gonna be joggers even in the empire. Anyhow, totally justified. No question. Don’t know about other states but in Texas you are justified in using deadly force to defend a 3rd party pretty much any time you would be justified in using it to defend yourself. Gotta love TPC Chapter 9!
643 pages so far. Over 5000 panels. And every so often I come up with one that is near perfect, a single panel that almost
tells an entire story all by itself. Like panel1 on this page:
Or panel 3 here:
The best ones seem to have the least dialogue and the fewest characters, maybe that should tell me something.
But anyway, my point is that Panel 1 of Monday’s upcoming page is one of my best. Only two characters, no words, but I think
that it says a lot of things, not just about the story but about the two characters themselves.
I just wnted to say that I enjoy and appreciate your work here, and it does me good to read yousaying that you enjoy it too. I know that feeling, when a design works out and is not only functional but looks good as well.
Thank you. I always appreciate the feedback, that’s why I like reading the comments. It’s my motivation to
continue, on top of the pleasure I get from creating.
Speaking of motivation and pleasure, it’s going to be a good motorcycle day.
I’m motivated to fire up the Sportster and will be pleased to ride.
Panel 4 – I’ve read through the entire comic at least three times, as well
as numerous trips to random sections, and this is the first time in at least
five viewings that I noticed that Mr(s) X basically Mozambique’d him. Two to
the body and one to the head – specifically, in the mouth.
Hmm… Possibilities, possibilities…
Mr. Walker?
Teresa’s bodyguard? Teresa herself? (She carries a suppressed Sig.)
Bill Wilson?
We haven’t seen Leonor for a while…
One of the Walker girls? Miko or Niko wouldn’t have given a warning, They would have fired as soon as the gun came out.
two more of the Walker girls , Larissa or Christina .. they could /would do it,. (could be here for lunch, or bus meeting.)
then there is Belle an Elroy… tho not likely.
i’m thinking Knight an Squire …
OK, my guess is the couple that inspired Fox and Steel. Or at least Nat. And mostly because PC didn’t mention them.
Damn! Triple tap! Did NOT see that coming but then Joggers gonna be joggers even in the empire. Anyhow, totally justified. No question. Don’t know about other states but in Texas you are justified in using deadly force to defend a 3rd party pretty much any time you would be justified in using it to defend yourself. Gotta love TPC Chapter 9!
643 pages so far. Over 5000 panels. And every so often I come up with one that is near perfect, a single panel that almost
tells an entire story all by itself. Like panel1 on this page:
Or panel 3 here:
The best ones seem to have the least dialogue and the fewest characters, maybe that should tell me something.
But anyway, my point is that Panel 1 of Monday’s upcoming page is one of my best. Only two characters, no words, but I think
that it says a lot of things, not just about the story but about the two characters themselves.
I just wnted to say that I enjoy and appreciate your work here, and it does me good to read yousaying that you enjoy it too. I know that feeling, when a design works out and is not only functional but looks good as well.
Thank you. I always appreciate the feedback, that’s why I like reading the comments. It’s my motivation to
continue, on top of the pleasure I get from creating.
Speaking of motivation and pleasure, it’s going to be a good motorcycle day.
I’m motivated to fire up the Sportster and will be pleased to ride.
I agree completely with Danny. You do great work and I/we appreciate your efforts. Thank-you.
Thank you, Paul.
.. and i would say Daisy = Mom…
since it is a monarchy , could be older sister, …
Monarchy? The CEO is called “Council President”. It’s clearly a democracy or republic — just like North Korea.
Panel 4 – I’ve read through the entire comic at least three times, as well
as numerous trips to random sections, and this is the first time in at least
five viewings that I noticed that Mr(s) X basically Mozambique’d him. Two to
the body and one to the head – specifically, in the mouth.
Had to edit your comment a bit for new readers, as shooter’s identity
hasn’t been revealed yet.
Noted. And thanks. Won’t happen again.