Heh, once a workman, always etc… I’m betting
he’ll want to stay in, now that he’s settled in
and having “fun”.
With everything that has happened, I don’t
blame any of them for not wanting Teresa
to leave. Too many people are wanting to
get a pot-shot at her. I am surprised Terysa
was willing to say that though.
Actually, Treysa seems to have a VERY good handle on diplomacy,
being upfront with an allied leader, with a potentially ruinous
situation on their hands, it’s MUCH better to be upfront and
honest from the get-go. That way, no accusation of deception
could color any political dealings with each other.
It also illustrates a high degree of trust in his discretion*.
* did you mean?
desecration = destroy. what you put..
or discretion = not offend.?
I had to postpone Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. Was feeling too bad.
Felt shaky and had the trots. Definitely wasn’t up to 50+ mile round
trip to our Daughter’s place. Feeling better today. Think I have picked
up a bladder infection. Drinking cranberry juice. Seems to be getting
better. Hope everybody else’s turkey day went better than ours.
We’re gonna try again today. Cross fingers.
Take it easy Bill, I know how rough it is,
and you have a few years on me
We’re waiting on the big family until tomorrow as well,
my father is meeting his care group this week,
I’m not able to provide everything he needs.
Mostly PT and watchful health care,
A nurse can spot issues better than I. Besides,
they know about my health issues and are concerned.
Had to make a five hour one way trip to visit my relatives.
Had a bit of an issue, stomach problems,
so had to delay a day and still got a late start.
At this point, I don’t recommend “Iron Manning”
A trip like that if you are driving by yourself.
I will DEFINITELY take a break halfway on the trip back…
Heh, once a workman, always etc… I’m betting
he’ll want to stay in, now that he’s settled in
and having “fun”.
With everything that has happened, I don’t
blame any of them for not wanting Teresa
to leave. Too many people are wanting to
get a pot-shot at her. I am surprised Terysa
was willing to say that though.
Pretty much my reaction both times.
Actually, Treysa seems to have a VERY good handle on diplomacy,
being upfront with an allied leader, with a potentially ruinous
situation on their hands, it’s MUCH better to be upfront and
honest from the get-go. That way, no accusation of deception
could color any political dealings with each other.
It also illustrates a high degree of trust in his discretion*.
* did you mean?
desecration = destroy. what you put..
or discretion = not offend.?
Happy turkey day, all!
Heading over to my son’s house.
Hope you’re all with people you love.
Yep. all my drinking buddies at the bar.
No family here.
Thanks, we have family coming here.
Did you all remember to set your scales
back 10lbs before turkey day?
Yes, and I have my emergency insulin ready LOL
I had to postpone Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. Was feeling too bad.
Felt shaky and had the trots. Definitely wasn’t up to 50+ mile round
trip to our Daughter’s place. Feeling better today. Think I have picked
up a bladder infection. Drinking cranberry juice. Seems to be getting
better. Hope everybody else’s turkey day went better than ours.
We’re gonna try again today. Cross fingers.
Take it easy Bill, I know how rough it is,
and you have a few years on me
We’re waiting on the big family until tomorrow as well,
my father is meeting his care group this week,
I’m not able to provide everything he needs.
Mostly PT and watchful health care,
A nurse can spot issues better than I. Besides,
they know about my health issues and are concerned.
Update will be delayed by a few minutes.
Working on the dialogue now.
Probbly around 2030 or so.
Had to make a five hour one way trip to visit my relatives.
Had a bit of an issue, stomach problems,
so had to delay a day and still got a late start.
At this point, I don’t recommend “Iron Manning”
A trip like that if you are driving by yourself.
I will DEFINITELY take a break halfway on the trip back…