Petards were originally mostly used against gates and similar obstacles
– a team would run up to the gate, nail the petard to it,
whilst lighting the fuse, and hope to be able to get out of the blast
zone before it went off.
If you didn’t, you might well end up blown off your feet (or worse)
– hence “Hoist by your own petard”
Some of the early ones were literally a small to
mid-sized cooking pot/cauldron full of powder,
hung from a nail in the gate with the mouth of
the cauldron against the face of the gate,
with a bit of quick match tucked in the top.
So, a good idea, but not well-executed.
The ols wooden sailing ships’ cannons didn’t have fuses, just a
shallow cup that black powder was added in and lit with a smoldering
stick to light them. I believe fuses were invented long after those days.
I’m not sure but I think it was China that perfected those.
Wrapping paper around a line of black powder rarely if ever worked,
and BP wouldn’t work if wet. Phosphorus and sulfur was a key element
in fuses, since it would burn once lit, even under water. I’ve seen video’s
where a guy was making a “underwater volcano” in a large water tank
out of strike “anywhere” matches, he broke off the head, mixed it up
into a thick paste with water, and used that to transfer the fire down
a line of matches to light the volcano made of matches,
guy must have used thousands of matches to build this. It worked,
but the water got too cloudy to see much once it set off the volcano.
black powder invented 10th century,. “Rice” paper fuse not long after,.
BUT europe saw them as too expensive and not reliable (Naturally soak
up water when stored for long time.). and paper in 13th century europe
was a rich guy novelty, so was not considered till the 1600s…
an the ‘quick match’ was every where..
Ok. I’ve seen the action, now I need to wait
for the explanation.
From what I can “see” and understand, Evan
rushed up to Ishmael, and gave him a
symbolic swipe with his knife, in a gesture of,
“Your life was mine to take, but I return it to
you. You are now under my control of
life or death.”
And now Ishmael surrenders his life to Evan
and Mala (Saladin).
For some reason, the symbology of this makes
me weep.
Ishmael’s life is Even’s to do with as he pleases, I got
that, but I doubt Ishmael will understand why he’s
still alive. And stay that way IF he opens up.
Ishmael was close to passing out on his own, Even
just banged him, maybe with the his fist or the knife’s
grip and thinking he was cut, passed out.
Heh, glad Missy got a good laugh out of it! I’m sure
once this plays out, everyone will be laughing at
Duncan. I hope they play this up to the point of him
thinking if he doesn’t fess up, he’s looking at a firing
squad or crucifixion!
I am trying hard not to point out what everyone’s missing…..
Ghost of my wife: “First time?”
Every friend I’ve ever had: “Really? REALLY?”
Conscience: Soft snoring.
Missing something? Hmm. TGW-1285 panels 7&8 Mala says she will let
none of the attackers survive. ‘S why I’ve been assuming much of what
she’s saying has been ploy, but I was wrong. She speaks truth in
TGW-1292 panel 8. Ishmael has made her change her mind and he
appears to regard her as a worthy foe too. But TGW-1296 panel 6 he
says he “cannot” surrender, and Mala says she understands and hands
the fight to Evan, to whom Ishmael DOES surrender. Why? Because
Evan is male and Mala is female? That fits the general crowd of his
(former) associates better than the picture we’re developing of him.
So… maybe Scarsdale is right, he’s being forced to do this because
they’re holding his wife, AND he is aware of either the TV broadcast
OR he knows the ones holding her are watching what is happening.
I believe you’re right about Even having to finish it,
there’s no greater “sin” than to die at the hands of
a woman in their beliefs. His wife would have been
killed out of spite for his failure and Mala alone.
The little I know of the extremists, He’d be worried that Allah
would see it, and he’d never make into their heaven. Somehow,
I don’t think he’s that devout, so they might have drones out
as well. Either way, I suspect he’s more worried for his wife
than Allah, and I think he doesn’t expect to wake up in a
I’ve been wondering how the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy knows
by sight a bunch of low-rank marines barely out of the Academy who’ve
been on exactly one operation so far, and that one undercover in foreign
territory, and now we see she’s on a first-name basis with the foundling
they brought back with them…
I’m sure she knew the details of the op in the CSA.
Missy is like Teresa in a lot of ways, she tries to know
a little about everyone under her command. Keep
in mind they are members of the first spec-op team,
that’s a big deal too.
Yes Mala, ride the “baby” basket, I don’t care how you feel, that belly
cut doesn’t look good. Teresa will fix anything on the inside, and you’ll
have a few battle scars to impress friends with
One must exercise extreme caution when choosing a petard
as there is always the potential to be hoisted upon it.
petard = small bomb. predecessor to grenade
hoist = to move upward.
petard’s had about as much chance of blowing
you up, as the other guy…
Petards were originally mostly used against gates and similar obstacles
– a team would run up to the gate, nail the petard to it,
whilst lighting the fuse, and hope to be able to get out of the blast
zone before it went off.
If you didn’t, you might well end up blown off your feet (or worse)
– hence “Hoist by your own petard”
How worried can you be about a weapon called a “fart?”
That’s what “petard” means.
Some of the early ones were literally a small to
mid-sized cooking pot/cauldron full of powder,
hung from a nail in the gate with the mouth of
the cauldron against the face of the gate,
with a bit of quick match tucked in the top.
So, a good idea, but not well-executed.
The ols wooden sailing ships’ cannons didn’t have fuses, just a
shallow cup that black powder was added in and lit with a smoldering
stick to light them. I believe fuses were invented long after those days.
I’m not sure but I think it was China that perfected those.
Wrapping paper around a line of black powder rarely if ever worked,
and BP wouldn’t work if wet. Phosphorus and sulfur was a key element
in fuses, since it would burn once lit, even under water. I’ve seen video’s
where a guy was making a “underwater volcano” in a large water tank
out of strike “anywhere” matches, he broke off the head, mixed it up
into a thick paste with water, and used that to transfer the fire down
a line of matches to light the volcano made of matches,
guy must have used thousands of matches to build this. It worked,
but the water got too cloudy to see much once it set off the volcano.
black powder invented 10th century,. “Rice” paper fuse not long after,.
BUT europe saw them as too expensive and not reliable (Naturally soak
up water when stored for long time.). and paper in 13th century europe
was a rich guy novelty, so was not considered till the 1600s…
an the ‘quick match’ was every where..
That, would depend entirely upon the quality of the gaseous emission…
Some can be quite lethal…
Seriously, look it up…
Ok. I’ve seen the action, now I need to wait
for the explanation.
From what I can “see” and understand, Evan
rushed up to Ishmael, and gave him a
symbolic swipe with his knife, in a gesture of,
“Your life was mine to take, but I return it to
you. You are now under my control of
life or death.”
And now Ishmael surrenders his life to Evan
and Mala (Saladin).
For some reason, the symbology of this makes
me weep.
Ishmael’s life is Even’s to do with as he pleases, I got
that, but I doubt Ishmael will understand why he’s
still alive. And stay that way IF he opens up.
Ishmael was close to passing out on his own, Even
just banged him, maybe with the his fist or the knife’s
grip and thinking he was cut, passed out.
Heh, glad Missy got a good laugh out of it! I’m sure
once this plays out, everyone will be laughing at
Duncan. I hope they play this up to the point of him
thinking if he doesn’t fess up, he’s looking at a firing
squad or crucifixion!
Ah I missed the speech bubble over him,
so he wasn’t out, just knew he had nothing left.
Ishmael was cut.
Look at Ishmael’s left cheek.
P5 – no cut
P6 – cut.
Good catch. I missed that.
I was going to ask what
transpired between P5 & P6.
Hence the “symbolic” vs real life-or-death
Ah, Just a tiny one. no wonder I missed it.
I am trying hard not to point out what everyone’s missing…..
Ghost of my wife: “First time?”
Every friend I’ve ever had: “Really? REALLY?”
Conscience: Soft snoring.
You’re lucky, when mine snores it wakes up both me and the wife!
Just a few hours more, PC. I’ll admit it, I’m stumped.
Twenty more hours and things will begin to clarify.
BUT I WANNIT! (sulks off and pouts in a corner)

MEANIE! (sobbing)
My youngest grand-daughter does that ALL
the time, I feel for my eldest son, but he did
it to us too
Missing something? Hmm. TGW-1285 panels 7&8 Mala says she will let
none of the attackers survive. ‘S why I’ve been assuming much of what
she’s saying has been ploy, but I was wrong. She speaks truth in
TGW-1292 panel 8. Ishmael has made her change her mind and he
appears to regard her as a worthy foe too. But TGW-1296 panel 6 he
says he “cannot” surrender, and Mala says she understands and hands
the fight to Evan, to whom Ishmael DOES surrender. Why? Because
Evan is male and Mala is female? That fits the general crowd of his
(former) associates better than the picture we’re developing of him.
So… maybe Scarsdale is right, he’s being forced to do this because
they’re holding his wife, AND he is aware of either the TV broadcast
OR he knows the ones holding her are watching what is happening.
I believe you’re right about Even having to finish it,
there’s no greater “sin” than to die at the hands of
a woman in their beliefs. His wife would have been
killed out of spite for his failure and Mala alone.
But I don’t see how he could know about the TV broadcast. Which means
he knows what we and the Empire don’t, the BEG ALSO has eyes here.
The little I know of the extremists, He’d be worried that Allah
would see it, and he’d never make into their heaven. Somehow,
I don’t think he’s that devout, so they might have drones out
as well. Either way, I suspect he’s more worried for his wife
than Allah, and I think he doesn’t expect to wake up in a
I’ve been wondering how the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy knows
by sight a bunch of low-rank marines barely out of the Academy who’ve
been on exactly one operation so far, and that one undercover in foreign
territory, and now we see she’s on a first-name basis with the foundling
they brought back with them…
I’m sure she knew the details of the op in the CSA.
Missy is like Teresa in a lot of ways, she tries to know
a little about everyone under her command. Keep
in mind they are members of the first spec-op team,
that’s a big deal too.
Yes Mala, ride the “baby” basket, I don’t care how you feel, that belly
cut doesn’t look good. Teresa will fix anything on the inside, and you’ll
have a few battle scars to impress friends with