Definitely something odd going on with “Two Kinds” over at TWC. You can literally
hit the refresh icon and watch the count climb. Sometimes it will jump a half
dozen or more in just a couple of seconds. Gotta be something hinkey going
on. At least “Girl Power” is acting normal – at least so far. But you can literally
watch “Two Kinds” count climb in real time. NO WAY that is normal!
In answer to PC’s query earlier, I didn’t see the logout menu till this evening.
Have already logged out and will do the dance in the morning and from here
on out.
I noticed something too, Kiwi Blitz has been inactive since 9-5-21
and it’s still getting thousands of votes. I used to read it up until
they stopped producing strips.
Same here. It was fun.
I used to read a lot of comics until I started TCW. After that, I didn’t have time.
I was also worried that I might unconsciously steal some ideas.
Yeah, TK got about 1500 votes over the last six hours.
It must have found the secret – we spent last year
staying neck-and-neck, now it’s roaring ahead.
As long as TGW stays in the top ten, I’m happy.
Twokinds just put up a new incentive picture.
I don’t know how often he does that, but there
is more time between incentives than a month.
Grrl Power has one monthly.
Maybe that’s it?
I don’t think TK’s vote total has anything to do with vote incentive pix. TK is the
only strip at TWC whose count goes up in real time. Someone else please confirm
this. Browse over to TWC and select the “Top 100” link at the top. You’ll find TK comfortably (like 6+ times as many votes as 2nd place) in 1st place. Make note
of the current number of votes showing and hit “refresh”. The count will increase
by a couple and possibly more. Do this a couple of times to make sure the process
is ongoing. Meanwhile, look at the counts for other comics. No change yet TK’s
changes in real time. Something hinkey going on. I wish I knew what!
Actually, TK was doing the same crap last month. GP was just vastly more egregious. Look
back and you’ll see where I called “foul” on TK some time back. GP was utterly over the top
but TK was obviously also engaged in some sort of skullduggery. I just never noticed TK’s
counts going up in real time. Frankly, it never occurred to me to check. It was only when I noticed
how far in front TK already was that I decided to experiment. Actually, any vote padding going on
by TK or others is between TWC and the strips’ creators. I just hate to see such blatant, over-the-top
cheating going on. It offends my sense of order. If PC is happy being somewhere in the top 10 and
we can keep TGW there then I really do not care what other folks do. PC is my friend and my loyalty
is to him.
Quick question for PC: is there some special benefit to being #1 as opposed to merely being in the
top 10? I’m just trying to understand the motivation.
Nah. People looking for a webcomic will generally look at the top 10 first.
I first noticed that when I was in the top 10 that TGW’s page views went
up a good bit, but they don’t seem to rise much when it’s #5 or so. I think
that people generally find something to read in the top 10, and don’t scroll
any further down to look at the rest.
Of course, I could be wrong…
As I said before as one guy who votes dayly forTwo Kinds:
If Tom put up a new incentive like yesterday,
his score gets up. Fast, like it has done the last years…
If I’m not mistaken, the last time he put up a new vote incentive,
TK didn’t get a massive vote increase for eighteen days.
I’ve been paying attention because for almost all of 2022, TK and TGW
were swapping places every few days. Did he not update his incentive
at all last year? Because if TK ever got a multi-thousand vote boost
over just a couple of days, I probably would have remembered it, seeing
as we were so close all year. It was kind of amusing to be so close.
Whenever Tom puts something new on his site, his fans discussing about it.
There you can see, new vote incentives came in:
June 2020, July 2021, monthly from Sept. 2021 – March 2022, after this nothing until January 17. 2023.
In all these years I have seen it:
new vote incentive -> thousands of votes in a short time, first place in the list.
Last year with no new incentives -> 6. place +/- 2
Have you actually gone to TWC and looked at the vote counts? TK’s vote count is just
shy of ONE AND ONE HALF TIMES the rest of the top 10 COMBINED! Does that not seem
the slightest bit suspicious to you? Plus the count is still increasing moment by
moment. None of the other totals exhibit such behavior. Could I prove that the TK author
(or someone acting in his behalf) is doing something improper in a court of law? No. But
I do think there is plenty of evidence to convince a reasonable person that something odd
is going on. How about you do as I suggested and try hitting “refresh” a few times (with a
10 second wait between) and see if the vote counts for TK don’t jump. Also, look at the next
5 places and see whether they exhibit similar behavior. I have yet to see them do so.
Like I said before: I vote daily for Two Kinds. After this I open
the Top 100 list and look at some other comics I like to read. So
I knew the drill: new vote incentive -> the votes increasing
massively. He has many fans, 1800 patrons on
It’s a bit like Glalileo Galilei: if you look at something again
and again, you see things others can’t see (or didn’t want to see,
that the earth goes around the sun).
In these old times were many things, where people thinks “It’s
witchcraft, there is no other explanation.” And today we say:
“It’s science.”
hum?? science… more like made up math..
1000 first day,, ok i can see that..
over 3000 the second ( in less than 12 hours) ..
nope dont see 1800 doing that..
now on to the third day,..
9278.. o.0 thats 5000 in less than 24 hours.!!!
more like 12 hours,, since i voted at 0800 this
morning an it was under 4000… so yeah…
Yeah I know the feeling, I was labeled a freak since I could do a standing
jump and touch the top of any door frame with my toe. “Guy’s don’t do
that, it’s too dainty” or “what are you, a ballerina?” sigh… got into a few
fights because of that, but only once per guy heh.
Well crap, I could of used Covefe years ago then! heh… It sounds like
these two are open to a business opportunities then, get out from under
a bad boss and onto a huge money-maker. The pride should be using the
song “I got friends in low places” as the theme song, they seem to be
building a HUGE number of them in the gate system! And high ones too
of course.
My best friend in High School took ballet classes.
He was also a ranked swimmer, so shaved his entire body.
Some kids learned the hard way that his graceful movement
was the result of being a very tightly-coiled spring.
He had a successful career as a Navy Seal.
Yeah I bet! If I hadn’t had that accident, I would of had a sweet Dojo by now.
Wouldda, couldda, shouldaa…
I had to learn to keep my muscles relaxed or some jerk at the bar would
get drunk and pick a fight, I got tired of getting banned from bar because
of that. There’s always somebody that thinks they can take on someone
that’s ripped.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
There are a few sites providing hidden IP addresses so advertisers
cannot track a subscriber’s online activity. I am not one of them
but my understanding of the way it works could mean a subscriber
could hit the vote button repeatedly and it would register as a
new location and thus a valid vote.
If that is the case all it would take is one or two readers (or
even the author) to do so to rapidly build up a massive number
of votes!
Okay. But essentially 24/7? It doesn’t matter what time of day either.
TK has to be cheating some way.
I just checked. TK’s count is still rising in essentially real time.
None of the other strips exhibits similar/comparable behavior.
If they are using the computer’s MAC address and you don’t
have a spoofa program to mask it, it doesn’t matter, if you use
that type of fakery, there’s always a way around the IP
identification, but the MAC is much harder to hide, or was in
my day… I’ve been out of that game so long, I have no idea
what’s out there now. (MAC address is the physical ID that’s
factory set to any system that runs on the internet)
voting,, as i sed, all the above.! and don’t forget ‘vote bots’ (similar to
spam bots). it’s the only way to get over 3000 votes in less than 12 hours.
when everyone else ‘basically’ doubled in votes. (because of my CDO, since
about 2015, i have been tracking a few of these and they have been pretty
consistent, even with voting “changes”.) they (twc) wont out right tell you
this, but it is the “ADD’s”.! when it started it was popularity,, then spam
bots hit, then add bots, then, they saw the $$$ in adds an it went down from
there,,. ( now you can get into the top 10 by ‘vanilla’ votes alone,, BUT
after x amount of time ‘with no adds’ they will penalize you,. (( last comic
was a year in top 10, then dropped to the 20’s an has been there for the last
9 months…) AND with buying adds twc will ‘overlook’ most of the ‘botting’..
IE: when GP jumps to number one “within the week” but not before friday,
by a large margin.. also GP buys all the add slots..
Definitely something odd going on with “Two Kinds” over at TWC. You can literally
hit the refresh icon and watch the count climb. Sometimes it will jump a half
dozen or more in just a couple of seconds. Gotta be something hinkey going
on. At least “Girl Power” is acting normal – at least so far. But you can literally
watch “Two Kinds” count climb in real time. NO WAY that is normal!
In answer to PC’s query earlier, I didn’t see the logout menu till this evening.
Have already logged out and will do the dance in the morning and from here
on out.
I noticed something too, Kiwi Blitz has been inactive since 9-5-21
and it’s still getting thousands of votes. I used to read it up until
they stopped producing strips.
Same here. It was fun.
I used to read a lot of comics until I started TCW. After that, I didn’t have time.
I was also worried that I might unconsciously steal some ideas.
There’s plenty of series that are still in the top 200 in spite of
being on years of hiatus or even officially finished.
Yeah, TK got about 1500 votes over the last six hours.
It must have found the secret – we spent last year
staying neck-and-neck, now it’s roaring ahead.
As long as TGW stays in the top ten, I’m happy.
Gah.. I meant to put that link on me not bill, sorry.
Twokinds just put up a new incentive picture.
I don’t know how often he does that, but there
is more time between incentives than a month.
Grrl Power has one monthly.
Maybe that’s it?
I don’t think TK’s vote total has anything to do with vote incentive pix. TK is the
only strip at TWC whose count goes up in real time. Someone else please confirm
this. Browse over to TWC and select the “Top 100” link at the top. You’ll find TK
comfortably (like 6+ times as many votes as 2nd place) in 1st place. Make note
of the current number of votes showing and hit “refresh”. The count will increase
by a couple and possibly more. Do this a couple of times to make sure the process
is ongoing. Meanwhile, look at the counts for other comics. No change yet TK’s
changes in real time. Something hinkey going on. I wish I knew what!
The funny thing is: last week it was grrlpower, this week two kinds …
If someone’s manipulating things, why are they switching comics?
If it’s a bug, then it’s a rather weird one.
Actually, TK was doing the same crap last month. GP was just vastly more egregious. Look
back and you’ll see where I called “foul” on TK some time back. GP was utterly over the top
but TK was obviously also engaged in some sort of skullduggery. I just never noticed TK’s
counts going up in real time. Frankly, it never occurred to me to check. It was only when I noticed
how far in front TK already was that I decided to experiment. Actually, any vote padding going on
by TK or others is between TWC and the strips’ creators. I just hate to see such blatant, over-the-top
cheating going on. It offends my sense of order. If PC is happy being somewhere in the top 10 and
we can keep TGW there then I really do not care what other folks do. PC is my friend and my loyalty
is to him.
Quick question for PC: is there some special benefit to being #1 as opposed to merely being in the
top 10? I’m just trying to understand the motivation.
Nah. People looking for a webcomic will generally look at the top 10 first.
I first noticed that when I was in the top 10 that TGW’s page views went
up a good bit, but they don’t seem to rise much when it’s #5 or so. I think
that people generally find something to read in the top 10, and don’t scroll
any further down to look at the rest.
Of course, I could be wrong…
How do you know it is cheating?
As I said before as one guy who votes dayly forTwo Kinds:
If Tom put up a new incentive like yesterday,
his score gets up. Fast, like it has done the last years…
If I’m not mistaken, the last time he put up a new vote incentive,
TK didn’t get a massive vote increase for eighteen days.
I’ve been paying attention because for almost all of 2022, TK and TGW
were swapping places every few days. Did he not update his incentive
at all last year? Because if TK ever got a multi-thousand vote boost
over just a couple of days, I probably would have remembered it, seeing
as we were so close all year. It was kind of amusing to be so close.
Whenever Tom puts something new on his site, his fans discussing about it.
There you can see, new vote incentives came in:
June 2020, July 2021, monthly from Sept. 2021 – March 2022, after this nothing until January 17. 2023.
In all these years I have seen it:
new vote incentive -> thousands of votes in a short time, first place in the list.
Last year with no new incentives -> 6. place +/- 2
Have you actually gone to TWC and looked at the vote counts? TK’s vote count is just
shy of ONE AND ONE HALF TIMES the rest of the top 10 COMBINED! Does that not seem
the slightest bit suspicious to you? Plus the count is still increasing moment by
moment. None of the other totals exhibit such behavior. Could I prove that the TK author
(or someone acting in his behalf) is doing something improper in a court of law? No. But
I do think there is plenty of evidence to convince a reasonable person that something odd
is going on. How about you do as I suggested and try hitting “refresh” a few times (with a
10 second wait between) and see if the vote counts for TK don’t jump. Also, look at the next
5 places and see whether they exhibit similar behavior. I have yet to see them do so.
Like I said before: I vote daily for Two Kinds. After this I open
the Top 100 list and look at some other comics I like to read. So
I knew the drill: new vote incentive -> the votes increasing
massively. He has many fans, 1800 patrons on
It’s a bit like Glalileo Galilei: if you look at something again
and again, you see things others can’t see (or didn’t want to see,
that the earth goes around the sun).
In these old times were many things, where people thinks “It’s
witchcraft, there is no other explanation.” And today we say:
“It’s science.”
hum?? science… more like made up math..
1000 first day,, ok i can see that..
over 3000 the second ( in less than 12 hours) ..
nope dont see 1800 doing that..
now on to the third day,..
9278.. o.0 thats 5000 in less than 24 hours.!!!
more like 12 hours,, since i voted at 0800 this
morning an it was under 4000… so yeah…
Yeah I know the feeling, I was labeled a freak since I could do a standing
jump and touch the top of any door frame with my toe. “Guy’s don’t do
that, it’s too dainty” or “what are you, a ballerina?” sigh… got into a few
fights because of that, but only once per guy heh.
Well crap, I could of used Covefe years ago then! heh… It sounds like
these two are open to a business opportunities then, get out from under
a bad boss and onto a huge money-maker. The pride should be using the
song “I got friends in low places” as the theme song, they seem to be
building a HUGE number of them in the gate system! And high ones too
of course.
My best friend in High School took ballet classes.
He was also a ranked swimmer, so shaved his entire body.
Some kids learned the hard way that his graceful movement
was the result of being a very tightly-coiled spring.
He had a successful career as a Navy Seal.
Yeah I bet! If I hadn’t had that accident, I would of had a sweet Dojo by now.
Wouldda, couldda, shouldaa…
I had to learn to keep my muscles relaxed or some jerk at the bar would
get drunk and pick a fight, I got tired of getting banned from bar because
of that. There’s always somebody that thinks they can take on someone
that’s ripped.
Covefe? A nerve REGENERATOR?!
At 70 y.o., sign both me and Mrs. PE
up for a gallon (4 liters) per month.
There are a few sites providing hidden IP addresses so advertisers
cannot track a subscriber’s online activity. I am not one of them
but my understanding of the way it works could mean a subscriber
could hit the vote button repeatedly and it would register as a
new location and thus a valid vote.
If that is the case all it would take is one or two readers (or
even the author) to do so to rapidly build up a massive number
of votes!
Okay. But essentially 24/7? It doesn’t matter what time of day either.
TK has to be cheating some way.
I just checked. TK’s count is still rising in essentially real time.
None of the other strips exhibits similar/comparable behavior.
If they are using the computer’s MAC address and you don’t
have a spoofa program to mask it, it doesn’t matter, if you use
that type of fakery, there’s always a way around the IP
identification, but the MAC is much harder to hide, or was in
my day… I’ve been out of that game so long, I have no idea
what’s out there now. (MAC address is the physical ID that’s
factory set to any system that runs on the internet)
voting,, as i sed, all the above.! and don’t forget ‘vote bots’ (similar to
spam bots). it’s the only way to get over 3000 votes in less than 12 hours.
when everyone else ‘basically’ doubled in votes. (because of my CDO, since
about 2015, i have been tracking a few of these and they have been pretty
consistent, even with voting “changes”.) they (twc) wont out right tell you
this, but it is the “ADD’s”.! when it started it was popularity,, then spam
bots hit, then add bots, then, they saw the $$$ in adds an it went down from
there,,. ( now you can get into the top 10 by ‘vanilla’ votes alone,, BUT
after x amount of time ‘with no adds’ they will penalize you,. (( last comic
was a year in top 10, then dropped to the 20’s an has been there for the last
9 months…) AND with buying adds twc will ‘overlook’ most of the ‘botting’..
IE: when GP jumps to number one “within the week” but not before friday,
by a large margin.. also GP buys all the add slots..
>but Keidra never cared about that
>she figured it was ok to eat early, and followed me in
How unlikely is it to find a group of soldiers without fond memories of Keidra?
While 3 is a small sample, she has the majority aleady :}
>You already know Selek and me! Will you trust us?
No time wasted to jump on that opportunity :}
Ah, love, stronger than iron…
C. sounds like a useful drug. lol
I wish it were possible to uptick comments.
Thanks for joining us, Birdy. Nice to have a fine lady around.
Dodge ball attack!!
OUCH! Hey, are you blind? She’s over there! —>
Dodge, dip, dive, and dodge!
Lol! Good Morning Gentlemen!
“Gentlemen”? Has someone else snuck in here without my noticing?
Oh come now!
Never been called one, nor do I care!

“I yam wada I yam and it’s all dat I yam”
These days thinking outside the box means
I start cussing, picking it up, and stuffing it
back inside ;P.
I’m sure you are one of nature’s gentlemen!
Popeye, for those to young to remember…