He really doesn't want to know.He really doesn't want to know.
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  1. I wonder what you will think
    when the hot blonde gets her turn at you.
    I wonder if the green pants in #8
    will be brown next issue?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

    • from the look of panel 4, shotty..
      Miral gets a shotty.!
      Abdul, name is abdul which means
      ‘servant’,, abdulla means servant
      of allah

  2. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    LOVE panel 6!
    When I first saw it, I uttered an exclamation of
    profanity, while LOL!!
    Let’s see if my imagination matches Drill
    Sgt Birov’s (PC’s) for Stage 2.
    Even Dagger is giving an evil laugh.

    Of the two, the sand chigger or the boar,
    I’d rather keep company
    with the boar. Less boring.

  3. Sam

    Um. This may be a silly question,
    but where did Miral get a katana from?

    • Out of the back of Anita’s truck,
      where all of their supplies are.

      • Sam

        Well, all righty then.
        Doesn’t everyone keep a spare katana in the truck?
        Kidding, I are. I have one about 3 feet behind me,
        WWII capture, made in about 1938.

        • My son was so proud of himself when he bought one
          from a friend at work that was hard up for money, I
          didn’t have the heart to tell him an authentic katana
          isn’t marked with “made in china” heh.

          • Chryzopraz

            It is forbidden to get original Japanese swords out of Japan.
            A friend of mine bought one when she was there for my son.
            She convinced the customs officer at the airport that it’s a toy 😀
            Anyway we have one original wakizashi.

            • Sam

              I am not familiar with Japanese laws, so this is an assumption,
              but I believe the swords that are illegal to export are the
              historical relics, those hundreds of years old.
              Immediately after WWII, more of those ended up in the US than
              remained in Japan, due to soldier souvenir taking, and many of
              those have been repatriated as works of art in the decades after
              the war, mostly to museums. Mine is a WWII bring back,
              factory produced, with no historical value.

              • law: it is illegal to export or import a katana without proper
                documentation and permission.
                way back when,, one sister was very into Japanese culture, (to learn
                and talk in Nippon she taught me, as to converse in it.) well in the
                early 80’s at an estate sale i found a odd looking WWII bring back
                katana. (it was a Tachi.)(longer katana), bought it for $80 (lot of
                money for kid in the 80s),, turns out it was a “Lost family heirloom.”
                when i went to Japan, i got the permission to return it.. turns out
                it was stolen, not a war relic..
                the family gave me a $3k katana as thanks..

          • Sam

            What about “Made in Pakistan”? Asking for a friend.

            • The quality of any blade made in Pakistan can vary widely,
              from world class to flea market junk.
              I’ve had one of the world-class knives for over thirty years.
              It’s a beautiful piece of work.

              • Sam

                I was actually half kidding about the Pakistan blades. I have one
                pocketknife that was made there, very sharp, but really stiff to open
                so it just lives in a drawer.

                I have three swords: The above mentioned WWII bringback; my
                gg-grandfather’s Civil War sword; and a souvenir replica in a chromed
                steel scabbard made in either China or Pakistan. Given to me by my
                brother-in-law. That one’s “Shiny!”, I can say that about it.

  4. Well, it hit 104deg F this afternoon.
    Computer room stayed comfortable, even with
    three computers and monitors running.
    Together, they have about the same heat output as a 1000w space heater.
    Lovin’ my new countertop AC unit, my old window unit would never have
    kept up.

    • Miral’s on the move, heads will roll! See? There goes one now!
      Heh, she does like her cutting “tool” doesn’t she.

      HAHAHAhaHaaHehehh… (wheeze, cough) Best. Drill Instructor. Ever!
      My monies’ on it NOT being a sow, and that boy has a pretty mouth!
      Or they will cook it up and force feed this bigot “his words” heh!

    • Aw, didn’t mean for that being a reply, I wish I could say that, ours
      can’t maintain 77deg. It’s WAY past service, and I’m broke until next
      check. Mainly cleaning and maybe a recharge. My bedroom hit
      86deg today…

      • Just get it recharged. No extras, you can clean it yourself. Look for
        “coil cleaner” at Grainger.
        The last AC company I used tried every trick to get me to spend.
        The paint on the outdoor condenser unit was dull and oxidized. He
        was going to apply Turtle Wax and charge me $14.99 for a
        “protective coating”. I stopped him, but it was on my bill anyway.
        He also tried to sell me a new unit, telling me that mine could fail
        at any time. It was a two-year-old Carrier.
        They also sold “rebuilt” units, I wonder where they came from?
        Even if you have to replace a blower or fan motor, it’s pretty
        easy if you take it slow and plan ahead. Any part can be found online.
        The problem with my old window unit is that the fan motor locked
        up. I’m going to replace the motor and use it somewhere else.
        Beats throwing it away!

        • Filter’s new, I hosed out the outside unit as well.
          And checked all the vents inside. I’ve worked on
          factory units in the past, but my meters were
          stolen years ago and I just never bothered to
          get new. The unit dates back to the ’90s so
          I have no idea what Freon it’s using, if it wasn’t
          updated it’s gonna cost a mint.

          • Funny how the old Freon was outlawed just as DuPont’s patents
            were running out and anyone could have manufactured it…

            • I’m not sure these days, I think it was R-11 or 12 for
              industrial, the claim was it was damaging the ozone
              layer. that’s why cars have R-134 now (also why cars
              need theirs recharged more often). Just more
              eco-noise to me.

              • I think virtually all newer cars (and this is true at least back to 2018,
                when my pickup was made) have something like R1234a or something
                like that. Oh, and it’s flammable.

            • The nearest tree is about 60 ft away, and the roof is black (facepalm)
              I noticed if I held my hand straight up I could FEEL the heat! We did
              have a huge cottenwood tree on the west side of the house, but
              it was rotted out and had to be taken down after it wrecked the birthing
              shed dropping a large branch on it’s roof. There is no other tree close
              enough to the house to offer shade, so that’s a big part of the problem.
              It was cloudy all day, the AC had no problem keeping up.

        • Many window units use either brass bushings or Milar, they seize up
          if dust or lawn debris get into them, I’ve rebuilt a few, more often
          as not if you can open the motor (some are press-fit/crimped and
          break if you try) and clean out and lube them with white grease.

        • rebuilt units: look locally, just about every city has at least a
          dozen ‘electrical supplier’..
          my swamp cooler needed one,. was quoted $1100 cheapest.
          found one (4 blocks away) for $80…

    • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      No A/C here, just a rooftop swamp cooler.
      (revamped and repaired last month)
      Normally keeps the house chill, but even this
      week’s temps being in the upper 90/low triple
      digits, the house is warm, but still ok.

  5. My first thought was dragonflies can mind-control beasts? But it
    wouldn’t have to be mind control, just telepathy. Probably wouldn’t
    be hard to convince the critter to play along, they are infernally
    intelligent. Especially with the promise of a tasty treat afterwards.
    They’re omnivores like us, predators. I’ve known of more than one
    farmer who got careless at the wrong time and ended up being at
    least partially eaten by the things he intended to eat eventually.

    • My sister used to raise hogs before my wife and I moved in here,
      I seen a chicken get chomped by the sow, my sister told me she
      had bite off a wooden spoon before when she wasn’t looking.
      There’s an old warning about NEVER falling down in a hog pen
      because they look at it as “dinner!”

    • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      “Unintended Consequences” uses that
      as part of its story, hogs eating anything/
      everything. We won’t go into what they’re
      being fed…..

      • Criminal Minds had this one episode, was about a guy who had
        broken his neck and was a quad, he had a brother that was
        mentally challenged, and had him hunting homeless, breaking
        their necks so they could experiment on a cure, then they’d feed
        the bodies to the hogs. The only way they figured it out was
        they found a large potato box full of shoes near the hog pen.

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