Free FallingFree Falling
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  1. Poor Teresa. In case anyone’s wondering, the Monkey Bar cross
    bars in a military obstacle course are larger than you’d expect,
    and they aren’t fixed. They’ll rotate in your hands, and people
    like Teresa with small hands have a tough time.

    • Poor Teresa is right. Got to paraphrase Bobby Darin,
      “Splish, splash gotta take a bath” Mind worm anyone?

      • it was,,
        “Splish, Splash, I was takin’ a bath.”

        • Mud bath.

          • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

            BTDT. I remember when we were on FTX in Germany near the
            East German border (at the height of the Cold War),
            and I had to crawl through a pasture scattered with
            fresh cow patties. Fragrance defined.
            Such memories. Such fun.
            I wish I could do it one more time.

            • We did it in winter.
              Never even noticed what frozen yuck we were crawling through.
              Until we got into a warm building and everything thawed out.
              It was quite the… aromatic… experience.

        • Aw guys! you took my line! heh 😛
          The kind of monkey bars that make you use your forearms,
          hands, and fingers more, sorry Teresa, but I think you
          need to work on your upper body a bit…
          Flying a desk is not the same as the flying trapeze.

          • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

            I was wondering if Teresa really couldn’t hold on
            to the bars, or if she let go on purpose, just to
            get dirty like the rest of the recruits.

            • I doubt it was deliberate.
              Teresa is too particular about her appearance.
              But anyhow! she’ll come up sputtering and laughing.

  2. Oh how I wish we had that sweet of a deal in real life!
    That should give all the store’s the boost they need,
    and the area should have a huge burst of growth in a
    matter of weeks rather than years.

    Poor Teresa, a shower will just not clean THAT off!
    Someone is either going to be grumpy, or laugh it off,
    Knowing her, I’d say a bit of both!I can’t wait to see
    both Mishel and Kathy’s faces if/when they
    hear about it!

    • You just know someone has a video.

      • Heh, true, maybe Mala? Better yet, if Teresa was wearing
        a head-cam, A POV! I could see her sitting down at her
        computer and it’s playing on a loop for her to enjoy… Naa,
        That would be mean, but funny!
        I can see her now, popped up sputtering and shaking it off
        her hands and then wiping her face, her hair all plastered
        down, while everyone is trying not to fall down, trying to

    • Sam

      Speaking of Mishel . . . is he still in her life?

      • Most certainly.

        • Sam


    • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      My question is, (that is, if the research has been done),
      is einkorn safe for people with celiac?

      • Sam

        Per the package “Low Gluten”, not “No Gluten”, so probably not.
        And at that price, even the certified gluten free bread mix from
        Bob’s Red Mill is only a little more expensive.

        • According to an article I found on, triticum monococcum
          (einkorn) “may be a safe wheat alternative for those with celiac
          disease)”. “In the most recent study the researchers conclude that
          data show a lack of toxicity of triticum monococcum gliadin in an
          in vitro organ culture system, suggesting new dietary opportunities
          for celiac patients. If this is the case it appears that this grain
          is non-toxic to those with celiac disease.” I know there’s a crap
          ton of mis/disinformation out on the web, but you gotta figure that
          folks running a website called “” would not knowingly
          publish something harmful to people suffering from the disease.

          • knowing harmful.. : sorry i know TO many,. that did just that.!
            IE: Ford, knowingly sold a car with defects (fatal), it was
            cheaper to pay insurance, than to recall an redesign.!

            • I had a ’71 pinto in ’79, all they did to “fix” it was add a thermal blanket over
              the tank, did nothing about the doors jamming etc…
              I had an “OH SHIT” moment when I heard a semi’s brakes skipping and
              seen a semi baring down on me in my mirror at a light, needless to say
              I blew the light!

    • Jeez… I really need to stop typing when I just woke up in my desk chair…
      Need coffee, then type…

  3. Battleship Yamato, the Japanese live action movie.
    I’ve seen clips of the final battle scene,
    and thought it was a pretty cheesy film.
    Then I found the whole thing on youtube, and damn…
    It is one powerful film that works on so many levels.
    I recommend it as a weekend watch.
    This time, I don’t mind the subtitles.
    They forced me to pay close attention,
    and the watching experience was the better for that.

    • I’ve seen clips of it, they seemed to have stuck to the anime
      of it, but the anime was a bit more exciting to me. I thought
      the entire bit about having a pistol grip and sights on the
      control panel for the main gun was just dumb.

  4. also,, as of this posting.
    comic is #1 on TWC..

  5. Lasted for six hours.
    Got kicked out around 0900,
    now at 0945 we’re at #4.

    • But at least the numbers look REAL.
      Reckon when the games will begin?

      • usually ,, about a week.
        and about the 15th, for
        the big push to get to 10..

        • 1700 CDT at #6. Usual suspects in typical positions. Guess we’ll see.

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