I’ll never understand why the Japanese do this, rather than
talk about the REAL issue, they nit-pik at each other until
someone is insulted and the “talks” break down. All the while
in the back of both minds is “Oh oniichan! (oneechan)”
I tease my son now now and then by faking a high-pitched
girl voice calling out “OH Sempi!” LOL the look on his face
even made my wife bust out with a full-on belly laugh. He
glares at me and mumbles “F-U old man”
(Loud suppressed belly laugh)
Same old thing, even the gods judge people like they do
themselves. I just had a passing thought, what if their
gift is a conversation with Teresa’s mother? I can’t
think of anything more precious to anyone that’s lost a
parent, time with that parent, even if it’s not very long.
And since these Elder Gods seem to walk through time
like we do water, it wouldn’t be hard to pluck her out
and set her down with Teresa for a much needed heart
to heart…
Side-note, meeting the cancer doc went well, while I do
still have lymphoma, it seems to be limited to a small area
in my colon, easily handled for now, so no chemo, just
regular scopes from now on… OH JOY! 😛
Seem the Gastro-doc yesterday, He told me he
found it ALL the way up and at the junction of my
small intestine. So he was really up in there!
Jeez doc! Take me to dinner, or at least kiss me
on the neck and give me flowers! Heh…
Well, PC does have to keep some of us
coming back (as opposed to the vocal
few who would be here anyhow).
Take heart that it’s only Thursday.
He could’ve dropped this tomorrow,
so we’d have all weekend to wait.
Hope I didn’t give him an idea!
I have the nervous anticipation that he “won” the
freedom to play with the Wolf Empire more often
and in a more direct manner. By, you’ll note,
playing with them and correctly predicting the
It’s an extra-sharp, double-edged sword,
either way it falls,
SOMETHING is gonna get damaged.
But Loki seems to be pleased with
Teresa and the Empire, so who knows?
I mean, other than him and PC…
Jochi called it.
I’ll never understand why the Japanese do this, rather than
talk about the REAL issue, they nit-pik at each other until
someone is insulted and the “talks” break down. All the while
in the back of both minds is “Oh oniichan! (oneechan)”
I tease my son now now and then by faking a high-pitched
girl voice calling out “OH Sempi!” LOL the look on his face
even made my wife bust out with a full-on belly laugh. He
glares at me and mumbles “F-U old man”
(Loud suppressed belly laugh)
Same old thing, even the gods judge people like they do
themselves. I just had a passing thought, what if their
gift is a conversation with Teresa’s mother? I can’t
think of anything more precious to anyone that’s lost a
parent, time with that parent, even if it’s not very long.
And since these Elder Gods seem to walk through time
like we do water, it wouldn’t be hard to pluck her out
and set her down with Teresa for a much needed heart
to heart…
Side-note, meeting the cancer doc went well, while I do
still have lymphoma, it seems to be limited to a small area
in my colon, easily handled for now, so no chemo, just
regular scopes from now on… OH JOY! 😛
Glad to hear it.
Outstanding news!!
Terrific news.
Seem the Gastro-doc yesterday, He told me he
found it ALL the way up and at the junction of my
small intestine. So he was really up in there!
Jeez doc! Take me to dinner, or at least kiss me
on the neck and give me flowers! Heh…
*found it all*
“And the prize was?”
Damn! Another cliff hanger!
Well, PC does have to keep some of us
coming back (as opposed to the vocal
few who would be here anyhow).
Take heart that it’s only Thursday.
He could’ve dropped this tomorrow,
so we’d have all weekend to wait.
Hope I didn’t give him an idea!
I have the nervous anticipation that he “won” the
freedom to play with the Wolf Empire more often
and in a more direct manner. By, you’ll note,
playing with them and correctly predicting the
It’s an extra-sharp, double-edged sword,
either way it falls,
SOMETHING is gonna get damaged.
But Loki seems to be pleased with
Teresa and the Empire, so who knows?
I mean, other than him and PC…
Ya-know, sitting on the edge of your seat
for 48 hours is HELL on your tail-bone…
😉 🙂 😛
Tonight’s update will be late.
Not sure how late, working on it now.
Maybe 2100-2200. Sorry. Rough day.
You’re fine, don’t worry about it.
Thanks for letting us know.
We do worry if you are late.
It’s up now. Thanks for your patience.