Those two are having far too much fun.Those two are having too much fun.
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  1. The old “give ’em enough rope to hang themselves
    with ” trick, never fails with those type of people.
    Too cock-sure of themselves to believe that someone
    might be smarter than them.

    That’s odd, I think I had named the new
    d’fly when I had to grab a tissue…
    😛 (EEEWWW… it’s drippin’), heh.
    Yeah I wouldn’t trust Loki either,
    there’s always a catch or a
    “I forgot to mention” clause.

    • Sun Tsu: “Appear weak when you are strong…”

      • Heh, yeah, someday I need to sit down and read that…
        The “zen zingers” I used to get doesn’t cover enough,
        plus I’ve forgotten much. I’m betting it’s not a fast
        read either…

    • he is named after a Norse giant.. (this is a Loki gift.)
      and since this is Loki,, it also means Black hole…
      (first L is silent)..

      • You haven’t heard my sneezes though, the
        dog would go hide for some strange reason 😉

        GAsHAzAFAT! ow…

  2. Gary (Kajm at DA)

    In a way, that sounds like what Trump is doing to the Democrats.

    • Heh, naa he’s just telling those spoiled brats
      to take a time out and BEHAVE! 😉

  3. We’ve got a serious thunder storm right now
    thankfully no tornado horn as yet. It’s why
    I’m up, worried about the power.

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