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  1. Sam

    Panels 5-8: Well, she tried! And he’s right.
    And now we have a cliffhanger again.

    • Jan

      And now it’s weekend – the looong wait…

  2. How to set an Emperor straight politely.
    Loki is right, but I wonder if he is by
    himself in this adventure?
    Are his peers going to let him do this?

    • The Cat sayeth nothing…

      • JasonAW3

        Actually, MY cat sayeth; “meow.”

  3. Damn. I really don’t want to get into politics,
    but I need to point this out.
    As happy as I am about the current state of the government,
    and the potential for the future…
    The enthusiasm that I see on the right is coming
    too close to hero worship for my comfort.
    They’re all human, with human strengths and weaknesses.
    We, the People, must keep a close and realistic eye on them all.
    Trust, yes. But verify.

    • Sam

      I think the enthusiasm may die down. Or not.
      Or it may change to rage.
      Not necessarily at the left. Nor at the right.
      But at the outright theft by those
      in power for lo these many years.

      • Dastardly Dan

        I already see the rage building toward those
        that started and grew the present mess.
        And yes, Petercat, I have the same concerns.
        We need to get back to the understanding that
        the elected officials are our EMPLOYEES,
        not an elite ruling class.
        That’s going to be a lot harder than taking
        $2B from Stacy Abrams.

    • If I understand you, you’re concerned about a cult of
      personality developing around Trump, Musk and members
      of Trump’s cabinet. I don’t see that happening. The people
      who are celebrating what Trump is doing really are the
      last people one would expect to be caught up in a cult
      of personality. I think our elation is just the result
      of the ending of all the gaslighting and heavy handed
      control measures we’ve experienced in the last 4 years.
      It’s like when you close a door on your thumb. It feels
      SSSOOOOOO good when it’s over! We’re just happy
      that somebody is genuinely trying to fix the mess of the
      federal government. Believe me. All the pundits I watch
      on YouTube, while rejoicing at the (apparent) progress
      Trump and his team are making, are making sure people
      don’t get stars in their eyes. The 2A community, while
      cautiously optimistic, are well aware that AG Bondi is
      not a real friend to the RKBA. How about we table this
      discussion for 6 months or so and see if a cult of
      personality develops. I’m quite confident it will not.

    • This, exactly. Its what made me uncomfortable about Ahmya’s words
      in panel 4. I was just saying that a prospective cabinet member saying
      their first loyalty was to the president-elect would be a disqualification
      if I were he. Acceptable FIRST loyalties are the Constitution, the nation
      and the people. Not the governing elite and not the Prez.

    • I do have concerns as well, Trump was badly mistreated
      by the actions of those, and he has changed because of it.
      He still has his huge ego, but he now knows that they can
      and will use it against him. So his behavure has changed.
      I still feel he is going to act like it’s a job and do it to his
      best, but he’s going to be cautious. And he’s going to bring
      in like-minded people to help (we might not like) to do it.

    • Gary (Kajm at DA)

      Do not mistake Hope for hero worship. An Immense amount of work needs to be done as swiftly as possible. And we need to maintain our confidence in the face of intransigent opposition.

  4. Slight quibble: My experience with Japanese folks would suggest
    that Emperor Higashi would more likely address Ahmia as
    “Shimazu San”. I believe he would address everyone as
    “{surname} San”.

  5. Hmmm. I this the Emperor is wondering if he purses her,
    she might not like his expansion plans if he favors the
    aggressive idea. Putting him at odds with her. So this is
    a test.

    I hope Loki doesn’t do something as a test, like giving her
    the power to kill with a thought. It would stress Teresa out
    badly. Just an angry thought that she wanted to bash so
    and so for what they tried to do, yeah not good. But being
    able to touch or “talk” to friends and family no matter
    where in know space would be a boon.

    • “pursues her”
      stupid fingers…

  6. JasonAW3

    I’m going to get just a touch political right now, so please forgive me.
    I am allowed bit concerned about the speed that the current president
    and the DOGE group is slashing at the government jobs, corruption,
    and budget.
    Don’t get me wrong. It is a job that needs to have been done decades ago,
    but as fast as they are going, with the tariffs, that have been imposed, the
    way international issues are being addressed, it just feels a bit like doing
    Brain Surgery with a shotgun full of buckshot.
    I’m just a bit concerned that the pace of change may be causing more
    disruption than is needed.

    I hope that everyone understands what I am saying.

    • He’s working fast to undo the revenge damage they did when
      he won, and using the same tactics they did. Do many “stupid”
      things as fast as they could in the couple of months they had
      before the change-over. Trump is reacting like a prize fighter,
      rapid punches over and over to tire them out, and limit their
      attempts on stopping the fixes. Sure it’s risky, but ask any
      surgeon, you have to work fast to save a life, and sometimes
      it’s a risky move that’s needed.

    • Sam

      Jason –
      I think the pace of DOGE exposures is necessary. 1) to show how deep
      and thorough the rot is, and 2) to show how easy it has always been to
      find if only those in power had bothered to look, if they hadn’t been in on
      the theft themselves. This goes back decades, and they need to expose,
      and stop, as much continuing theft as possible as soon as possible. I
      think we can be sure that it won’t stop with the exposure and stoppage.
      At least I hope not. I want all of the thieves prosecuted and their ill-
      gotten gains confiscated. No one, absolutely no one, goes to congress
      with less than a hundred grand in the bank, and in less than five years
      is a multi-millionaire without having committed a bunch of crimes. Their
      salary is $174,000 per year, and they’re not allowed to continue in their
      previous employment while a congressperson.

      Regarding the disruption to employment, many of the people being
      fired are appointees who aren’t actually doing anything FOR the United
      States. Or worse, they are doing things actively against the United

  7. I had to laugh, Jasmine now has an auto-feeder, and I just
    started her on a low-fat feed. She walked up to me begging
    heavily, as to say “my bowl is empty daddy, please feed me!”
    I told her “girl, you are a FAT princess, if you were human,
    your boobs would weigh 20 lbs a piece!”
    (her face drops, she goes and lays on the bed) HAHAHA! I
    wish I had it on camera… I know it was mean, but she can’t
    reach her own belly anymore, I had to do it for her sake.

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