The closest thing to prison in the empire is the Legion and even
those won’t take rapist and murders especially child rapists!
I’d take decapitation over castration for them any day.
I may be wrong but neither of those options is in the cards for Ryder.
So far as I know execution in the empire is by hanging. I have never
seen/heard of them using decapitation and castration,. and is not
sufficiently “final”. For a psychopath such as Ryder castration would
not prevent him from resuming his deviant ways. Even if the castration
was total, i.e. converting him to a nullo or smoothey, I suspect he
would resume his predations. The only way to prevent a predator such
as Ryder from preying upon society is to end them.
I know those are just my personal preferences for those types.
My sister was raped at 15 by two guys and they got away with
it I wish I could of taken matters in my own hands.
Scarsdale missed the opening qualifier.
They are “A diversity of idea’s” and a “Discussion” thereof.
The boxes have been otherwise ticked, the various stakeholders
were invited to the table, opinions and such were laid forth.
The obvious solution is this going to be a
public execution, or a private one?
The only serious question is where, and who.
Also, as the Empire is now a space faring race, they can also dump
them on a small, very remote and uninhabited planet or even a large
planet for that matter, and just wish them luck, near a clean water
source, with six months canned food.
Seasonal weather, small or large predators, medical issues and a
hundred other primitive survival problems would take care of the
But hey, they would be the masters of their own
fate, by their own hand, and all that.
harumph… dumping the trash someplace else never ends well..
just look at history ,, and books,. it never fails to come out bad
(some how) to the dump-ee.
The original intent was to ship the convicts over to the New South Wales colony, leaving the other locations as free Settler states.
This “Grand Idea” failed to work out, for a number of very good, or rather, bad reasons, as one would expect.
The addition problem was that Petty thieves and minor offenders were lumbered in with the serious Sociopaths and other violent serial offenders.
Also, as was demonstrated, once you’ve slipped your chains, or climbed over the wall, all you need to do is walk North or South, along the Worlds biggest Beach for a week or two, until you arrive in a Free Colony, then set yourself up as a “Free” squatter.
So ignoring that example, Dumping people someplace has always worked well, if they have no ability to walk off, and the location is remote and not well known.
Also, most importantly, no attempt is made at Colonization.
The Ancient Romans, the Colonial French and a dozen other Nations and States all used this method to “Humanely” or not so nicely, get rid of their pests and problem children.
In fact, this method is so old, it’s biblical.
So is the penalty for returning once you have been extradited from Civilization.
So, yeah, on a remote and uninhabited planet, on the tail end of a spiral arm, good place to solve the serious Criminal problem, as previously noted. Out of sight, out of mind, no further expense required.
Alternatively, we do the “Madame Guillotine” routine or it’s alternatives. However, the problem with that solution is it eventually offends the easily offended.
There is no simple answer to the problem if you send the worst types to a penal planet
there is no guarantee that another space faring race won’t land to “help out the shipwrecked crew”
and be killed and the criminals can escape to get revenge or just go elsewhere to commit
crimes elsewhere and yes the gallows isn’t a popular idea but letting criminals “go” always ends badly
and there is no way anyone can convince anyone else that has suffered at the hands of these types
that it’s a good idea to let them live they will find a way!
Here’s a good way to explain it: You discover there is a huge rat’s nest under your house do you
let them live because they are “cute” or “It’s in their nature” and move them or do you exterminate
them to save your home and family from the obvious risks?
Agreed, however you are not entirely correct either.
At the time English law was quite harsh and rapist/murderers/outlaws were hanged, not exported.
And even Botany Bay was never intended as a ‘dumping ground’ for prisoners left to fend for themselves.
Instead they were to be effectively ‘slave laborers’ (and that includes skilled tradespeople) to help the free settlers that came with them.
And once their sentence was completed the convicts were free citizens.
My own heritage has been traced back to a nurse that came out with the second shipment from England (fathers side).
Mother was an orphan from Tasmania and the parent details lost in a church fire.
I’m not missing it I just feel that people like that made a choice
and they should be held responsible for that choice the Empire’s
highest laws are NO one gets a free ride and murders and rapists are
not permitted to live THEY GAVE UP THAT RIGHT WHEN THEY
TOOK ANOTHER’S LIFE it’s that simple, they knew what they were
doing and what the law was… end of story.
Dumping a dangerous bunch like that only creates a message that you
will get away with it albeit less comfortable and the ones that
survive will only repeat the horrors of the penal colonies of the
old countries and create a death trap for a unknowing race just
looking for a new home.
Up to date it has obviously been a closed trial, and while we know the verdict was guilty on all counts
we do not know what the actual sentence was so there is a small chance the meeting is to set that.
But it is more likely the sentence was to hang them all as soon as practical.
So the meeting seems to be to discuss the social/political fallout and how much they reveal to the public.
Sadly the frog does have a point however creating a slave race solely
for that reason isn’t practical or wise as the core humans have
already found out and I would make that point strongly to the council.
That would of been the perfect time to put the idea of replacing the
human member by the way lol. They have clearly been bullying the weaker
races and lied to the stronger ones to get what they want all along.
You hit on a key point. The Catian’s history should be considered.
Created as a slave race and then gaining independence.
Obviously not created for political reasons.
They had no voice in their creation,
it’s what they’ve done since then that matters.
But since the core humans are clearly not trusted and have gone to
extremes to get what they want I can understand the mistrust but I
believe if the Catian’s keep up the way they have it’ll prove their
worth in due time, especially if they defeat the human fleet publicly!
This viewpoint is why I think Ambassador Michel is trying to get the cats to take the path least likely to be successful.
However Ambassador Palas may be foxing and planning on going for the Human seat when the vote comes.
Of course a lot will depend on if the vote is a secret ballot or an open one.
I recall an odd event from my teens some protestors decided to chain themselves
to a tree to stop it and several others being taken down for a shopping center.
so several members of this group chained themselves to the biggest tree and
refused to leave even when ordered to do so by the mayor and the police. so the
construction crew cleared the rest of the trees ignoring the protesters until
only their tree remained. One last time they were asked to leave peacefully.
Again they shouted the chant of saving the tree’s and refused.
Then two men walked up, cut the chain and the police arrested the protesters for
trespassing it was private property the protesters were very much in the wrong
as was Big Red in the end it was a public shaming nothing more but the
self-righteous never want to listen only to be listened to!
Thanks. You’ve given me an idea to use in my next upper storyline.
Reminded me of something I can use, rather. And I’ll be showing
what Emma DuSchesne, Aaron’s Greenie friend, has been up to,
as well. It’s about time.
Your welcome! I am a conservative by nature while I am disabled and
unable to hold a job I do know the value of working I’ve been called
a workaholic lol I miss working and feeling useful I came out of
retirement to help my sister with her farm simply because I couldn’t
stand just sitting around. I just wish that desire was in our youth
today I just don’t see it with a few exceptions like my sons I hope
comics like yours will show the foolishness that has taken over our
nation before the beginning of this comic becomes reality!
I would like to address something I’m sure someone will bring up
that most aliens seem to look quite a bit like humans and another
web comic addressed this:
It’s a well thought out explanation as to why so many are humanoid
unlike the frog for example. And it’s a very good humorous comic
as well it’s the only other one I post comments to.
As good an explanation as any. It also makes sense as well.
The source is also a pretty good comic as well.
This is the only comic I comment on so far.
Oh I agree with it makes perfect sense for any land-based creature
to develop. I’ve been following that comic since it started been 12?
years now I’d say start from the beginning and remember these lines:
“Nobody expects fear vomit!” and “It’s a dialysis machine” “Isn’t it
suppose to be connected to you?” plus “You’re on the list!” I about
busted a gut laughing my wife thought I’d gone crazy!
That comic has far too many quotable and funny lines.
It makes even far more sense than it should be allowed to have.
The idea on how to imprison a teleporter alone? So simple and yet,
efficient. Just stick the person into a room with the right over-
or under-pressure that allows for a comfortable existence, but deadly
if they just teleport out without pressure regulation.
yes.. a Hyperbaric chamber at 3ATA (equal to 66 feet under water)
an 50% pure O2. IF they teleport out with out decompressing, they
suffer the bends and die with in minutes..
Grrlpower had one such lady in a lock up using that very setup however they had
the room at 3 atmospheres so POP goes the weasel?
Another issue that’s not often covered is inertia is maintained in a teleport as well
so if a prisoner is kept in say a centrifuge at 1.5 gravity teleporting out would be…
messy. However if the teleportee had the ability to re-orientate themselves to use
a grav assist to slow themselves down first but they would have to know that and
in which direction to do so.
Actually there is a second point not normally taken into account when a comic/story/movie uses teleportation.
What happens when you pop out of one location and what happens when you arrive at you destination?
Let’s take the simple case of air at both ends; as you pop out that leaves a cubic Metre and a half hole in the air that is an almost perfect vacuum.
Ever seen a CRT implode? I would not want to be in the same room!
Similarly when you arrive somewhere you explosively displace the same volume of air so my solution is simple.
As you teleport from A to B you also teleport the air at A to B thus avoiding the explosive arrivals and departures.
The inertia is dealt with by using Telekinesis. Both are normally coordinated subconsciously (like walking uses a sense of balance).
But they can be dealt with consciously allowing you to move from or to (or both) a moving object.
It depends on the method, if you open a portal and
just walk through, then just the portal can cause issues.
Or like one character, they just “Pop” in causing a
tell-tale “froomp” sound.
Since that page I got the suspicion that compared to the variety of
life on earth, aliens won’t be that much different to something we
have seen and/or imagined. Maybe not in detail, but at least in
There is a very practical reason for mostly anthropomorphic aliens.
That’s what is most readily available as 3D models. It is no small
undertaking to create an original poseable character model for use
in a CGI medium. It is far simple to morph an existing character
line. I’m pretty certain all the anthropomorphic aliens are so
for that reason.
Oh sure I just felt that would take off some of the edge of the obvious model re-use
and it does make sense as well drawing by hand is hard enough at least CGI gives
that option it does speed things up and a good excuse or explanation in the lore never
My opinion? Ryder should be put on a raft, with a week’s worth of supplies,
in the middle of the most isolated point in the Pacific Ocean, (Where stages
and deorbited satellites are splashed, and given the chance to paddle his
way to land. This is essentially a life sentence,
where the punishment fits the crime.
The closest thing to prison in the empire is the Legion and even
those won’t take rapist and murders especially child rapists!
I’d take decapitation over castration for them any day.
I may be wrong but neither of those options is in the cards for Ryder.
So far as I know execution in the empire is by hanging. I have never
seen/heard of them using decapitation and castration,. and is not
sufficiently “final”. For a psychopath such as Ryder castration would
not prevent him from resuming his deviant ways. Even if the castration
was total, i.e. converting him to a nullo or smoothey, I suspect he
would resume his predations. The only way to prevent a predator such
as Ryder from preying upon society is to end them.
I know those are just my personal preferences for those types.
My sister was raped at 15 by two guys and they got away with
it I wish I could of taken matters in my own hands.
Scarsdale missed the opening qualifier.
They are “A diversity of idea’s” and a “Discussion” thereof.
The boxes have been otherwise ticked, the various stakeholders
were invited to the table, opinions and such were laid forth.
The obvious solution is this going to be a
public execution, or a private one?
The only serious question is where, and who.
Also, as the Empire is now a space faring race, they can also dump
them on a small, very remote and uninhabited planet or even a large
planet for that matter, and just wish them luck, near a clean water
source, with six months canned food.
Seasonal weather, small or large predators, medical issues and a
hundred other primitive survival problems would take care of the
But hey, they would be the masters of their own
fate, by their own hand, and all that.
harumph… dumping the trash someplace else never ends well..
just look at history ,, and books,. it never fails to come out bad
(some how) to the dump-ee.
Agreed. Seems I recall the Brits trying that gambit.
Place called something like “Australia” comes to mind.
Australia is actually a very poor example.
The original intent was to ship the convicts over to the New South Wales colony, leaving the other locations as free Settler states.
This “Grand Idea” failed to work out, for a number of very good, or rather, bad reasons, as one would expect.
The addition problem was that Petty thieves and minor offenders were lumbered in with the serious Sociopaths and other violent serial offenders.
Also, as was demonstrated, once you’ve slipped your chains, or climbed over the wall, all you need to do is walk North or South, along the Worlds biggest Beach for a week or two, until you arrive in a Free Colony, then set yourself up as a “Free” squatter.
So ignoring that example, Dumping people someplace has always worked well, if they have no ability to walk off, and the location is remote and not well known.
Also, most importantly, no attempt is made at Colonization.
The Ancient Romans, the Colonial French and a dozen other Nations and States all used this method to “Humanely” or not so nicely, get rid of their pests and problem children.
In fact, this method is so old, it’s biblical.
So is the penalty for returning once you have been extradited from Civilization.
So, yeah, on a remote and uninhabited planet, on the tail end of a spiral arm, good place to solve the serious Criminal problem, as previously noted. Out of sight, out of mind, no further expense required.
Alternatively, we do the “Madame Guillotine” routine or it’s alternatives. However, the problem with that solution is it eventually offends the easily offended.
There is no simple answer to the problem if you send the worst types to a penal planet
there is no guarantee that another space faring race won’t land to “help out the shipwrecked crew”
and be killed and the criminals can escape to get revenge or just go elsewhere to commit
crimes elsewhere and yes the gallows isn’t a popular idea but letting criminals “go” always ends badly
and there is no way anyone can convince anyone else that has suffered at the hands of these types
that it’s a good idea to let them live they will find a way!
Here’s a good way to explain it: You discover there is a huge rat’s nest under your house do you
let them live because they are “cute” or “It’s in their nature” and move them or do you exterminate
them to save your home and family from the obvious risks?
Agreed, however you are not entirely correct either.
At the time English law was quite harsh and rapist/murderers/outlaws were hanged, not exported.
And even Botany Bay was never intended as a ‘dumping ground’ for prisoners left to fend for themselves.
Instead they were to be effectively ‘slave laborers’ (and that includes skilled tradespeople) to help the free settlers that came with them.
And once their sentence was completed the convicts were free citizens.
My own heritage has been traced back to a nurse that came out with the second shipment from England (fathers side).
Mother was an orphan from Tasmania and the parent details lost in a church fire.
I’m not missing it I just feel that people like that made a choice
and they should be held responsible for that choice the Empire’s
highest laws are NO one gets a free ride and murders and rapists are
not permitted to live THEY GAVE UP THAT RIGHT WHEN THEY
TOOK ANOTHER’S LIFE it’s that simple, they knew what they were
doing and what the law was… end of story.
Dumping a dangerous bunch like that only creates a message that you
will get away with it albeit less comfortable and the ones that
survive will only repeat the horrors of the penal colonies of the
old countries and create a death trap for a unknowing race just
looking for a new home.
Up to date it has obviously been a closed trial, and while we know the verdict was guilty on all counts
we do not know what the actual sentence was so there is a small chance the meeting is to set that.
But it is more likely the sentence was to hang them all as soon as practical.
So the meeting seems to be to discuss the social/political fallout and how much they reveal to the public.
Sadly the frog does have a point however creating a slave race solely
for that reason isn’t practical or wise as the core humans have
already found out and I would make that point strongly to the council.
That would of been the perfect time to put the idea of replacing the
human member by the way lol. They have clearly been bullying the weaker
races and lied to the stronger ones to get what they want all along.
You hit on a key point. The Catian’s history should be considered.
Created as a slave race and then gaining independence.
Obviously not created for political reasons.
They had no voice in their creation,
it’s what they’ve done since then that matters.
But since the core humans are clearly not trusted and have gone to
extremes to get what they want I can understand the mistrust but I
believe if the Catian’s keep up the way they have it’ll prove their
worth in due time, especially if they defeat the human fleet publicly!
This viewpoint is why I think Ambassador Michel is trying to get the cats to take the path least likely to be successful.
However Ambassador Palas may be foxing and planning on going for the Human seat when the vote comes.
Of course a lot will depend on if the vote is a secret ballot or an open one.
Ok. Heavy-set lady with orange-ish hair. Wasn’t
she the one glued to a door some time back?
Yes she is the same one.
Big Red , or just Red,,. Corpulant crimson
on page TGW-492..
I recall an odd event from my teens some protestors decided to chain themselves
to a tree to stop it and several others being taken down for a shopping center.
so several members of this group chained themselves to the biggest tree and
refused to leave even when ordered to do so by the mayor and the police. so the
construction crew cleared the rest of the trees ignoring the protesters until
only their tree remained. One last time they were asked to leave peacefully.
Again they shouted the chant of saving the tree’s and refused.
Then two men walked up, cut the chain and the police arrested the protesters for
trespassing it was private property the protesters were very much in the wrong
as was Big Red in the end it was a public shaming nothing more but the
self-righteous never want to listen only to be listened to!
Thanks. You’ve given me an idea to use in my next upper storyline.
Reminded me of something I can use, rather. And I’ll be showing
what Emma DuSchesne, Aaron’s Greenie friend, has been up to,
as well. It’s about time.
Your welcome! I am a conservative by nature while I am disabled and
unable to hold a job I do know the value of working I’ve been called
a workaholic lol I miss working and feeling useful I came out of
retirement to help my sister with her farm simply because I couldn’t
stand just sitting around. I just wish that desire was in our youth
today I just don’t see it with a few exceptions like my sons I hope
comics like yours will show the foolishness that has taken over our
nation before the beginning of this comic becomes reality!
I would like to address something I’m sure someone will bring up
that most aliens seem to look quite a bit like humans and another
web comic addressed this:
It’s a well thought out explanation as to why so many are humanoid
unlike the frog for example. And it’s a very good humorous comic
as well it’s the only other one I post comments to.
As good an explanation as any. It also makes sense as well.
The source is also a pretty good comic as well.
This is the only comic I comment on so far.
Oh I agree with it makes perfect sense for any land-based creature
to develop. I’ve been following that comic since it started been 12?
years now I’d say start from the beginning and remember these lines:
“Nobody expects fear vomit!” and “It’s a dialysis machine” “Isn’t it
suppose to be connected to you?” plus “You’re on the list!” I about
busted a gut laughing my wife thought I’d gone crazy!
That comic has far too many quotable and funny lines.
It makes even far more sense than it should be allowed to have.
The idea on how to imprison a teleporter alone? So simple and yet,
efficient. Just stick the person into a room with the right over-
or under-pressure that allows for a comfortable existence, but deadly
if they just teleport out without pressure regulation.
yes.. a Hyperbaric chamber at 3ATA (equal to 66 feet under water)
an 50% pure O2. IF they teleport out with out decompressing, they
suffer the bends and die with in minutes..
Grrlpower had one such lady in a lock up using that very setup however they had
the room at 3 atmospheres so POP goes the weasel?
Another issue that’s not often covered is inertia is maintained in a teleport as well
so if a prisoner is kept in say a centrifuge at 1.5 gravity teleporting out would be…
messy. However if the teleportee had the ability to re-orientate themselves to use
a grav assist to slow themselves down first but they would have to know that and
in which direction to do so.
Actually there is a second point not normally taken into account when a comic/story/movie uses teleportation.
What happens when you pop out of one location and what happens when you arrive at you destination?
Let’s take the simple case of air at both ends; as you pop out that leaves a cubic Metre and a half hole in the air that is an almost perfect vacuum.
Ever seen a CRT implode? I would not want to be in the same room!
Similarly when you arrive somewhere you explosively displace the same volume of air so my solution is simple.
As you teleport from A to B you also teleport the air at A to B thus avoiding the explosive arrivals and departures.
The inertia is dealt with by using Telekinesis. Both are normally coordinated subconsciously (like walking uses a sense of balance).
But they can be dealt with consciously allowing you to move from or to (or both) a moving object.
It depends on the method, if you open a portal and
just walk through, then just the portal can cause issues.
Or like one character, they just “Pop” in causing a
tell-tale “froomp” sound.
Since that page I got the suspicion that compared to the variety of
life on earth, aliens won’t be that much different to something we
have seen and/or imagined. Maybe not in detail, but at least in
There is a very practical reason for mostly anthropomorphic aliens.
That’s what is most readily available as 3D models. It is no small
undertaking to create an original poseable character model for use
in a CGI medium. It is far simple to morph an existing character
line. I’m pretty certain all the anthropomorphic aliens are so
for that reason.
Oh sure I just felt that would take off some of the edge of the obvious model re-use
and it does make sense as well drawing by hand is hard enough at least CGI gives
that option it does speed things up and a good excuse or explanation in the lore never
I believe red is toast if Tenshi has her way.
Her look is burning holes Red and deservedly so.
LOL yeah I seen that my kid sister used to give me that look
if I didn’t agree to something she wanted me to do as
kids ah family gotta love ’em!
Think of Lullaby of Birdland. Of course!
Luckily it won’t post on this platform.
My opinion? Ryder should be put on a raft, with a week’s worth of supplies,
in the middle of the most isolated point in the Pacific Ocean, (Where stages
and deorbited satellites are splashed, and given the chance to paddle his
way to land. This is essentially a life sentence,
where the punishment fits the crime.