Yellow Fever, wow every time Pam/Pat opens her mouth another foot goes in. How many feet does she have anyway? The garbage is about to be placed at the curb, in the next block, and none too gently.
Haters gonna hate. What can you say? As the parent of a Japanese person (definitely not a child) that “yellow fever” remark would have had me ready to slap the living shit outta Pat/Pam.
I read that “yellow fever” and physically winced. Ouch. I can’t think when I last read/heard something so juvenile, racist, bigoted, self centered. And I’m with Bill. At the risk of being thought less of a “gentleman” (HA! as if! I don’t care!), I would smack the shit out of that face, go take a shower to clean off the splatter, and burn the clothes I was wearing.
Bill, I think the term for foreigner is “gaijin”. What would be an appropriate insult to add to that?
Actually, gaijin is not something Japanese people use around non-Japanese. Besides I’m not sure Jon’s girlfriend even IS Japanese and even so she may not speak any of the language. While I was stationed in Japan I worked with a guy named Tim Higashi. Tim looked as Japanese as they come but he spoke not a word of the language. His parents were 3rd generation Americans and even Tim’s grandparents only knew a smattering of Japanese. Problem was when Tim would go off base the locals all assumed he was Japanese Japanese (instead of American Japanese) and would speak to him in Japanese. Tim’s stock response was something like, “Huh?! What are you saying? I don’t speak Japanese!” I went downtown with him a time or two. The locals seemed more insulted at Tim for not speaking the language than they were at me. Very insular people. Very xenophobic.
Not sure whether Esmay is technically “alive” but she’s unquestionably sentient, sapient, and a person and that is enough for me. Just coming up with a definition of “alive” which is rigorous and yet sufficiently inclusive to EXclude fire and INclude viruses would require quite a bit more intellectual horsepower than I could muster. If we ever do see genuine general purpose artificial intelligences we’re going to have to redefine a shit load of terms including murder. Hopefully whatever electronics provides the matrix/substrate for Esmay’s consciousness (as our brain does for us) is repaiable and even removable from the spacecraft which serves as her “body”. Unlike Heinlein, I do not think consciousness and sapience will arise spontaneously after a certain degree of complexity in a computer is achieved (Mike in ” Harsh Mistress”). I don’t expect to see the arrival of such machine sapients but you younger guys are very likely to do do. Almost envy you.
Did most of it yesterday but didn’t get down to yours. Spent yesterday afternoon under the hood of my daughter’s car. She’s been having electrical problems. Even had to buy a small set of.metric end wrenches because her tools were locked in the trunk of her car and the ONLY way to open the trunk is.electrically. Her battery was absolutely dead. I checked it no-load with a volt meter and it read zero. Went to get another battery at O’Reilley’s and she had seriously under batteried it. Worked out okay for.the swap. With warranty and even with “upgrade” to the proper battery it only cost me $12.99. The gal at the counter saw my USAF veteran cap and their discount. When battery in that whole.plastic shelf thingy that fits on top the firewall under the wipers was.loose and out of position. Seems my former son-in-law (now.deceased) had taken it all loose (likely in a half-assed attempt to find the electrical problem) and just never bothered to properly button it back up. You aren’t supposed to speak/think ill of the dead (and I for sure cannot speak it around my grandson) but with him it’s hard.
Anyhow, by the time I got everything reasonably squared away under her hood the afternoon was mostly behind me. I got through a lot email but not all of it. I’ll get it up to date this morning. I’m about half down in my back from all the bending over her hood yesterday. Plus for some.reason batteries seem to have gotten a WHOLE LOT HEAVIER since the last time I swapped on. Damned near all I could do to heft the thing. {sigh} This whole getting old shit sucks donkey dicks big time.
A suggestion: when exchanging files per (snail)mail, use a medium not everyone uses, i.e. a bare 2.5″ harddisk (SATA for instance), wrap it in kitchen foil (the metal type) and use a format Windoze cannot read (ext2, 3 or 4) and presumably it will go through. The package is smaller than a portable drive and, if someone “aquires” the package, most likely ‘he’ can’t read the contents.
Or send what looks like an ordinary letter and put a microSD card in it, masked in a piece of stiff carton with a cutout for the SD-card so that one cannot feel the card when checking for ‘contraband’. ๐
IF and i say IF,. you plan on doing this alot.. either a GPS tracking device (small about the size of a lighter an 10 – 15 dollars,. to go in box with device..) or a tracking app that goes active as soon as plugged in…
and once they know it is externally tracked. they don’t mess with,, because of “no plausible deniability.”
oh and yes.. portable devices are popular.. simple to hide,. simple to overwrite,. simple to sell…
Well, nobody has rung the doorbell yet so I don’t know if they’ll try to deliver it to my front door or leave some kind of notice in my mailbox (we have box clusters instead of individual mailboxes). I have no idea what time the postman delivers so I won’t know if it actually got here until my wife checks the mail after her morning school bus run. Assuming the postman leaves a notice, I’ll be able to go fetch it at the PO tomorrow morning. The mere fact that it was listed as having arrived and being out for delivery is a step in the right direction. Everybody cross your fingers.
Yellow Fever, wow every time Pam/Pat opens her mouth another foot goes in. How many feet does she have anyway? The garbage is about to be placed at the curb, in the next block, and none too gently.
Haters gonna hate. What can you say? As the parent of a Japanese person (definitely not a child) that “yellow fever” remark would have had me ready to slap the living shit outta Pat/Pam.
Would bitch slapping a bitch do any good? It would sure feel good though. I wonder what she’d think of Captain Villines. Let her complain to her. Hah.
Oh, a bitch slapping always does some good. Especially if it’s done with rings on. Very cathartic.
I read that “yellow fever” and physically winced. Ouch. I can’t think when I last read/heard something so juvenile, racist, bigoted, self centered. And I’m with Bill. At the risk of being thought less of a “gentleman” (HA! as if! I don’t care!), I would smack the shit out of that face, go take a shower to clean off the splatter, and burn the clothes I was wearing.
Bill, I think the term for foreigner is “gaijin”. What would be an appropriate insult to add to that?
Actually, gaijin is not something Japanese people use around non-Japanese. Besides I’m not sure Jon’s girlfriend even IS Japanese and even so she may not speak any of the language. While I was stationed in Japan I worked with a guy named Tim Higashi. Tim looked as Japanese as they come but he spoke not a word of the language. His parents were 3rd generation Americans and even Tim’s grandparents only knew a smattering of Japanese. Problem was when Tim would go off base the locals all assumed he was Japanese Japanese (instead of American Japanese) and would speak to him in Japanese. Tim’s stock response was something like, “Huh?! What are you saying? I don’t speak Japanese!” I went downtown with him a time or two. The locals seemed more insulted at Tim for not speaking the language than they were at me. Very insular people. Very xenophobic.
Suzan is Vietnamese.
TY. So confusing to keep up with who’s who at the zoo sometimes.
Yeah, I need to work on the character sheets.
PC, that box of popcorn is not a bit clichรฉ? I like it, though – the 3 little terrors lining up to watch the entertainment ๐
Not sure whether Esmay is technically “alive” but she’s unquestionably sentient, sapient, and a person and that is enough for me. Just coming up with a definition of “alive” which is rigorous and yet sufficiently inclusive to EXclude fire and INclude viruses would require quite a bit more intellectual horsepower than I could muster. If we ever do see genuine general purpose artificial intelligences we’re going to have to redefine a shit load of terms including murder. Hopefully whatever electronics provides the matrix/substrate for Esmay’s consciousness (as our brain does for us) is repaiable and even removable from the spacecraft which serves as her “body”. Unlike Heinlein, I do not think consciousness and sapience will arise spontaneously after a certain degree of complexity in a computer is achieved (Mike in ” Harsh Mistress”). I don’t expect to see the arrival of such machine sapients but you younger guys are very likely to do do. Almost envy you.
Bill- have you checked your email?
Did most of it yesterday but didn’t get down to yours. Spent yesterday afternoon under the hood of my daughter’s car. She’s been having electrical problems. Even had to buy a small set of.metric end wrenches because her tools were locked in the trunk of her car and the ONLY way to open the trunk is.electrically. Her battery was absolutely dead. I checked it no-load with a volt meter and it read zero. Went to get another battery at O’Reilley’s and she had seriously under batteried it. Worked out okay for.the swap. With warranty and even with “upgrade” to the proper battery it only cost me $12.99. The gal at the counter saw my USAF veteran cap and their discount. When battery in that whole.plastic shelf thingy that fits on top the firewall under the wipers was.loose and out of position. Seems my former son-in-law (now.deceased) had taken it all loose (likely in a half-assed attempt to find the electrical problem) and just never bothered to properly button it back up. You aren’t supposed to speak/think ill of the dead (and I for sure cannot speak it around my grandson) but with him it’s hard.
Anyhow, by the time I got everything reasonably squared away under her hood the afternoon was mostly behind me. I got through a lot email but not all of it. I’ll get it up to date this morning. I’m about half down in my back from all the bending over her hood yesterday. Plus for some.reason batteries seem to have gotten a WHOLE LOT HEAVIER since the last time I swapped on. Damned near all I could do to heft the thing. {sigh} This whole getting old shit sucks donkey dicks big time.
Check your email, Catman. Tag! You’re it. ๐
Let’s just hope that portable hard drives aren’t popular Christmas presents among USPS employees.
A suggestion: when exchanging files per (snail)mail, use a medium not everyone uses, i.e. a bare 2.5″ harddisk (SATA for instance), wrap it in kitchen foil (the metal type) and use a format Windoze cannot read (ext2, 3 or 4) and presumably it will go through. The package is smaller than a portable drive and, if someone “aquires” the package, most likely ‘he’ can’t read the contents.
Or send what looks like an ordinary letter and put a microSD card in it, masked in a piece of stiff carton with a cutout for the SD-card so that one cannot feel the card when checking for ‘contraband’. ๐
IF and i say IF,. you plan on doing this alot.. either a GPS tracking device (small about the size of a lighter an 10 – 15 dollars,. to go in box with device..) or a tracking app that goes active as soon as plugged in…
and once they know it is externally tracked. they don’t mess with,, because of “no plausible deniability.”
oh and yes.. portable devices are popular.. simple to hide,. simple to overwrite,. simple to sell…
Well, it made it to your city and is out for delivery. Let us hope!
And I paid extra for it to be signed for by someone with ID, so maybe…
Well, nobody has rung the doorbell yet so I don’t know if they’ll try to deliver it to my front door or leave some kind of notice in my mailbox (we have box clusters instead of individual mailboxes). I have no idea what time the postman delivers so I won’t know if it actually got here until my wife checks the mail after her morning school bus run. Assuming the postman leaves a notice, I’ll be able to go fetch it at the PO tomorrow morning. The mere fact that it was listed as having arrived and being out for delivery is a step in the right direction. Everybody cross your fingers.
They’re Alive!
About time Jonathan got a woman!
curious ?? how is 15 years, about time ???
Welcome to the Wolf World! I hope you’re enjoying it!
“Johnny 5, is ALIVE!” Heh.