boy is being played.! .. hand placement first panel,, ball in second,, not actually holding hands in 3rd,, ( humm ,,? why does the person in the white shirt seam familiar.? ((in panel 2))
an ,,”alienware”.. also love silvey’s outfit..
poor Smitty he didn’t know.. ( I would still have caught her, an taken the lumps.!)
jus a suggestion ,, after this (Miral’s night out.) add a pilot kit to the dragonfly..
an an,, instead of energy drink as a long term quick fix,, how bout a “protein drink”..?
I know he caught me by surprise as well. I thought Mon, Wed, &; Fri, but then came Sunday. I was hoping Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tues and then Thursday and repeat. Oh well it is a great comic and worth the wait. But damn….
Now it is gone again.
If I knew how to incorporate the screenshot I took, I would 😉
Late night bowling with an RPG launcher in teh background?
Interesting neighborhood
Hasn’t been up twelve hours before my little joke was spotted.
Now hold your mouse cursor over any part of the image.
Good joke
boy is being played.! .. hand placement first panel,, ball in second,, not actually holding hands in 3rd,, ( humm ,,? why does the person in the white shirt seam familiar.? ((in panel 2))
an ,,”alienware”.. also love silvey’s outfit..
poor Smitty he didn’t know.. ( I would still have caught her, an taken the lumps.!)
jus a suggestion ,, after this (Miral’s night out.) add a pilot kit to the dragonfly..
an an,, instead of energy drink as a long term quick fix,, how bout a “protein drink”..?
Answered in page 298.
but it’s only 293.!!!
Petercat, I’m a bit confused on the new update schedule, can you enlighten me?
I know he caught me by surprise as well. I thought Mon, Wed, &; Fri, but then came Sunday. I was hoping Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tues and then Thursday and repeat. Oh well it is a great comic and worth the wait. But damn….
No, it’s supposed to be MWF at 2000. There will be screwups, though, when I put the wrong date or time in the little boxes.
It’s supposed to be MWF at 2000.
When I don’t screw up.
I was doing ANOTHER read through and JUST caught the joke in the last panel:
ET Phone Home!
Good one!