Panel 2 – I got halfway across the words and went “Say WHAT?” and
went back and double checked the prior episodes. Yep – bumpy
sweater = girl. At least when I was growing up. Now? Guess not so
much. Then I went back and finished reading. Okay, I’ll trust Miral’s nose.
Oh, my! I just blew up the first panel 500%. He’ll be walking funny
for a while. Miral landed on her feet on pavement. Well. Almost.
The dude wanted to pretend he’s a female. This may help.
P1-P4 is a downright gigglesnort.
(will I be going to hell for laughing
at this?)
Is there anything useful that those
crushed nuts can be used for?
Or are they just that…..crushed
And to add insult to injury, Miral
is sitting, walking and dancing
all over the (ex) dude’s head and
body while talking to her Navy
friends. What a life! LOL!!
When you put a potato in the microwave and push the
“pizza” button but when it’s done it’s still a potato.
That’s pretty much how “choosing your gender” works.
I suspected they were “woke” and it was the reason why
they started that. (Now where did I leave my duct tape?)
At least the Empire sees the end of the DEI BS, never
understood that concept. Fix the weak education system,
not force the rest of the world to decide based on color,
not skill, training, and education.
Too many people won’t admit how their school policies
plus affirmative action has damaged black communities.
Jeeze – for all of the destruction they’ve delivered
to blacks and their families,
it’s as if they (not-so)-secretly hate blacks.
I agree, it’s like they want to keep the hate going.
Not to mention there’s been 2 cases of gay pron
in grade schools because of the “woke” bunch.
In one case not only were there several people
calling them out, the mayor walked up and fired
the entire board in public!
The look on their faces was priceless.
You would think, after as many years as it has been since
the nuclear war, that the majority of both extreme left
and extreme right ideologists would have either woken
up to the new reality, or simply died off because of
their own intellectual shortcomings…
no,, look at the timeline… about 15 years after WWII.
you had the “never had to do” group come of age. and
start demanding,.! now the “new batch” is maturing..
I sort of agree Scars, but even with the diesel generated power?
The electric vehicles are still more efficient and less air polluting.
than internal combustion engines. Also WAY less maintence intensive.
The extraction of the lithium, however, is incredibly destructive of
air, water and people. So, if they can get some of the alternative battery
systems to work as well, if not better than the lithium based ones, I’m all
for it. Heck, if they could produce safe nuclear reactors that could be used
in cars, I’d be even happier. You’d be surprised how efficient some designs
can be made. Thermo electric and alpha particle capture systems are something
to study…
so,. i would like to try an experiment. i noticed a trend on twc,.
and with your help prove it.. IF at all possible,
i would like you to try to vote at (or about the hour) 08:00est…
for the next week… that should put the comic in the top 20,,
and if i’m correct the top 50 for the month…!!???
I doubt if it will make a difference. Look at the numbers
right now-#10 is at 11840 votes, and #100 is at 11700 votes.
The top 90 webcomics all have more than 11,000 votes and
are within 150 votes of each other.
That’s impossible. I’ve looked at the stats of some… most
of the ones I checked only get 5-20 visitors a day, but
according to TWC they get almost 500 votes a day?
TGW is averaging only one vote for every five visitors, it’s
not possible that so many comics are getting 25-100 votes
per visitor. And all ending up with nearly the same total.
TGW stayed in the top 10 for almost four years with 4-6000
votes a month, even during the COVID scam when webcomic
readership in general hit historic levels.
Those readership levels have dropped drastically since then,
as well. No, TWC is crooked as hell, to the point that it
has become meaningless.
And this all began when the owner decided that it would be a
good idea for a webcomic rating site to become a webcomic
hosting site as well. I guess the whole “Conflict of Interest”
thing never crossed his mind. Maybe I shouldn’t have sent him
such a sharp email when I learned of his plans to scrape TGW
onto his new site without my permission, but I’d promised my
readers from the beginning that there would never be paid ads
on TGW. I’ll be damned if I let someone add it to a site that
does have paid ads.
Anyway, since TGW has been artificially forced out of the top
100, making it that much more difficult to find, I’ll probably
remove it from TWC entirely, rather than support a crooked
site and owner with it’s presence.
The vote totals for TGW have been cut in half, anyway.
So there’s really no point in staying there any longer,
adding to his page views.
If it would help you I wouldn’t mind (too much) having ads.
I cannot afford to support you through patreon and would
gladly sit through ads (as I do on YouTube) if it would
benefit you financially.
I understand. Besides, I’ve had my anti-virus go off on
some of those sites that have adds, some of those
advertisers in-bed spam/scam/trackers in their banners.
This is safer for your readers. TWC will notice someday
that the number of users are declining due to their
Bill – I don’t know which browser you use, but I use Firefox,
and add several ad-blockers, one of which is YouTube specific.
I didn’t see ads for years, until recently, and then only at the
beginning of a video, and I can opt out of those after about 5
RE: panels 4-8. So I got my answer here.
And it is consistent with the context of TGW world.
If the signs were limited to bars and restaurants,
I suppose no harm foul.
I wouldn’t get good service going to a SF Gay bar
wearing “It’s Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve.”
And I’d likely get sent to the hospital if I wore
a Black Lives Matter to a biker bar in Tracy.
But I have sooooo many questions. If everything is privatized,
can a bank choose not to loan to someone who isn’t in the right
tribe? If neighborhood associations enforce rules around pools,
parks, and streets, can they decide won’t sell to someone who
isn’t in the right tribe? The rules around buying houses might
seem annoying and a hamper to business, but every one of those
rules was a response to something like what I listed. And shit
still goes on (even in California). Some property assessor in
Marin figured out the home he was to evaluating shaved $150K
off its value. The couple white-washed their house,
got a different assessment and got the loan they needed.
Petercat said that racism is a societal issue and
the government shouldn’t fix a societal issue.
But if the society has a problem, what is the fix?
Left Wing Cal Berkeley Grad Woke Anti-Racist Tree Hugging Nice Guy
I don’t expect answers in the story.
And it’s details that may not be important.
But I’ve always had this challenge around Ayn Rand.
She expected rational Capitalism would solve the
world’s ills.
But there are enough bad apples that rational
“Naked” Capitalism has never driven social good.
Okay, I’ll try…
The Wolf Worlds are not utopias. There are a lot of bad people,
things and events. I just choose to accentuate the good.
The Empire’s default position is more personal freedom,
less government. Legally, the Empire can only do those things
that the kingdoms CAN NOT do -such as the military, Imperial
security, and general assistance to local law enforcement.
Kind of like what the FBI was supposed to do.
The Kingdoms can only do what local governments CAN NOT do,
and on and on until responsibility belongs to the individual
The criminal justice system is small. It’s not weak, it’s just
that there are very few laws to actually break,
most are of the “don’t hurt anyone else” variety.
There is also a law requiring truth and openness. For example,
Miral and Ahmya are going to rent a motorcycle. If there is a
problem with their choice that the manufacturer should know about,
the salesman must divulge it in writing. If the tires tend to
disintegrate at speeds above 120KPH, and the salesman doesn’t
point that out, he becomes liable for any tire-related events that
occur. If the buyer doesn’t read the paperwork, or reads it and
decides to take the bike to 121 KPH anyway, he is responsible for
anything that goes wrong. Same with contracts.
If the local water-sewage company doesn’t live up to the terms of
it’s contract with the consumer, it is liable. It also falls under
laws concerning basic “Suitable for common use”.
Civil court actions are as common as criminal courts,
down to RA Heinlein’s street courts.
That’s where two parties to a dispute might agree to let a local
shopkeeper act as judge, they pay him/her a fee and present their
dispute for judgement and resolution.
That’s enough writing for now. Except:
I’m not going to address it in the story, but both clubs are owned
by the same man. He’s playing to a niche clientele,
and doing pretty well financially.
Even TANSTAAFL limits it’s customers, especially on Caturday Nights
(Thursdays). That’s when attendance is limited to customers known
to play well with different species.
Okay, NOW I’m done writing. Unless you have a specific concern.
Left Wing Cal Berkeley Grad Woke Anti-Racist Tree Hugging Nice Guy
That covers things very well. Thank you for such a thorough answer.
And my questions aren’t really relevant to the story, but I was
curious how the Empire might deal with such matters.
I have a better idea.
I am somewhat tickled by one person figuring out how
to profit from everyone’s bias in niche ways.
Thanks for the hidden back story.
Syd Dent
I started reading PC’s comic back in ’18, I loved the idea of
a post-apocalyptic world adopting this very mind-set. Yes,
careful weeding out of the “bad” folk would be needed, there’s
no way it could be done over-night. But the result of a idiot
gov official triggered the events we see today in the Wolf world.
And I think it’s a beautiful world PC has created. I re-read it
often, just because I’m old and forgetful 😛
I too like the idea of an entrepreneur catering to two sets of “niche”
clients and putting them “right down the street” from each other.
Since they are “clubs” I assume they serve alcohol and possibly
other judgement-curbing substances. Can’t help but improve the
gene pool. I hope he is overcharging them for the privilege of not
seeing those they don’t like until they go outside.
Even in the Empire fraud and the suppressing of negative information
(like the tobacco industry’s suppression of their “health risk” studies)
is outlawed. Good. I would add though that laissez-faire capitalism
only works to the customers’ benefit when in addition to that there
is competition so they can make choices. If a homeowner only has
one choice for his sewer, power or water the utility should have to
serve him fairly, or I suppose buy his property at a price he is happy
with and sell it to a client they like better.
Panel 2 – I got halfway across the words and went “Say WHAT?” and
went back and double checked the prior episodes. Yep – bumpy
sweater = girl. At least when I was growing up. Now? Guess not so
much. Then I went back and finished reading. Okay, I’ll trust Miral’s nose.
Implants are a out-patient procedure these days,
or just wait until you’re old and fat 😉
Oh, my! I just blew up the first panel 500%. He’ll be walking funny
for a while. Miral landed on her feet on pavement. Well. Almost.
The dude wanted to pretend he’s a female. This may help.
Well, she did bend her knees on impact to lessen the blow.
Imagine if she’d hit straight-legged.
I picture a pumpkin being stomped in the same fashion,
not pretty.
P1-P4 is a downright gigglesnort.
(will I be going to hell for laughing
at this?)
Is there anything useful that those
crushed nuts can be used for?
Or are they just that…..crushed
And to add insult to injury, Miral
is sitting, walking and dancing
all over the (ex) dude’s head and
body while talking to her Navy
friends. What a life! LOL!!
I think Miral saved him the surgery if nothing else Heh.
I didn’t even notice she was walking on him. Snort!
Going to hell for laughing at P1-P4? If so,
you’ll have a lot of company.
That’s ok, I have the job of greeter for the
gates, I’ll wave as you go by heh. 😉
I’ll have at least one friend when I arrive.
Yeah… Unfortunately, I’m probably going to be immortal…
Heaven has a restraining order out against me, and hell?
They’re pretty sure I’d take over…
When you put a potato in the microwave and push the
“pizza” button but when it’s done it’s still a potato.
That’s pretty much how “choosing your gender” works.
I suspected they were “woke” and it was the reason why
they started that. (Now where did I leave my duct tape?)
At least the Empire sees the end of the DEI BS, never
understood that concept. Fix the weak education system,
not force the rest of the world to decide based on color,
not skill, training, and education.
Too many people won’t admit how their school policies
plus affirmative action has damaged black communities.
Jeeze – for all of the destruction they’ve delivered
to blacks and their families,
it’s as if they (not-so)-secretly hate blacks.
I agree, it’s like they want to keep the hate going.
Not to mention there’s been 2 cases of gay pron
in grade schools because of the “woke” bunch.
In one case not only were there several people
calling them out, the mayor walked up and fired
the entire board in public!
The look on their faces was priceless.
You would think, after as many years as it has been since
the nuclear war, that the majority of both extreme left
and extreme right ideologists would have either woken
up to the new reality, or simply died off because of
their own intellectual shortcomings…
no,, look at the timeline… about 15 years after WWII.
you had the “never had to do” group come of age. and
start demanding,.! now the “new batch” is maturing..
This is what I’ve been saying about the EV crew all along:
And what companies have to do to shut them up.
I sort of agree Scars, but even with the diesel generated power?
The electric vehicles are still more efficient and less air polluting.
than internal combustion engines. Also WAY less maintence intensive.
The extraction of the lithium, however, is incredibly destructive of
air, water and people. So, if they can get some of the alternative battery
systems to work as well, if not better than the lithium based ones, I’m all
for it. Heck, if they could produce safe nuclear reactors that could be used
in cars, I’d be even happier. You’d be surprised how efficient some designs
can be made. Thermo electric and alpha particle capture systems are something
to study…
so,. i would like to try an experiment. i noticed a trend on twc,.
and with your help prove it.. IF at all possible,
i would like you to try to vote at (or about the hour) 08:00est…
for the next week… that should put the comic in the top 20,,
and if i’m correct the top 50 for the month…!!???
I doubt if it will make a difference. Look at the numbers
right now-#10 is at 11840 votes, and #100 is at 11700 votes.
The top 90 webcomics all have more than 11,000 votes and
are within 150 votes of each other.
That’s impossible. I’ve looked at the stats of some… most
of the ones I checked only get 5-20 visitors a day, but
according to TWC they get almost 500 votes a day?
TGW is averaging only one vote for every five visitors, it’s
not possible that so many comics are getting 25-100 votes
per visitor. And all ending up with nearly the same total.
TGW stayed in the top 10 for almost four years with 4-6000
votes a month, even during the COVID scam when webcomic
readership in general hit historic levels.
Those readership levels have dropped drastically since then,
as well. No, TWC is crooked as hell, to the point that it
has become meaningless.
And this all began when the owner decided that it would be a
good idea for a webcomic rating site to become a webcomic
hosting site as well. I guess the whole “Conflict of Interest”
thing never crossed his mind. Maybe I shouldn’t have sent him
such a sharp email when I learned of his plans to scrape TGW
onto his new site without my permission, but I’d promised my
readers from the beginning that there would never be paid ads
on TGW. I’ll be damned if I let someone add it to a site that
does have paid ads.
Anyway, since TGW has been artificially forced out of the top
100, making it that much more difficult to find, I’ll probably
remove it from TWC entirely, rather than support a crooked
site and owner with it’s presence.
The vote totals for TGW have been cut in half, anyway.
So there’s really no point in staying there any longer,
adding to his page views.
If you subtract 10,000 votes from every comic 1-101,
TWC would look pretty normal and TGW would be at #8.
If it would help you I wouldn’t mind (too much) having ads.
I cannot afford to support you through patreon and would
gladly sit through ads (as I do on YouTube) if it would
benefit you financially.
That’s okay, while the Patreon support is a nice bonus,
I’m not doing this for the money.
I’d rather keep my word than make a few extra dollars.
I understand. Besides, I’ve had my anti-virus go off on
some of those sites that have adds, some of those
advertisers in-bed spam/scam/trackers in their banners.
This is safer for your readers. TWC will notice someday
that the number of users are declining due to their
Bill – I don’t know which browser you use, but I use Firefox,
and add several ad-blockers, one of which is YouTube specific.
I didn’t see ads for years, until recently, and then only at the
beginning of a video, and I can opt out of those after about 5
I saw this meme and had to share:
Welcome to San Francisco where dogs step in human poop.
{How sad is that?}
Maybe the dogs need to carry pooper
scoopers to clean up after humans?
The only reason San Fran isn’t smellier is
because mental poop only collects in the
minds… but could you imagine? Even flies
would leave!
RE: panels 4-8. So I got my answer here.
And it is consistent with the context of TGW world.
If the signs were limited to bars and restaurants,
I suppose no harm foul.
I wouldn’t get good service going to a SF Gay bar
wearing “It’s Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve.”
And I’d likely get sent to the hospital if I wore
a Black Lives Matter to a biker bar in Tracy.
But I have sooooo many questions. If everything is privatized,
can a bank choose not to loan to someone who isn’t in the right
tribe? If neighborhood associations enforce rules around pools,
parks, and streets, can they decide won’t sell to someone who
isn’t in the right tribe? The rules around buying houses might
seem annoying and a hamper to business, but every one of those
rules was a response to something like what I listed. And shit
still goes on (even in California). Some property assessor in
Marin figured out the home he was to evaluating shaved $150K
off its value. The couple white-washed their house,
got a different assessment and got the loan they needed.
Petercat said that racism is a societal issue and
the government shouldn’t fix a societal issue.
But if the society has a problem, what is the fix?
I don’t expect answers in the story.
And it’s details that may not be important.
But I’ve always had this challenge around Ayn Rand.
She expected rational Capitalism would solve the
world’s ills.
But there are enough bad apples that rational
“Naked” Capitalism has never driven social good.
Like the book in the broken window. Nice touch.
Okay, I’ll try…
The Wolf Worlds are not utopias. There are a lot of bad people,
things and events. I just choose to accentuate the good.
The Empire’s default position is more personal freedom,
less government. Legally, the Empire can only do those things
that the kingdoms CAN NOT do -such as the military, Imperial
security, and general assistance to local law enforcement.
Kind of like what the FBI was supposed to do.
The Kingdoms can only do what local governments CAN NOT do,
and on and on until responsibility belongs to the individual
The criminal justice system is small. It’s not weak, it’s just
that there are very few laws to actually break,
most are of the “don’t hurt anyone else” variety.
There is also a law requiring truth and openness. For example,
Miral and Ahmya are going to rent a motorcycle. If there is a
problem with their choice that the manufacturer should know about,
the salesman must divulge it in writing. If the tires tend to
disintegrate at speeds above 120KPH, and the salesman doesn’t
point that out, he becomes liable for any tire-related events that
occur. If the buyer doesn’t read the paperwork, or reads it and
decides to take the bike to 121 KPH anyway, he is responsible for
anything that goes wrong. Same with contracts.
If the local water-sewage company doesn’t live up to the terms of
it’s contract with the consumer, it is liable. It also falls under
laws concerning basic “Suitable for common use”.
Civil court actions are as common as criminal courts,
down to RA Heinlein’s street courts.
That’s where two parties to a dispute might agree to let a local
shopkeeper act as judge, they pay him/her a fee and present their
dispute for judgement and resolution.
That’s enough writing for now. Except:
I’m not going to address it in the story, but both clubs are owned
by the same man. He’s playing to a niche clientele,
and doing pretty well financially.
Even TANSTAAFL limits it’s customers, especially on Caturday Nights
(Thursdays). That’s when attendance is limited to customers known
to play well with different species.
Okay, NOW I’m done writing. Unless you have a specific concern.
That covers things very well. Thank you for such a thorough answer.
And my questions aren’t really relevant to the story, but I was
curious how the Empire might deal with such matters.
I have a better idea.
I am somewhat tickled by one person figuring out how
to profit from everyone’s bias in niche ways.
Thanks for the hidden back story.
Syd Dent
I started reading PC’s comic back in ’18, I loved the idea of
a post-apocalyptic world adopting this very mind-set. Yes,
careful weeding out of the “bad” folk would be needed, there’s
no way it could be done over-night. But the result of a idiot
gov official triggered the events we see today in the Wolf world.
And I think it’s a beautiful world PC has created. I re-read it
often, just because I’m old and forgetful 😛
I too like the idea of an entrepreneur catering to two sets of “niche”
clients and putting them “right down the street” from each other.
Since they are “clubs” I assume they serve alcohol and possibly
other judgement-curbing substances. Can’t help but improve the
gene pool. I hope he is overcharging them for the privilege of not
seeing those they don’t like until they go outside.
Even in the Empire fraud and the suppressing of negative information
(like the tobacco industry’s suppression of their “health risk” studies)
is outlawed. Good. I would add though that laissez-faire capitalism
only works to the customers’ benefit when in addition to that there
is competition so they can make choices. If a homeowner only has
one choice for his sewer, power or water the utility should have to
serve him fairly, or I suppose buy his property at a price he is happy
with and sell it to a client they like better.
(the song “dumb ways to die” plays on loop)